The Jewish Perspective FALL 2010 / TISHREI 5771 A LITTLE NOSH FOR THE SOUL COMPLIMENTSOF CHABAD JEWISH CENETR DEDICATEDDEDICATED TOTO THETHE LOVELOVE ANDAND INSPIRATIONINSPIRATION OFOF THETHE LUBAVITCHERLUBAVITCHER REBBEREBBE on the the cover: cover: MLH DDARKNESS’ARRKNESS’ LAST Dear Friend, (4VKLYU+ H`*OH STANDSTAND AGAINST...YOU.AGAINST...YOU. 8a[KPWQU You are the next link in the chain. ,_JS\ZP]L +Y 8a[KPWQU InIn allall mymy timetime asas editoreditor ofof ,_JS\ZP]L +Y Passover is the most ancient of all rituals in the 8a[KPWQU tthishis mmagazine,agazine, I’veI’ve nevernever ,_JS\ZP]L Western world. It has been passed down in an +Y sseeneen thethe worldworld soso dark.dark. 8a[KPWQU ,_JS\ZP]L unbroken chain of tradition for over 3300 years, +Y I rememberremember thethe RebbeRebbe that’s over 100 generations! That means that every / oncee saidid thath dkdarkness iis . one of your ancestors, without exception, sat at a mmostostt iintensentense rirightght bebeforefore Seder and shared the meaning, the mystery and dadayy break. And wewe’re’re all lookinlookingg forward to the magic of Passover. susunrisenrise ooff tthathat NNewew DaDay.y. TThat’shat’s whwhyy tthishis issue is our lilightght issue. ItIt’s’s not soo much about lilightght as Engage all your senses in this dynamic and moving it is about our lilightght hero.hero. ComeCome on,on, we allall havehave experience. The tastes, the aromas, the textures, a hero. Hero worshiworshiperspers hhave the ggamutamut covered the sounds and the sights of Jewish continuity in frfromom BBabeabe RRuthuth to Bill GaGates.ates. ButBut,, iinn our ggloballobal action all combine to achieve the meaningful events of the Seder. search of a hero I think ouourur ggenerationeneration now seeks Take the time this year to fully engage yourself and your family in Jewish life. Feel a kinkindd ooff hheroismeroism tthathat hhas nothinnothingg to do wwithith the passion of the exodus, taste the beauty of freedom, hear the message of bats and balls or ppenniesennies aand dimes. ItIt’s’s the herohero-- personal growth all brought to life at the Seder. isismm ooff beatinbeatingg tthehe dadarkness.rkness. KeeKeepingping tthathat lilittlettle flflame yyouou hhave iidinside anandd llettinge tting it shinehi awaawayy Join us or try it at home, either way, make this the most meaningful Pesach ever. tthehe dadarkness.rkness. Our hheroero onn thethe cover is tthehe guyguy May G-d bless you and your family with a Passover filled to overflowing good health who knows that ananyy jjourneyourney mamayy be his lastlast,, that and happiness! dandangerger llurksurks evereverywhere,ywhere, yyetet hhee does nnotot bbreakreak down. Our hero is the onee who was told ““You’llYou’ll Sincerely, nneverever makmakekee iit,”t,” yyet,et, wwithithh a lilittlettle cacandlendle iinn hihiss Rabbi................... hand he ppushesushes forward. Our hero conconquersquers his willwill,, is sslowlow to aanger,nger, anandnd mmaintainsaintains hihiss ffocus.ocus. Director, Chabad of Your Town This issue is all about yyou.ou. YYeYes,es, yyouou the readerreader,, yyouou aarere our wawarriorrrior ooff lilight.ghht. YYouou aarere our hheroero aandnd we salute yyou.ou. YYourour bbiggestiggest ffan,an, Don’t miss the Rabbi’s Thursday Torah Class 7:00 pm Editor Rabbi Shmuel Marcus, This is Jewish Thought 101. For thousands of years, the Torah has been the Jewish national treasure, and now is your chance to claim your >>>> LeviLeevi Tenenbaum Tenenbaum AboutAbout thethe photographerphotographer : inheritance. LeLevivi is an awarawardd wwinninginning pphotographerhotographer currcurrentlyently based in Los AnAngelesgeles CalifCalifornia.ornia. HaHavingaving ccompletedompleted both YYeshi-eshi- From Moses to David to You! vvahah aandnd sstudiestudies iinn pphotography,hotography, he fuses his TTalmudicalmudic Join the class by calling 714-555-5523 ttalentsalents with his savvysavvy photographer’sphotoographer’s eye.eye. His artisartistictic dirdirection?ection? “Reality is wwherehere I livelive eeveryvery day.day. Compos-Compos- or logging onto www.CHabadofnow.com. iningg hyper-realhyper-real imageryimagery allowsallowws me ttoo livlivee bebeyondyond those rrestrictions.”estrictions.” FARBRENGEN is published by Join us Shabbat Morning at 10:30 am Chabad Lubavitch of4301 Seminary Join us for a weekly Torah study and service. Our friendly, Non- Printed 4 times yearly - Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall. Postage Paid at Brooklyn NY and additional offices English. Kids are welcome. There are never any tickets or membership or affiliation required. EDITOREDITORI INNC CHIEF:HIEF:R RabbiabbiC ChaimhaimN N..C Cuninunin EDITOR:EDITOR: RabbiRabbi ShmuelShmuel MarcusMarcus For more info call Rabbi Shliach at 714-828-5523. DISTRIBUTION:DISTRIBUTION: RabbiRabbi AvrahamAAvvraham GreenGreen MANAGINGMANAGINGE EDITOR:DITOR:R RachelachelM Mossoss Chabad of Bell Klapper • 4454 Yontif Ave. • Los Alamitos, CA 90720 COPYCOPY EDITORS:EDITORS: IItata MMarcus,arcus, LLisaisa BursteinBurstein CONTRIBUTINGCONTRIBUTING EDITORS:EDITORS: Dr.Dr. ArnieArnie Gotfryd,Gotffrryd, Dr.Dr. BenBen SSherman,herman, RabbiRabbi ShmuelShmuel Marcus,Marcus, EliEli Marcus,Marcus, SarahSarah Lehat,Lehat, MiriamMiriam Lieberman,Lieberman, RachelRachel MossMoss EDITORIALEDITORIALC CONSULTANTS:ONSULTANTS:R RabbiabbiL LevieviC Cuninunin (Jay(Jay Leno’sLeno’s Rabbi),Rabbi), JaredJaredS Sundell,undell, YYosefosefM Marcusarcus Don’t miss the Rabbi’s Thursday Torah Class 7:00 pm ARTARTDT DIRECTORDIRECTOR&DR & DESIGN:DESIGN:N: NechamaNechamaMa MarcusMarcus contact:contact: [email protected]@gmail.com This is Jewish Thought 101. For thousands of years, the Torah has COVERCOVERP PHOTOGRAPHY:HOTOGRAPHY:L LevieviT Tenenbaumenenbaum CONTRIBUTINGCONTRIBUTING ARTISTS:ARTISTS: MarcMarc LLumer,umer, MenachemMenachem KrinskyKrinskkyy been the Jewish national treasure, and now is your chance to claim your SPECIALSPECIAL THANKSTHANKS TO:TO: Uri,Uri, Dina,Dina, Natan,Natan, Yitzchak,Yitzchak, MosheMoshe andand GilanaGilana SaraSara PikoverPikover forffoor continuingcontinuing thethe Rebbe’sRebbe’s Farbrengen.Farbrengen. inheritance. Website:Website: wwww.farbrengen.comww.ffaarbrengen.com From Moses to David to You! ©2010©2010 byby ChabadChabad ofof CaliforniaCaliffoornia AllAll rightsrights reserved,reserved, includingincluding thethe rightright toto reproducereproduce anyany portionportion or logging onto www.CHabadofnow.com. ofof FarbrengenFarbrengen inin anyannyy form,form, withoutwithout priorprior writtenwritten permissionpermission fromfrom thethe publisher,publisher, exceptexcept byby a reviewerreviewer whowho wisheswishes toto quotequote briefbrief passagespassages PrintedPrinted inin thethe USAUSA 000 Soul Bling SPOT ANY SOUL BLING RECENTLY? Send us your comments to [email protected] Ben Sherman of Farbrengen Magazine dons FOOD JUDAICA the gas mask for the grating room with Marc TEH LULAV & Gold of Gold’s. ETROG SHAKE For thousands of years, the Jewish People have fulfilled the biblical mitzvah to “Take for yourself a beautiful W HY YOU DON’T fruit and the palm branch.” Known as KNOW BORSCHT! POW ER: KOSHER-STYLE the four kinds, your By Dr. Ben Sherman It sounds like the beginning of a joke; “A rabbi, Lulav and Etrog set is a doctor and an entrepreneur get together,” used everyday (except I asked the girl in but the punch line is: seriously great tasting Shabbat) during the the green Starbucks protein bars! The secrets are in the doctor’s festival of Sukkot. To apron for a “Grande SmartFoods Technology™, with a little help get your own Lulav and Iced Borscht with from the Kabbalah. The all new bars are “Cholov Etrog set, contact your 3 pumps of Schav.” Yisroel”, made with whey protein supervised in local Chabad. She said “With room a centuries old tradition. Order your power bars www.chabad.org/centers for cream?” No she online at www.actionnutrition.net didn’t. You see, the Russian-style beet and Price: Peanut Butter Chocolate $1.99 ea. cabbage borscht, served hot as soup or cold Peanut Butter Chocolate $1.59 ea. as beer, is part of the culinary repertoire Y OU can’T BLOW of Jews hailing from Eastern Europe. But, THIS SHOFAR OFF sadly, this traditional beverage is just a mystery to most Americans. For me, there Marc Gold of Gold’s was always a cold jar of red borscht in donning Tefillin with my grandmother’s Brooklyn fridge. It was Rabbi Yossi Lieberman. something my zaidy drank while he read Always dreamed of owning the Yiddish daily. Yet, as the years went and pasted labels, all a 29”-32” Yemenite shofar? This on and Yiddish daily’s turned into English by hand while sitting Rosh Hashanah you could be the Weekly’s, red borscht was set to be soon around the kitchen proud owner of a 100% kosher forgotten. table. Hyman quickly out-grew his bicycle route handcrafted yemenite shofar made Recently, I convinced my editor to fly me to and bought a car. In 1946, Gold Pure Food Inc, from an antelope’s horn! New York and I went to meet Marc Gold. He got their own apartment in Brooklyn. Today, www.kehot.com. Price: $98.99 is one of the only people that still produces the Gold’s mega plant in Long Island is run by Marc and his cousins. They produce a variety of that classic red jar of borscht and that’s Magazine staff writer going to do with Yiddish cultural condiments. Borscht, Lo-Calorie when I finally got my Grande Iced Borscht. his interview of a Jewish CEO? That’s Borscht, Unsalted Borscht or Schav, Russian right, while I hold the camera, my Style Borscht, and now the New York Mets’ have
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