REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE TWELFTH CENSUS TO THE SECRETARY OF TIIE INTERIOR FOR THE PISCAL YEAR XNDED JUNE 30, 1901. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PBINTING OFFICE. 1901. REPORT DIRECTOR OF THE TWELFTH CENSUS. DEPASTMENTOF TIIE INTEETOR, CENSUSOFFICE, SE~sh.il~qton,D. G., 2Vi~u~?1116(31'1, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to rcport as follows concerning the opera- tions of this office filom November 1, 1900, to the above date: The work of tabullating the rctnrns :lncl rcsnlts of tho fielcl tvorl: of the en~~meratorskind special agcnts of the Twelfth Ccusus h,zs pro lcssecl with reasonable celerity, Much difficulty has been expericnccca;" ,how- ever, and nlore or lesd delay caluseci by the reduction of the clerical force, owing to the absence of elnployees from either illness or nnnut~l leave. The law providcs that the four principal reports shdl be placed in the hands of the public by the 1st of July, 1902, and this requircxnent has rendered it absolutely necessary to maintain a clerical force ELC~C- qunte to complete the work vithin the prescribecl period. The stat- isticians made estimates of the time ncecled to finish the pnrticular branch assigned Lo each of them. The plr~nsso suhmittecl bavc heen greatly interfered with owing to the absence of clerlrs fro111 di~ty,ns explained above. It was hoped by the 1st of November a lnr e nuin- ber of employees could be dis ~ensoclwith; but inasmuch us t!? e wozk has been retarclcd, owing to tb e dificulty of rna;intai,ining the clerical force at its rnaxitnuui, it is not likely thnt there will be any Inaterial reduction until after the first of the year. The ofi8iciaIs of the office believe that their allotted task mill be completecl in alnple time. 1t was harclly to be expected , out of the large number of ageti ts employed in the field wol+lc-about 55,000 in all-that therc wonld not be some who woulcl prove incompetent and, unfaithful to duty. The Dilbector has endeavored to enforce tlie census act to the letter, and through the assistance of the Attorney-General has proceedccl apeillst all oflendcm. Ylcase find below astatement of the various prosecutions thnt have been conducted by this office. MARYLAND. St. IVCL?~QozL~~~? .-Stel~hen A. 'Abell, Charles H. Guyther, Phjlip T. Graves, DanieI' J. Bo~vlegen~~merators, and Joseph 13. Ching, attorney at law. Tho preliminary examination in the Geographer's Division showed that in this county t11ese enu~neratorshad rnt~defalse 3 %63 1901 4 REPOET OF THE DIRECTOR OF TIIE TWE1dFTI-I CENSUS- and f raudLllellt rcturlls by placing on the ~~lledll~sfictitious nfilllcs- names of acrsons lVho hd died prior to taking tllc censrls f~lldtile names of nonresidents. All these lllen were arrested 011 marralzts slvonl out 13filtil1lorc, alld were brought before the Federal grand jury at that city, tmd llille illdictnlellts agaillst them were returned 011 May 0, there 1)cillg folly indictmellts stgnillst each ellullzerator individually, slid folu K&Pillst each enurnerntor ancl Ching- jointly. The trial bcpll Mag 27, I)nb 011 &lay 25 Gnyt,her appearecl before the jury and plct~dedgnilt~. Sell- tence Tras suspendocl, and he was cullecl as a witncs~for tlhc Chror~l- ment. C:bing was coavicted, 011 Ju~ie8, of conspiracy ~vitl~Gnythel', and wits sentellcecl to two years' iml~risonalentand to p:~y:L lino of $1,000. An appeal was telren and tlie casc is IIOTV 110Coro tlic IJi~i!~~rl States coulLtof uppenls. Guytller mas scntencccl to ono rlt~yin Pil and to pay a 611e of $100. Al~ell,Bomles, and Grxvcs wcl~nocy~lit~!~c!d of the coespilbacy charge, ancl the charge agtiinst GS:LVOSfor ll~t~ltlllg false ancl iictitions returns was ~vitl~clrawn.Bowles plcnclocl guilty to malting false returns, nnct mas sentenced to sixty d:~ysin jail r\llcl to l?t~ a 611e of $200. Ahell va~jtried on June 24 on a charge of 111t~lci11g false ancl fictitious returns. The jury fniled to rbgrce, :~ndhe will probably be tried again son~etimc in Noveinbcr. Q?~a?*lesC'ozulty.--The exaininatio~~of the ~checlules, int~rlr,t~t, the sallle tinlc RS ill St. Mary County, showed the same condition of affairs, and the results of the investigatioil aere laid l)cfo~-clllc gi~nnd jury in Bg~ltiil~ose,~110 rellclerecl true bills against I-Ienry M:~t,ll~igly, an eauniorator, who cane to court 011 JL~IIC15, plcadccl guilty, t~ntlwas sente~lccdto one clujr in jail and to pay u fine of $200, rl1~7zeA?~d~zdeZ L'o~~~zty.-An investigation was also in:~(lein 1;his connt~7,and eridencc mas presented to the grand jury who found tl*lzo bills against Willinlll Frisbee Anclerson ni~dFrcd I-I, 13ur1icin:in for m~lringfalse and fictitious returns. Anderson was oonviotcd June 24, aid sentenced to pay n fine of $200. Borneman's casc was conlinuccl until the fdl te~1.mof the clistrict court, and the trial will prohtl1)ly tnlre place in November. Balti?,zo~oC'oz~7afy0--An examination of the schcclules rct,nr~loclI)y Eli F. Wilhelnl, in reporting the deaf, dumb, ancl blincl, dcvc1opc:tl tl~o fact that his returns, when tested by corrosponcle~~cewith inclivicl~lals reported, meye, in many instances, incorrect. The casc IVCLSn~~bmittcd to the Utiitecl States attorney for the clistrict of Mnryltlnd, ~vho re~ortcclthat, it being ullcertnin mlzether they co~~ldprova the &~~rgos ag.aillst him, the^ advised that proceeclii~gsbe not started. PENNSYLVANIA. Ba ~Y??zit?b TaIbot, s?y~e~vko?~qf Second ~~~~t~~~t.-P~~~~~di~~were started against MI.. Tulbot for his failure to pay tile illtor ,rctel.s lVho had assisted the eou~lleratarsin taliiog the census in distsicL, My, Tdbot ht~~'i1lgreuclered his accouilt for their services nlld l.accivecl the lllolley fro111 this 06~0.After proceedings agaillst Izial heell be!$nil by the Uliitod States attorliey at Philadelphin, tile c-Jefcnclnllt . nlade pn~metltin full to 811 interpreters, except ill thoso illstllllccs where the interpreters had clepartecl from the clistrict, ~l~~United States attorney authorized by the Department of Justice on M~~~ 24 last to continue this case until the next terlll of co~lrt, i 190 % REPORT OF TEE DIRECTOR OF THE TWELPTH CENSUS. NEW MEXICO. City ~IJ'~%(?ztcc3'0, PecZpw AS<~~ZC~C~,SL~G~~VU~SOI~.-A~ ii~vestigatiollinto thc t~ccoulltsof this sapervisor showed that; Ize had failed to pay inter- ,retors cn~ployoclby him during tbe en~u~~~eratioa,although the llloney !ladbeen rcmittl:d to him for tliat parpose froin this ofice, sud that he had also mado Ealsc :111tl fictitious -rscturnsof the arnount of services rcndercd I,y soinc of thc intarprete~~s.Upon application to the De srtlnent of Justice, thc Unitccl Stntcs t~ttorneylor the district of New 5~lexico was instrncted to begin proccccliags at once against S&l~cluczancl his olerlr, Scnn. 'rhcy wcrc arrcstcd, atlcl iilforln~tio~~was ~rcscn ted to thc grand jury, 1v11o .louncl indictments against both SfLnchcz and his chief clerlr, Scnu, under thc chnl-gc ol having tiled false nlld frauclulent vouchers. TTV~other illdict~lielltswere sccnred against thcm, charging each of them with cml)eezlc~ncnti~ncl forgo1-y. The United States attorney writes that it was not prr~ctic~bloto try these cases at thc last term of court on acconnt of want of time, but that they will conle up for trial at the iioxt tcrni. TENNESSEE. S~L~IZLI~,11'JL'Nc~iky Coz~?7tt~.-Henry C. Gooch, a11 ennaierator, was founcl, up011 exninil~:itionof tlze schcclnles, to have made falsc returns of thc l~opalrttion. An exalliinntion lny special agent mas nlacle ancl the Jact established that llc had placecl 011 his scheclt~lesfictitious names- anrncs of persous who had died prior to talriag the census sllld the .~. names of nonresiclents. A warrant was sworn out for this lnan mlcl he was nrrostcd. Hc will probably be tried at the November term of cotuYt. MISSISSIPPI. T'i~tdstylmvriaosq's district.-Samuel W. Gliclclen, enumerator in E. D. 71; Paul W. Davidson, E. D. 74; William l<night, E, D. 76; Scott E. J. Watson, E. D. 86; Abraham L. Stringer, E. D. 87; %lrilliam H. Tolcr, E. D. 92: An investigtion of the agricultulral schedules returnecl 1)y thrse inen, in comparison with the populr~tionschedules, showed tl~tthey h~cllllt~clo false ancl iictitious uetn~-nsof the n~uinberof farms in thci~.clistricts. Proceeclings Tvere brought against them, they were arrested, nncl thcir cases wore presented to the gmnd j~ury,which met :~tVickMl>lt~g, and on July 3 renclered indictnloats for a11 six 011 charges as t~llcgccl. Thoir triels mill come up at the nest term of tho court, which will bc esrly in January. ARIZONA. CYha~?lp~qTic Pt~!/h, ,yecia1 nyen t &fo~tlilr ilgricultt~t~crZD~GS~OIL of the C;!?LS?IR(>#~c(J, I"koi~~~i,r:.-An oxamination of this man's exl~ensevouch- crs, renclerecl from time to time cluring the summer of 1'300, led to the suspicion that hc was having s~~bvoucherssigned in blaiilr ancl filling -, tlicln in aftcl.warclu for nlrtch larger alnonnts than be hncl actu:~lIy cxpcnded, and thr~tlic had also put in fraarlulent vouchers for bills he had never contractecl, An iavestigstlon w:~shegun by mail with lar- ties whose nanles aucl adclrcsses were si necl on the snbvonchers, w f,ich corroborated tho impression that thc ogce hnnl as to his honesty.
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