UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ BROTHERHOOD КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ OF CANADA ХРИСТОС РАЖДАЄТЬСЯ - СЛАВІТЕ ЙОГО! CHRIST IS BORN – GLORIFY HIM! ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD December 2016 ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD ХРИСТОС РАЖДАЄТЬСЯ! СЛАВІТЕ ЙОГО! May the Christ Child born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago Bring you and your families Peace , Joy, and Goodwill At Christmas and in the coming year. Christ is Born! Glorify Him! St. Athanasius UCBC Branch – Regina БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ [2] UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ [3] UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ [4] UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Голос Братства Table of Contents Voice of the Brotherhood Published by Page In This Issue… Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of 6 His Excellency, Bishop David Motiuk - Christmas Greetings Canada National Executive 7 Brotherhood Quiz 8 National UCBC President, Brother Orest Boychuk, KSV – Christmas Editing Committee Greetings 9 Ukrainian World Congress, Mr. Eugene Czolij - Christmas Greetings Father Danylo Kuc 10 UCC President, Mr. Paul Grod – Christmas Greetings Bro. Orest Boychuk, KSV 10 Acknowledgement of Donations Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV Bro. Mark Kopinec 11 Pictures from UCBC XXV National Congress Bro. Dr. Bohdan Medwidsky, KSV 13 2016 Recepitants of the Order of Knights of St. Volodymyr and Order of Bro. Peter Oleksuik Merit Bro. Michael Kaminski, KSV 14 Summary of the XXV UCBC National Congress 15 In Everlasting Memory Voice of the Brotherhood is 17 2017 Advertisement Program and Rates published twice a year. Your 18 Edmonton Eparchy – UCBC Eparchial President Report comments and opinions are 19 2016 Brotherhood Recognition Day for UCBC Edmonton Eparchy welcome. Reproductions, in whole 19 Answers to Brotherhood Quiz or in part, require permission of the 20 Коротке повідомлення UCBC National Executive. Published 20 Interactive Map of Ukrainian Catholic Churches in the World articles do not necessarily reflect the 20 «ОБНОВА-ФЕСТ» (Чернівці) views or opinions held by the UCBC 21 OBNOVA Festival in Chernivtsi, Ukraine National Executive. 22 2016-2019 UCBC National Executive Directory 23 2016-2019 UCBC Branches and Presidents’ Contact Information Deadline for Submissions 24 Saskatoon Eparchy – UCBC Spiritual Advisor’s Christmas Message March 26th – Easter 2017 25 Saskatoon Eparchy – UCBC Eparchial President Report December 1st - Christmas 2017 25 The Ten Commandments of Life March 4th – Easter 2018 26 2016 UCBC Eparchial Raffle Report December 3rd – Christmas 2018 27 UCBC Regina – St. Athanasius Branch Report 27 1st Annual Regina Collectible Toy Auction 28 Icon of the Nativity Please send submissions to: 29 Bishop Roborecki Branch – 2016 St. Volodymyr Praznyk 30 34th Anniversary of the passing or our Late Bishop Andrew Roborecki UCBC Voice of the Brotherhood 31 2016 Bishop Roborecki Branch UCBC Awards C/O Michael Kaminski 32 Rama Remembers & Celebrates 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian 2451 Swayze Crescent Canadians Regina, Saskatchewan 34 Chirstmas Message from UCBC Spiritual Advisor – Winnipeg Archeparchy S4V 1A4 35 Christmas Greetings from UCBC President Winnipeg Archeparchy 36 100th Anniversary of Holy Resurrection Church in Dauphin Manitoba Phone: 306-789-8880 38 UCBC Eparchy of Toronto – Eparchial President Report 39 Report on the 2016 UCC XXV Triennial Congress Or Email: [email protected] БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ [5] UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Українська Католицька Едмонтонська Єпархія Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton Eparch of Edmonton Christmas Message Bishop David Motiuk Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord God meets us where we are. change him, feed him, nurse him, and care for his bodily Christ is Born! needs. God came helplessly into the world to help us” Let us Glorify Him! (Jesus, A Pilgrimage). Truly, God chooses to meets us where we are. Dear Faithful: Finally, Jesus came from an unremarkable background. We are celebrating the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord “The Son of God was nothing special by outward and Saviour, Jesus Christ, one of the greatest and most appearance or by human standards. One might be loved feasts of all Christianity. awed by a great ruler or a learned scholar, but not by a simple craftsman. When Jesus began preaching, people “Today the Virgin gives birth to Perfect Essence and the in his hometown said, ‘Is not this the carpenter?’ In earth offers a cave to the Inaccessible One. The angels other words, ‘Who, him?’” (Jesus, A Pilgrimage). God sing his glory with the shepherds; the wise men journey chooses to meets us where we are. with the star, for there is born for us an infant Child, God Eternal” (Kontakion, Feast of the Nativity). Our God is an awesome God. He meets us where we are. And He invites us to meet him where God is. As we celebrate this Christmas with family, friends and strangers alike, may our hearts be filled with the joy of “Come, O believers, let us see where Christ is born. the love of God. “For God so loved the world that he Furthermore, with the magi, the kings from the East, let gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him us follow wherever the star goes. The angels are may not perish but may have eternal life” (John 3: 16- praising him there unceasingly; the shepherds are 17). singing a worthy song, saying: Glory to God in the highest; glory to him who is born of the virgin in a cave “God is with us!” in Bethlehem of Judea” (Sessional Hymn, Matins, Feast The story of the birth of Jesus is so well known to us of the Nativity). that we often fail to notice that God could have come “How can we respond to the entrance of God into our into the world in any way God so desired. lives? In much the same way that Mary and Joseph did, As James Martin, sj, reminds us in his book Jesus, A and as parents do today: by protecting and nurturing Pilgrimage, God appears in the Old Testament in a something unique. Faith needs to be nurtured. flaming bush, a pillar of fire, or a mysterious cloud. Yet, “This does not mean that we need to shelter our faith in the New Testament, God chooses to be born into the from the world, by closing ourselves off from the world as a human being. One of us. God approaches us concerns of modern life. Rather, as Mary and Joseph as a human person so that we as human persons can did for Jesus, we are invited to respond to the gift with approach God. God chooses to meets us where we are. reverent care. Furthermore, God chooses to be born into the world “We are called to nourish our faith (with prayer, not as a prince or princess, as a king or queen, as a worship, reading, service and spiritual conversations) in powerful ruler, or from a wealthy family. Rather, God the same way Mary and Joseph were called to nourish chooses to enter the world as a baby, in the least the infant Christ” (Jesus, A Pilgrimage). threatening of human states. “God entered our world screaming and crying, dependent on someone to БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ [6] UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD This Christmas, let us choose to celebrate and nourish our faith and to share it with one another, starting with Brotherhood Quiz the members of our families, our friends and neighbours. 1. The first Ukrainian (Greek) Catholic priest in Canada was: a) Ivan Pobyvan b) Pylyp Kotyk c) Nestor Dmytriw d) Wasyl Bychok e) Mykola Kramar 2. The first Ukrainian (Greek) Catholic bishop in Canada was: a) Andrew Roborecky b) Isidore Borecky c) Neil Savaryn d) Nykyta Budka e) Maksym Hermaniuk 3. The first President of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood was: a) Fred Mamchur b) Jacob Stratychuk c) Mykhailo Hrynevych “When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, d) Basil Kushnir the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to e) Hryhorii Shyshkowich Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.’ So they went 4. The Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood was with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child established in: lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made a) 1892 known what had been told them about this child; and b) 1912 all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds c) 1932 told them. But Mary treasured all these words and d) 1952 pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, e) 1982 glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them” (Luke 2: 15-20). 5. The first newsletter of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood edited by Fr. Stefan Semczuk This Christmas, may Christ, bless you and your families published in January 1933 was called: with peace, love and joy, and renew in your heart a a) Bulletin desire to come to know him, to love him and to follow b) Holos Bratstva him each and every day in the New Year. c) Buduchnist’ natsii Let us now continue to glorify and praise God for all d) Svitlo that we have heard and seen, and let us do so with e) Holos Spasytelia great joy! * The answers to the questions can be found on Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him! page 19. Sincerely in Christ, Bishop David Motiuk, Eparchy of Edmonton БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ [7] UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Різдвяне Привітання від Президента Крайової Управи Братства Українців Католиків Канади Christmas Greetings from the National UCBC President CHRIST IS BORN - GLORIFY HIM! The most important time of the year is CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF OUR LORD, JESUS CHRIST! National UCBC President Bro.
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