INDEX Abbott, Martin L., rev. of Craven's Recon- American Revolution: The Founding of a struction, The Ending of the Civil War, 562- Nation ..., by Jensen, rev., 424-426; Naval 563 Documents of the . ., Vol. 3, Clark, ed., Abernathy, George R., Jr., 9 rev., 274-275; Col. John Trumbull as ar- Abernethy, Lloyd M., rev. of Sproat's "The tist of, 124-126 Best Men/' Liberal Reformers in the Gilded America's Political Dilemma . ., by Dietze, Age, 298-299 rev., 142-143 Abolitionists, attitude of Chas. Ingersoll to, Ames, Fisher, biography of, 397, 399 193 Anderson, Bart, 6 n, y Academy of Philadelphia. See under Univer- Anglo-American relations, Phineas Bond and, sity of Pennsylvania (College and Academy 45o-45i of Phila.) Antes, Henry (1701-1755), 390 Acrelius, Israel, 467, 468, 471 Anthracite coal. See Coal Adams, Charles Francis, rev. of vols. 3-4 of Anthracite Operators' Conference, 257 diary of, 132-134 Antislavery movement, in Pa. iron industry, Adams, John, 179 484-486 Adams, John Quincy, on Robt. Walsh, 406 Appleby, Stewart, 252 Addison, Joseph, 402 Apprentice system: as a means of education, Age, Philadelphia newspaper: fails to back 478; of Negroes in charcoal iron industry, Peace Democrats, 208; policy of, 202 474 Albany, N. Y., railroads to, 222 Apprentices, of chimney sweepers, 476 Alden, Thomas, 157 Archaeology, and Buffalo in Pa., 151 Alexandria, Va., Gen. Braddock holds con- Archer, William, 524 ference at, 349 The Architects of the American Colonies or Allen, Andrew (1740-1825), 112 Vitruvius Americanus, by Millar, rev., Allen, James (d. 1778), 112 299-300 Allen, William (1704-1780), 306, 307, 312, Architecture: Bibliography of Early American 3.24, 3*5, 3.27, 337> 33%, 339, 3^ 368 Architecture . ., by Roos, rev., 548-550; Allis, Frederick S., Jr., rev. of Friedlaender of Chestnut Street, Phila., 58; Gothic Re- and Butterfield, eds., Diary of Charles vival & Am. churches, 282-284; Thos. Francis Adams, vols. 3-4, 132-134 Jefferson's designs in the Coolidge Coll., Ambridge, Pa. See Logstown, Pa. America, superiority of to Europe, 180 Archives, Research in . ., by Brooks, rev., American Academy of Arts, 410 American Authors (Kunitz and Hay craft), 510 Aristocracy, in Civil War Phila., 190-217 American Bible Society, 383 Armstrong, Ensign John, 168 American Construction Co., 233 Army, Continental, reduction of after Revo- The American Indian as Hunter (Whitthoft), lution, 163 J5l Army, U. S.: role of in western settlement, The American Museum: major themes of, 161-178; supply problems of on frontier, 180; subscribers to, 179 169 "The American Museum, 1787-1792, as a Arnold, Benedict, in fiction of Chas. J. Peter- Forum for Ideas of American Foreign son, 517 Policy," by Robert W. Sellen, 179-189 Arnold, Matthew, 523 American Ornithology (Wilson), 415, 492 Arrests, arbitrary. See Military power and The American Playhouse in the Eighteenth civil authority- Century, by McNamara, rev., 423-424 Art: Am. marine painting, 275-276; The American Quarterly Review, 392, 409 Brandywine Tradition, by Pitz, rev., 56^— American Register, 393 565; Charles Willson Peale . A Supple- "The American Review of History and Poli- ment . ., by Sellers, rev., 547-548; princi- tics," by Guy R. Woodall, 392-409 ples of in U. S., 1810, 410-416; works of 573 574 INDEX October Col. John Trumbull, 124-126. See Painters Barnes, Rion, 229 and painting Barton, Benjamin, 1786 map of, 153 The Art and Politics of Thomas Nast by Bartram, William: aids Alex. Wilson, 492; Keller, rev., 138-139 Botanical and Zoological Drawings, Ewan, Arthur, T. S., 511 ed., rev., 421-423; travels of, 501 Articles of Confederation, $36, 539 Battan, Frank L., 6n Arts of the Young Republic: The Age of Wil- Bawdy houses, suit concerning, 460 liam Dunlap, by Dickson, rev., 430-431 Bawdy stories, 44 Ashe, Thomas, 151 Bear, James A., rev. of Nichols* Thomas Jef- Assembly, Pennsylvania (colonial, 1682- ferson Architect. ., 550-552 r776)j 309-371 passim; appoints tax col- Bears, 158, 159 lectors, 373; assails Thos. Penn's perform- Beatty, Erkuries, 165 ance bonds on governors, 342; denounces Beautiful River. See Ohio River suspending clauses, 328; helps finance Beaver, Pa., 165 Crown Point expedition, 348; makes office Beech Creek Railroad, 236 of county commissioner elective, 374; paper Beef River. See French Creek money bills of, 320-362 passim; petitions Beissel, Conrad, 385, 386 Crown against proprietarial instructions, Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., yn, 11, 306, 311 343; revenues of, 322 Belles-lettres, in Am. Review, 399 Assembly, Pa. (bicameral, 1790- ), ap- Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, 91, 257 propriates money for relief, 104 Belz, Herman, Reconstructing the Union . ., Assessors, of taxes, duties of, 375, 376 rev., 446-447 Association Battery, 313, 314 Bender, Harold S., 383 Astor House, Negro dance hall, Phila., 63 Benedetti, 59 Athens, Phila. likened to, 410 "Benjamin Franklin and Pennsylvania Poli- Auction houses, in Phila., 29 tics, 1751-1755: A Reappraisal," by James Autobiography, 266 H. JHutson, 303-371 "Benjamin Franklin and William Smith, More Light on an Old Philadelphia Quar- rel," by James H. Hutson, 109-113 Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam and Vis- Benson, John, 477 count St. Albans, 498 Bergen Hill, N. J., railroad tunnel at, 225 Baer, George F., 238, 539 Berkhofer, Robert F., Jr., rev. of Eblen's Baggaley, Ralph, 232?*, 233?*, 235 The First and Second United States Empires Baggessen, M. Jens Immanuel, 400, 403 Baily, Ephraim, 480 Berkshire Furnace, 469 Bailyn, Bernard, The Origins of American Berthoff, Rowland, rev. of Greene's The Politics, rev., 118-119 Slavic Community on Strike . .., 290-292 Bald Eagle Creek, 153 Besse, Joseph, 4 Baldwin, Henry, and Prigg v. Pennsylvania, Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad, 23 8» 78-85 passim "The Best Men," Liberal Reformers in the Baldwin Locomotive Works, lends building Gilded Age, by Sproat, rev., 298-299 as welfare shelter, 99 Bethesda Baptist Church, 483 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad: enters Phila., Bethlehem of Pennsylvania: The First One 22ow; paid for rights in Pa. Turnpike Hundred Years, 1741-1841, Yates, ed., route, 23972 rev., 419-421 Baltzell, E. Digby, rev. of Hoyt's The Pea- B'hoys, rowdies, 35-38 ^ body Influence . ., 433~435 Bible: printed by Christopher Sauer, 383; Bank of North America, 537; architecture of, sustains slavery, 521 58 Bibliographies: of the British Empire, 1748- Bank of the United States, 1st, 186 1776, 544-545; Civil War Books ..., vol. 1, Bank of the United States, 2nd: beauty of, Nevins, ed., rev., 441-442; vol. 2, Nevins, 58; and Charles J. Ingersoll, 191 ed., rev., 561-562; of Wm. Penn's works, Banquets, 172 5, 8, 11 Baptism, by immersion, 390, 391 Bibliography of Early American Architecture: Baptists, German, 383 Constructed Before i860 in Eastern and Cen- Bar, of Phila., dominated by aristocracy, tral United States, by Roos, rev., 548-550 214 Biddle, Alexander, 296 Barbecue, 159^ Biddle, Constance, 92 Barbour, Hugh, 8 Biddle, George W., 200, 206 Barlow, Joel, 401 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 407 1969 INDEX 575 Big Buffalo Creek, Perry Co., 152, 154, 156 Bouvier, Judge John, 54 Billiard parlors, as gambling resorts, 48 The Bouviers: Portrait of an American Family, Billiards, in Phila., 47 by Davis, rev., 451-452 Billikopi, Jacob, 91-108 passim Bowen, Catherine Drinker, Biography: The Billings, Frederick, 224 Craft and the Calling, rev., 569-570 Biography, 401 Bowling saloons, as gambling resorts, 48 Biography: The Craft and the Calling, by Boxing matches, 99 Bowen, rev., 569-570 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, poem by, 509 Bird, Mark, ironmaster: bankruptcy of, 473; Braddock, Gen. Edward, 304; holds confer- slaves of, 469, 470 ence at Alexandria, 349; seeks assistance of Bird, William (fl. 1763), slaves of, 468 Pa., 344, 345, 353 Birdsborough Forge: owned by Buckley and Braddock Expedition, supposed invincibility Brooke, 476; sale of, 473; slaves at, 468, of, 35i» 469, 470, 471 Bradford, Samuel F. (1776-1837), publisher, Birney, James G., 486 407 The Birth of the Nation: A Portrait of the Brag, card game, 47 American People on the Eve of Independence, Braille, 97 by Schlesinger, rev., 273-274 Brandy: cost of, 40; drinking of, 44 Biscaccianti, Signora, 59 Brandywine Creek, in poetry, 504 Bison. See Buffaloes The Brandywine Tradition, by Pitts, rev., Bittner, Van A., 246 563-565 Black, Loring, 259 Brauer, Kinley J., rev. of O'Connor's Lords Blackmail, in railroad building, 221 of the Loom . ., 284-285 Blackstone, Sir William, 538 Breadlines, in Phila., 90 Blair, Hugh, 402, 404 Breakfasts, for school children, 94, 100 Blanchard, George R., 239 Breckenridge, John C, 192, 194 Blangy, 59 Brevoort, Henry, 399, 408; on Robt. Walsh's Bloom, Robert L., rev. of Belz's Reconstruct- prejudices, 406 ing the Union . ., 446-447 Bribery, at elections, 464 Bloom, Sol, 250 Bridges, erected by court of quarter sessions, Bloomeries, of Thos. Rutter, 466 Bloomsburg Democrat, on Peterson's Maga- Bridges, Thomas, 109W, 112 zine, 513 A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania Blueprint for Modern America: Nonmilitary (Smith), 349, 362 Legislation of the First Civil War Congress, British Constitution. See English Constitu- by Curry, rev., 288-290 tion Board of Education, Phila., 100 The British Empire Before the American Revo- Board of Trade (Lords Commissioners for lution, vol. 14, A Bibliographical Guide to Trade and Plantations), 117-118, 337, 338; the History of the British Empire, 1748- advised by Joshua Gee, 13-22; reject As- 1776, by Gipson, rev., 544~545 sembly attack on Thos. Penn, 357W British Merchant, English newspaper, 13 Boatfield, Helen C, 570 Broad Street, Phila., horse racing on, 45 Bogert, John G., 410 Brock, Peter, Pacifism in the United States Boker, George Henry, 524 . ., rev., 426-427 Bonaparte, Joseph, biography of, 131-132 Brodhead, Col. Daniel, 160 Bond, Phineas, biography of, 450-451 Brokerage business, in Phila., 29 Bond, Dr.
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