PRACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE. �fANUFACTURES. A WEEKI;Y JOURNAL OF MECHANICS, CHEMISTRY "4ND NE,V YORK, JUNE 17, 1882. perAun,,",. Vol. XLVI.-No.24.SERIES. : [-$3.20 PREPAlD. --------[NEW -----------] ------------- [pos'rAGE ] EAST ROCK PARK, NEW HAVEN.-VIEW FROM FAIR HAVEN HEIGHTS, © 1882 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC �'itutifi' �mtti,au. LEGISLATIVE ATAVISM. nation," as because it legalizes a positive offensive dis- and While studying the variations of piants and-� animals un- 1 crimination against certain laborers, skilled and unskilled, i as laborers. It is not tbe but the der domestication and also in the state of nature, Darwin Chinaman, Chinaman who observed a e dency more or less persistent and active to I works, who is to be excluded, and for whose exclusion the ES':I'ABLISHE::n 1845. revert to earlt iern and less speCialized forms, Instead ex- law was specially passed . of MUNN & CO., and Proprietors. actly reproducing the parent in type and behavior the off- I In the face this national crime it is trivial to discuss the of Editors , I misrepresentations and specious pret the AT spring would more closely resemble some ancestral form exts which advocates PUBLISHED WEEKI.Y 1 BUOADWAY, NEW YOUK. perhaps far remote time and in the scale development. of the measure have put forth so variously to justify their in of No. 261 'l'his reversion he called" atavism." p s tion. If all that has been said against the Chinese w ere o i The same clJaracteristic appears also among men ; and the true, it wou d not justify Congress in thus nationalizing the O. D. MUNN. A. E. BEACH. l scientific historian finds in this" atavism " an explanation temporary lapse of a portion of the PacificCo ast people from '�'EKllIS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. of those otherwise unaccountable outhursts of wild bar- the national standard of impartial J'ustice to all honest labor, One co y. one year po�tal!e included .. .. ...... 2 p . .. .... .. 0 . .... .. irres ective of the color the laborer; a standard which One copy,six months postall;e included .... , .......... ' ........... $316 0 barism among partially civilized communities, as shown in p of CIllb .be S pplied -One extra copy of THE SCIENTIFIC AM ERICAN.wilJ U relapses to the bloody rites of ancestral religions and the like ', hitherto -at least since slavery abolished-has been our gratis fo••r every club of tlvesubscribers at $3.20 each: addltlOnal COPleS at "-.J same proportionate rate. l'o.tage prepaid. and those �qually unreasoning outbursts of race animosi- crowning virtue as a nation. was Remit by posta order. Address l ties amougof more highly civilized peoples ; such, for example, MUNN & CO . • 261 Broadway, corner of Warren street, New York. - , • , .. as may be witnessed to-day in Rusgia and on our Pacific THE SUMMER SOLSTIOE. Scientific Alllerican Supplelllent 'J'be the morning, the sun Is a distinct paper from the SCIE"�'IFlCAME RICAN. '['HE SUPl'J.EMENT Coast. On the 21st June, at 8 o'clock in e g It largely th rough this national or local atn.vism that enters the signof Can cer, and inaugurates the great physical �A'li'UggI;:i�:{c 1f';'������ \���:i�� ;�g��;;��i6� lg� US¥r���E�' e Sinll;le copies.IO cents. Sold by historyis repeats itself; and because of it the experience of epoch known as the summer solstice. He has reached his ��lo:!:Js ��ay�:;�g�o��go�� �l:��';;,��'i�} Combined Rales. -The SCTmNTI>'IC AMERICAN and SUPPJ.lm"N'f one age or generation for nothing when later gene- extreme northern declination twenty-three and a h alf seven d.ollars. a of wUl be sent for one year postage free. on receipt of Roth counts degrees, and, jnst grazing the tropic of cancer, pauses for s a d s s rat on relapses and insists upon repcatillg the old, it may a P¥�� s�:i�t� a� t����:i���b:��:f����:t�� �r dgr� ��.er�·gistered letter. i & York. be fatal experi en few days in his course before turning his steps from our Address MUNN CO .• 261Broadway corner of Warren street. New m Under new and widelyt. different conditious, the old phase northern clime. The familiar terms the apparent S entift A Iller can E xport EditlOIl. - e i C i fromexplain Greek word mean- . thought and feeling revives ' and , with thc passior:oate un- movement, the word tropic coming The Scn:N'l'IFICAMIORICAN Export Ed,tlon Is a large and SI}Iendid per!- of a a e�':;�)���1��: abm ���th��di�� reason of the e rlier �ay, men repeat the. a ncient folly and ing to turn, and the word solstice coming from two ;:g"e�. l�gfJ!�IY f 1��t:'a't�'p' � . Latin r�i�:\��,�rgplates and pages of the four precedingI weekly issnes of the SCII"�'l'IFIC re-enact the !lllClcnt lDJustlCe. words meaning the sun stands still. with its splendid engravings and valnabl � lnformation� • •• Commercial.AMII:RICAN, trade. and manufacturinll;announcements of leading houses. Compare the recent act of Congress agamst the lmmlgra- The days remain of the same length, fifteen hours and s t 5.0 a C�.) ���rd fgin:l��':;"�ie��t �':.'t:. ���u"{.:;,\g;:��, �n�Oot��rsP.:��We;i��·I tion of Chinese laborers with the laws against free n egroes sixteen minutes, for nine days, from the 16th to the 25th. s layed an- ��u":g��':,!?i��t'\i;h'::�ei:t�s ��1rid�rit:a;�� y ��g:���IKo�i p enacted a few years ago by South Carolina and other States On the 26th a change comes, and a decrease of one minute e c Iai;����'�;���g,��i�I'';i!�e�1g���,�g��;�I��1l)fll; f�����;�n�t1 ':s.\ the south and west. The parallel is discreditahly cl ose, marks the soutbern course of the sun. In a few days the CO., of 261 Broadway, corner of Warren street, New York. and the disgrace of Congress is greater than that of the ear- change will be apparent to careful ohservers. The snnrise lier legislators in that Congress in its unwarranted invasion and sunset points will swerve slightly to the south, and the YORK, SATGRDAY , 17, 1882. NEW JUNE of the dignity and inherent rights of all honest labor, acted, sun will not mount quite so high at noon-day toward the ---- le38 from con v ct on than a contemptible fear offend- zenith. The movement of the sun to the s uth his less- Contents. a class in ithei far west,from whose votes may be neofed ed on I ening meridian altitude will go on until theo 21stand (Illustrated articles are marked with an asterisk.) ing of Decem­ some future election day; a class whose moral and econo- ber, when the winter solstice and the days have Aluminum, act. of on cop. ohlor. 38 5 Iron mountain. Mexico ........... 381 mical thinking exactly reproduces that of the earlier day, as reached their minimum length.occurs, 'rhe process will then be Atavism. legislative .... ...... .. 376 e t .. .. Atlantic passage, quick . 379 i:;i�\�i� : ��lvi����:: exhibited in this typical provision of the Constitntion of reversed; the Run will move northward, and his meridian . �VLan is ... Ba1dness, cures for .... ...... ... 380 the highest animal?::�:::::::: .. ��380 Barnard. J. J .. GeneraL. .......... 381 Milk sugar. manufacture of ...... 882 Oregon, to wit: altitude increase until he comes round again to the summer Bill, patent, now before Senate.. 381 Misrepresentation as a leg. inf.o 377 Bread box' ........................ 3�4 MiSsissippi. channel of the .... 381 "No free negro or mulatto, not e i ding in this State at solstice of 1883. Observers can see for themselves the Bul1ets. poisonous ................ 382 Mungoose. the. as a rat killer.... 377 s Butter ca.se, improved* ........... $84 Notes and queries* ... ............ 386 the time of the adoption of this Constitlltr ion, shall ever come, changes in the sun's place in the heavens that mark the change Buttonhole attach for milch.'. .. 3S0 Nut lock, novel* ................... 3!':!2 Channel of the Mississippi . ... .. Olt cuP. new* ................... 382 reside, or be within this State, or hold any real estate, or in the seasons, and will readily note that the further south Chinese. hygiene among the..... 377381 e Coalbreaking with lime .......... 381 ��rk, �!st��ci�������eii* make any contract or maintain any suit therein; and the the sun rises and sets the shorter will be the days, and the Coal gas, dangers of ....... ...... 377 Passage, AtlantIC, quick......... �379 Coin, Roman, ancient, an ......... 3R;'! 'aste boxes, orcelain and china*·375·, 384 Legislative Assembly shall provide by penal laws for the I, lower the altitude of the noon-day sun the less will be the Correspondence.......... ....... 381 PatentI bill nowp before Senate... 381 Cric ets. field. habits of ....... .. 383 Perspective delineator ........... 380 removal, by public officers, of such free negroes and mu- intensity the heat. k . 0 • • • ••••• •••• • • • • or of Crystals . 381 River Arnu Oxus, the .......... 885 lattoes, and for their effectual exclusionall from the State, and This oscillation the sun to the north n.ndsout h , and his Cnres for baldness........... .... 389 Hubber, preservation uf . .. Delineator. perspective .... ...... 380 Shoe nails, method of making* ..,. 377 of Dental drills. Improvement In ... 38 5 Slate cleaner and rencil holder*. 383844 for the punishment of ptrsons who shall bring them into the varying meridian altitude are only apparent. the real cause Dental plugger' ................... 384 Snow in St. Petersburg ......... .. 381 State, or employ or harbor th em therein." of the movement being the revoLution of the earth around DiastaseEast in Park,the white of eggs..... 377 Solstice, summer, the, .. :, ....... 376 Rock New Haven* 375, 378 Steam whistle. brass .............. 379 • The new law which disgraces our statute hooks makes it the 8un with her pole inclined twenty-three a half degrees Eggs.
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