Yorke Peninsula Council NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the next ordinary meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 13th July 2016, in the Council Chambers, 57 Main Street, Minlaton commencing at 5.30pm Andrew Cameron CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER A G E N D A ITEM 1 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 1.1 Welcome by Mayor – meeting declared opened 1.2 Opening Prayer 1.3 Present 1.4 Leave of absence Andrew Cameron 1.5 Apologies Cr David Langford, Cr Naomi Bittner, Cr Scott Hoyle Yorke Peninsula Council 1 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 1.6 Conflict of Interest CONFLICT OF INTEREST Elected Members are reminded of the requirements for disclosure by Members of direct or indirect pecuniary benefit or detriment and non- pecuniary benefit or detriment in relation to a material conflict of interest in accordance with Section 73, or an actual or perceived conflict of interest in accordance with Section 75 of the Local Government Act in items listed for consideration on the Agenda. Section 74 and 75A of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Elected Members declare any interest and provide full and accurate details of the relevant interest to the Council. In relation to actual or perceived conflicts of interest a member has an obligation to outline how they propose to deal with the actual or perceived conflict of interest prior to consideration of that item on the Agenda. Each Member of a Council has a duty to vote at all meetings unless excepted by legislation. The major exception being where a Member has a material conflict of interest. 1.7 Minutes of previous meeting – for confirmation 1.7.1 Council meeting held on Wednesday 8th June 2016 at 5.30pm 1.8 Motions on Notice Nil 1.9 Questions on Notice Nil 1.10 Questions without Notice 1.11 Petitions Pages Speed Reform – Brentwood Road – Stansbury with 31 signatures 4 - 7 ITEM 2 MAYOR Pages Mayor Monthly Report 8 ITEM 3 COUNCILLORS’ REPORT Nil ITEM 4 INFORMATION AGENDA Page 9 4.1 Items for exclusion 4.2 Receipt of Information Reports 4.3 Chief Executive Officer Pages 1. CEO Activities 10 2. Action List 11 - 15 3. LGA Regional Youth Traineeship Presentation 16 - 18 4.4 Corporate and Community Services Pages 1. Art Exhibition Working Party Minutes 19 - 22 Yorke Peninsula Council 2 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 2. Audit Committee Minutes 23 - 28 4.5 Assets and Infrastructure Services Pages 1. Construction and Maintenance Works 29 - 31 4.6 Development Services Pages 1. Bush Camping Working Party 32 - 48 2. Operations of Development Assessment Panel 49 - 50 3. Inspectorial Activity Report 51 - 52 4. Development Application Approvals 53 - 59 5. Waste Water Application Approvals 60 - 62 ITEM 5 VISITORS TO THE MEETING Roger Hogben – Camping Areas used by Motor Homes ITEM 6 DEBATE AGENDA Page 63 6.1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Pages 1. Elected Members Policies 64 - 78 6.2 CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Pages 1. 2016-2017 Annual Business Plan 79 - 80 2. Formal Adoption of Budget, Valuations and Rates 81 - 99 3. Review of Fees and Charges Register 100 - 105 6.3 ASSETS AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Nil 6.4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Pages 1. Revocation of Community Land - Kainton 106 - 112 2. Port Victoria RV Friendly Town endorsement 113 - 119 3. Road Closure Process 120 - 126 4. Proposed expansion of Bush Camping locations 127 - 130 5. Edithburgh Town and Surrounds DPA 131 - 152 6. Balgowan DPA Report 153 - 173 ITEM 7 GENERAL BUSINESS Council has resolved that an Agenda Item “General Business” be included on the Council Agenda to enable members to raise matters of a minor nature for action by the Administration, or to call for reports. ITEM 8 CONFIDENTIAL AGENDA Pages 1. Corny Point Road – Unsealed Road Construction 174 - 179 ITEM 9 NEXT MEETING th Wednesday 10 August 2016 ITEM 10 CLOSURE Yorke Peninsula Council 3 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 Yorke Peninsula Council 4 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 Yorke Peninsula Council 5 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 Yorke Peninsula Council 6 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 Yorke Peninsula Council 7 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 MAYOR IA/ITEM 2 MONTHLY REPORT (File Ref: PURPOSE To keep Elected Members updated on Mayoral activities during the month of June 2016. RECOMMENDATION That the report be received. DISCUSSION 1st June Meeting with Stansbury Progress Association representatives and Operations Manager Stephen Goldsworthy to assess the proposed removal of some Aleppo Pine Trees adjacent to Adelaide Road Stansbury and view the playground fence 3rd June Chaired the Local Government Transport Advisory Panel meeting held at City of Port Adelaide Enfield Civic Centre. 4th June Combined Lions Maitland, Minlaton and Stansbury Dalrymple Handover Dinner held at the Minlaton Bowling Club. 5th June Mayoress Claudia and I attended Maitland Lutheran Parish for the installation of the new Priest Reverend Steve Hibbard. 8th June Regular Monthly Council Meeting. 16th June Mayoress Claudia and I attended the Official Government House reception to honour the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth. Following the reception His Excellency Governor Hieu van Le and Mrs Le hosted us at a formal dinner with Mayor Brenton Lewis and Mayoress Kathy,(Rural City of Murray Bridge), Mayor Stephen Patterson and Mayoress Tammy (City of Holdfast Bay) and two of His Excellency staff members. 17th – 18th June Participated in the LGA Council Members’ Forum held at Crowne Plaza Adelaide. 19th – 22nd June Crs Stock, Bittner, CEO Andrew Cameron and I attended the Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly in Canberra. 29th June Audit Committee Meeting (observer) Elected Members regular Workshop. Yorke Peninsula Council 8 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 INFORMATION AGENDA Yorke Peninsula Council 9 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER IA/ITEM 4.3 1. CEO ACTIVITIES (File Ref: PURPOSE To keep Elected Members informed of other meetings and activities during the month of June 2016. RECOMMENDATION That the report be received. DISCUSSION 1st June Local Government Professionals Economic Development Forum. 2nd June Discussions with Local Government Association, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers, Department State Development at LGA House in relation to the Inbound Shandong Mission to be held in September 2016. 3rd June Central Local Government Region CEO’s Forum held at Clare and Gilbert Valley’s Council – Clare. 6th – 7th June Marion Bay Feasibility Study Stakeholder Engagement and Site Visit at Marion Bay Boat Ramp. 8th June Monthly Council Meeting. 10th June Local Government Professionals Executive Meeting followed by Future Planning meeting. 14th June Corporate Management Team meeting. 16th June Professional Leadership Programme – Panel Discussion and meeting with LG Professionals PLP participants in relation to Local Government Context as the President of the LG Professionals. 19th – 22nd June Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly held in Canberra. 23rd June Regional Development Australia Briefing with Kelly-Anne Saffin. 28th June Corporate Management Team meeting, Enterprise Bargaining negotiations with staff and representatives of the Australian Workers Union. Meeting with representatives of the Maitland Football Club to discuss Fire and Safety Management. 29th June Local Government Professionals Board Meeting, Elected Members Monthly Workshop. Yorke Peninsula Council 10 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER IA/ITEM 4.3 2. ACTION LISTING REPORT (File Ref: PURPOSE To keep Elected Members updated on the status of the Action Listing. RECOMMENDATION That the report be received. LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.5 Undertake effective risk management DISCUSSION The Action List included in the Council Agenda each month will incorporate action items from Council along with the current status. RISK/LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1999 Yorke Peninsula Council’s Risk Management Framework ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Action Listing Yorke Peninsula Council 11 Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 COUNCIL MEETING 13th July 2016 Action List Responsible Agenda Item Task Due Status Officer Number Date 10th Aug 10 Advise the Dept of As soon as DEWNR Underway - Director Item 20.4 Environment and responds DEWNR advised, Development Natural Resources that no response to Services Council wish to date Relinquish Care and Control of Crown Land Lot 88 Main Street Curramulka CR 5856/772 22nd January 2014 DA/CCS/R4 Organise Land Only As soon as Waiting on Director lease for Balgowan Ministerial approval consent Development Camping Ground is granted Services 14th May 2014 DA/AIS/R3 Organise to have the July 2014 – ongoing Only one private following documents for duration of project agreement still Director signed and sealed for outstanding Assets & the Walk the Yorke Ongoing Infrastructure Leisure Trail with the Services State Government and private landholders 13th May 2015 DA/DS/R2 Council agreed to As soon as Underway accept care, control and Ministerial approval awaiting response Director management of Lot 10 is granted from Minister Development Moorowie Terrace Port Services Moorowie CR5323/554 10th June 2015 DA/CCS/R4 Relinquishment of Associated with Port With DEWNR for Director care/control of Crown Victoria CFS issue revocation of Development land occupied by the RVCP likely to be existing Services Royal Volunteer transferred to the dedication Coastal Patrol SA Inc. Crown Port Victoria adjacent to the Port Victoria CFS station to accommodate the new CFS station requirements 12th August 2015 DA/CCS/R5 Finalise the proposed July 2016 Awaiting outcome Director lease for the Royal of Development Development Volunteer Coastal Application Services Patrol at Point Turton 12 Yorke Peninsula Council Council Agenda Wednesday 13th July 2016 9th September 2015 Motion on Organise a plan for June 2016 Presentation to Director Notice allocating $1 million for June 2016 Assets and the accelerated Workshop Infrastructure roadside vegetation Services management 9th December 2015 DA/CCS/R4 Organise to undertake May/June 2016 Contractor Director necessary works to engaged.
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