Doing It Up Right On hand for the official opening of the new United Food Store, Detroit, included Michigan Secretary of State Richard Austin, second from left. Flanking Mr. Austin on the left is Salmaan Sesi, and on the right, David Khami and owner Sabah Najor, an AFD director. (Najor also operates the Lucky Strike Mkt.) The Bell Ringer—Page 14 Detroit Coca-Cola Bottling Company NFBA Broker Appointments Six food broker representatives from Michigan re­ cently were named to various merchandising com­ mittees of the National Food Brokers Assn. They include: Sol G. Kurtzman, P F Pfeister Company, chair­ man of the Canned Foods Committee ; Norbert Gra­ ves, Peterson & Vaughan, food service sales ; Sy Kyte, United Brokerage Co., frozen foods ; Werner Stark, Stark & Co., merchandising ; Robert Tourek, Bob Jones & Co., Grand Rapids, merchandising ; and Paul Kaye, of Paul Kaye Associates, the general merchandise or non-foods committee. Chatham Announces Promotions Three major new appointments and promotions at Chatham Super Markets, a 31-store food chain and AFD member, has been announced by Bernard DRAMATIC PHOTO showing the installation of Weisberg, president. They are: one of 21 new stainless steel tanks at The Stroh Will Roberts has joined Chatham as vice-presi­ Brewery Company on the ground floor of the com­ dent of sales development, general merchandise. pany’s Stock House was taken recently. The huge Mr. Roberts was a co-founder of Yankee Stores, cyclindrical tanks measure 60 feet long and 10'/2 Flint, and served as executive vice-preisdent there feet high, and weighs some 60,000 pounds. Presi­ until the chain was sold to Borman, Inc. dent Peter W. Stroh says the expansion will en­ John E. (Jack) Barr, former advertising director able the brewery to produce over 4.5 million more of Acme Supermarkets, Philadelphia, and more re­ barrels of beer annually. cently vice-president of Eckerd Drugs, Florida, has been appointed director of advertising. Paul K. Thomas has been named director of per­ sonnel, which includes the responsibility for em­ ployment, training, labor relations, wage and sal­ ary administration, etc., as a result of new organi­ zational set-ups at Chatham. Pfeister Set in Grand Rapids P. F Pfeister Company, an AFD member, will open a branch office in Grand Rapids, the company announced recently. The firm has operated a food brokerage business in Detroit for 53 years, has a branch in Saginaw, and is affiliated with the Wilson- Pfeister Company in Toledo. Stephen Klusovsky will be the new branch man­ ager, being assisted by James H. Curtiss. The Grand Rapids office will service accounts who do not pres­ ently have broker representation for the area. JAMES BRAKEFIELD, vice-president of Kraft At the same time the company announced it has Foods, right, holds a USDA Certificate of Appreci­ been appointed representative for the Wells Lamont ation presented by Daniel Boyd, left, director of glove line. the U.S. Department of Agriculture,s Plentiful In addition, the Pfeister Company announced the Foods division. The citation was given to Kraft, apointment of James R. Hlavin as frozen food de­ an AFD member, “for outstanding work in pro­ partment manager. Hlavin was formerly regional motion and use of agricultural products. manager with Stouffer Foods Corporation. Page 4 The Food Dealer • November, 1971 THE FOOD DEALER The Sounding Board Volume 45 — No. 7 To the AFD: Copyright, 1971 President Nixon has asked me to thank you for the splendid support which the Associated Food Official Publication of Dealers is giving to his new economic policy. Such THE ASSOCIATED FOOD DEALERS backing is essential if we are to win the prosperty 434 West Eight Mile Rd. Detroit, Michigan 48220 worthy of this great nation. The President was es­ Phone: 542-9550 pecially encouraged to learn of the Association’s willingness to work with the Congress in passing • the legislation he has proposed to spur the econ­ EDWARD DEEB, Editor omy. You may be certain this means a great deal MRS. CHERYL McWILLIAMS, Office Secretary to him. and on his behalf, I am pleased to extend my MRS. CONNIE BROWN, Insurance Secretary warmest good wishes to all the members of the • AFD. Officers — 1971 Michael B. Smith WILLIAM BENNETT, President Staff Assistant Quik-Pik Food Stores _____________________ Detroit The White House HARVEY L. WEISBERG, Chairman How does an individual say “thank you” for a Chatham Super Markets ________ _________ Warren job he felt was his moral obligation, and not for MIKE GLANCOTTI Chairman. Executive Committee the merits or awards he would receive? I have Auburn-Orchard Super Markets ______________ Utica been brought up, lived, and shall go on doing as ALLEN VERBRUGGE, Vice President I have in the past. It is you, the individual grocer, Verbrugge's Food Market ______ Grosse Pointe who, having survived the crisis of mass buying and J. OMER GAGNE, Vice President . selling, and who believed in Quality instead of Quan­ People's Super Markets ____ Pontiac tity, who catered to Mr. and Mrs. Q. Public as an RAY MARTYNIAK, Vice President individual instead of a group of mechanized robots, Ray s Prime Meats _______________ ____ .... Trenton that I wish to thank for the award the Associated EDWARD ACHO, Treasurer Food Dealers bestowed upon me recently. Thank J-A Super Market ________________________ Detroit you for the highly appreciated honor. Trustees Alfred E. Warczak PHIL LAURI, Chairman Butcher Boy Meats, Inc. Lauri Bros. Super Market __________________ Detroit ALEX BELL, Village Food Market ___ Grosse Pointe I would like to take this opportunity to thank the SIDNEY BRENT, Kenilworth M arket_____ Detroit members of the Associated Food Dealers for award­ LOUIS GEORGE, Mayfair SuperMarket ____Detroit ing me the honor of being the Broker Salesman of DON LaROSE, Food Giant Super Markets Hazel Park the Year. I had many things going for me, includ­ JAY WELCH. Hollywood Super Markets __ Royal Oak ing the great company that I work for, the prin­ AL WYFFELS, Albert's Fine Foods _______ Detroit ciples that we represent, the stores and buyers that EDWARD DEEB, Executive Director I call on, and finally the driving force behind it all GEORGE BASHARA, Legal Advisor — my wife and family. I sincerely thank you. Directors Patrick Allen LAFAYETTE ALLEN—Allen's Supermarkets__________ .__ Inkster Paul Inman Associates WILSON BOYD—King Cole Super Markets _____________ Detroit SAM COSMA—Atlas Super Market ______________________ Pontiac I thank God for the Associated Food Dealers and REUBEN COTTLER—Dexter-Davison M arkets__________Oak Park its many fine members, and for the great honor JACOB GRANT—Farmer Grant's M arket_____________ Ann Arbor SID FULLER—Shopping Center Super M arkets_________ Southfield that you have bestowed upon me. There were sim­ JACK HAMADY—Hamady Super M arkets--------------------------- Flint ply no words to express the joy that emitted from GEORGE JERRY—C. Jerry's Super Markets-----------------Port Huron my spirit when I received your recent award. Oh THOMAS JOSEPH—Joseph's M arket_____________________Detroit F. A. KENNEDY—Polly’s Super M arkets________________Jackson what an honor! What can I say, after I say “thank DANNY KNOPPER—Danny’s Super M arkets_____________Detroit you?” As for my sales ability, I do not feel that FRED LEVEY—Lindy’s Super Markets __________________ Detroit I am the best salesman who goes in and out of the MOYED NAJOR—Publix Super M arket__________________Detroit SABAH NAJOR—Lucky Strike Super M arket_____________ Detroit various AFD stores. But, I will say that day by JAMES PEABODY—Peabody’s M arket_______________Birmingham day I do my very best to be of service to all my R. JERRY PRZYBYLSKI—Jerry’s Butcher Shoppes ____ Wyandotte accounts and to mankind. I must say that all things PHIL SAVER INO—Phil’s Quality M arket________________Detroit LOUIS VESCIO—Vescio’s Super Markets_________________Saginaw work together for good for those who love God. THOMAS VIOLANTE—Holiday Super M arket_________ Royal Oak Thank you again. JERRY YONO—Imperial Quality M arket------------------------ Detroit Herman Polk Fay go Beverages, Inc. The Food Dealer • November, 1971 Page 5 for better balanced profits! Looking for that balanced line of baked goods to stimulate sales with a higher profit then look to the team of Taystee and Cook Book. Cook Taystee Book The Food Dealer • November, 1971 Page 6 OFF THE DFFB END ED DEEB New Department? By 1980, it is expected that the United States will have approxi­ mately 95 million job holders, and the average family income will rise nearly 50 percent from the late Sixties, to about 13,800$ annually.. Also, the population mix will change. The population between ages 19 and 40 will increase about 25 percent in this decade, while there will be a decrease in the number of children between five and 14. These are a couple of the interesting tidbits which came out of the recent Food Editors’ Conference held in Chicago. Back to population mix once again. A couple of things should be mentioned, which will present a challenging marketing opportunity for food distributors. First, single people are waiting longer periods before they decide to plunge into married life. Secondly, the population of elder­ ly, or senior citizens is increasing, at a time the children have left home to start their own life style. While speaking before the graduate class in home economics recently at Wayne State University, one of the major complaints about food stores was that not enough smaller sized cans and packages are avail­ able for the small families or single people living by themselves. The gals felt everything was geared to families numbering four or more. Perhaps the time is here for merchants to devote more attention to (1) the growing number of single persons, and (2) the increasing senior citizen population.
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