IESE Annual Report 1998 © 1999 Fraunhofer IESE Imprint Editorial board: Dr. Frank Bomarius Dipl.-Soz. Joachim Müller-Klink Dipl.-Dolm. Sonnhild Namingha Layout and Graphics: Grimm & Lang, Partnerschaft Diplom Designer, Schopp Lithography: ReproMedia GmbH, Kaiserslautern Printing: Rohr Druck GmbH, Kaiserslautern Photography: Fraunhofer IESE; Thomas Brenner, Kaiserslautern; University of Kaiserslautern Annual Report of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE 1998 Foreword In early 1996, the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) was founded in Kaiserslautern. 1998 was the third year of continuing growth in industrial and public project acquisition. 1998 was marked by a reorganization of IESE to be prepared to better address industrial needs across major branches of industry in the future. Based on recommendations by an evaluation panel of international- ly renowned software engineering experts, several new competence centers were added (e.g., learning organizations in software, training and continuing education); our marketing, acquisition, and project management capabilities were focused on major business domains (e.g., telecommuni- Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für cations, automotive, aerospace, ban- Experimentelles Software king/insurance/trade), the number of Engineering long-term strategic cooperations was extended (e.g., Deutsche Telekom AG, Sauerwiesen 6 Markant AG, Allianz AG, Daimler- D-67663 Kaiserslautern ChryslerAG), and our international network was strengthened (e.g., Tel: +49 (0) 6301 707 100 Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Fax: +49 (0) 6301 707 200 Software Engineering, Maryland, colla- borations with major research organi- email: [email protected] zations in Europe, USA, Japan, and Internet: http://www.iese.fhg.de Australia). Based on this reorganization 6 Fraunhofer IESE Annual Report 1998 - complemented by further strength- Competences most sought after in ing and organization of our industrial ening of our human resources -, IESE is 1998 included: training and education offerings. The fit to play a major role in the fast Fraunhofer Center for Experimental evolving market of software engineer- • development processes for certifia- Software Engineering, Maryland and ing research and technology for the ble high-quality software (special IESE form a Virtual Institute in the foreseeable future. focus on requirements engineering, sense that they coordinate their inspections/reviews, testing and complementary research efforts and The institute grew out of the success- object-oriented design); staff international projects jointly. SWA ful Software Transfer Initiative at the Software Akademie AG in Kaiserslau- University of Kaiserslautern (STTI-KL), • reuse-oriented development proc- tern is based on the IESE concept for which was founded in 1993 under the esses (special focus on product line “goal-oriented training and educa- sponsorship of the Ministry of Eco- approaches for creating software tion”. nomic Affairs, Transportation, Agricul- system variations, reengineering for ture, and Viniculture of the State of leveraging existing assets); Finally, I want to stress the high com- Rhineland-Palatinate. Within three mitment and devotion of ALL employ- years, IESE has established itself as one • project planning, management and ees to the mission of IESE. This com- of the leading international compe- quality assurance approaches mitment and devotion has been and tence centers for applied research, and (specific focus on explicit process will be the basis for our success. We has established strategic collaborations modeling, measurement and would like to sincerely acknowledge with major companies from the predictive models); the active support and guidance we telecommunications, automotive, and received from the Fraunhofer Gesell- banking/insurance industry. Special • approaches to support organiza- schaft e.V. in Munich, the University of attention is being given to cooperation tional learning within software Kaiserslautern, the State of Rhineland- with small and mediumsize companies organizations (specific focus on Palatinate, and our Advisory Board from the State of Rhineland-Palatinate. learning within and across projects, (Kuratorium). organization of best practices for Experimental Software Engineering reuse); This report is intended to provide you employs experiments as an instrument with an overview of our research and for software technology transfer. • programs for training and continu- transfer work in 1998. Together with Based on the recognition that well- ing education in software engineer- the distinguished members of our understood and quantitatively man- ing (specific focus on training Advisory Board we are optimistic that ageable software development and unemployed non-computer science we will continue on the successful path maintenance processes need to be university graduates, and on in the coming years. customized to a company’s specific company-specific education pro- business goals and characteristics, new grams). and innovative software technologies need to be carefully evaluated before Major accomplishments in 1998 being transferred into practice. After included the further build-up of highly transfer, they need to be continuously qualified personnel including about Prof. Dr. Dieter Rombach optimized based on feedback gained 20% international staff, a strong Director of Fraunhofer Institute for from measurements. dominance of major international Experimental Software Engineering conferences in our core competence The Fraunhofer IESE provides expertise areas, a continuing high rate of not only in a wide range of innovative renewal contracts with industry, the software engineering technologies, creation of the Fraunhofer Center for but also in approaches concerning the Experimental Software Engineering, build-up of industrial improvement Maryland (FC-MD) closely affiliated programs for continuous optimization with the University of Maryland at (i.e., TQM, Kaizen) of software devel- College Park, and the establishment of opment processes. SWA Software Akademie AG in Kaiserslautern for professional market- Fraunhofer IESE Annual Report 1998 7 Contents Profile of Fraunhofer IESE Competence Areas and Projects Fraunhofer-Center for Experimental Software Engineering, Maryland Profile 11 Research Mission 27 Roots 54 Vision and Mission 11 Vision and Mission 55 International Activities 12 Quality Software Development 28 Perspective and Agenda 55 Transfer Approach 14 SOUND - Systematic Object-Oriented Unified Competencies and Offerings 56 Customer Orientation 14 Development 30 Scientific and Industrial Activities 56 History 15 Efficiency Improvement of Software FC-MD in Figures 57 Perspective and Agenda 16 Development at the Space Infrastructure Steering Committee Board 58 Division of DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG 32 References 58 Competence in Research and Object oriented languages 33 Research Partners 58 Technology Transfer 17 Membership in Professional Organizations 58 Competencies in an International Institute 17 Software Product Lines 34 Events 59 Competences Areas 18 PuLSE™ - Product Line Software Engineering 36 Visitors Hosted 59 Collaborations 19 Activities 59 Offerings 19 Quality and Process Engineering 38 Presentations and Tutorials 60 Developing a Costing and Sizing Estimation Publications 60 Structure 20 Procedure 40 Organigram 20 Tool Support for GQM-based Measurement The International Institute 20 Projects (GQM Tool) 41 The Fraunhofer IESE 21 PROFES - PROduct Focused improvement of Embedded Software Processes 42 Service Centers 22 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Inspections Consulting Center for Small and (EFFECT) 43 Medium-Size Enterprises 22 Public Relations/Marketing Center 22 Systematic Learning and Improvement 44 Contact Office to Fraunhofer Center for The Software Experience Center 46 Experimental Software Engineering, Studies on Experience Factory Aspects 47 Maryland (FC-MD) 22 Process Improvement through Systematic Contact Office to University of Kaiserslautern 23 Measurement (PRISM) 48 SoftQuali 49 Advisory Board 23 Continuing Education and Training 50 The Institute in Numbers 24 The Competence Center for Software Budget 24 Technology and Training (KSTW) 52 Personnel 24 Development 25 8 Fraunhofer IESE Annual Report 1998 Appendix Network in Science and Industry 62 Awards 81 Industrial Partners 62 External 81 National Research Partners 62 Internal 81 International Research Partners 62 International Software Engineering Network Events, Facts, and Photos 82 (ISERN) 63 Chronicle 82 Media Coverage 84 Visitors hosted 63 Letter from a Guest Scientist 63 The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft 88 Professional Contributions 64 Fraunhofer VIESE Locations 90 Lecturing Assignments at Universities 64 Fraunhofer Institute for Journal Editorships 64 Experimental Software Engineering 90 Committee Activities 65 Satellite Office at PRE Park - Competence Key Notes 66 Center for Software Technology and Presentations 66 Continuing Education 90 Satellite Office at the University of Scientific Publications 71 Kaiserslautern 90 Articles in Books 71 Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Articles in Journals 71 Engineering, Maryland (FC-MD) 91 Conference Proceedings 72 IESE Reports 77 Fraunhofer IESE Contact 93 ISERN Reports 79 Doctoral Theses 80 Information Service 95 Diploma Theses 80 Master Theses 81 Fraunhofer IESE Annual Report 1998 9 It doesn’t take glasses or a magnifying glass to see that software has become a major asset in today’s products and services.
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