Index Abbott, Don Paul Monte, Philippe de and 62, 67, 74 Rhetoric in the New World… 120n18 Ribadeneyra, Pedro de and 165, 188 Acosta, José de 2, 114 Acquaviva, Rodolfo 4, 8–10, 12, 14–16, Acquaviva, Claudio and 132n58, 203 23n41 on Amerindian idolatry 125–27, 130 Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Bariensis on Amerindian languages 131n57 (Steiner-Weber) 39n59 Aquinas, Thomas, Saint and 127n43 Acuña, Hernando de 121 ascetic idealism and 136 Adelman, Jeremy Callao priest and 131 Sovereignty and Revolution and the Iberian colonial theodicy of 116, 118, 123, 128 Atlantic 215n10 de las Casas, Bartolomé and 120, 124n30 Adorno, Rolena De procuranda Indorum salute 114n2, The Polemics of Possession in Spanish 119, 120n17, 122, 123n25, 124n28, 126, American Narrative 120n17, 126n40 128–29, 130n51, 136 Adorno, Theodor on devil 118–19 The Dialectic of Enlightenment 214n3 early life of 114n2 adust choler 203, 206 Euro-centrism of 118 Aeneid (Virgil) 5–7, 49n27 on evil and suffering 115, 118–19, 122, Agamben, Giorgio 123n27, 124n30, 125, 136 Homo sacer… 134n64 Hegel’s Aufhebung and 123 Age of Explorations 1 Historia natural y moral 114n2, 115–16, Age of Skepticism… (Burson and 119–22, 124, 126–27, 128n44, 132n58, 133 Matytsin) 220n25 history of the Indies for Aggiornamenti sociali 251 on idolatry of precious metals 124–25 agriculture 238, 249 Jesuits’ contemplative action and 129 Aichele, Alexander Lorenzo, Bartolomé and 132–35 A Companion to Luis de Molina 85n13, Peregrinación de Bartolomé Lorenzo 219n20 133n60 Akbar, Julāl-ud-Dīn Muhammad (emperor) providential order and 117, 128, 129n48 8, 9n10, 12 Renaissance theological humanism of Akbarnāma (Mubarak) 8n10 114n2 Akbar: The Great Emperor of India Spanish greed and cruelty 119–20, (Calza) 9n10 126–28, 130, 134, 136 Albrecht v (duke) 70 state of exception of Spanish colonists Alcalá de Henares, University of 114n2, 140, and 129n46,134 197n10 on Tenochtitlan’s fall 126 Alfaro, Diego de 87f5 Toledo, Francisco de and 114 Boroa, Diego’s and 81, 85, 88–89, 96, 101, Acquaviva, Claudio 103–4, 108, 110–12 Acosta, José de and 132n58, 203 Charles i and 88 Ammannati, Bartolomeo and 65 death of 81, 83–85, 90, 92, 105 Battiferri, Laura and 65 martyrdom of 83, 86, 88, 101, 103, 111 Cabral, Francisco de and 149 Molina, Luis de and 106 catalog keeping and 199 Allen, William Cardinal 176 election of 67 Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon Jesuit dress in Japan and 149 (Jöcher) 24n1 Robert Aleksander Maryks - 9789004313354 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 05:03:49PM via free access <UN> Index 297 Alnetanae quaestiones de concordia rationis et Brotéria—Ciências naturais and 251–52, fidei (Huet) 224–26 253n47, 253n48, 253n50, 254f12.4, alumbradismo 140n13 255n53, 256n57, 257 alumbrados 165 Brotéria—Genética and 255, 256f12.5, Álvares, Gonçalo 137, 143 256n57, 257 Ambrose, Saint 130 molecular genetics and 254 Ambrosiana (Campion) 49n23, 50n29 Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (arsi) American Naturalist 245 63, 81n, 82n3–n4, 83n6, 84n9, 88n21, Amerindians 2, 116–19, 120n18, 122, 124, 92n32, 99n48, 108n84, 137n1, 143n24, 126–27, 130–31, 133–35, 227 143n27–n29, 144n30, 144n33, 145n35, Ammannati, Bartolomeo 64–65, 78. See also 148n49, 149n50, 152n56, 152n58, 180n18, Battiferri, Laura 199n14 Anatomia ingeniorum (Zara) 191, 208 Aresti, Cristóbal de 110 Angola 246 Aristotelian Scholastic philosophy 236 Anian, Strait of 128 Aristotle 197–98, 211 Anidjar, Gil 128–29n46 Armani, Alberto Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l’ouest Ciudad de Dios y ciudad del sol 91n28, 230n50 92n32 Annales ecclesiastici (Baronio) 173 Armenteros, Carolina, 309 Annus eruditus (Giannettasio) 25–26 Joseph de Maistre and the Legacy of Antegnati, Costanzo Enlightenment 215n7 Madrigali spirituali a tre voci 77 Arrom, José Juan 132n58 anti-Jesuitism 234n64, 243n24 Art and Music in the Early Modern Period António, Francisco 11 (McIver) 66n12 Antony, Robert J. Asia in the Making of Europe (Lach and Van Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Kley) 227n42 Smugglers 151n55 Astrain, Antonio Antunes Correia, Jorge 257n58 Historia de la Compañía de Jesús en la Antunes Serra, José 257n58 asistencia de España 163n34 Antunes, Manuel 250, 251n39 astronomy 31, 235, 238, 240–41, 249 Apologia pro Societate sua Asunción 84, 93, 96 (Ribadeneyra) 188 atheism 212, 215–16, 232. See also “Apologia y defensorio” (Boroa) 81n1, 82, Tournemine, René-Joseph 88n21, 90n24, 96n42, 101n54, 102n57, in modern Confucianism 232 103n50, 104n63, 105n66–n67, 108n84, materialist form of 229, 231 109n85, 109n88–n89, 110n93, 111n98 Spinozan form of 306 Apologie de Monsieur l’abbé de Prades Atheism in France… (Kors) 212n2, 230n51, (Prades) 226n40 230n53 applicatio sensuum 19 Augustine, Saint 106–7, 109, 182, 183 Aquinas, Thomas, Saint City of God 92, 94, 100, 106, 112 on human nature 219 Augustus (emperor) 12 on evil 127n43 Avicenna 189 Law, Morality and Politics, On 105n66 Axer, Jerzy 43n6, 60 Summa theologica 105n66, 106, 109n87 Azevedo, Inácio de 14 Aragon 142n20 Azevedo Mendes, Cândido de 242, 246, Aranha, Francisco 11 248n32 Arator 5 Azevedo Mendes, João 246 archaeology 249 Azor, Juan 201 Archer, Luís 254–57 Azpeitia 163 Robert Aleksander Maryks - 9789004313354 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 05:03:49PM via free access <UN> 298 Index Bahía, Salvador da 110 Trattato nuovo della divisione degli Bailey, Gauvin Alexandre ingegni… 209 Between Renaissance and Baroque: Jesuit Beckett, William Art in Rome, 1565–1610 17n28 Universal Biography 105n65 Balbuena, Bernardo de Bednarski, Stanisław Grandeza Mexicana 123–24n27 Upadek i odrodzenie… 43n7, 45n8, 46n14, Baldini, Ugo 49n23–n24 Legem impone subactis… 236n3 Bellarmine, Robert Cardinal 73–75106, 77 Balzac, Honoré de 193 contrafactum and 75n41 Historie impartiale des Jesuits 193n3 Jesuit music and 75 Balzer, Oswald music and 75 Geneza trybunału koronnego 57n61 spiritual madrigals and 77 bandeirantes 81, 83, 89, 91–93, 97, 106, Bellica (Giannettasio) 25 108, 112 Bellum civile 13, 20 Bangert, William 201 Bembism 65 Jerome Nadal, S.J. 1507–1580 115n3, Benci, Francesco 129n49, 180n24 Carminum libri quattuor… 5n6, 6n7, Barbarism and Religion… (Pocock) 214n4 23n39 Barclay, John 60 ekphraseis and 17, 19, 23 Icon animorum 61n69 on Jesuit martyrdoms 7–21 Barnes, Ruth Muret, Marc Antoine and 5 Dress and Gender… 138n3–n4 Quinque martyres e Societate Iesu in India Baronio, Cesare 4–6, 8–18, 21 Annales ecclesiastici 173 Virgil’s Aeneid and 5, 7 baroque 29, 33, 48, 123n27, 129n48 Benedictines 193 baroque rhetoric 48n21 Benjamin, Walter 121n21, 134n64 Barreto, Melchior Nunes 142, 143n23 Bergier, Nicolas-Sylvestre 227 Bartnicka, Kalina Berkvens-Stevelinck, Christiane Ratio studiorum: Ustawa szkolna Prosper Marchand: La vie et l’oeuvre Towarzystwa Jezusowego 45n8, 228n45 46n11–n13, 47n19, 48n21 Bernard Picart and the First Global Vision Bartoli, Daniello of Religion (Hunt, Jacob, and Mijn- Dell’huomo di lettere difeso et hardt) 228n44–n46, 231n54 emendato 209n27 Bernard, Jean Frédéric Báthory, Stephen (king) 43 Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses… Batista de Ribera, Juan 148n49 227–28, 231n54 Battiferri, Laura 64–65, 78. See also Colonna, Bernardo Zamagna: Navis aeria… (Bitzel) Vittoria and Ammannati, Bartolomeo 26n13 Battista Della Porta, Giovanni 196 Berno da Ascona, Pietro 10–11, 21 De humana physiognomonia 196n7 Bertani, Lelio 77 rime spirituali 65 Between Renaissance and Baroque: Jesuit Art Baumgarth, William in Rome, 1565–1610 (Bailey) 17n28 On Law, Morality and Politics 105n66 Beyond Enlightenment (Harvey) 216n12 Bayle en petit (Le Febvre) 232n59 Bibliografia della musica italiana vocale… Bayle, Pierre 220, 231–32 (Vogel) 66n12 Bazaim, mission of 143 Bibliotheca selecta (Possevino) 65n9, 190 Becelli, Giulio Cesare Biddle, Ian D. De bibliotheca instituenda ac ordinanda Cultural Histories of Noise, Audition, 209 Aurality 76n45 Robert Aleksander Maryks - 9789004313354 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 05:03:49PM via free access <UN> Index 299 Bielski, Jan “Apologia y defensorio” 81n1, 82, 88n21, Widok Królestwa Polskiego 55n57 90n24, 96n42, 101n54, 102n57, 103n50, Bigiel, Mariusz 104n63, 105n66–n67, 108n84, 109n85, Jezuici w przedrozbiorowym Ka- 109n88–n89, 110n93, 111n98 liszu 45n9, 54n55 Aresti, Cristóbal de and 10 Bilinkoff, Jodi 168n58, 169, 176, 177n8, 184n50 bandeirantes and 81, 97, 106, 108 biochemistry 245, 254–55, 258. See also Carafa, Vincenzo and 82 Brotéria casuistry and 85n15, 103, 106, 108 bioethics 255n57 Formula of the Institute and 86, 88 biogenesis 255 Guarani Amerindians and 84, 99, 102 Biografia degli uomini illustri del regno Lugo y Navarra and 96 di Napoli… (Morelli Gregory and on morality of warfare 85, 103, 105 Panveni) 24n1 on militant men of the church 88, Bitzel, Diane 109–10, 113 Bernardo Zamagna: Navis aeria… 26n13. Paulistas (residents of São Paolo) and See also Zamagna, Bernardo 96, 106 Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej 54n50 Philip iv and 83n6, 84 Black: The History of a Color on priests obligation to parishioners 102, (Pastoureau) 139n10 105, 109, 113 Blanco, José María Ratio studiorum and 82 Historia documentada de la vida y gloriosa “Relacion de la persecucion” 84n9, 93, muerte… 104n62 99n48, 104n61 Bloch, Olivier Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio and La matérialisme du xviiie siècle et la Summa theologica (Aquinas) and littérature clandestine 229n48 105n66, 106, 109n87 Bobadilla, Nicolás 181n31 Torres, Diego de and 99 Bodies of Thought… (Thomson) 212n2, Vitelleschi, Muzio and 82, 93 222n28 Botânica 245, 246n29, 247f12.2, 249–51. See Boetticher, Wolfgang also Zoologia Orlando di Lasso und seine Zeit Botanicorum libri (Savastano) 30, 33n40
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