DOCUMENT RESUME ED 061 114 SO 002 487 TITLE Black Americans: Past and Present. Contributions to American Life. INSTITUTION Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Fla. NOTE 122p. EDRS PRICE MP-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS African American Studies; *American Culture; American History; Bibliographies; Biographies; Elementary Grades; *Negro Achievement; Negro Culture; *Negro History; *Negro Leadership; *Negro Role; Resource Guides; Social Studies; Teaching Guides ABSTRACT This guide is intended for use as part of a cross-cul ural, multi-ethnic approach to curriculum in the elementary school. It is hoped that this approach will enable teachers to guide pupils in developing a better understanding of the impact of black contributions on the total American culture. The guide attempts to support such efforts by: 1) introducing black people who have made contributions to the American way of life; 2)identifying the cultural significance of their contributions or historical events in which they were involved; and, 3) providing a list of biographical multimedia materials. It may also serve to help teachers motivate Pupils by establishing the groundwork for new experiences and insights. There are eight major components to the guide: 1) suggestions for using the guide; 2)suggested activities; 3)areas of contributions and names of contributors; 4) three units--Negroes in Early American History; Individual Recognition and Achievement; and Protest and Progress (the units contain no narrative, rather they consist of charts of events and personalities, and matching suggested resources); 5) Appendix A, White Americans who Contributed to Negro Advancement; 6) Appendix B. Examples of Suggested Activities, providing descriptions of specific activities that represent the categories mentioned in Section 2, above; 7) Bibliography; and, Index. ED 048 029 is related- (Author/AWW) U.S.EDUCATIONOFFICE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & WELFARE OF HEALTH, ED061114 THEDUCEDTHIS PER DOCUMENT EXACTLY SON OR OR AS HAS GANIZATION RECEIVED BEEN REPRO- FROMOR - BLACK AMERICANS:CATIONREPRESENTIONSINATI NIGSTATED POSITION IT. POINTSOFFICIAL DOPAST oRNOT OF POLICY OFFICE NECESSARILYVIEW AND OROF OPIN-EDU- PRESENT ResourceContributions Material for to AmericanLife Instructional Publication1971Elementary 9M Schools DIVISIONDadeMiami, County OF Florida INSTRUCTIONPublic 33132Schools DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Mr. G.Mr. HolmesMrs. WilliamMrs.Mrs. Anna Crutcher Braddock,Ethel Lehman, Brenner Beckham Harrison ChairmanMeyers Dr. E.L. Whigham,Mr.Dr. WilliamBen Superintendent Sheppard Turner of Schools CopiesPublished of this publication by Dade County may be School obtained Board through 2210Miami,Textbook S.W.Price 'Florida, Third $1.75Services 33135 Street TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE . MI DI V ORGANIZATION OF THE GUIDE . 11. 0 . 1 SUGGESTIONS FOR USING THIS GUIDE . IS 14 11 3 AREASSUGGESTED OF CONTRIBUTIONS ACTIVITIES .AND. CONTRIBUTORS 115 . 17 14 UNITCivilI. WarNEGROES and Reconstruction IN EARLY AMERICAN. HISTORY . 19 UndergroundEarly Pursuit ofRailroad Freedom and. Equality.. ..... 2421 ' UNITWestward II. INDIVIDUAL Movement RECOGNITION. AND ACHIEVEMENT . 2927 Art ., . .. 31 Business 0 . 34 Education . ..... 19 . 37 Literature . , . .. 41 PerformingMusicReligion. Arts. ........ 605445 Science . ... Sports 0 a .. 67 UNIT III. PROTEST AND PROGRESS . 7375 Civil Rights LI 0' O, ......... I ....... 81 Law and Politics . 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS continued) Page BIBLIOGRAPHY . II . 93 APPENDIXES . 111 Appendix B.A. ExamplesWhite Americani of Suggested Who Contributed Activities to. Negro. Advancement . 111 INDEX . .119112 elementaryBlack Americans: school. Past-Jand It is hoped Present that by is usingintended this for approach use asPREFACE part the ofteacher a cross-cultural, will be able multi-ethnic to guide pupils approach in developing to curriculum a greater in the understandingidentifyingintroducing of the black the cultural impact people significance of who Negro have contributions ofmade their contributions contributions on the total to or the Americanof Americanhistorical culture. evenuway of The inlife; which guide they attempts were toinvolved; support and such effeqs by ByThe offering guideproviding may suggested aalso list ofserve activitiesbiographical to help as the well Multimedia teacher as biographical motivate materials. pupilsdata, the by designestablishing of the the publication groundwork allows for thenew teacher experiences to adjust and the new content insights. to writingSandraAcknowledgmentthe needs, the F. Curry,sectionsinterests, foris concerning extendedandassuming abilities to activities;the ofthe primaryhis following students. and responsibility Mrs. members Billy Cranmer, of of The developing Materials for revising this Development resource;and 'editing Mrs. Office:the. JoAnn guide. Mrs. Riviere Cleomie and W. Mrs. Bloomfield Karen Moran, and Mrs. for Thisguide contains eight major components. ORGANIZATION OF THE GUIDE 2.1. eachSUGGESTEDclassroom.SUGGESTIONS kind of activity ACTIVITIES FOR are USINGin APPENDIX provides THIS recommendations GUIDE B.) offers ideas fortypesto the of teacher activities that that would might facilitate be used withthe usethe guide.of the (Examplesguide in the of 4.3, AREASUNITSindividualssubdivision in OF the included CONTRIBUTIONSof guide the threeare in the the major publication. following: unitsAND ofNAMES the guide. OF CONTRIBUTORS The teachermay providesuse this sectionan alphabetical as a reference listing of for individuals finding the under names each of EachUnit unit III.isI'll.III. arranged ProtestNegroesIndividual and with in Recognition ProgressEarly subdivisions American and and AchievementHistorynames in alphabetical order. SUGGESTEDCULTURALbiographical data, DEVELOPMENTS: RESOURCES cultural events, lists and byEVENTS titlesreferences teacher's AND to PERSONALITIESsuggested references,resources children's includesunderbooks, each. an general alphabetical references, list of and names films andof persons records withthat 5. APPENDIXwithwillthe aidreferences numbers the teacher A, corresponding forWHITE teacher's in developing AMERICANS notes. to references the units. WHO Teacher'sat CONTRIBUTED the end references- of each entryTO and NEGRO inchildren's the left-hand books column. are directly Additional related space to the is personsprovided listed, after 6. APPENDIXfromand informationthe guide) B. EXAMPLES that about represent their contributionsOF the SUGGESTED' categories to Negroin theACTIVITIES SUGGESTED'progress., provides ACTIVITIESdescriptionsADVANCEMENTsection. of specific gives activities names (based of selected on information persons ORGANIZATION OF THE GUIDE (continued) 7. whichTheare recentBIBLIOGRAPHY furnish publications information lists which incidental an mayof the be to books examinedthe cultural in the by developmentsSUGGESTEDtekhers in the and RESOURCESoffice events of School covered sections. Library in the Services,Inguide. addition, Included Lindsey to these in Hopkins the are bibliography references Building. 8. Theforinforrnation purchase bibliographyINDEX about shouldconsists is them. notbe ofreviewed exhaustive, an alphabetical and and evaluated it is list not ofby intended allthe names teacher. as aincluded recommended in the guidelist of purchases.and thenumbersAny books of pages under whichconsideration contain teachersThe biographical of students or cultural at all elementary data included levels. inSUGGESTIONS this Individual guidecan teachers beFOR utilized USINGcan inadapt THISconjunction the GUIDE material with ato variety their students'interests, of materials and units needs, and and' by additionalintoinabilities. thea wayexisting many Variedwhich books different units isactivities to appropriate ofbe processes study.ordered. are suggested The to oftheir teacher learning. inteirests to ensuremay It is and wishhoped that abilities. toall that checkstudents the Selection the organizationare recommended given ofappropriate opportunities of the readingsguide activities towill againstinvolve facilitate can provideschoolthemseives the libraryintegrationstudents in filesthe with learning andof theinvolvement to mated&suggestprocess SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES theTheapplicable activities activities to in suany each unitested section of here study. haveare Thenot been necessarilysections similarly are limitedgraduated. arranged to thisaccordingIn guidegeneral',or to thisactivitiesincreasing subject invoMng difficultymatter; theyof skillsare required,organized and in sucha wherever waypossibleas to be Theandwithgroup furthervaryingboth cooperation domains developed levels involvedandof complexityin finallyan appendixin thosemanythat combiningtypes exploring these of activities.activities theirboth.,purposes Cognitive Representative and leanings proceduresactivitiesare strengthened(APPENDIX have been adaptedB).individual and in turnto effortthe reinforce subject lead into Matteraffective those in outcomestheinvolving guide involvementunderstanding'achievementpresentation with andbe of carefullythemake the classwork clearconceptsconSidered.to canthe being studentsbe heightened studied'Objectives what and andis and expected theirexpanded. presentgoalsimplications. ofmust makethem. be it Judiciousimperativeclearly At the visualized sameuse that of time,, activitiesdecisions for aeach student%can asactivity helpto suitability intereststudents in order in anddevelop and toappropriate appraisepersonal a wider andObservationBefore oral a materiallearning or Listeningprocesscan be utilized can be
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