Back issues 1991 to 2009 Issues of The Plant Review (formerly The Plantsman) dating from 1991 to 2009 are available at the reduced price of £4 each (UK p&p free) on a first- come, first-served basis. Below is a summary of content details that indicates available issues (please note some are already sold out). Please send a list of your requirements, postal address and preferred method of payment (card or cheque) to [email protected] and you’ll be informed of availability, total cost and overseas postage (if required). Issues from 2010 to the present cost £7.25 each, plus postage and can be ordered from the Membership & Subscription team. Please email [email protected] (020 3176 5820) for more information. Month Year Issue contents March 1991 SOLD OUT Cyclamen, a reappraisal CHRISTOPHER GREY-WILSON Three new hybrid shrubs ALLEN COOMBES Biological control in ornamentals: current practice and future prospects KEITH SUTHERLAND The origin of cultivated plants of Acer pentaphyllum E E KEMP June 1991 Herbaceous potentillas CHRISTOPHER BREARLEY Breeding dwarf rhododendrons, part 2: potential parents PETER COX Offbeat Papaveraceae JANE TAYLOR Alternatives to peat SUKI PRYCE Tree peonies: a problem resolved STEPHEN G HAW New Zealand and Australian Podocarpus GRAHAM HUTCHINS September 1991 Climbing honeysuckles DENIS BRADSHAW Bhutanese Sorbus KEITH RUSHFORTH SOLD OUT December 1991 Sorbus meinichii PER H SALVESEN Incarvillea emodi ANDREW PATERSON Phytochrome: a remarkable light sensor in plants DAPHNE VINCE-PRUE Gladiolus breeding in Russia RON PARK Trillium, part 5: the Trillium catesbaei complex ROBERT J MITCHELL March 1992 Bhutanese Sorbus, part 2 KEITH RUSHFORTH A new broom MARK GRIFFITHS Boxwood and engraving ALUN REES SOLD OUT June 1992 Sutherlandia, part I B D SCHRIRE and S ANDREWS Leucojum - the snowflakes JACK ELLIOT Some notes on nut pines NIGEL MUIR September 1992 Cimicifuga L.- Ranunculaceae JAMES COMPTON Chordospartium, the weeping tree brooms of New Zealand GRAHAM HUTCHINS Edgeworthia chrysantha YVETTE HARVEY Chromosome numbers in Narcissus cultivars P E BRANDHAM The shifting sands of bamboo genera DAVID McCLINTOCK December 1992 Development of sweet cherry cultivars for the UK DAVID PENNELL Plant identification from vapour analysis J D TWIBELL Iris chrysographes BRIAN MATHEW Growing snowdrops RICHARD NUTT Halimiums and their relatives PHILIP McMILLAN BROWSE A survey of succulent euphorbias ANTHONY RODRIGUEZ Growing Australian plants JEFFREY IRONS March 1993 Why use primed flower seed? PAM JORDAN Short notes on Oemleria CATHERINE M MITCHEM The New Zealand sophoras GRAHAM HUTCHINS The Spuria irises BRIAN MATHEW Cotoneaster hylmoei KARL-EVERT FLINCK and JEANETTE FRYER Callistemon, the beautiful bottlebrushes CATHERINE M MITCHEM June 1993 Virus diseases of daphnes COLIN J PERKINS Tetraclinus articulata MARTIN F GARDNER and STEPHEN L JURY SOLD OUT September 1993 Corydalis flexuosa from western China MARTYN RIX Some Australian wattles in cultivation KENNETH A BECKETT Clematis wilt, a review of the literature JOHN HOWELLS Charles Lemaire and the Christmas cactus WILL TJADEN December 1993 Hostas, a decade of development DIANA GRENFELL Breeding winter-hardy ornamentals for the Swedish climate ULRIKA CARLSON Mexican salvias in cultivation JAMES COMPTON The Lucombe Oaks ALAN MITCHELL February 1994 The genus Corokia GRAHAM HUTCHINS Some boxwoods in cultivation ELIZABETH BRAIMBRIDGE The blue-stemmed bamboo: Himalayacalamus hookerianus CHRIS M A STAPLETON Rosa roxburghii: the species, its forms and hybrids GRAHAM STUART THOMAS Galanthus peshmenii: a new snowdrop from the eastern Aegean AARON P DAVIS AND CHRISTOPHER D BRICKELL The identity crisis of the Douglas fir BRENT ELLIOTT Ponerorchis: alpine orchid gems from Japan JOYCE STEWART A survey of Incarvillea in cultivation CHRISTOPHER GREY-WILSON March 1994 Dormancy in plants ALUN REES Nymphaea cultivars: clumpers and crawlers BILL HERITAGE Searching for hardy woody plants in Chile MARTIN F GARDNER AND SABINA G.KNEES Murray Hornibrook: a mystery resolved J G D LAMB Some observations on Lathyrus rotundifolius SYLVIA NORTON Astrophytum: the star cacti ANTHONY RODRIGUEZ Clematis cirrhosa RAYMOND EVISON AND VICTORIA MATTHEWS Crocus mathewii: a new autumn-flowering crocus from Turkey HELMUT KERNDORFF AND ERICH PASCHE Miscellaneous note 1. Flowering in Allium callimischon RICHARD DADD June 1994 Cut-leaved sumacs ALLEN J COOMBES Further notes on Himalayan and Sino-Himalayan Hedychium species TONY SCHILLING The forgotten nurserymen: William and Charles Wood BARBARA ABBS SOLD OUT September 1994 Tree peonies revisited GIAN LUPO OSTI The breeding potential of sea buckthorn (Hippophae L.) MALCOLM M ANDERSON AND KATERINA WAHLBERG The propagation of Ceanothus from seed PHILIP McMILLAN BROWSE Calochortus gunnisonii VICTORIA MATHEWS December 1994 Magnolia 'Gold Star' and other yellow-flowered magnolias JIM GARDNER Fritillaria ruthenica MARTYN RIX Miscellaneous Note 4. Birds, bees and fritillaries ALUN REES Sinningia tubiflora: a gesneriad for the conservatory BRIAN MATHEW Prince Henri of Orleans: explorer and plant-hunter (1846-1901) AUDREY LE LIEVRE SOLD OUT March 1995 SOLD OUT June 1995 September 1995 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT December 1995 The Conifer Conservation Programme MARTIN GARDNER AND PHILIP THOMAS Meconopsis integrifolia, the yellow poppywort and its allies CHRISTOPHER GREY-WILSON Allspices and winter-sweets - an account of Calycanthaceae in the wild and in cultivation PAUL BYGRAVE March 1996 Hellbores 2: Helleborus dumetorum the structure of hellebore flowers and its implications WILL McLEWIN AND BRIAN MATHEW SOLD OUT June 1996 SOLD OUT September 1996 Rhododendron rushforthii: a new species from Vietnam GEORGE ARGENT AND DAVID CHAMBERLAIN Miscellaneous note 7: the Plant Finder Reference Library, compiled by Chris Philip: a review PETER G BARNES Liriodendron tulipifera: the tulip-tree STEPHEN A. SPONGBERG AND ANDREW C BELL A survey of Cultivated Oaks (Quercus) of the Subgenus Cyclobalanopsis NIGEL MUIR Miscellaneous note 8: the International Oak Society ALLEN COOMBES December 1996 Notes on cultivated species of Euonymus NICOLA BROWN Flowering date variation in Narcissus ALUN REES AND GORDON HANKS The Crocus chrysanthus - biflorus cultivars NIELS JACOBSEN, JOHAN VAN SCHEEPEN AND MARIAN ORGAARD Rosa omeiensis Rolfe and its affinities to Rosa sericea Lindley KEITH RUSHFORTH Miscellaneous Note 1: Comments on Plant Finder Reference Library CD-ROM, version 1.1, released October 1996 PETER G BARNES Hellebores: 4. Helleborus multifidus subsp. hercegovinus WILL McLEWIN AND BRIAN MATHEW March 1997 A history of Leptospermum scoparium in cultivation - discoveries from the wild MURRAY DAWSON SOLD OUT June 1997 SOLD OUT September 1997 December 1997 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT March– 1998– December 2000 Stresses in your Garden GEOFFREY DIXON Royal lineage TOMASZ ANIS'KO Double entendre ROBERT GRANT-DOWNTON Notes on Chinese Cypripedium PHILLIP CRIBB & PETER CORKHILL Bluebell blues TIMOTHY CLARK Paeonia anomala in Finland VESA KOIVU March 2001 Calochortus, supplying the demand ROBERT ROLFE Problems with the big perennial blue poppies EVELYN STEVENS & CHRISTOPHER BRICKELL Tricyrtis puberula VOLKER DEBUS Looking at Abelias PETER BARNES Isoplexis, Digitalis' sister WIM SNOEIJER Floral ontogeny and systematic research LOUIS P RONSE DE CREANE Further observations on the big perennial blue poppies EVELYN STEVENS June 2001 Setting the standard for cultivated plants DIANA M MILLER Standard Specimens 2000-2001 COMPILED BY SUSAN GRAYER Little known and confused species of Pleione PHILLIP CRIBB & IAN BUTTERFIELD Peter Good, pland hunter extraordinary ROSALIND ZURIDIS September 2001 Tree peonies, a review of their history and taxonomy STEPHEN G HAW RHS Plant Awards 2000-2001 COMPILED BY ROBERT ROLFE William Stearn CBE, FLS,VMH, an appreciation CHRISTOPHER D BRICKNELL Plant Focus COMPILED BY REBECCA DUNBAR New curcumas from South-east Asia JOHN MOOD & KAI LARSEN William Purdom's Rodgersia GARY DUNLOP Myrtle in a whorl LUCY J. HALSALL & ANNA M DOURADO Captivating cotoneasters JEANETTE FRYER & BERTIL HYLMO Ruscus aculeatus 'Lanceolatus' DAVID CANN December 2001 Palm wine ALUN REES A new Tibetan Rhododendron KEITH RUSHFORTH Paeonia delavayi, a variable species STEPHEN G HAW New gingers from SE Asia JOHN MOOD AND IDA THEILADE Mary Grierson, botanical artist URSULA BUCHAN Wilson's Paradise JOHN CREECH Black or white? MIKE GLOVER March 2002 Lilies in revolution MICHAEL JEFFERSON-BROWN Crocus up-date BRIAN MATHEW Global magnolias JIM GARDINER Meconopsis 'Lingholm' EVELYN STEVENS AND CHRISTOPHER BRICKELL Crocus up-date BRIAN MATHEW Musa coccinea GEORGE ARGENT AND RUTH KIEW Medicinal rhubarb JEFFREY BRYCE June 2002 Reappraising Fritillaria hermonis RANNVEIG AND ROBERT WALLIS An Azorean hawkbit returns MIKE GRANT Practical projects for the conservation of succulent plants WILLIAM F MADDAMS Marjorie Blamey, botanical artist URSULA BUCHAN Helleborus viridis WILL MCLEWIN AND BRIAN MATHEW A new species of Primula in section Crystallophlomis DAVID W H RANKIN, ZHENG DONG FANG AND HANG SUN Cistus 'Enigma' ROBERT G. PAGE September 2002 Erodium x variabile NICOLA TOOMEY, JANET CUBEY AND ALASTAIR CULHAM Sprenger's alpine Cyclamen CHRISTOPHER GREY-WILSON The genus Cardiocrinum in cultivation VICTORIA A MATTHEWS RHS Plant Awards 2001-2002 Part 1 COMPILED BY ROBERT ROLFE A new blue poppy from Western China CHRISTOPHER GREY-WILSON December 2002 Three monocotyledons new to the Flora of Bhutan HENRY NOLTIE AND DHAN BAHADUR GURUNG Nomenclatural Notes
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