••• Em ••••••••••••S ••• E•••• S ••• SS. m _ I .I • FUGITIVES • m Wanted by • 1;1 II m't m lQ)II POLICE lIlfJ{ <# m m y)II lIlu m • y ÿ m m lIlI)ll _m m • �I ;I m m II 1m m III m • m mþ "")II iii • II m III m m m m m m m II m m "1)11 ......m m m m m m • Il IIml "1)11 lii WiIIiam Weaver is wanted for the kidnaping of Edward G. Bremer at IiI St. Paul, Minnesota, on .January He is the subject of Ident i· 1m 17, 1934. III ieat ion Order III f #1238. mIII mII '(1)11 y . iliii 1J1rbrrul iurrau of lInursttgutton Iiii m 11. irpartmrnt of 3Juattrr • III jplt £lIgur ){pPl1rr. iltrrrtpr II III II III JIIusl}ingtpn. It . II III • VOL. 4 NO. 4 APRIL 1, 1935 mIII mII lU)II Iiii Ā-----mā.---m-Ăm-m.ă-m-mm--m ;i _; ",. _i. i; .i.li; ;ex ti. __ W Ii; ;;; ;.; ;•• lil ... W liJ.... *1(iii _'J(•• ;;.•• ; M; .; •• .J J( III •• __I( The Federal Bureau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, is charged with the duty of inves tigating violations of the laws of the Unit ed States and col l ecting evidence in cases in which the United States is or may be a party in interest. The Bureau does not have investigative jurisdiction over violations of Counterfeiting, Narcotic, Customs, Immigration, or Postal Laws. However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will immediately institute investigations of alleged v iolat i ons of Fýderul Laws other than those listed above. li t indicates some of the violations over which the The following s major Bureau has investigative jurisdiction:­ National Motor Vehicle Theft Act Interstate transportation of stolen property valued at $5,000 or more National BankruptCY Act Interstate flight to avoid prosecuti n or test.ifying in certRin cases o White Slave Traffic Act Impersonation of Government Officials Larceny of Goods in Interstate Commerce Killing or Assaulting Federal Off icer Cases involving transportation in interstate or foreign commerce of any persons who have been kidnaped Extortion cases in which interatat 9 commarce or interstate communication is an element Theft, Embezzlement or Illegal Possession of Government Property Antitrust Laws Robbery of National Banks and Member Banks of Federal Reserve System National Bank and Federal Reserve Act Violations, guch as embezzlement, abstraction or misapplication of funds Crimes on any kind of Government reservation, including I ndian Reserva­ tions or in any Government building or other Government property Ueutra l ity violations, including the shipment of arms to friendly nations Frauds against the Government Crimes in connection with Federal Penal and Correctionl In stitu tions Porjury. embezzlemont, or bribery in connection with Federal StB.tutes or of[ioi8.19 Crimes on the high Baas Federal Anti-Racketeering Statute The location of persons who are fugitives from j u stice by reason of vio­ lations of the Federal Laws OVer which the BUreau has jurisdiction, of aecaped Federal prisoners, and parole and probat i on violators. It will be appreciated if i nformation in the posse ssion of law-enforce­ ment officials concerning the above listed violations is promptly forwardod to the SpeCial Agent in Chargo of the nearest field office of the Federal Bu­ reau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice. If the information indi­ cates that immediate action is necessary, telegrams marked Gover ment Rate Col­ " n lect" or te l ephone calls will be accepted. Th3 addres8 of each of the Field Of­ fices of thi s Bureau appears on the in9ioo back cover of this bullotin. 1I1ebrra1 lIurrau of llUtTl'lrtigaiiott irpartmrnt of 3fusttre It . 3Jotl tbgar :Hoonrr, Ultrrdor Da.£l4itlgtou, I. or. No 1101 4 4 i\pril 1. 1935 I desire at this time to invite the attention of law en force­ ment offici als to the increas ed use of air mai l faci li ties to exp edi te the receipt of informat ion des ired in any ca se. The Bureau recently has adopt ed the practice of using air mail in answering fingerpr ints in which iden t ifications have been made on fingerprint ca rds forwarded from the more distant points, and particularly by officers west of the Mississippi River. The air mail is used in thes e ca ses ev en though the prints are not received by air ma i l. However, only "a rrest" prints are answered in this manner , i. e. , prints taken at the time of any arrest an d not in the ca se of "pr ison" pr ints , whi ch are taken when a person is received in a penal institution or transferred from one institution to another . The air mail postage on thes e records is paid by the Bureau and the practice outl ined has been adopted because of the Bu­ reau's desire to afford prompt servi ce in the case of ident ified "a rrest" fingerprint records submitted by interested officials. I des ire also to point out at this time the fact that air mail receipts of fingerpr ints have incr eased tremendo us ly within recent mont hs and I would like to invite the attent ion of those department s whi ch are not now us ing the air mail to the possible des irabili ty of forwarding certain records of an em ergency nature to the Bureau in this manner . The transmittal of prints by the air mail expedi tes their arrival in Washing­ ton. Further , the us e of special delivery postage insures delivery by the Post Office Department at night, on Saturday afternoons, on Sundays, and on holi days . Air mail postage without speci al del ivery postage do es not gUa rantee del ivery after regul ar po stal service hours. It is noted in this co nnection that all fingerprints received in the Ident ification Division, regardless of their point of origin, are answered by the Identi­ fication Division in the same manner in which they ar e received, i. e. , prints recei ved by air ma il are ans wer ed by air mail and those rec eived by specja l del ivery ar e answered by speci al del ivery . The Bureau in each instance provi des for the return postage. It is felt that it would be des irable to forward any special matter s by speci al mail to the Bureau . Su ch action with the aid of the reply in like manner would insure the most ex pedi tious handling . It is hoped that through this expans ion of the air mail servi ce, more ef fective attent ion can be given to records and requests for informa­ tion forwarded to the Bureau by law enforcem en t officials . Director . 1 E. AI!EL, with ..11"s8l. 1 U 00 18 ED with alleee81 1 1 Ue 8 HARLEY 9 ° BELL, A. J. Abel, H&rley Abel, Jame. V 17 T 00 16 Edd Bell, Edd H. Bell. 17 Ue 6 R25449 stpen Neehvllle, Tenn; Abel, Jame. Everett Abel, Jame. 11'; Able, P .. t O'H&r.. , P .. t O'H&rrell. 23 yro (1930 j ; 6' 1/2"1 150 lb.; 10-160 SO, Pueblo, Colo, W, 23 yr. aldr bld; brn heir; brn eyes; fair (1934), 6', 190 lb., mad bld, blk oamp; - leb, nat - Amer. 000 hair, lt brn eyn, fair oolllp, nat Reo'd Stpen, N ..shville, Tenn, - Amer. Wanted for ROB and ESCAPE. 6-23-34 to serve 5-15 yro for ROB. (Notify. Pr Comm, Atlant.. , at, ESCAPED 2-25-35. SO, Pueblo, Colo) (Notify. St Pen, Nashville, Tenn) rt thumb rt thumb LEEUAli AUSBORNE, with ..11 ...... 10 25 11' II EDI'IARD CLYDE BII.LJ.!AN, with &1i... e81 10 1 R 8 Leaman Arlute&d, Leamon AnIIIte&d, 21 II llJ Ed Billman, Edward C. Billman. 1 7 0 tR Leeman Arm.tead, Lemon Arm.tead, 10-6170 Stpen, Philedelphia, Pe; W; Leamon Arm.terd, Leeman Grlg.by, 21 yrs (1930)1 5'6 Iü2"; 130 lb.; Fr&lllc Willi&lll8. ...d bld; lt brn h&ir; gr eye.; lt #31380 StCD, Montgomery, Al.. , B, 24 oomp; - pras8JD&n; nat - Amer. 000 yr. (1934), 5'11", ll lbs, good bld, Wanted for ROB. blk hairl brn eyee, brn oomp, (Notify, Raeding, P.. ) dk dk PD, - labl nat - Amer. Reo'd StCD, 000 Montgomery, Ala, 10-25-34 to .ern 24-30 mos for BURG. ESCAPED 2-19-35. (Notify. St CD, Montgomery, Al.. ) rtindex rt index FELIPE AYALA. 9 31 0 BOLTON, with &1iasea. 16 M 9 U 000 15 11" BERHAII 15 H&rmon Bolton, Harman B. Bolton, M 1 U 13 24 W (Jl 000 Iø39 Fed Pr Cp 110, Tuoaon, Arisl J. C. Bolton, J. C. B&110n, J. C. W, 24 yr. (1934), 6'1 llJ5 lb.; sldr Robinson, "Roy", "Parman". bld, blk hair, blk "Yea; OOmpl dk #30529 StRafor, V&n.fiald, Ohio; BI rea oo, Sonor.. , VexI - labl W.. 000 23 yr. (1933); 5'6 3/4"; 155 lb.; nat - },fex. Wanted Federal Bureau mod b1d; brn hur, eyes; by dk dk mer of Investi etion for ESCAPE fram brn oompI nat - Amer. Rao'd Iù dk Fed Pr Cp flO, Tuoson, Aris, 1-18-35. StRafor, Manefield, Ohio, 7-5-33 to (Notify neerest Bureau Offioe li.ted serva 1-15 yr. for BURG. ESCAPED on baok o over ) 2-8-35· rt illdex (Notify. St Refor, V&nsfialIý, Ohio) rt ring J.!A.RVIN BAGGETT, with &1i .....
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