• Role of Ecology of Mushroom Types in Forest Soil (I) Ecological research methods and their problems M. Ogawa Fig. 1. Hypothesis of shape of rhizomorph, evolutional development, from rhizomorph organized into fruiting body in nature. Fig. 2. Site description. H.J. Andrews Experiment Forest, Oregon, USA, 1972 Position of trees and brush species in qudrat (20 x 30 m.) Part of this figure inside the bold line are wet, the creeping brushes and mosses are not shown. Ps: Pseudotsuga menziesii Ts: Tsuga heterophylla Be: Berberis nervosa Ga: Ch: Chimophila menziesii Fig. 3. Distribution of leaf litter. N.J. Andrews Experiment Forest, Oregon. 1972. A layer measured at edge of 50 cm thickness and draw level contour o line and divided into 0-25 mm, 25-50 mm, 50-75 mm, 75-100 mm, 100 - nun. Fig. 4. Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forest leaf litter decomposition in H.J. Andrews Experiment Forest, Oregon, U.S.A. 1972 Soil Microbiology Laboratory, Government Forest Experiment Station. Soil Microbiology, No. 19, p. 39-50 (1977) NOTE: After March 1, 1978, the address will be - Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, P.O. Box 2, Ushiku, Ibaraki, 300-12 Japan page 2 Litter classified by sieve, decomposition of litter volume showed in percent. Samples were taken from 50x5O cm frame. HJAI (litter thickness 3-5 cm) HJAII (5-8 cm) HJAIII (2-3 cm from falling logs) HJAIV (0-2.5 cm) Samples from four points in 450 year forest. MPI and MPI1 are from 150 year forest. Fig. 5. Falling log distribution, J.H. Andrews Experiment Forest, Oregon, U.S.A. 1972. 450 year Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forest falling log distribution. Black color - ancient advanced decomposing stage class 1 2 falling logs. White color - relatively new, no decomposition class 3 and above. Table 1. Characteristics of process in decomposition of falling logs. Fig. 6. Mushroom types distribution, H.J. Andrews Experiment Forest, Oregon, U.S.A. 1972. From May to November, 1972, every 7-14 days collected and investigated and the location pinpointed. Part of the quadrat as shown in figure. Species names, see article. page 3 Fig. 7. Distribution of mushroom in coast black pine forest. Kanagawa prefacture, 1969-1970 A Black pine A 1-19: soil microorganism sampling location. Solid line A0 layer over 2 cm, dotted line A o layer 0-2 cm, slant line open area. Estimated mushroom colonies only in solid line. Si. luteus (Fr.) Gray Lh. Lactarius hatsudako Tanaka Rr. Rhizopogon rubescens (Tul) Tul Lf. Lactarius flavidulus Imai Ll. Laccaria laccata (Fr.) Berk. et Br. Sg. Suillus granulatus (Fr.) Kuntze La, Laccaria amethystina (Fr.) Berk. et Br. Table 2. Ecological characteristics of mushrooms found in quadrat 1969-1970 Kanakawa prefacture coast black pine forest M mycorrhizal fungi SM facultative saprophytes HA, AC, C.. soil layers Mat. fungal mat to. ectomucorrhizal Fig. 8. Soil microorganisms in mushroom exudates (juice) Kanakawa prefacture coast, October 20, 1970. Sampling location as in Fig. 7 at depth 1-3 cm. page 14 Isolation medium: soil extracts and rose bengal, peptone, glucose, Dilution plated method used. Bacteria and Laccaria type: x 103/g. dry soil, other fungi x 102/g. dry soil. Fig. 9. Surface distribution of soil microorganisms in quadrat, Kanakawa prefecture coast, October 25, 1970. Samples collected at Fig. 7 ♦ location by sterile tube. Use isolation medium as described in Fig. 8 with dilutions plate method. B. bacteria, A. Laccaria type: x 102/g. dry soil. Fig. 10. Vertical distribution of soil microorganisms in coast black pine forest. April 1, and October 25, 1970. Samples collected from soil profile previously described, dilution plate method used for isolation. Fig. 11. Vertical distribution of black pine roots and fungal mycelium. Kanakawa prefacture coast, November 14, 1970. Distribution of black pine roots, use frame method to measure root size. Fungal mycelium from 500 g. soil, use sonic bath to wash out and took measurement. Literature Cited Ogama, M. Forest Experiment Station Report 272:79-121 (1975) . Forest Experiment Station Report (in print) (1977) . Mycological Society of Japan. Special Seminar (1974) . Urban Kubota, No. 14, 4-7 (1977) 12. . Forest Experiment Station Report (in print) (1977) 14. . 814th Proceedings of Japanese Forestry Association, page 114-116 (1973) 39 ZIV7)±g oat (1) a.03i3tIL ormA ,J A - OD cim < A,-CF Lx 5 t.:g-7.A. or= E 256. 1D aDIY1Gi3( 9. 3 A7 7 A4 -EAM, Lsi-)4,6 XP:0-40DVOli,gtgL,WWEOP-7.YAT atnftM. 4)10.ntstz:16.0-1 L- -.6 6 0 it 1-751 k-tL , 6 0fitt.Y.,k0Drta-CttgrtcD1A1.44ttg /- 7t-7%, t`CE64-e6b", t•ji10)/Afir:t,A4MIGIbtZ t4, 74tAt, k-otopittfilthttilrittop ofttiL StPlit.ttlar_nrif, LtV9-co)53.1ff it. SHIRZ16r_FM-t., 1)9 tit/i/ —— t--ctfiN t.)--t,:_tz 6 • 5 Tg AU b;N, t„ 1ffifLkbtloz4fico- 4 ../-to)eff4r.aCL-coo 0o l43-c-Eol 5 r_LI-1,60),:_-ML hat, ttorp-,tiloDI — E 0D1 5 i:V-1-6bL Ls 5 apitit!_44NEVITI iL- -)1.0-C4-11 1441; bi-L -Cii■. • b;, gilEt -CaDTh, 6. —WE L 5 i,aEt.-_91‘,/< gg rLL Et --CL,6/t)07!14<, P 3 irr-L`-tOpta .1. 0DVSkt.t: o;.:Mot.Sk-oVir.---)1,s-ro- S@1‘,7_ E tr504-1#tatt.ttr.-_--) A op liM oDat:61,7-6 op -ck 12, 74X33-S111- .--ctitqtni,111Tv)a,Lcopilf<absTibo# 4tt.ts g r:-Dt,s-r itr_CS-t- C G Lt...t •0 tvitopffcrpt-ecttopFlti:Ilto)± 0) C -Fh=r,;,-:. U.S.A., IBP (MM±It$:C,tiA)r 161 amLaDmort4taEA<, 4113 11-111A VH t Dr. J.M. TRAPPE, Dr. R. FOGEL, Itttae0-1±, 74U IWI-coN1 f,t-ttt:"-gltk.A- - 6. Tatcb,L01-Da---4750)±ftrttr-1,6i,t6t.g I. :141015It tl -a6 hsr.A1cit -CL.:0-611-t07--t..-. 161%litc0 MititratttralcAttft-0 {161±.0tz-DL • --CittMA t,s6fAit.-7 6i-Lt t.:26-C• 6 V ). t 5 1 ±1444-"c!Itttt. e3f,s 9 h-.) t.cET. ,6 0 go) tEtiS/1-- trritittV 1-.P. BULLER ) op --jtoplai; l• /1-op rniZ-\ IBP h, El -e itt#D, AV)l°"" EbR1tIM75,/::_ it4oLM-gt.Att.tr-M-1-603,161..,-c$6 L -c6 • 6@q -Ck 6. -o) "Wit'' Elt MtdZsR7)tULtlei52k3a"c tz2Or_v1.151 k OW) t1043 tZttla 17 619:FR, Lsi) MONt.:Vt090) P mpgii, 144% 6fElt.1.4-175F75 13tfi- lT1 -3kt:Vilts E bts OttaDatta$6 5 g-7,..Lts 1-7)>L., f.01-t-i-DvteLitvc3)7),ts 5 r_40::: L-cct, < 6. fflzr<16/01.--CLski41:, I:Mt f4MIV 2 ---)0511 7^kvf-C. OD Z--tiVZ Rfthif1-).±PLipt.-..-,-c, ts E • Aitiq#AWifl. ±/104ttliRt ±Mt.tiz M 19 39-50 (1977) L- 03/2 1)75163f0-)#;MiLt,s6. fiVW, 40 5 tr_o"):::.aptfEf}i-1tt-t, z--(735Itt/TELVe..-rF3, is < 4), 61R: op t .±i f EopWcr)ti:t.e. V. AC . #13 ff31--c-0)61 1t,1 miliJ)TDTAtcE 7, EA r2b s iL±14fttlezo --)-t-e15 6. Ptt,.i.1:EV6r9 RAL-t1612, fjg 4) L. <;-:..:/= ap Zr gUrb .c) L-. 53.fift--tk.,6TitzEIMEt7 Ai4k:APJ-11-a--D-C7ic6tL, Ari_t).ct P.-Ct.sA4tb;f6J4t75‘OVZ7);751)bt,ct,,L )1J L, TOE tsM . .fr_; 7-)bs, —.52.ktotst,sgAz;-=, InEb .MA,:5)-0:1ig L. V.IrA1fzap)f%4 43.tn.tv5"% 6 . titnttU75;±1/Z4:"Ci)n.i-) t3g.ntutz tiZ. Vr-ciS -C gEtZ -1" 6. fVlitT.; -3s,<01NOLL 51.‘= -x• 10 g -f • -( 1- 5 g, orum pH5.5, 71(1 103 4) 0375s -) c.#0 . motvco 6 0 5311- g ititfti.11-)-t TVs MtEiffit 095}Alit.tr-ii)Lt.so z motianttie --c-r-_zz-n4-clizAuta1 550 IN toV 1) 111111:1111 ;5 4). iliP,W.-.6(7).-..0)-ffilf:.Efl, yc , cDjf !Pr' g!.1 V M I 5 I:A < 7); - 1 5 "C-6. DM0: ko rte. —■■■ Wittki 7- CDEYM6‘ r.)n1Z v h Y -; ; . - q/ 1 . * 11.- rviniflf11-V7■:ff% Fili11 :LoD.t 5 ts1 - — 7” -- • " • rf • 7- it • • ..")9`. • r4 79 t A • 1"./ r ovmr. •":"• a - • 9 r •• 1 2 7 4"-+ 4 f• ?c 7.) — 1,9 i -- 4 t• — - •••-•-•.) •••.. •• .... • -7%97 R I nP.)!;?1--?::-0D (f/ aDIUL, ft4;5R 1E1- t.0 EokifikiL utirgi)I-6- ftit L-criZPIL.t.:to 41 .13 — C 6. 7)ZY4 L < I: I- -C . 1 5 tx-Zik-fr fLL -C Lst.o. ,6):M g.T190f<--E6LT- 03 5 fti, 0/ 5 t.c37!)",--iveg-c II. 77 ----. Xt?.1 LieL75 , bAA.,-C, /1, = P •=. —, Abc-A1/4t.r,:4(;.ef-D-Ct<33<5-Wz t ELLIJ9R§4t, mox, 500 m H.J. 6 0 L- 04-fri:_41.4N05}3- 1Tle-C-, 7)44A ts ANDREws Th• N3t --11)=11-t-6f-C-6 h, RICYN:UiRtt gz.5(f: U.S.A. r--11315)5)-(Lbilr-Dit6. #4: ,j450, 9 P A 7 fteudotsuga -ffitifF6. menziesii C, cD eJ 600 t 5 1 -Dit.-- #:754z414-kr,100:-r, a) 5)-15 r_ Tsuga heterophylla 150 .o 46A5Eit t. • "C"M75Ig3 = — #11± : 9 -r #." C itt,C < , A P Kt M -C j tdo COW16:3-r:ittatkM74f■CO7DZII:C <, L4F-pia. P 7 A 7 7 — 41.100-150 / ha, ]U < 564 (7)-C.4)%7)0 561 t. 71(■.7).7t, op t o -cligAiaa 155 cm, $1--,Ari 80 m 6., h. lOtttkiz.Mb 1 63D t.r6. P 7 VI 400 —500 /ha, gicAift- o)Ttt- j- 40 cm, ttFIA -D -C 7f, , k-titiLffit/ii5X-f 6 4) (7)254 < , KM 34-40 m-C-11=VA.
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