Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Honor Moore People 1949 Honor Moore : Belfast Newsletter Cuttings Scrapbook ,1949 Honor Moore Follow this and additional works at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/honor Part of the Food and Beverage Management Commons Recommended Citation Moore, Honor, "Honor Moore : Belfast Newsletter Cuttings Scrapbook ,1949" (1949). Honor Moore. 6. https://arrow.tudublin.ie/honor/6 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the People at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honor Moore by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License IUTT£IIFlY BRAND ftegisurtll ttrab£ JRnrk ~annfadnrtr.5 of (Jinmmtb faptrs 6inmstrip ~taling atap£s J\,bbtsiht5 for 03htt11 aGraD£ '. ~tationttlJ J1roburts tit., tit. jamtttl JllntS &- <E1l.~ Jtb-. 16/17 Jit1n lSrihgr ~trttt, nnbon, OD.et. 4 Telegrams: NONCURLlNG. LUD - LONDON Dublin Agent: Belfast Agent McCARTHY BROS., MISS W. L. BELL, 9 Anglesea Street, Granvllle House, 8 College Square, E., Dublin. Tel.: 75051 Belfast. Tel.: 2005.. an MORE NOISY CUTIER IN YOUR OFFICE I (J] FURTHER PARTI­ CULARS ON APPLICATION LTD. DUBLIN 77918 PASTE 'Phone 51194 Glue Gum. F UI' ing Paste. hon '. beaten. hoe Paste. Add milk, honl'Y Rnd alt to b at ne Shake w 11 and 1 _ FISHAMBlE STREET, DUBLIN 127 COOMBE, DUBLIN 'Phone 77661 e a Paint, Waterproof Covers, ManzeJ Oil Pumps, Delivery and Steam Hoses, Dairy Brushes, &c., &c. • •ight deliciou' way to do it-in main (li 'he.', a alad and de.. ert . T.M., T.S./. onnSlf RABBIT ly with potal in 2-qt. c (·rol. son with (6 .~ n1ingll) sail and pepper; add. uc. Top with h ('. I IUt-ol:. "lAn rf"lAd)· ookf"CI ..It ..od'l h Bak at 325 F. for 1 hr. 15 min. I % tit Ituttf"r or It.rln.. (RE MY OR ·(it: JUC-t: ETC. I"A. tit '1 ur •I Ifl' tf"CI onlOll (6 rt'lng J h .. ~f"nftf" Pf"PPf"r cup .k«d. prf't'ookl'd rl • I~ ..u.. milk S "lip h t t..r. I'i I p. .It I ..up Ifraall'd p..... m r....ft ehf"dda. ('hH I" I~ rup U«hl o. d .k l' I In I .............tf"n 1'" ..up ...nnl'd. a"Ht.f'nf"d .. nd.n d milk • 11 ..nrl..hf'd to. t % t',,« • b.. t ..n .....1.. r,., In ('rr aprll' I tb p. Ifrall'd Oranlff" .104 Drain codfish. M It butter in daubl boil r; Spl'lnklf' nutm.1t stir in flour. onion, cay nnc; add milk, tirring; Plac rice, wat r and all in d ubi boil I cook until thick ncd. Add ch se. codfish; cook top. ook ov r boiling w trIO min. Add until ch se melts. Add egg; cook 5 min. r i in and milk; tir until Cl ' my; th n til longer. Scrvc on toast; garni h with parsley. in gg. Cook. cover d. stlrrin oc a ionalJ for 15 min., or till 1I htly thick n d. dd VE I. (' .' ·.,ROLE CHOW MU . • orang rind. nutm 'g; cool. (~ rri"g.~) I• I lit • '·....1 round...ut In ''' ..u ~ (' p butt r o. m.r.. .In.. % tap. It.· I p. Pf"PIH'r ~ ('up ('hoPPt'd onion. ~ ('up ehopprd ..rHn prpprr rt % ..up (,f'lf"ry...ut In I" plf't'f" I up bellln.. ,.. If'r. I I p. 1I % ..u. aU,purpelr 'lour I tllp. "_OI04Ilu....Iul male . Arran' m I t .... ~If"r)' It I lit. milk. h8tf"d 'Phone I "-01:. r n 'rlrd ('how .."In noodl N. Brown vcal In butter in utch oven till 23198 golden. Sprinkle with ~ t p. salt and pepper; add onion, green pepper. Cov r; cook ov r low heat 30 min. Cook cel ry. cov(')'('d in water and t'IXt' TO....I. (; ~ tsp. salt till tcnder (don't drain). prinkl (6 H rt ingll) veal mixture with flour and n xt 2 ingr di nts; stir well. Add milk; cook. stirring until thick­ ened. Add undl'ained celery, season. TATIONERY Pour into 2-qt. casscrol. Bak uncov red. at 425 F., for 15 to 20 min. or until bubbling; scatter nOOdles on top. Bake 10 min. long r. CUCUMBER TO•• I'P (4 .~ rt'ing ) rs OId-F IOned DI't'SSinl': 111 ..... "'t ~ t.... u. rd H' I)ROI' ~ tap rl... n) t t VI_If r or trlllOft Jul('f" U. e P a4Uated to" ra ..Uk In Small bowl, mix salt. mustard. and pap­ ri~a. SlOWly stir in vinegar. th n evaporated milk. Chill. Thf'SaIad: nd 1101... ------------'" I h....f" Iaf"ad Hu.to. It'llu('f" I am U ru..um....r ~ ..up U"1'd radl "ft I tNp...I..........I,," Wash, dry, and break lettuce into salad bOWl. ~are cucumber; cut in half lengthwise, then slice. Chill all ingredients. At serving time, toss with dressing. H•E .'0 HM AU.OP 0 POT TO~ (6 rt'i"g) :0. Cunard Co. I. ni' hut...r or ..r.. rlnt' '. CII, flour. I tap. It. V. t ........... opole, Etc., Etc. ,~ eu.. milk 1·lb. Ill... "am. %" thick .. ..... r w. tblnl)' .U...d.. t Service. I ('11' .b.....4.... raJ C.......r e _ Melt butter in saucepan. Stir in flour. salt and peppcr; cook until smooth, stirring. Re­ move from heat; slowly stir in milk. Return to Add u r. Ileat; cook. stirring until thickened. Cut ham t r to I into serving pieces. Arrange in layers alt mate- • RC r Ribbons Duplicator to-date Type­ Stencils and Inks. ot give good the ribbon is """ ufactured for Perfection in the finished achine. article can only be achieved IBBONS by combining first grade materials with expert tech- TULIP APPLES with Spiced Cream a variety of nical manufacture. 1 package French', Good luck Pie Crust Mix Dot with butt r. Pinch pastry around ees of inking. 6 apple. (medium size) 3/4 cup sugar appl's to form a tulip. Huke 10 min­ 1 teaspoon French', Cinnamon I t of fabrics. Specify Tore Products and 112 teaspoon French'. Nutmeg utes in hot ov n (450 .,'.), th 'n in 2 table.poons butter or margarine mod >rate ov{'n (:150 F.) until I 'nd 'r andard Type­ obtain the best. Quality and Serve with Spiced Cream repare pie crust according to dircc­ H at to s 'alding ]' ~ cups light er 'am, iter, consistency gu:"rantccd. ions on package. Roll '. inch thick 1 tablespoon 8ugar, '. lellsPOOIl nd cui in strips 6 inch's long and 2 French's Ground Clovcs and " 1('11­ 'nches wide. Place strips in form of a spoon each ji'r nch's 'innnmutl, ic TYPEWRITER SUPPLY COMPANIES ero...'!. PIa 'e cor d apples on canter of Frcn 'h's Nutm 'g, 1<'r 'neh's Vanillll. astry. Mix spice, sugar; till apples. &'rvc hot. Trim. Co. Meath. by TORC MANUFACTURING CO., Ltde Phone: Trim 24. Dublin Office: 19 CROW STREET, Phone 78693 --------- J. LANAGAN, A.M.I., B.E. Guillotine and Printilll mIc Su plied General Cutler and Edge Tool Manufacturer KNIVES FOR THE. FOLLOWING TRADE.S­ Boot and Shoe. Leather-Goods and Glove. Printing and Show Cards. Engineering. Rubber. Celluloid, Hat and Cap. Table- Cutlery. Guillotine Machine Knives. + Shears. Lawn-Mowers. Slash-Hooks. Scissors. Razors and all kinds of Edge- Tools made and repaired at Moderate Charges "HONE.-----------71446 3 BALSTON STRE T - DUBLIN TO le BY MARY RUM MP FOOD STAFF liule trick nnd you can turn nn vory: ;3 up Ye table JUIce cock- onion, 2 tabl n chopped green pep­ O ordinary sandWich IOto a dream of t.'1il or tomato juice 10 placc of milk. per, Vz lea poon 1I and 2 tabl poons a dJ h thaC differenl fi r qui k lun h or mayonn i or mayonnai -Iype lad Orang i moo: U ;3 cup orang drc ing. Dip in plain, vory or d vilcd upper. Ju I dip m egg and milk and jui 10 pi" of milk; omil II and add 2 gg-milk mixlure. brown wilh Iiul fal in a klllel. By tc" poon grated orange rind, I le ,poon varying thc navor in your egg and ground innamon and 3 lablc poons wl c od t to: Make sand- milk mi ture or by chan ing the filling confi lioners' ug r. wich of wi ch and I mato li you can turn oul all kind ofe tra-good on buucred ry bread. Dip in plain, curry or d viled gg-milk mi ture. v nation. Hcre are a fi w: FILLINGS : Makc ndwi hcs with 6 labl - BASI EGG-MILK MIXTURE poon harp Cheddar read nd • 2 It, 'A poon while or ry bread. Dip in plain, vory Milk, VI p or devile<! cgg-mJJk mi lure. Beal cgg lightly in a I-quart bowl; add m c j tly: Make ndwl hes 'lit and milk; I until well bl nde<!. with cream ch and Jclly (JA cup of ea h), whole-wh I bread. Dip in plain FLAVOR eRA GES or oran -annam ne-milk mi lure. Peanut butter: Make ndwi hes with JA cup crun h- Iyl peanut buller "nd Llv "t: mbine Yz cup m hcd whol -wheat bread. Dip in plain or liverwursl, 2 t ,poons fin Iy chopped orangc inn mon gg-milk mi ture.
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