June .5, 1d 5" EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17465 A s to the order of the S enator from M r. R O BE R T C. BYR D. T here was. IN THE Ant FORCE O hio and with the time schedule of the Very well. T he following officer to be placed on the R etired L ist in the grade indicated under S enator from West Virginia, the Chair the provisions of S ection 896 2, T itle 1 0 of is not a mathematician, but it comes to ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9 A.M. the United States Code : exactly 3 hours with 2 hours plus for TOMORROW To be lieutenant general rollcalls. T hat puts it an hour and 1 0 Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, L t. G en. E dmund F . O 'Connor, xxx-xx-xxxx minutes over the 6 p.m. time schedule. So F R (major general, R egular A ir F orce), I hope the restraint is here tomorrow if there be no further business to come before the Senate, I move, in accordance U.S. A ir Force. that the S enator desires. IN THE ARMY M r. R O BE R T C. BYR D. I thank the with the previous order, that the S enate T he following-named officer for reappoint- Chair for his supporting statement. stand in adjournment until the hour of 9 a.m. tomorrow. ment to the active list of the R egular A rmy M r. President, let me think for a sec- and A rmy of the U nited S tates with grade ond, if the Chair will indulge me. The motion was agreed to; and at 9:55 as indicated, from the T emporary Disability The PRESIDING 0.F.PICER. The Chair p.m., the S enate adjourned until tomor- R etired List, under the provisions of title 10, will be delighted to indulge the Senator row, Friday, June 6, 1975, at 9 a.m. United S tates Code, section 1211: from West Virginia. His night has been To be major general, Regular Army and spoiled anyhow. Major general, Army of the United States Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, NOMINATIONS F rederick William Boye, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . was there a period for the transaction Executive nominations received by the IN THE MARINE CORPS of routine morning business today? Senate June 5, 1975 : In accordance with the provisions of title T he PR E S IDIN G O F F ICE R . T here 10, U.S. Code, Section 5232, M aj. Gens. Robert was not. EQUA L EM PLO YM EN T O PPO R TUN ITY H. Barrow and Leslie E . Brown, U.S. M arine M r. R O BE R T C. BYR D. T here was CO M M ISSIO N Corps, having been designated for commands William J. K endrick, of M aryland, to be a and other duties determined by the President not? member of the E qual E mployment O pportu- to be within the contemplation of said sec- T he PR E S IDIN G O F F ICE R . T oday nity Commission for the term expiring July tion, for appointment to the grade of lieu- there was, yes. 1, 1979, vice Luther Holcomb, term expired. tenant general while so serving. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CO R E T T A SCO T T K IN G K E YN O T E this one which benefit the entire com- exhibition area and administrative offices. SPEAKER AT PHILLIS WHEATLEY munity. However, land has been acquired on which ASSOCIATION SPRING LUNCHEON T he Center will be constructed (ground was I call on my colleagues to join me in broken on January 1 5 , 1 9 7 5 for the first IN CLEVELAND paying tribute to M rs. Coretta S cott phase of construction), Dr. K ing's Birth K ing and wishing her a very pleasant Home has been restored and opened to the visit to Cleveland. In order that my col- public; and Information F acility has been HON. LOUIS STOKES leagues will be familiar with her ac- opened. complishments I call their attention to M usic background.—M rs. K ing began the O F O HIO her remarkable VITA : study of voice and music at L incoln High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES S chool in M arion, A labama, and continued VITA: CORETTA SCOTT KING (MRS. MARTIN it at A ntioch College, where she also added Wednesday, June 4, 1975 LUTHER KING, JR.) the stu dy of v iolin. S he sang w ith the M r. STO K ES. M r. Speaker, on June 7, President—T he M artin L uther K ing, Jr. choruses of both institutions and in their 1975, M rs. Coretta Scott King, the widow Center for Social Change. musical productions. While attending the O ffice address-671 Beckwith S treet S W., N ew England Conservatory of M usic, she was of the late R ev erend Doctor M artin A tlanta, Georgia 30314. a member of the Conservatory Chorus which L uther K ing, Jr., will be the keynote O ffice telephone number-404/524-1956. performed annually with the famed Boston speaker at the Phillis Wheatley A ssocia- Place of birth—M arion, A labama. S ymphony; she sang regularly with the O ld tion's spring luncheon at the Cleveland M arital and family status—M rs. K ing was S outh Church Choir, and premiered the song Plaza Hotel. O ur city is honored to re- married to the R everend Doctor M artin Lu- cycle, "M otivos de Son," by Cuban composer, ceive this most distinguished guest, and ther K ing, Jr., on June 18, 1953. Dr. K ing was the late A madeo R oldan at the N ew E ngland I take this occasion to express the assassinated A pril 4, 1968, in M emphis, T en- Conservatory. nessee. T here are four children by the mar- Lecturer—During Dr. K ing's lifetime, M rs. gratitude of the entire community that riage: Yolanda Denise (b. November 17, 1955) ; K ing occasionally substituted for him as this remarkable woman has chosen to M artin Luther III (b. O ctober 23, 1957) ; Dex- speaker and at the same time frequently grace us with her presence. ter S cott (b. January 30, 1961) ; and Bernice appeared in her own right before church, I am proud of my personal associa- Albertine (b. M arch 28, 1963) . civic, college, fraternal and peace groups, tion with M rs. K ing, and pleased to pay E ducation—Lincoln High School, M arion, throughout the U nited S tates, both as a tribute to her many outstanding ac- A labama; B.A ., A ntioch College, Yellow speaker and as a concert artist. S ince Dr. complishments. A s a member of the Springs, O hio—combined major in music and K ing's assassination in 1968, M rs. K ing has education; M us. B. N ew E ngland Conserva- lectured from major platforms in A merica board of trustees of the M artin Luther tory of M usic, Boston, M assachusetts—major and abroad including: Parliament House, K ing, Jr. Center for S ocial Change, I in voice. N ew Delhi, India; Women's University, Bom- have had the privilege of joining M rs. Profession—O rganization president; con- bay, India; Boston, Brandeis, Harvard and K ing, the president of that organization, cert singer; freedom concert singer; lecturer; Yale U niversities; also S t. Paul's Cathedral in various activities and projects across author. and Central Hall (Westminster A bbey) Lon- the N ation in furtherance of the great During the summer of 1 96 7 , M rs. K ing don, E ngland; Bethune-Cookman, and M ore- goals to which her late revered husband called together a few of her husband's as- house Colleges. aspired. It was my privilege to enjoy the sociates to discuss a library project for hous- F reedom concerts.—M rs. K ing developed ing Dr. K ing's papers. A fter the assassina- and performs the F reedom Concert as her personal friendship of Dr. M artin Luther tion of Dr. K ing in 1968, this group was aug- own contribution to the Civil R ights M ove- K ing, Jr., a man who I consider a great mented with members of Dr. K ing's family ment. T he F reedom Concert combines prose leader as w ell as one of the finest and other associates to establish T he M ar- and poetry narration with music in order human beings I have ever known. His tin Luther K ing, Jr. M emorial Center. M rs. to present the history of the M ovement. In dream of brotherhood and equality lives K ing was elected president of T he Center December of 1956, in a concert at M anhat- on in the dedicated efforts of his coura- and continues to serve in that office. In 1972, tan Center celebrating the first anniversary T he Center was officially renamed T he M ar- of the M ontgomery Bus Protest, M rs. K ing geous wife, who has won the admira- tin L u ther K ing , J r. C enter for S ocial put some material about M ontgomery, A la- tion of the international community for Change. The Boards of Directors and Trustees gama into the last section of her concert her own commitment to humanity.
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