Zlato i srebro srednjeg vijekau Arheološkom muzeju istre Medieval gold and silverin the archaeological museum of istria Uvodna riječ ravnateljâ Foreword by the Directors Izložbenim projektom ZLATO I SREBRO SREDNJEG VIJEKA... — izložba Zlato i srebro The aim of the exhibition project entitled MEDIEVAL GOLD AND SILVER... – of which the srednjeg vijeka u Arheološkom muzeju Istre samo je jednim njegovim dijelom — željelo se exhibition Medieval Gold and Silver in the Archeological Museum of Istria is only a single široj javnosti predstaviti, prikazati i protumačiti odabrane predmete hrvatske kulturno-po- component – is to present to, and also interpret for, the broader public select items from vijesne baštine pohranjene u srednjovjekovnim zbirkama hrvatskih arheoloških muzeja. the Croatian cultural/historical heritage stored in the medieval collections of Croatiaʼs U središtu tog bogatog, često neobičnog ali ipak jasno stratificiranog kolopleta kulturne archaeological museums. The focus of this rich, often unusual but still clearly stratified povijesti imali su se naći i na jednom mjestu biti prikupljeni raznovrsni arheološki predmeti kaleidoscope of cultural history had to be the various archaeological artefacts made of izrađeni od plemenitih metala koji svojom zanimljivošću i kulturno povijesnom vrijednošću precious metals, as their attractiveness and cultural – historical value reflect, convey and oslikavaju, govore i opisuju različita srednjovjekovna razdoblja koja započinju vremenom illustrate different medieval periods that began in the time before the arrival of the Croats koje predhodi odlasku Hrvata iz njihove zakarpatske pradomovine, a završava doseljava- from their ancient homeland in the Carpathians, and ended with their settlement in our njem u njihove i naše nove srednjoeuropske i istočnomediteranske prostore. U toj novoj new central European and Adriatic territory. In their new homeland, the Croats came domovini Hrvati su zatekli i prihvatili štošta, što je u prostornoj i vremenskoj interakciji upon and accepted many things, which in interaction over space and time created a new, stvorilo novu, baštinski i kulturološki oplemenjenu vrijednost ostavivši iza sebe neizbrisiv enriched cultural legacy that has left an indelible mark on the monuments of history and trag na spomenicima povijesti i stvaralaštva kojeg smo s vremenom imenovali hrvatskim. creativity that we came to call Croatian. The archaeological heritage, more than any other, Arheološka baština, više nego ikoja druga baštinska skupina, oslikava svu tu dijelom vidlji- reflects this partially visible, partially concealed and often entirely hidden historical and vu, dijelom prikrivenu a često i posve sakrivenu povijesnu i materijalnu stvarnost u kojoj je physical reality which emerged, developed and finally forged the Croatian cultural identity. nastajao, razvijao se i u konačnici oblikovao hrvatski kulturni identitet. Prompted by this knowledge and insight, a handful of experts from the leading archaeo- Na tragu ovih spoznaja i saznanja nekolicina stručnjaka vodećih arheoloških muzeja Re- logical museums in the Republic of Croatia devised and then, in Zadar, at the end of 2011, publike Hrvatske zamislila je i u Zadru krajem 2011. godine dogovorila zajednički izložbeni formulated a joint exhibition project which, as initially conceived, had to be organized and projekt koji je prema prvotnim razmišljanjima prisutnih trebalo oblikovati i pripremiti prepared under a uniform structure and presented to the interested public in each of prema istom izložbenom obrazcu te ga zainteresiranoj publici prikazati istovremeno the core Croatian archaeological museums in Zagreb, Split, Zadar, Osijek and Pula at the tijekom 2014. godine u svakom od sjedišta hrvatskih matičnih arheloških muzeja, tj. u same time during the course of 2014. For the review exhibition conceived in this manner, Zagrebu, Splitu, Zadru, Osijeku i Puli. Za ovako zamišljenu izložbenu smotru svaki je muzej each museum had to select and present the most important, most significant, most valu- trebao odabrati i predstaviti najvažnije, najznačajnije, najvrijednije ili najljepše eksponate able or most attractive exponents from their medieval collections: individual items, grave svojih srednjovjekovnih zbirki — pojedinačne predmete, grobne nalaze i skupne nalaze ili goods or group finds and treasure hoards that date from roughly 400 to 1500 AD. ostave blaga nastale u vremenu od oko 400. godine do oko 1500. godine po Kr. Želja da The desire for these exhibitions to be uniformly structured and to have them accompa- ove izložbe budu jednoobrazno oblikovane i da ih prate izložbeni katalozi jednako ili slično nied by exhibition catalogues that are identically or similarly compiled and expertly com- oblikovani i stručno usaglašeni računalo je s povezivanjem predviđenih izložbenih aktivno- piled entailed the linkage of all exhibition activities in to a single and common exhibition sti u jedinstvenu i zajedničku izložbenu cjelinu koja bi u konačnici postala prispodobiva za unit that would ultimately become suitable for display and presentation in any larger izlaganje i prezentaciju u svakom većem izložbenom prostoru u Republici Hrvatskoj. exhibition hall in Croatian. Izložba je tijekom 2014. godine realizirana u tri matična muzeja, u Arheološkom muzeju u The exhibition was organized in three core museums during 2014: the Archaeological Zagrebu, Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu i Arheološkom muzeju – Zadar. Tijekom 2015. go- Museum in Zagreb, the Archaeological Museum in Split, and the Archaeological Museum dine je realizirana i u Muzeju Slavonije u Osijeku, i sada u Arheološkom muzeju Istre u Puli. Zadar. In the course of 2015 it was also presented in the Museum of Slavonia in Osijek, and now in the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula. Organizatori izložbenog projekta Zlato i srebro srednjeg vijeka... i njegovog izložbenog dijela Zlato i srebro srednjeg vijeka u Arheološkom muzeju Istre u Puli zahvaljuju Ministarstvu kultu- The organizers of the exhibition project Medieval Gold and Silver... and its exhibition com- re Republike Hrvatske na potpori projektu i njegovim izložbenim zamislima i održavanju. ponent Medieval Gold and Silver in the Arhaeological museum of Istria would like to extend their gratitude to the Croatian Ministry of Culture for underwriting the project and its Zahvaljujemo i svim suradnicima — institucijama i pojedincima na svakom obliku pomoći. presentation concepts to say nothing of the exhibition itself. Thanks also go to all of those, both institutions and individuals, who assisted us in any way. Ravnateljica / Director Ravnatelj / Director Ravnatelj / Director Ravnatelj / Director Ravnatelj / Director Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu Arheološki muzej u Splitu Arheološki muzej - Zadar Muzej Slavonije Arheološki muzej Istre Archaeological Museum in Zagreb Archaeological Museum in Split Archaeological Museum - Zadar Museum of Slavonia Archaeological Museum of Istria Jacqueline Balen Damir Kliškić Jakov Vučić Denis Detling Darko Komšo Zlato i srebro srednjeg vijeka u Medieval Gold and Silver in the Arheološkom muzeju Istre Archaeological Museum of Istria Arheološki predmeti od zlata i srebra iz srednjovjekovne zbirke Arheološkog Gold and silver artifacts from the Medieval Collection of the Archaeological muzeja Istre skromnije su zastupljeni u broju i dizajnerskoj raskoši u odnosu Museum of Istria are modest both in number and design in comparison with na one iz bogatih fundusa ostalih hrvatskih arheoloških muzeja. Kako je pulski the rich holdings of other Croatian archaeological museums. Some known or muzej osnovan 1902. godine, poznati ili pak zagubljeni zlatni i srebrni pred- nowadays lost artifacts made of gold and silver, which were of an exceptional meti izuzetne kulturno-umjetničke i arheološke vrijednosti, koji su pronađeni cultural-artistic and archaeological value and had been discovered in the u drugoj polovici 19. st. u Istri, svojevremeno su preneseni u Beč i Trst. second half of the 19th century, were formerly taken to Vienna and Trieste because the City Museum of Pula was founded in 1902. Poletom novih terenskih istraživanja nakon Drugog svjetskog rata pri Arheološ- kom muzeju Istre uspostavlja se srednjovjekovna zbirka, kao preduvjet razvoju The Medieval Collection was created at the Archaeological Museum of Istria ranosrednjovjekovne i staroslavenske odnosno starohrvatske arheologije u with the start of new field explorations after World War II, which served as a Istri. Među novim brojnim nalazima bio je svega jedan par zlatnih naušnica, a pre-condition for the development of early medieval and Early Slavic or Early najviše je bilo srebrnih ili posrebrenih naušnica. Najraskošniji filigranski nakit Croatian archaeology in Istria. Amongst the large number of new finds there od zlata i srebra izrađivan je u radionicama s kasnoantičkom i bizantskom tra- was but a single pair of gold earrings, as most of the others were either of dicijom, kao predložak za srebrni ili posrebreni i najmasovniji brončani nakit za silver or silver-plate. The most luxurious filigree jewelry made of gold or silver široki puk. Zlato, srebro i bronca: bila je to materijalna gradacija - prepoznatljiva was crafted in workshops with a Late Roman and Byzantine tradition, and it oznaka bogatstva i moći na piramidi društvenog statusa. served as a model for some of the silver, silver-plated, or, the most popu- lar, bronze jewelry intended for use by the broad masses. Gold, silver and Stoga su na izložbi predstavljeni rijetki
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