GEORGE L. GODAtt^ State Lfbrcrim TO -1.- **- > ' si K,y$¥« wmm-i t,, .^m. ?„-,,, - v ' :> t' * THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. - 8 -v '. V' III FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR-^-NO. 49. THOMPSONVILLE, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1927" PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY 5c. m. The Property Tax Collections Are F. W. SWINDELLS. Carpet Co. Makes Re-adjustment OFFICERS TO BE WEDDING" PROVES Creeping Towards $300,000 Mark AND FAMILY PLAN Of Stock Purchased by Employees ELECTED BY THE EPORTS from the office of Property Tax Collector Frank A. Sim­ RE-ADJUSTMENT of $20.00 per share was made this week by mons up to noon today, indicates that the collection of the taxes the officials of the Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Company on the BOARD OF TRADE R which began March 1st is progressing in a highly satisfactory A common stock purchased sometime ago by the employees of the Capacity House Greets manner. At the close of business last night the amount collected During Absence Home company in the local plant. This stock, which is mostly held by the was approximately $275,000, and at the rate the taxpayers were operatives, was purchased through the heads of the local departments, Annual Meeting of Loc­ Youngsters In Clever coming in at the Town Building this morning the $300,000 mark was On Enfield St. Will Be it having been placed at their disposal by the officials at the prevail­ not far distant. Exclusive of today there are still two days left ing market, value at the time of the sale which was $99 per share. al Civic Body Will Be Entertainment Under in which the taxpayers may meet their obligation before the pen­ Occupied by Pres; John The employees who acquired this stock were given two years in Held Next Tuesday Ev­ the Auspices of Ionic alty of an interest charge is imposed. As these two last days are which to pay for it. Due to a general depression in the industry usually the biggest two days for tax receipts, the town officials are A. Sweetser of which affected all industrial stock, the stock declined in market value ening At the Calumet Chapter, O. E. S. confident that out a comparatively very small amount of the approx­ Hartford Carp£ until there was a falling off of approximately 24 points. For the imately $362,000 to be collected, will be unpaid by Saturday night. '•! past few weeks the market has re-acted, and the stock is again Club Rooms. This satisfactory outcome of the work of the tax collector'^,office is showing an upward trend. During the past week it reached $79 per "The Tom Thumb Wedding" prov­ highly gratifying to the town officiate, and is considered remarkable F. W. Swindells and family of En­ share and it is on this basis that the re-adjustment has been made. The annual meeting of the Thomp- ed to be one of the leading and most bccause of the-fact that one month less was allowed, this year in field street will make an extended In a communication to the heads of the departments through which sonville Board of Trade will be held successful attractions of the season, which to pay the tax before being penalized. Heretofore the. tax­ trip around the world which will be­ the stock was originally sold, President John A. Sweetser states next Tuesday evening at the rooms payers had until May 1st to make their payments, but under the that an amount equal to $20 per share will be remitted to each pur­ of the Calumet Club. The Board will drawing capacity houses both Tues­ statutes, as disclosed by the audit made last year,- the limit should gin in the early fall. Mt. Swindells chaser of stock who have completed the payments, and in the case day and last evenings, when it was elect a new board of officers at this have been April 1st, and the officials had no other alternative than has leased his home on Enfield street of those who have their stock still unpaid for, they will be credited meeting, and it is understood that presented under the auspices of Ionic to enforce tnis rule. The collector has also been operating under to President John A. Swefetser of the on the above basis. The company's action is highly gratifying to the nominating committee will pre­ Chapter, 0. E. S., in the Masonic a new system that was installed by him in co-operation with Town Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Company the owners of the stock, who realize that it purely voluntary on its sent the names of an entirely new Teftjple. Everyone was delighted with Treasurer Potter, and it has proved very effective in expediting the for a period of one year beginning part as there was no .guarantee as to the future valuation of it when set of executive officers, as all the the novelty, originality and comedy work of collecting the tax and making the returns to the town treas­ the transaction was carried out. The common stock of the company officials serving now have expressed ury. Mr. Simmons has been assisted $aily at . the town building by tomorrow, April 1st. Mr. Sweetser according to the latest quotations is already quoted higher than the of the production and the clever way and family are already' moving into re-adjustment figures. a desire to retire. The report of the the children enacted their parts. his stenographer, Miss Margaret A. Ftirey, and .this has resulted in their new quarters, and. in the mean­ officers for the past year will be one Tljere were about 60 in the cast, sons very little delay for the Waiting taxpayers. : . * time Mr. Swindells and family are of the interesting features of the and daughters of Masons and Eastern temporarily residing at. the Hotel meeting. Star members. Hie decorative set­ Kimball in Springfield. Before leav­ Longmeadow Women j Sunday School Supper The amendment to the by-laws, ting forthe- "wedding" was very ap­ Funeral Of Hartford Attend State Session ing town Mr. Swindells stated that i which relates to the enlarging the propriate and attractive and consist­ Mr. SWeetsei* thought that the best Guests of Local Club Attended By Many scope of the industrial section of the ed of falih's and an arch of wisteria, Priest Held Tuesday of Connecticut D. A. R. interests of the Carpet Company _ lT , board, which was presented at the apple blossoms and wedding bells. would be served by his residence in Annual Reciprocity Meeting of Wom­ m ^T,ven Under Auspices of the last meeting, will be acted upon at an's Club of Enfield Will Be Held Teachers of the First Presbyterian l^he meeting Tuesday evening. This The costuming was especially well Services For Rev. Michael A. SulH- Members of - iPenelope Terry Abbey the town and that he <was very glad In the Old Town Hall On Enfield done, the bridal finery and every de­ an, Brother of Mrs. M. J. Dowd- of Chapter Present At Annua) State to be able to co-operate with him to Church Last Thursday Evening Is action is in connection with the in- tail of Hie quaint old-time garb be­ This Town, Held at Immaculate that extent. Street Next Wednesday Afternoon. Social "~andJ Financial "Success. dustrial improvement whieh has been Conference Held in Meriden Tues­ The members of the Woman's Club Th ing selected with care to suit the im­ Conception Church Tuesday. Mr. Swindells and family will leave , . .. , * i . 5L chicken-pie supper given un- inaugurated through the industrial day and Yesterday. of Enfield will have the pleasure of der the auspices of the teachers of personations. A large number from this place shortly for their Nova Scotia resi­ committee of the board. This activ Mrs. Mark W. Bushnell, the regent entertaining the members of the!the First Presbyterian Sunday school ity h.as been underway for sometime The wedding music was played by went to Hartford on Tuesday morn­ and others from Penelope Terry Ab­ dence at Princeport, where they will MisB Ruth Melladew at the piano, ing to attend the funeral of Rev. remain for a time. They will then Woman s Club of Longmeadow at in the chapel last Thursday evening and is being conducted by a commit­ bey-Chapter, D. A. R., who attend­ their annual reciprocity meeting in for the benefit of the school,' was tee of twenty citizens forming a gen­ accompanied by Harry Tatoian and Michael A. "Sullivan, pastor of the' ed the 34th annual state conference leave for a trip to Europe, but wili Kenneth Cjordner on the violin. Af­ Immaculate Conception Church in return and spend the balance of the the old Town Hall on Enfield street! largely attended and a financial sue- eral executive board and .sub-divided of the Connecticut D. A. R., held in next Wednesday afternoon at 3:30; cess. Bowls of pansies and St. Pat- into several smaller comnjlttees that ter the guests and relatives of the that city for 25 years, and brother of Meriden Tuesday and yesterday, re­ sunutner and fall at their Priricepftrt bride and grOom were announced by Mrs. M. J. Dowd of Church street. home, after which they will leave for o'clock. Jefferson Harbour of Fall j rick's emblems formed very attrac- are carrying on the detail's of the - port a very largely attended and River has been secured by the Liter-! tive decorations for the tables and work. The organization has made Mrs.
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