ISSN 0254-380 X MARINE FISHERIES HI$3HJI ICAR INFORMATION SERVICE No. 111 1 W^7ftSf9t XZ1T TECHNICAL AND t^r^rin: 3f^»Tac^t EXTENSION SERIES ite^tcr snpfl" *nk*ucbl CENTRAL MARINE FISHERIES 3?^AUFT TTFCIW RESEARCH INSTITUTE QSffiCT, WTCT COCHIN, INDIA NDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC, POPULAR AND LOCAL NAMES OF COMMON MARINE LIVING RESOURCES ALONG THE COROMANDAL COAST WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO FINFISHES AND SHELLFISHES* Tamllnadu, with a coast line of nearly 1,000 present account would meet the long felt need for km ranks third in the marine fish production of information in this regard. India and contributed an average of 2.5 lakh tonnes of fishes during the period, 1985 - '89. Apart from the conventional finfishes and Nearly 60% of the population of the state relish shellfishes, non-conventional groups such as sea­ fishes besides other marine resources such as weeds, gorgonids, jelly-fishes, sea snakes and prawns, crabs, lobsters and cephalopods. marine birds have been included in this list. Some of the endangered groups like marine turtles and The coastal districts viz., Chengelpet. marine mammals which are protected under Madras, South Arcot and Tanjore together with Indian Wildlife Act are also listed though they the Union Territory of Pondicherry (including occur as incidental catches or occasionally Karaikal) comprising the Coromandal coast, having stranded along the coast. the coastal stretch of more than 400 km with nearly 200 landing centres contribute a sizable As regards fishes, the various families have share to the marine fish landings of Tamllnadu. been recognized as per Berg (1940). The scientific With three important landing places for mecha­ and popular names of fishes In English have been nised fishing vessels viz., Madras, Cuddalore and given as indicated in FAO Species Identification Pazhayar fisheries harbours, the Coromandal Sheets (Fishing area 57 & 71, 1974 and area 51, coast plays an important role in augmenting the 1984), Munro (1955) and Talwar (1984). For other marine fish production of the state, landing a marine groups also latest nomenclature and large variety of finfishes and shellfishes. common names in Tamil to the extent possible have been given. The genera and species of Scientific, popular and local names of fin various groups of finfishes and shellfishes have and shell-fishes are highly useful to those inter­ been arranged In alphabetical order to enable the ested in general and fishing industry in particular. user to locate easily the species. Apart from limited information, no attempt has been made so far to list the scientific names of A total of 192 species of fishes and 116 common fin and shellfishes available along this species of shellfishes have been dealt with In this coast with their prevalent local names. Hence, the study besides the different species of other animal and plant groups. Groups Family Spelces No. Genus/Species Common name Local name 1 2 3 4 5 6 ELASMOBRANCHS A. Sharks Hemiscyllidae CMoscyUium 1. C. indicum (Gemlin) Ridge-back cat shark Korangu sorrah Rhinlodontidae Rhiniodon 2. R. typus Smith Whale shark Pulli udubmab sorrah, Aminiuluvai Stegostomatldae Stegostoma 3. S. rasciatum (Her­ Zebra shark Korangu sorrah, Vari mann) sorrah Carcharhinidae Carcharhlrms 4. C. tanbatus (Val.) Grey shark, Black- Kundan sorrah tip shark • Prepared by P. Thirumilu, P. K. Mahadevan Pillai and P. Poovannan, Madras Research Centre of C. M. F. R I., Madras. 5. C. longimanus (Poey) Oceanic white-tip shark Periya sorrah 6. C. melanopterus Black shark, Blackfln Karamudi sorrah (Quoy & Gaimard) reef shark Galeocerdo 7. G. cuvieri (Peron & Le Tiger shark Valluvan sorrah, Sueur) Rhizoprlonodon 8. JR. acutus (Ruppell) Milk dog-shark Pal sorrah Scoliodon 9. S. laticaudus Muller Spade-nose shark Pillal sorrah &Henle B. Skates Rhlnobatldae Rhinobatos 10. R. granulosus Cuvier Granulated shovel- Padangan, Kalluvai nose ray 11. R. djlddensis White-spotted shovel- Paal uluval, Uluval, (Forsskal) nose ray Katchu uluval Prlstidae Pristis 12. P. microdon Lathan Samll-toothed sawfish Vela schura 13. P. pectinata Lathan Green sawfish Velaa meen, Uluvai C. Rays Dasyatldae Dasyatis 14. D. bteekeri (Blyth) White-tall sting ray Saman thlrukkai 15. D. kiMit (Muller & Blue-spotted sting ray Sembadathan Henle) 16. D. microps (Ann- Stingray Sembadathan andale) 17. D. zugei (Muller & Pale-edged sting ray Manal thlrukkai, Henle) Chumbara thlrukkai Myllobatldae Aetobatus 18. A. narinari (Euph Spot-edged ray Kurlvl thirukkai rasen) Rhlnopterldae Rhinoptera 19. JR. adspersa Muller & Rough cow ray Surul thlrukkai Henle 20. R. javanica Muller & Javanese cow ray Surul thirukkai Henle Mobulidae Manta 21. M. birostris (Donn- Giant devil ray Kombu thirukkai dorfi) Torpedlnldae Narcine 22. N. ttmlel (Bloch & Spotted electric ray Thlmilll thlrukkai Schneider) BONY FISHES Sardines & Shads Clupeidae Dussumebia 23. D. acuta Val. Rainbow sardine Motha kendai SardineUa. 24. S. albella (Val.) Shortbody sardine Thatta kavalai, Choodal 25. S. brachysoma Bleeker Deep-body sardine Usl kavalai 26. S. dayi Regan Day's sardine Kavalai, Choodai 2 27. S. ,/lmbrfata (Val.) Fringe-scale sardine Nedum kavalai, choodal 28. S. gibbosa (Bleeker) Gold striped sardine Nachalai, Neethu kavalai 29. S. longtceps Val. Indian oil sardine Math! 30. S. sirm (Walbaum) Spotted sardine Keeri meen, Vari kavali PrisUgasteridae PeUona 31. P. dltchela Indian pellona Kuthuva Anchovies Engraulidae Coilia 32. C. dussumteri Val. Gold spotted grena­ Thogai meen dier anchovy Thryssa 33. T. dussumiert Val. Dussumier's anchovy Sempurava 34. T. mystax (Schneider) Moustached anchovy Poruva, Nedum poruva 35. T. purava (Hamilton & Puruva anchovy Nedum poruva Buchanan) Stdephorus 36. S. commersonii Commerson's anchovy Nethill Lacepede 37. S. devisi (Whitelay) Davfs anchovy Nethili 38. S. indlcus (van Indian anchovy Nethill Hasselt) 39. S. waitei Jordan & Spotfaced anchovy Nethill Scale Wolf-herrings Chlrocentridae Chirocentrus 40. C. dorab (Forsskal) Dorab wolf herring Mullu valai, Valai 41. C. nudus Swalnson Whitet in wolf herring Mullu valai, Valai Chanos Chanidae 42. C. chanos (Forsskal) Milk fish Pal meen. Pal kendai Lizard fishes Synodontidae Saurida 43. S. tumbil (Bloch) Greater lizard fish Uluvai, Thumbili 44. S. undosquamis Brush-tooth lizard fish Thumlli (Richardson) Synodus 45. S. indicus (Day) Indian lizard fish Thumbili 46. S. variegatus Variegated lizard fish Thumbili (Lacepede) Trachynocephalus 47. T. myops (Forster) Blunt-nose lizard fish Thumili Catflshes Arlidae Arius 48. A, dussumieriVal. Dussumier's cat fish Mandal keluru, Kelutty 49. A.Jella Day Small-eye cat fish Vellai-ettah, Keluthi 50. A. tenuisplnls Day Slender spined cat fish Mandal keluru 51. A. thalasslrws Giant cat fish Mandal keluru (Ruppell) Eels Anguillidae Anguilla 52. A. blcolor bicolor Level finned eel Vellanagoo, Serum McClelland pambu 53. A. bengalensis benga- Long finned eel Vellanagoo, Serum lensis (Gray) pambu 3 Muraenesocidae Congresax 54. C. talabon (Cuvier) Yellow pike-conger Kulivl pambu 55. C. talabanoides Indian pike-conger Kulivl pambu (Bleeker) Muraenesox 56. M. cinereus (Forsskal) Dagger-tooth pike Kadal pambu conger Flying fishes Exocoetidae Cheilopogon 57. C./urcatus (Mitchlll) Spot-fin flying fish Paravai kola Exocoetus 58. E. voUtans (Linnaeus) Two-winged flying fish Paravai kola Full beaks Belonidae Strongylura 59. S. strongylura (van Round-tall needle fish Usl kola Hasselt) Tylosurus 60. T. cnocodttus crocodil- Forktail alligator gar Usl kola us (Person & LeSueur) Half beaks Hemirhamphidae Hemirhamphus 61. H. Jar (Forsskal) Needle fish, Black bar­ Usi kola red half beak Rhyncorhampus 62. R. georgil (Val.) Malabar half-beak. Usl kola Long-billed half-beak Sea horses. Syngnathldae Hippocampus Pipe fishes 63. H. kuda Bleeker Sea horse Kadal kuthirai Syngnathus 64. S. spictfer djarong Slender pipe fish Kulal meen (Bleeker) Soldier fish, Holocentridae Myiipristis Squirrel fish 65. M. mwdjan Pinecone soldier fish Karuppuval putcha- (Forsskal) kannl Sargocentron 66. S. rubrum (Forsskal) Red solider fish Chengull, Parakanni Barracudas Sphyraenidae Sphyraena 67. S. barracuda Great barracuda Ooli, Thlrryan (Walbaum) 68. S.Jello Cuvier Banded barracuda Ooll, Thlrrya Mullets Mugilldae Uza 69. L macrolepis (Smith) Borneo mullet Madaval, Avela meen 70. L parsia Hamil. & Gold-spot mullet Madaval, Avela meen Buch. Mugi 71. M. cephahis Linnaeus Flat-head grey mullet Madaval, Kasmeen Thread fins Poh/nemldae Eteutheronema 72. E. tetradactylum Four-finger threadfln Ma-kala, Kala (Shaw) Mynemua 73. P. heptadactylus Seven-finger threadfin Ma-kala, Kala Cuvier 4 74. P. indlcus Shaw Indian threadfln Kala 75. P. sextarius Schneider Black-spot threadfln Katti kala, Kala Sea perches, Ambassidae Ambassis 76. A. commersoni Commerson's glassy Selanthan Cuvler perchlet 77. A. gymnocephalus Naked-head glassy Selanthan (Lacepede) perchlet Centropomidae Lobes 78. L. calcartfer (Bloch) Giant sea perch Koduva, Painee meen Groupers Serranidae Epinephelus 79. E. diacanthus (Val.) Six-barred reef cod Kalava 80. E. chlorostigma (Val.) Brown-spotted reef cod Kalava 81. E. latlfasciatus (Tenun- Banded grouper Kalava lnck & Schlegel) 82. E. undulosus (Quoy Brown banded reef cod Kalava &Gaimard) Tiger perches Teraponldae Terapon 83. T.Jarbua (Forsskal) Jarbua therapon Keechan, Keeli 84. T. puta (Cuvler) Small-scaled tiger perch Keechan 85. T. theraps (Cuvler) Large-scaled tiger perch Kuttl-keechan Bulls eyes Prlacanthldae Priacanthus 86. P. cruentatus Blood-coloured bulls eye Kakkasi
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