DOCUMENT RESUME ED 250 580 IR 051 176 TITLE NatiobaACoMmissiogionLibraries and Information Sqience Annual Report, 197871979. INSTITUTION Natronal Copmission on Libraries and Information Science, Washington, D. C. PUB DATE 24 Apr 80 NO 94p.; For related documents, see ED 191 425, ED 241 013, ED 248 902; and IR 051 177. PUB Plr Reports-- DesCriptiVe (141) JEDRS, CE 401/12C04 Plus Postage. DESCRI TORS Annual Reports; *Information Science; Information Services; *Library Networks; 4Nationar Programs; .14 Periodicals; *Planning Commissions; School4Libraries; V State,Libraries IDENTIFIERS *National Commission Libraries Information Science; *White., House Conference Library Info Services ABSTRACT This eighth annual report covers .the activities of the. National Commission bn Librariei and Information Science (NCLIS) from October 1, 1978 through September 30, 1979. Informationon the background, composition, and role of the commission is provided, followed 'by descriptions of preparations for the first White House Conference*on Library and Information Services, including pre-conference planning, state and territorial conferences and their outcomes, theme and other pre-conferences, development .of the White House COnference theme, and the use of computer teleconferencing during the planning process. A new initiative, the Public/Private' Sector Task Force, is described, and ongoing activitiepare reported.* These include tasks undertaken by the newly established NCLIS Periodical Advisory Committee, development ofa methodology'for the Library of Congress national network database disign, publication of a special'report on school library-media-4;enters and networking, and continued support both for the American Nationai Standards Committee Z39, and for a series of consulting skills institutes for state library personnel. Descriptions of liaison activities, plans for the future, and staff and adminis ative changes during the year complete the,report. Appendixes include he NCLIS Act--Public Law 91-345'; a summary of the program document,141\ Toward a National Proqram,for Library and InformatiOn Services: Goals for Action; lists of members of various NCLIS committees, of publications, 'and 'of projects and contracts supported by the commission; a fiscal statement; and a list of the dates of the state and territorial conferences. (BBM) *********************************************************************** *\ Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made * * - from the original document. *********************************************************************** National Commission 1,;';lotI!091 7`r? on Libraries Annual and Information Science Report 19/8-1g79 DIEFANTRIONT OF EDUCA11001 NATIONAL IN*TITUTI OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER tE/Ita Thr cImunlent has been reproducedea riocomod from the Rron or holiarmshon erconstep Minor chervee hive been mode to improve' Ihoductoon qua*, limainmakodwmake...... Pants of view or Mink:vim *sated on this docu- ment do not nocootority moment ofhc44 ME poottiog, or poky 47,4 Te . A "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BUN GRANTED 8Y NCL IS TO THE E-DUGATkONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" National COMMLSSIQII -on Libraries and Informatihn Scienc ,Commission Members Charles Benton, Chairman Marian,P. Leith Bessie Boehm Moore, Vice Chairman Frances H. Kaftan 4 Joseph Becker Philip A. Sprague Daniel J. Boorstin Horace E. Tate Robert W. Burns, Jr. John E. Velde, Jr. Carlos A. Cuadra Mildred E. Younger Joan H. Grosi Clara Stanton Jones Francis Keppel Commission Staff Alphonse F. Trezia, ExecutiveDirector Douglas S. Price, DeputyDirectoi Mary Alice Hedge Reszetar,Associate Director Ruth Liepmann Tighe, ResearchAs4ociate William D.-Mathews, Staff Associatefor Information Technology Ruby a Woods-Robinson,Research Associate Barbara Lee Whiteleather Carl C. Thompson Martha D. Quigley of Note: The logotype opthegeOver is an abstract representation t e Commission's goalof "equal access toinforniation" for all citizens throughinterconneAting. services and acentral cote of information. BEST COPY AVAILABLE 3 National Commissionon Libraries and Information Science Annual Report to the President and Congress r I 1978- 1979 <",/ / ((2 > \\ = < r 9, 0 a I V. United States. National Corn!meon Libraries and In- formation Science. Annual report National Commission'on Libraries and Information Science. 1971/1972 Washington, For sale by the Supt. of p6e*., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. v. 24 cm. 1. United States. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. Z678.2U55a ISSN 0091 -29D2 4 021.8'2'0973 73- 843728 MARC-8 April 24, 1980 The President The White House Washington, D.C. 20050 Dear Mr. President, 1.I have the honor of transmittingto you the eighth Annual Report of the National Commissionon Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS). The report is submittedto you in accordance with thepro- visions of Section 5(a)7 of the NationalCommission on Libraries and Information Science ActiflAublic Law 91-345as amended by Public Law 93-29, Section 802) andcovers the twelve month period from October 1, 1978: through September 30,1979. The reporting period coincides almost exactlywithy first year as Chairman of the Commission (myappointment h ving beencon- firmed on October 1.2, 1978), and I would liketo take this opportunity to express to you my appreciation, for assigningme such a challenging and exciting position. The responsibilityof planning for the first White House Conference on Library andInformation Services has been a satisfying and stimulating experience I shallnot forget. I would also like to take this opportunityto call your attention to the many years of wise and faithfUl service rendered bymy predecessor, kat Dr. Frederick Burkhardt. Dr. Burkhardthas been the Commission's only previous Chairman, having firstbeen appointed for a five-year term in 1970, and re-appointed to contindeas Chairman in 1976. The Commission has developed andgrown strong under his astute leader- ship. We all owe him a considerable debt ofgratitude for his loyal devotion both to the Commission itself andto the broader library and information science communityas well. It is a challenge, and an honor, to follow in his footsteps. On behalf of all the commissioners I should liketo thank you for your past support of the Commission's role andobjectives. We look for- ward to your continuing support in thefuture. Sincerely, Charles Benton Chairman Enclosure In Table of Contents t Page Members of the Commission 1 Commission Committees Commission Staff 2 Executive Summary 3 introduction P-- 5 background of the Commission 5 Composition and, Role of the Commission '7 Addition of Responsibility for the White House Conference, 7 White House Conference. 9 Pre Conference Planning i it 9 State and Territorial Conferences t 10 State and Territorial Conference Outcomes 11 Theme and Other Pre-Confernces 12 White House Conference Theme 15 Technological Innovations 16 New Initiatives 19 Public/Private Sector Task Force 19 Ongoing Activities 21 National Periodicals Center 21 Library of-Congress National Network Database Design 24 School Library Media Centers 25 American National Standards Committee Z39 25 State Library Agency Consulting Skills Institute 26 Liaison Activity 28 Plans for the Future 30 g Personnel aivi Administration 31 National Commission on Libraries and Information....,10 Science 31 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Staff 33 sr Former Staff 33 Administration ;' 33 White House Conference on Library and Information Services Advisbry.Committee 34 White House C nference on Library and Information ServicesSiff 35 Appendices I. The NCLIS Act PublicLaw 91 346 f 39 IL Toward a National Program foribrarY and Information Services: Goals for Action Summary 43 III. President's Committee on Libraries and National Advisory Commission on Libraries 55 IV. Publications '57 4T, V. Projects and Contracts Supported by the National Commission on Libraries and Ii\formatio,n Science 67° VI. Fiscal Statement 79 VII. White House Conference on Library and Information Services Authorization 81 VIII. White House Conference Advisory Committee and White House Conference'Staff 85 IX. Information Community Advisory Committee 91, X. White House Conference on Library and Information .Services State and Territorial Conference Dates . 93 A 4 1,4 8 vi 1 Members of the Commission The Commission iscomposed of the Librarian of Congressand foin, leen rnenibers appointed by thePresident, by and with We advice and consent of the Senate. A Charles Benton (Chairman),'" Chairmanof die Board, Films, Inc., WilTette, Illinois (198p) Bet; lie Boehm Moore (ViceChairmant"' Executive' Director,State Council on Econoinic Education,Little fock, Arkansas (1983) Joseph Becker, President, Beckerand Hayes, Inc., Los Angeles, Cali- fornia (1979) Daniel J. Boorstin, The Librarianof Congress, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.(3' Roberi W. Burns: Jr.,ssistant Director of Libraries forResearch Services, Colorado St to University,Fort Collins, Colorado (1981) Carlos A. Cuadra, President, CuadraAssociates, Inc., Santi Monica, California (1979) Joan H. Gross, Piiblic AffairsOfficer, U.S. Department ofHousing. and Urban Development/Region II,New York, New York (1982) Clara Stanton Jones, FormerDirector, Detroit Public Library,and, Former President, American LibraryAssociation, Oakland, Cali- fornia (1982) Francis Keppel. Directoil, AspenInstitute for Humanistic Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1983) Marian P. Leith, AssistantDirector,
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