COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Council Chambers, Townhall Wednesday, June 27, 2018 Immediately Following Council Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA a) Committee of the Whole Agenda - June 27, 2018 Recommended Action: THAT the Committee of the Whole agenda for June 27, 2018 be approved as presented. 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. PRESENTATIONS & DELEGATIONS (ALL SECTIONS) 5. SECTION A - TRANSPORTATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES a. CONSENT AGENDA Recommended Action: THAT the following consent agenda items, having been given due consideration be received for information: 6 - 10 i) Transit Ridership Update 11 - 28 ii) Simcoe County Transit Update 29 - 31 iii) Midland Penetanguishene Transit Committee Minutes Dated March 6, 2018 b. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION i) Verbal Update from the Director of Public Works re: Main Street Reconstruction c. REFERRALS TO UPCOMING AGENDA/STAFF i) Referrals: THAT the Transportation and Environmental Services Section endorse the following additional and existing referrals to upcoming agendas and staff: Future Agenda Items: Page 1 of 94 Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Agenda Page Item Key Council Expected Deliverables Member Date Thompsons Road Council Q4 - 2019 West Extension Options d. QUESTION PERIOD FROM MEDIA AND PUBLIC 6. SECTION B - RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES a. CONSENT AGENDA Recommended Action: THAT the following consent agenda items, having been given due consideration be received for information: 32 - 33 i) Heritage Committee Status 34 - 36 ii) Penetanguishene Library Board Minutes Dated May 28, 2018 37 - 39 iii) Penetanguishene Trails Committee Minutes Dated May 8, 2018 40 - 43 iv) Senior's Centre b. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 44 - 47 i) Community Emergency Response Team Fee Waiver Recommended Action: THAT the 100% fee waiver request for the use of the Lounge by the Community Emergency Response Team be approved as requested for the purposes of conducting training meetings. c. REFERRALS TO UPCOMING AGENDA/STAFF i) Referrals THAT the Recreation and Community Services Section endorse the following additional and existing referrals to upcoming agendas and staff: Future Agenda Items: Key Deliverables Council Expected Item Member Date Seniors Operating Cost Analysis Councillor Q2 -2018 Facility (part 1) D. Leroux (multi-stage Grant Opportunities (part report) 2) Page 2 of 94 Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Agenda Page Potential Locations (part 3) Cycling Develop a cycling strategy Councillor Q4-2018 Strategy M. Lauder d. QUESTION PERIOD FROM MEDIA AND PUBLIC 7. SECTION C - PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES a. CONSENT AGENDA b. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 48 - 68 i) Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z.A. 2/2018 – Staff Report PD-18-57 Temporary Structures Results of Public Meeting Recommended Action: THAT application Z.A. 2/2018 be approved to amend the General Provisions Section 3.22 of Zoning By-law 2000-02, as amended, to permit “Temporary Structures”. AND THAT the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as per Staff Report PD-18-57 be brought to Council for approval; AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Penetanguishene deems the application to be consistent with and conforming to Provincial Policies, the County of Simcoe Official Plan and the Town’s Official Plan. AND FINALLY THAT the Schedule A of the Fees and Charges By- law 2018-16 be amended to include a Temporary Structure Application fee of $25.00. c. REFERRALS TO UPCOMING AGENDA/STAFF i) Referrals THAT the Planning and Community Development Services Section endorse the following additional and existing referrals to upcoming agendas and staff: Future Agenda Items: Item Key Deliverables Council Expected Member Date Page 3 of 94 Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Agenda Page d. QUESTION PERIOD FROM MEDIA AND PUBLIC 8. SECTION D - FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES a. CONSENT AGENDA Recommended Action: THAT the following consent agenda items, having been given due consideration be received for information: 69 - 73 i) New regulations to the Fire Prevention Act 74 - 78 ii) Police Services Board Meeting Minutes - March 5, 2018 79 - 90 iii) Council Information Package - May 31 to June 22, 2018 b. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 91 - 94 i) 2017 Taxation Surplus Analysis Recommended Action: THAT the allocation of the 2017 Taxation Surplus be approved as presented. c. REFERRALS TO UPCOMING AGENDA/STAFF i) Referrals THAT the Finance and Corporate Services Section endorse the following additional and existing referrals to upcoming agendas and staff: Future Agenda Items: Item Key Deliverables Council Expected Member Date Guesthouse Deputy Q3 - 2018 Loan Mayor A. forgiveness Dubeau request Election 2018 Reporting on Council 2017-2018 items as required as required regarding the 2018 Municipal Election Page 4 of 94 Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Agenda Page Finance - Insurance Joint Council Q4 - 2018 Insurance Joint RFP process RFP Review initiated for North Simcoe municipalities Code of Conduct Provide options Councillor M. Q3 - 2018 available to Mayotte having the Code of Conduct implemented before the end of this Council term. d. QUESTION PERIOD FROM MEDIA AND PUBLIC 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 94 The Corporation of The Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Report COMMITTEE: Transportation & Environmental Services Section COMMITTEE CHAIR: Councillor Doug Rawson SUBJECT: Midland Penetanguishene Transit Ridership Monthly Update REPORT HIGHLIGHTS • The purpose of this report is to provide council with an update on the monthly ridership of the transit system along with a Stop Performance Report and the Revenue and Cost factors. • This report will cover the month of May • There were 2327 boardings during the month of May which is an increase in ridership of 51 from the previous month. • An even ridership distribution has been observed in the month of May during the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. RECOMMENDATION THAT the report be received for information. BACKGROUND The Midland Penetanguishene Transit system commenced operation on February 1st, 2016. Since that time, the Town of Penetanguishene through its operator (the Town of Midland) has implemented the Transit Fare program on its bus service. Transit riders are provided the option to either purchase a reloadable transit fare card or pay cash when they enter the bus. Transit fare software reads both card and cash transactions and counts it as a boarding and reduces the number of rides left on the card. With this program we are able to review the number of riders boarding the transit system. Transit Ridership Update Page 6 of 94 The Corporation of The Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Report ANALYSIS For the month of May 2018, the Transit Fare software identified the following boardings on the Penetanguishene Transit Route which includes the increases and decreases, as seen in the graph below. The diagram below summarizes the distribution of boardings on an hourly basis. 2 Hours % Boardings % Boardings Time Frame April May 6:00 - 7:00 9.05% 8.21% 8:00 - 9:00 22.36% 20.89% 10:00 - 11:00 18.06% 22.35% 12:00 - 13:00 20.96% 19.17% 14:00 - 15:00 19.90% 19.60% 16:00 - 17:00 9.58% 9.80% 18:00 - 19:00 .088% .000% Transit Ridership Update Page 7 of 94 The Corporation of The Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Report The Transit Fare software is able to collect the number of boardings per stop, which is listed below. The gray highlighted area represents the transfer locations. The transfer locations in Midland in include both transfers and paid boardings at these locations which accounts for the discrepancy in the monthly paid boardings and the cumulative transfer and boardings at each stop location summarized below. The Transit Fare software also has the ability to record which stop transit riders are departing the bus. A table summarizing the transit ridership trip destinations for the month of May is provided below: Boardings Passenger Boardings Passenger Stop Name Apr/18 Count May/18 Count Church/Cambridge 62 54 62 35 116 40 155 69 Georgian Village 49 37 54 30 Poyntz & Park 20 4 10 6 Broad & Church 38 38 44 28 Gignac & John 11 0 0 0 Main & Beck 0 0 0 0 Lorne & Buke 66 74 122 99 Village Square Mall 583 191 549 184 Thompsons/Maria 20 4 11 1 Fox & Broad 1 0 6 1 Beck & Fox 169 102 215 128 Robert E & Fox 12 19 17 19 Robert & Centre 148 125 175 127 Robert/Town Hall 75 112 104 93 Waypoint Medical Centre 46 0 55 0 Huronia Mall 1921 1038 2036 941 Georgian Bay 130 0 124 0 Mountainview Mall 170 0 177 0 Transit Ridership Update Page 8 of 94 The Corporation of The Town of Penetanguishene Committee of the Whole Report The table below summarizes the operating costs and revenue for the Penetanguishene Transit System since January 2018: Penetanguishene Cost & Revenue for Penetanguishene/Midland Transit Revenue - Costs - Revenue - Renevue - Midland Revenue - Net 2018 Costs - Midland Other Total Cost Grants Fares Fares OW Total Revenue Cost/(Revenue) January $ 2,564.00 $ 2,564.00 $ - $ 633.25 $ 964.51 $ 1,597.76 $ 966.24 February $ 1,640.97 $ 1,640.97 $ - $ 540.00 $ 540.00 $ 1,100.97 Marc h $ 8,787.88 $ 8,787.88 $ - $ 866.50 $ 741.93 $ 1,608.43 $ 7,179.45 April $ 0.16 $ 0.16 $ 22,457.00 $ 797.50 $ 723.32 $ 23,977.82 $ (23,977.66) May $ 79.96 $ 79.96 $ - $ 1,070.00 $ 1,070.00 $ (990.04) June $ - $ - $ - July $ - $ - $ - August $ - $ - $ - September $ - $ - $ - October $ - $ - $ - November $ - $ - $ - December $ - $ - $ - Total $ - $ 13,072.97 $ 13,072.97 $ 22,457.00 $ 3,907.25 $ - $ 2,429.76 $ 28,794.01 $ (15,721.04) BUDGETARY IMPLICATIONS There are no budgetary implications associated with this report. RISK MANAGEMENT There are no risk management related impacts associated with this report.
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