SPORT EVERYONE Handbook on joining in with european week of SPORT Supported by 02 03 The “Sport for Everyone” team thanks all the contributors to this Handbook: TABLE OF CONTENTS PARTNERS 01 02 03 CONTRIBUTORS INTRODUCTION SPORT IN THE SPORT AND WORKPLACE EDUCATION p.07 p.17 p.37 04 05 06 “OUTDOOR SPORT” FUNDER Disclaimer The European Commission support for the production AND “SPORT 8 STEPS TO TAKING of this publication does not constitute endorsement CLUBS & FITNESS PART IN EWoS APPENDICES of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use CENTRES” PRACTICAL GUIDE which may be made of the information contained therein. p.61 p.75 p.89 04 TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 03 INTRODUCTION SPORT AND EDUCATION 08 Background 38 Context Sergi Briet Sergi of the EU policy © 40 National school sport day 12 The “sport for everyone” 44 Inclusive futures project 48 Games of the national olympic committee of the Republic of Macedonia 52 Live sport embrace the future CNOSF/KMSP 58 Workshops for physical © 02 education teachers Lithuanian NOC archive © SPORT IN THE WORKPLACE 18 Context 20 Energy@Work 05 24 Sentez-vous sport awards 8 STEPS CNOSF/KMSP © 28 European company sport TO TAKING PART games Riccione 2015 CNOSF/KMSP © IN EWOS 32 LTeam partners’ cup Romain Flohic PRACTICAL GUIDE © 76 About 77 01. Identify EWoS events 04 happening near you 78 02. Consider working with 06 “OUTDOOR SPORT” the “National Coordinating AND “SPORT CLUBS Body” (NCB) APPENDICES & FITNESS CENTRES” 03. Pick a Focus Day 90 Glossary 79 04. Choose an event 62 Context 92 Survey on the invo l ve ment to take part in EWoS of EOC members 64 E-One: European Outdoor 80 05. Design your event Network Experience 93 Synthesis: key figures 83 06. Promote your event 68 The “Promoting Physical 94 Sport for all: an issue and get people involved Activity and Health in of unequal importance Ageing” (PAHA) project 86 07. Manage your event 95 Promoting sports 87 08. Evaluate your event Lithuanian NOC archive 72 ALCIS - Active Learning 96 European week of sport © for Children in School 88 Going further (EWoS) 06 WE WANT TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT THERE ARE MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO BE ACTIVE WHEREVER THEY ARE. GET INVOLVED AND HELP US INSPIRE EUROPEAN CITIZENS TO DO MORE SPORT AND REGULAR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.1 Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport 01 intro- duction 1 http://ec.europa.eu/sport/week/about-week-of-sport/index_en.htm 08 01 INTRODUCTION SPORT4EVERYONE 01 INTRODUCTION SPORT4EVERYONE 09 BACKGROUND The EC’s commission role is that of facilitator. Stakeholders in sport have recognised OF THE EU POLICY the added value and the relevance of collaborating at EU level. To this end, the EC has established structured policy dialogue between governments, the sports movement 01. EU sport policy and other stakeholders through several tools: © Sport for Everyone © Sport for core policy dialogue via thematic expert groups, OVERVIEW in addition to structured and ad hoc activities a Giving grassroots sport a renewed impetus at EU level (EU-wide conferences, annual across Europe… LANDMARK DATES IN EU POLICY SUPPORTING THE SECTOR EU Sports Forum, Presidency Agenda, etc.). Not only did Article 165 provide a legal basis on This dialogue is organised on the basis of the which to define sport policies at EU level, it also EU Work Plan for Sport 2014-2017, a 3-year The first steps in a European sports policy date back to 2007, opened up a range of possibilities to EU institutions guideline document from the Council, which sets 2007 with the adoption of the White Paper on Sport produced including, among others, funding programmes. out the priorities for the sector, the objectives, by the European Commission. WHITE PAPER This funding possibility is materialised in the methods and structure. This is the first large-scale European initiative on sport and defines ON SPORT Erasmus+ Sport Chapter 2014-2020 which aims the EU “doctrine” on sport and its role in the lives of European to support European partnerships on grassroots citizens. It recognises the impact that sport can have sport in order to tackle cross-border issues such b To tackle alarming challenges on other European policies and is structured in three main as physical inactivity, the threats to the integrity chapters: the societal role of sport, the economic dimension 2009 of sport and the promotion of sport’s societal of sport and the organisation of sport. ARTICLE 165 impact. This long-awaited programme allows for ADDRESSING PHYSICAL INACTIVITY IN EUROPE LISBON TREATY the consolidation of existing networks, identification A new element can now be added to the well- 2009 marked a turning point in the field of sport when of best practices and the building of new known lexicon of crises: a physical activity crisis. the Lisbon Treaty mentioned sport as a supporting competence partnerships to contribute to the development Because of technology, technical progress and of the European Union for the first time. The introduction of Article of European policies in the field of sport. lack of time, Europeans have stopped moving and 165 in the Lisbon Treaty was thus an important step to building 2013 this has not been without consequences on health coherent and structured policies, while recognising the societal ORGANISING THE DIALOGUE and well-being, both individual and collective. 1ST COUNCIL dimension of sport. This new article states that “The Union shall Besides Erasmus+ Sport, the new supporting In identifying and formulating the problem, RECOMMENDATION contribute to the promotion of European sporting issues, while competence has helped the EU introduce tools a solution is implied: physical activity as a ON SPORT taking account of the specific nature of sport, its structures based to promote the European dimension of sport. challenge for our generation and that of our on voluntary activity and its social and educational function”. However, it should be noted that this does not children. confer any additional legislative powers to the EU In 2009, sport became a policy area in its own right, and no longer . insofar as it can only act to support the actions As indicated above, with its flexible competence, a mere sub-category of culture and education. Consequently, 2014 2020 of Member States but not to harmonise them. the Union intervenes only to provide general sport policies were incorporated in a wider policy approach, ERASMUS+ SPORT It means that the European Commission (EC) guidance but has not the power to impose. including societal, economic, financial, law, health, educational, cannot lead a strong European top-down sports How, then, can we influence national policy, social inclusion and diplomatic aspects. This triggered a number policy. Hence, Member States and national the sports movement, civil society, universities, of policy documents. In 2012, the European Parliament set out its sport movements retain the competence and associations, the private sector and ultimately position on sport via the resolution on the “European dimension 2015 responsibility to organise sport. European citizens? in sport”. In November 2013, the Council adopted the first-ever 1ST recommendation on sport1. EWoS 1 . http://ec.europa.eu/assets/eac/sport/library/documents/hepa_en.pdf 10 01 INTRODUCTION SPORT4EVERYONE 01 INTRODUCTION SPORT4EVERYONE 11 02. The European Week of Sport: a new initiative to get Europeans moving The European Commission proposes an ambitious project to rise to the challenge: European Week of Sport (EWoS), the first edition of which ran from 7 to 13 September 2015. Organised in 31 European countries - and while 42% of European citizens do not practice physical activity or sports2 - it aims to promote physical activity and get Europeans moving again, under the common #BeActive banner. More than a simple injunction from Brussels, this week should help focus on the need to reintegrate physical activity in our daily lives. Lithuanian NOC archive © 2015 EWoS KEY FIGURES It is supported by Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, As more than just a one-off celebration, it should relayed by a national coordinator in each Member serve as a yearly highlight for promoting healthier State (Olympic Committee, Ministry of Sports lifestyles that incorporate physical activity as or National Sports Institute) and backed by 30 a fundamental dimension. 33,000 1 4 European partners. This new event framework is largely inspired by the French model of the The intent of EWoS is clear: to become a major WEEK FOCUS DAYS #BEACTIVE “Sentez-vous Sport” week, organised by the European event through the involvement of major French National Olympic Committee. stakeholders in sport in all EU countries. The “Sport for Everyone” project comprises five OVER We do not believe in sport as a miracle cure for all National Olympic Committees (NOC) and aims of society’s burdens, deficiencies and social to increase the participation of the Olympic shortcomings. This week is an antidote to the movement in the European Week of Sport. 7, 000 31 sports business and intends to celebrate sport for Eleven NOC were involved in the 2015 Week, either EVENTS COUNTRIES all, by all, free from the imperatives of performance. as national coordinator or as partner; the “Sport To display sport as a cross-sectorial activity makes for Everyone” project was designed to increase sense. It means that public and private spaces – awareness of the new EWoS initiative among more workplaces, schools, outdoor areas, sports clubs sports organisations and provide them with and gyms – are all concerned. Member States are the tools they need to implement initiatives within 5 10 invited to boost these four themes and this framework. The team therefore produced environments within their territories one week this Handbook on joining in with EWoS; it includes MILLION SPORTS every year.
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