ANNOTATIONS AGRICULTURE. PLANT CULTIVATION Kalinichenko А. V., Pisarenko P. V., Minko- biofer-tilizers, fermentation products, biogas plants va О. H. Special raw material zones as an element for their compliance with organic production // of gradation of the agrarian enterprises’ eco- News of Poltava state agrarian academy. – 2014. – friendliness // News of Poltava state agrarian №4. – Р. 20–24. academy. – 2014. – №4. – Р. 6–14. An ecotoxicological assessment of the safety of The basic legal framework for determining the biofertilizer was conducted – the influence of the appropriate level of ecological farms has been product of the processing manure in biogas plant on analyzed. We consider a special raw material zones the soil micro- and mesofauna and agricultural as one of the elements that graduation. The review plants. Having based on the results we have of the scientific and methodological approaches for grounded the ecological safety rules of biofertilizers the creation, compliance, functioning and possible application in organic crop production. It was special raw material zones, environmental audits established that the use of studied biofertilizers and prospects has been done. Analysis of Ukrainian affects positively the productivity of crops and if to manufacturers, Poltava region in particular, which subject to ecological safety standards of have the status of special raw material zones has biofertilizers introduction there is no negative been shown. Substantiates the potential to enhance impact on agro-ecosystem. environmental Poltava region has been based. Shevnikov M. Ya, Mylenko O. G., Lotysh I. I. Kharytonov M. M., Stankevich S. A., Klymen- Quality indexes of soy seed depending on influence ko O. E., Khlopova V. M. Determination of of mineral and bacterial fertilizers // News of resistance of varieties of stone fruit plants to acid rain, Poltava state agrarian academy. – 2014. – №4. – caused by the formation of aerosols // News of Poltava Р. 25–29. state agrarian academy. – 2014. – №4. – Р. 15–19. Influence of mineral nitrogen and «Rizotorfin» is One MPC a steady exceeding in the level of reflected on an accumulation an albumen and fat in month nitrogen dioxide average concentration in the the seed of soy. The inoculation of «Rizotorfin» and atmosphere of industrial cities of Dnipropetrovsk bringing of mineral fertilizers, their especially region was fixed. Air NO2 content changed from compatible application, entailed the considerable 0,03 to 0,08 mg/m3 in Krivoy Rog and from 0,05 to increase of maintenance in the seed of albumen and 0,09 mg/m3 in Dniprodzerzhinsk and Dnipropet- diminishing of content of fat. Bacterial fertilizers rovsk last years. The data base with remote and positively influenced on the increase of content of ground based sensing of atmosphere pollution with fat in the seed of soy – 18,1 %, but more rational acid aerosols gave possibility to establish level of was a complex action of mineral and bacterial artificial acid rain forming in model conditions. It fertilizers that promoted content of fat in the dry was fixed in the experiments different substance of seed to 21,4–22,4 %. concentrations of aerosols on activity of some Rozhkov A. O., Chernobay S. V. Crop producti- components of stone fruit crops antioxidant system vity of spring barley variety Dokuchayevskyi 15 for relative firmness of varieties to technogenic depending upon application of different seeding rates stress, to work out the scale of relative firmness of and foliar additional fertilizing // News of Poltava state kinds and varieties to acid rains. It was established agrarian academy. – 2014. – №4. – Р. 30–34. that on firmness of varieties of acid rains the stone The results of the researches conducted during fruit crops can be disposed in the regression line: 2012–2014 on the experimental field of KhNAU plum > myrobalan plum > apricot > peach. Lowest named after V. V. Dokuchayev concerning the firmness has got varieties early terming of ripening influence of application of different variants of (peach, apricot) in the limits of one kind. An origin seeding rates and crops foliar additional fertilizing took a big place then term of ripening in myrobalan with complex fertilizers and biological preparations plum. Sometimes the varieties of one fruit crop have on the variability of spring barley crops productivity distinction to acid rains then other crops. Data variety Dokuchayevskyi 15 are given in the article. obtained allow to manage assortment of firm and During the researches it was established the relatively firm to air pollution with acid aerosols and optimum seeding rate for the studied spring barley acid rains for crops and varieties of Prunus L. in variety – 5,0 million/ha which provides the highest south of Ukraine. crops grain productivity formation. The high Makarenko N. A., Salnikova A. V., Bondar V. I., efficiency of complex application of Crystalon Borsch G. M. Ecotoxicological assessment of special with biopreparation «Agro EM» was defined. 142 № 4 • 2014 • ВІСНИК Полтавської державної аграрної академії ANNOTATIONS Crops grain productivity on this variant increased precursors in field and vegetable crop rotations and from 2,31 to 2,43 t/ha in comparison with the also permanent sowing are shown. It is found that the control. During the analysis the degree of best precursors for these subspecies of corn in field connection between crops grain productivity and crop rotations are pea-oat mixture for green nutriment yield structure main elements was determined. and winter wheat after steam, and in vegetable crop Batashova M. E. Biotechnological crops in rotations the best are cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, modern agrarian sector // News of Poltava state early potatoes and zucchini, after which the yield of agrarian academy. – 2014. – №4. – Р. 35–43. sweet corn cobs reaches 8,5–9,5 t/ha and popcorn In the article the wide review of genetically grains – 2,2–2,9 t/ha. modified crops with new traits are presented. On the Solonechnyy P. N. Adaptability and stability of basis of the collected data the description of main spring barley cultivars in terms of performance // traits that attended in biotech crops is pointed: News of Poltava state agrarian academy. – 2014. – herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, viral disease №4. – P. 48–53. resistance et al. The analysis of data shew that all The results of ecological trials of 17 spring barley new genes built-in in plants had a bacterial, plant or cultivars bred at the Plant Production Institute viral origin. The genetically modified lines of maize named. after V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS are presented in and soybean have been got the most distribution in the article. Environment effect, genotype effect and the world. genotype of environment interaction effect on the Masliev S. V. The yield of sweet corn and formation of seed weight (performance of plants) popcorn during permanent cultivation and in crop were estimated. Peculiarities of environments across rotations // News of Poltava state agrarian academy. ecological trial plots as backgrounds for genotype – 2014. – №4. – P. 44–47. assessment were established. Cultivars with high The results of long-term field experiments of the general and specific adaptability by plant yield of sweet corn cobs and popcorn grains of performance as valuable source material for spring various sorts and hybrids, depending on the barley breeding were identified. VETERINARY MEDICINE Kulinich S. N. Efficiency of cryolysis at sat both forms are similar. Inflammatory edema is more cattle during the extraction of malignant neoplasms expressed in the serous form of hepatitis in cats. In on eyelids // News of Poltava state agrarian both cases there is hypertrophy and hyperplasia of academy. – 2014. – №4. – P. 54–57. Kupffer cells and granular degeneration of The symptomatology of malignant neoplasms of hepatocytes. eyelids of sat cattle is found out. We tested method Yevstafieva V. О. Gavrik K. A. Improvement of of cryolysis of malignant neoplasms of sat cattle’s the methods of intravital diagnosis sarcoptic mange, eyelids. Efficiency of the procedures in a demodectic mange in dogs // News of Poltava state postoperative period in the dynamics of clinical and agrarian academy. – 2014. – №4. – P. 62–64. morphological indexes of blood is defined . It is set The article presents the results of the by planimetric researches that till 15th day reduction determination of indicators of diagnostic efficiency of wounded defect of relatively initial indexes was of lifetime diagnostic methods akaroses of dogs, 58,0 %. At the 20th day scars were barely noticeable namely: sarcoptic mange, otodektoza and and was only 11,1 % according the initial data. demodectic mange. We compared methods of Lokes P. I., Kravtchenko S. A., Lokes-Krupka T. P., Priselkova and Alfimova and an improved our way. Burda T. L. Morphological changes of the liver by It is found that the proposed improved method for hepatitis in dogs and cats // News of Poltava state the diagnosis of sarcoptic otodektoza and agrarian academy. – 2014. – №4. – P. 58–61. demodectic mange of dogs has a high diagnostic Research has established that during the efficiency (5–40 %) than well-known methods, and progression of hepatitis in dogs and cats, does not require time consuming and provides a inflammatory process occurs in two forms: the high degree of bleaching crusts and clarity of the serous and hemorrhagic. Macroscopically the liver obtained material. is enlarged and edematous, its edges are dulled, and capsule is tense, stagnation is observed. At sectional drawing erased. Changes in vascular pathology in 143 № 4 • 2014 • ВІСНИК Полтавської державної аграрної академії ANNOTATIONS ECONOMICS Pysarenko V. V., Liakh Y. Y. The essence of need to improve the methodological approaches to the agriculture enterprises’ marketing risks // News of assessment of the financial situation of agricultural Poltava state agrarian academy. – 2014. – №4. – enterprises and the need to implement measures for P. 65–70. improvement of business entities with signs of the cri- The article presents defining and consideration of sis have been noted.
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