Historical chronology of the Russian Federation 862 1195 Arrival of Varangians: Rurik is summoned to Novgorod. The Signing of first Novgorod treaty with German towns and beginning of Russia’s statehood. Gotland. 862-1613 1223 The rule of the Rurikov dynasty. First Mongol invasion of Russian territories. Russian troops are defeated at the 882 Kalka river. Rurik’s successor Oleg of Novgorod conquers Kiev and moves the capital there. 1237-1242 Mongol conquest of Russia. 907 Oleg’s expedition against Constantinople. Russia’s first treaty 1240-1480 with the Byzantine Empire is signed. The Tatar-Mongol yoke. 957 1240 Princess Olga baptised in Constantinople. Sweden attempts to conquer north-western territories of Russia. Alexander Nevsky leads and wins the battle against 988 the Swedes on the Neva River. Baptism of Prince Vladimir and conversion of Russia to Christianity. Among the Russian people, Christian and pagan 1242 beliefs are combined throughout next centuries. Battle on the Ice: Nevsky’s victory over the Teutonic Knights on Lake Peipus. 11th century First birch-bark documents appear, proving literacy of the 1270 Slavs. Novgorod signs treaty with the Hanseatic League. 1030 1326 Prince Yaroslav starts the first school in Novgorod. Establishment of Metropolitan (Bishop) in Moscow. 1054 1337 Schism between Eastern and Western Catholicism. The Foundation of Trinity Monastery in Sergiev Posad near Russian clergy is inclined towards orthodoxy with the centre in Moscow. Constantinople, although acknowledges the power of the Pope and treats Catholicism with respect. 1328-1340 Rule of Ivan Kalita, who greatly extends the Moscow principality, 1054-1073 turning Moscow into the most influential Russian city. Russkaia Pravda, the first Russian law, is written. 1359-1389 1095 Rule of Dmitry Donskoi. First election of the prince in Novgorod. 1380 1116 Victory of Dmitry Donskoi over the Tatars at Kulikovo Field. “Primary Chronicle” composed (the oldest manuscript). 1382 1147 Moscow is sacked and burned by the Mongol warrior khan Moscow is founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki. Tokhtamysh. 213 1395 1558-1583 Defeat of the Golden Horde by Tamerlane. Decline of the power Livonian war against Poland and Sweden for domination in the of the Golden Horde. Baltic Sea. 1430-1466 1560s Disintegration of Golden Horde. Edition of Domostroi, the famous book of principles of the patriarchal lifestyle. 1439 Council of Florence Reunion of eastern and western 1564 churches. First book printed in Moscow. 1448 1565-1572 Church of Russia declared autocephalous. Ivan the Terrible’s oprichnina (mass purges and reign of terror). 1453 1566 Capture of Constantinople by the Ottomans. First Zemskii Sobor is elected (Consultative Land Assembly). Russian Federation, Country Profile Country Russian Federation, 1462-1505 1571 Rule of Ivan III the Great. He consolidates separate Russian Crimean Tartars burn Moscow. principalities around Moscow and throws off the Mongol yoke. 1571-1600 Fortification of the southern frontier. Beginnings of the Don, 1471 Zaporozhian, and Ural Cossacks. Campaign of Ivan III against the Novgorod Charter of the city of Novgorod. 1582 The expedition of Yermak and the beginning of the conquest 1472 of Siberia. Marriage of Ivan III with Zoe (Sophia), niece of the last Byzantine Emperor. 1584 Privilege of St. George’s Day, Iur’ev Den’, November 26 (the 1478 day when serfs were permitted to change their masters, the Incorporation of Novgorod into the Moscow state. day of freedom, albeit limited), is abolished, which reinforces and conserves serfdom. 1480 The Great Standoff on the Ugra River between the army of 1598-1613 Akmat, khan of the Golden Horde and the Russian army under The “Time of Troubles”, when Russia suffers Polish-Lithuanian the command of Ivan III. The Mongols retreat putting an end occupation, famine, numerous civil uprisings and frequent to the Mongol yoke. changes of rulers. 1497 1589 Sudebnik is promulgated (legal code of Ivan III). Creation of the Moscow Patriarchate. 1510 1591 Incorporation of Pskov into the Moscow state. Dmitry Tsarevich killed in Uglich. 1517-1519 1601-1603 Printing of the first books in Russian in Prague. Mass famine. 1547-1584 1610-1612 The rule of Ivan IV the Terrible. The Poles occupy Moscow. 1552 1612-1613 Annexation of Kazan to Moscow. Minin and Pozharsky lead popular militia against Poles in Moscow. 1556 The city of Asktrakhan is defeated and integrated into the 1613 Moscow state. Mikhail Romanov becomes tsar. CIDOB International Yearbook 2010 Yearbook CIDOB International 214 1613-1917 1721 The rule of the Romanov dynasty. Treaty of Nystad: Livonia, Estonia, Karelia, Ingria acquired from Sweden. Peter assumes the title of Emperor. 1649 Ulozhenie: Legal Code of Tsar Alexey. 1755 Lomonosov founds Moscow University. 1653 Last full meeting of Zemskii Sobor. Establishment of absolute 1762-1796 monarchy in Russia. The rule of Catherine II the Great. 1654 1765 Church Council adopts Nikon’s reforms, which leads to schism Final secularisation of Church lands. Submission of the Church in the Orthodox Church. to the State. 1660s 1767-1768 Moscow linked with Amsterdam and Berlin by regular postal Peasants forbidden to submit complaints against landowners. service. Toughening of serfdom. 1666 1773-1775 Church Council deposes Patriarch Nikon. First partition of Poland: Belorussia annexed to Russia. 1670-1671 1782-1785 Revolt of Stepan (Stenka) Razin against Moscow rule. Full absorption of the Ukraine into the Russian Empire. Historical chronology of the Russian Federation of chronology Historical 1672 1783 Russian embassies established in all major European states. Incorporation of the Crimea. 1682 1801-1825 Peter the Great becomes Tsar of Russia, with Sophia as The rule of Alexander I (of the Romanov dynasty). regent. 1801 1689-1917 Acquisition of eastern Georgia. The period of the Russian Empire. 1802 1689-1725 Sale of landless serfs prohibited. First projects for abolishing Rule of Peter the Great. serfdom appear but remain unimplemented. 1695 1806-1815 Beginning of the Russian navy. Conquest of Dagestan and Baku. 1697-1698 1809 Conquest of Kamchatka in the Far East. Annexation of Finland. 1703 1812 Great Northern War with Sweden. August 14 Napoleon attacks Russia. 1703 September 7 Founding of St Petersburg. Battle of Borodino. September 14 1709 Napoleon seizes Moscow. Establishment of the guberniias (provinces). October 19 Napoleon leaves Moscow. 1711 First census (household and tax). 1812-1815 Alexander’s pursuit of Napoleon to Paris. 1716-1717 Transfer of capital to St Petersburg. 1819-1829 University of St Petersburg founded. 215 1825-1855 1892 Rule of Nicholas I (Romanov). Forging of the Franco-Russian alliance (the Entente). 1825 1894-1917 Decembrist Uprising. Rule of Nicholas II. 1832 1898 Uvarov’s three principles enunciated: autocracy, orthodoxy, 1st Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Party nationality. (Minsk). 1837 1903 First Russian railroad built from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe 2nd Party Congress (Brussels). The party splits into two Selo. fractions: the Bolsheviks headed by Lenin, and the Mensheviks headed by Martov. 1854-1855 Crimean War. 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War. Russian Federation, Country Profile Country Russian Federation, 1855-1881 Rule of Alexander II the Reformer. 1905 General Strike and Bloody Sunday. First Russian Revolution. 1859 The conquest of Caucasus completed. 1906 Constitutional Democrats Kadets: Programme published. 1862 The First Duma is convened. Abolition of the serfdom; liberation of serfs. First Constitution of Russia. 1864-1885 1907 Great Reforms: Law and education reform; Zemstvo The Stolypin Land Reforms, aimed at intensification of instituted as a form of stimulating development of local self- agricultural production on the basis of small private farms. government. Formation of Triple Entente (France, Britain, Russia) against the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austro-Hungary, Italy). 1866 Conquest of Central Asia. 1912 The Balkan Wars start. 1867 Alaska is sold to the United States of America. 1914 World War I begins. 1870 Tolstoy’s War and Peace is published. 1917 February 23–27 1877—1878 The February Revolution. War with Turkey; Treaty of San Stefano. March Abdication of Nicholas II in favour of his brother Mikhail who 1880 then transfers power to Provisional Government under the People’s Will Party and Black Partition established (birth of the chairmanship of Lvov. The period of diarchy (dvoevlastie) radical revolutionary anti-monarchist movement). begins, when the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ Deputies and the Provisional Government jointly rule the country. 1881 July Assassination of Alexander II by People’s Will terrorists. Uprising against the Provisional Government. Prince Lvov resigns; Kerensky becomes premier with dictatorial powers. 1881-1894 August Rule of Alexander III. The Kornilov uprising. October 25/November 7 1884 October Revolution Reactionary reforms. December 20 Armistice negotiations at Brest-Litovsk. 1891-1893 CIDOB International Yearbook 2010 Yearbook CIDOB International Beginning of the Trans-Siberian railway. 216 1918 1928 March 3 First Five-Year Plan adopted. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. March-August 1929 The foreign intervention begins. British troops land Collectivisation and industrialisation begins. at Murmansk; Japanese at Vladivostok; Americans in Archangelsk; and French at Odessa. The Entente supports 1932 former Provisional Government members and tries to prevent Soviet - French non-aggression pact. the Bolsheviks from gaining control
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