June 23, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 12 15989 world is round . anything you do will TRIBUTE TO UNITED STATES Legal Name of Requesting Entity: National come back around,’ ’’ Duncan said. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY 70TH Safe Skies Alliance, 110 McGhee Tyson Bou- Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. ANIVERSARY levard, Suite 201, Alcoa, Tennessee 37701 Wednesday at Southside Baptist Church, and Description of Request: This funding will be burial with military honors will follow in used to create a research and training center Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. HON. DAVE CAMP OF MICHIGAN that will provide critical improvised explosives Former state Supreme Court Justice E.C. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognition training to TSA Transportation Se- Burnett, a Spartanburg native, said he curity Officers, law enforcement personnel, fire learned the value of patience and to not take Tuesday, June 23, 2009 fighters, emergency services personnel, first things at face value from Abernathy. Mr. CAMP. Madam Speaker, I rise today to responders and others. ‘‘He was a man who loved South Carolina pay tribute to the United States Coast Guard f and loved this country like few in today’s Auxiliary to commemorate the 70th anniver- politics. That’s a very brazen thing to say. sary since its establishment on June 23, 1939. PERSONAL EXPLANATION But I say it unreservedly. There will never On June 23, 1939, Congress established be another Warren Abernathy. He will be the Coast Guard Reserve, later known as the HON. J. GRESHAM BARRETT greatly missed.’’ Coast Guard Auxiliary, to promote boating OF SOUTH CAROLINA safety and to facilitate Coast Guard oper- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f ations. Beginning in 1942, they became the Tuesday, June 23, 2009 PERSONAL EXPLANATION core of the Temporary Reserve and over 50,000 Auxiliarists performed coastal defense Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. Madam and search rescue duties and patrolled Speaker, unfortunately I missed recorded HON. LYNN A. WESTMORELAND bridges, factories, docks and beaches. Since votes on the House floor on Friday, June 19, its inception, the Auxiliary has been expanding 2009. OF GEORGIA its integration with the Coast Guard to allow Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote No. 409 (On ordering the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for further assistance in any Coast Guard mis- sion authorized by the Commandant. It is an previous question to H. Res. 559), ‘‘nay’’ on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 organization of pride, bravery, and patriotism rollcall vote No. 410 (On agreeing to H. Res. that works closely with the Coast Guard to en- 559), ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote No. 411 (On Mr. WESTMORELAND. Madam Speaker, sure the safety and protection of the United agreeing to H. Res. 560), ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall on June 19, 2009 I attended the grand open- States of America. vote No. 412 (On motion to recommit with in- ing of the National Infantry Museum located The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is structions to H.R. 2918), ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote on Fort Benning Army Installation, Georgia. As especially honored in a state such as Michi- No. 413 (On passage to H.R. 2918), ‘‘yea’’ on a result, I missed a number of votes. Had I gan. With five Great Lakes surrounding the rollcall vote No. 415 (On agreeing to article I been present, I would have voted the fol- borders of this state, maritime activity is a crit- of H. Res. 520), ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote No. 416 lowing: ical transportation method. Assistance from (On agreeing to article II of H. Res. 520), ‘‘No’’ on providing for consideration of H.R. the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is es- ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote No. 417 (On agreeing to 2918, making appropriations for the Legislative sential to ensuring the safety of not only our article III of H. Res. 520), ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote Branch FY 2010. (rollcall No. 409) tourists and residents, but also to all commer- No. 418 (on agreeing to article IV of H. Res. cial traffic that use the lakes regularly. The 520). ‘‘No’’ on Agreeing to the Resolution pro- men and women who serve with the United f viding for consideration of H.R. 2918, making States Coast Guard Auxiliary in Michigan are EARMARK DECLARATION appropriations for the Legislative Branch FY not only revered for their service to the coun- 2010. (rollcall No. 410) try, but also to the wellbeing and protection of ‘‘Aye’’ on Motion to Suspend the Rules and all who venture in our Great Lakes. HON. PHIL GINGREY Agree to expressing support for all Iranian citi- On behalf of the Fourth Congressional Dis- OF GEORGIA zens who embrace the values of freedom, trict of Michigan, it is with great honor that I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES human rights, civil liberties, and rule of law, commemorate this 70th anniversary of the Tuesday, June 23, 2009 and for other purposes. (rollcall No. 411) United States Coast Guard Auxiliary for its Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Madam Speaker, ‘‘Aye’’ on Motion to Recommit with Instruc- continued years of successful assistance to the United States Coast Guard and to our in accordance with House Republican Con- tions Making appropriations for the Legislative ference standards, and Clause 9 of Rule XXI, Branch FY 2010. (rollcall No. 412) wonderful state. Thank you, Auxiliarists for all that you have done and all that you will con- I submit the following member request. Fund- ‘‘No’’ on Passage making appropriations for tinue to do in the future. ing for this request was authorized in H.R. 2647, the National Defense Authorization Act the Legislative Branch FY 2010. (rollcall No. f 413) for Fiscal Year 2010. EARMARK DECLARATION ‘‘Present’’ on Quorum Call of the House. Requesting Member: Congressman PHIL (rollcall No. 414) GINGREY HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. Bill Number: H.R. 2647 ‘‘Aye’’ on Article I impeaching Samuel B. OF TENNESSEE Account: Army, RDTE Kent, judge of the United States District Court IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Georgia for the Southern District of Texas, for high Institute of Technology crimes and misdemeanors. (rollcall No. 415) Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Address of Requesting Entity: Institute of ‘‘Aye’’ on Article II impeaching Samuel B. Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, consistent Bioengineering and Bioscience, 315 Ferst Kent, judge of the United States District Court with House Republican Earmark Standards, I Drive, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30332–0363 for the Southern District of Texas, for high am submitting the following earmark disclo- Description of Request: The $3,000,000 au- crimes and misdemeanors. (rollcall No. 416) sure information for project requests that I thorized for the Center for Advanced Bio- made and which were included within H.R. engineering and Solider Survivability (CABSS) ‘‘Aye’’ on Article III impeaching Samuel B. 2892, ‘‘Making appropriations for the Depart- will focus on research in advanced tissue and Kent, judge of the United States District Court ment of Homeland Security for the fiscal year bone regeneration and wound care and treat- for the Southern District of Texas, for high ending September 30, 2010, and for other pur- ment issues relevant to military trauma care. crimes and misdemeanors. (rollcall No. 417) poses.’’ Fundamental research advances in these ‘‘Aye’’ on Article IV impeaching Samuel B. Requesting Member: Congressman JOHN areas can lead to technologies and techniques Kent, judge of the United States District Court DUNCAN for better immediate clinical combat care as for the Southern District of Texas, for high Account: TSA, Aviation Security well as address long term care issues involv- crimes and misdemeanors. (rollcall No. 418) Project Amount: $1,250,000.00 ing limb loss, tissue and organ damage, facial VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:02 Oct 20, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E23JN9.001 E23JN9 wreier-aviles on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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