Dhạrti jakat Suluk Mãhã ar No̠be̠l Siro̠pa (Novel Prize) Calao̠e̠̠n 21 September tạrik do̠ tahẽ kana dhạrti jakat suluk Mãhã. Ạḍi jo̠mo̠kte̠ no̠a din do̠ manao̠ ganao̠ hoe̠ purạu akana. Lạṛhại be̠go̠r go̠ṭa dhạrti re̠ suluk nirại te̠ tahen lạgit́ 1981 se̠rma United Nation re̠aḱ gapalmarao̠ kate̠ aṅgo̠c hoe̠ e̠na 36/67 no̠mbo̠r ar o̠nka le̠kate̠ jao̠ se̠rma September cando “te̠sar mo̠ṅgo̠lbar” Dhạrti jakat jạtiạri gão̠ta (United Nation) re̠aḱ gapal marao̠ (meeting) e̠ho̠ṕ dinge “Go̠ṭa Dhạrti Suluk Mãhã” hisạbte̠ aṅgo̠c hatao̠ hoe̠ akana. Tayo̠mte̠ 2001 se̠rma re̠aḱ 7 september Dhạrti jakat jạtiạri gão̠ta (United Nation) sabha re̠ aṅgo̠c e̠na 55/282 no̠mbo̠r ar 2002 se̠rma kho̠n jao̠ se̠rma re̠aḱ 21 september “Go̠ṭa Dhạrti Suluk Mãhã” hisạb te̠ ạḍi jo̠mo̠kte̠ no̠a din do̠ manao̠ lạgit́ go̠ṭa hoe̠ e̠na. “Go̠ṭa Dhạrti Suluk Ke̠ṭe̠ć/Prothistha” lạgit́ ạḍi kurumuṭu se̠ mo̠n se̠le̠t́ no̠a din do̠ manao̠ ganao̠ ho̠yo̠ḱ kana. No̠a Maha ạḍi mano̠t se̠le̠t́ manao̠ ganao̠ kate̠t́ Go̠ṭa Dhạrti re̠ Suluk Ke̠ṭe̠ć/Prothisthai lạgit́ ti muṭ kate̠t́ go̠ḱ katha ko e̠m akada go̠ṭa dhạrti re̠n maraṅ mano̠tan diso̠m ạyurko. Go̠ṭa Dhạrti re̠ ae̠ma le̠kan man mano̠t do̠ko e̠m e̠da. Me̠̠nkhan e̠ke̠n ạḍi tho̠ṛa ge Dhạrti re̠ maraṅ man mano̠t siropa (prize) do̠ me̠naḱa. Nobe̠l siro̠pa (Novel Prize) 2020 lạgit́ go̠ṭa dhạrti khon ńutum kol lạgit́ e̠to̠ho̠ṕ hoe̠ akana 27 May 2020. Nobe̠l siropa (Novel Prize) do̠ 1901 se̠rma khon e̠mo̠ḱ re̠aḱ e̠to̠ho̠ṕ hoe̠ akana. O̠na se̠rma khon ge go̠ṭa dhạrti re̠ ae̠ma le̠kan ho̠ṛ se̠ gão̠ta (institution) khondroṅ (gobesona) ar nãwãnaḱ be̠nao̠, ho̠ṛ ho̠po̠n talare̠ bhạlại kạmiko se̠ć te̠ no̠a maraṅ man mano̠t Nobe̠l siropa (Nobel Prize) e̠mo̠ḱ hoe̠ akana. 2015 se̠rma November cando Norway, Oslo hiri re̠aḱ ạt iń ńam le̠da. O̠na hiri re̠ ạḍi hahaṛa ạt hoń ńam le̠da Nobe̠l siropa (Nobel Prize) e̠maḱ ṭhạ̃i ńe̠l lạgit́. Bhitri ar bahre̠ go̠ṭa do̠ń ńe̠l ke̠da nij mẽ̠t́ te̠. Ạḍi hahaṛa iń lạgit́ o̠na din do̠ tahẽ kana. E̠nte̠t́ tis hõ Nobe̠l siro̠pa (Nobel Prize) do̠ bạń ńama. Me̠nkhan O̠na ṭhạ̃i se̠ e̠mo̠ḱ jae̠ga do̠ń ńe̠l ạgu ke̠da; o̠ka khon dhạrti re̠aḱ maraṅ mano̠t Nobe̠l siro̠pa (Nobel Prize) ko e̠makoa. Nit hạbić te̠ ae̠ma ho̠ṛ do̠ Nobe̠l siro̠pa (Nobel Prize) ko ńam akada, Me̠nkhan ạḍi hahaṛa o̠na o̠ṛaḱ bhitrire̠ Baṅgladiso̠m khon Peace/suluk re̠ ńam akat́ no̠be̠l siro̠pa (Nobel Prize) Mano̠tan Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus aḱ ạḍi maraṅ photo do̠ń ńe̠l ke̠da ar ạḍi rạskạ te ̠o̠na phoṭo samaṅre̠ ke̠merate̠ pho̠ṭo̠ do̠ń rakaṕ hatao̠ ke̠da disạ do̠ho̠e̠ lạgit́. Ạḍi tho̠ṛa ho̠ṛaḱ pho̠ṭo̠ o̠na gapal marao̠ o̠ṛaḱ (hall room) bhitre̠ re̠do̠ me̠naḱa. Me̠nkhan hahaṛa Baṅgladiso̠m re̠n Muhammad Yunus aḱ pho̠ṭo̠ hõ do̠ bhit (wall) re̠ re̠be̠t́ me̠naḱa. Nobe̠l siro̠pa (Nobel Prize) do̠ turui (6) go̠ṭe̠n biso̠e̠ ce̠tan re̠ko e̠mo̠ḱa; Pạhil; Sahitto, Dosar; Santi/Suluk, Te̠sar; Podartho Biggan, Ponaḱ; Rosayon, Mõṛe̠aḱ;Ho̠ṛmo̠ jo̠to̠n /Cikithsha, Turuiaḱ; kạuḍi nitiOrthoniti E̠mo̠ḱ Din; December 10, 2020 Thai; Oslo, Norway Siro̠pa (Purosker): Siro̠pa kạuḍi USA 11 lakh ar BDT kạuḍi do̠ ho̠yo̠ḱ kana Are (9) kạruṛ, 18 kare̠ṭ hạriạṛ so̠na ce̠tanre̠ kạmi se̠le̠t́ 24 kare̠ṭ me̠ḍe̠l ce̠tan re̠ kạmi katet́ jit akan ho̠ṛ ho̠ṭo̠ḱ re̠ko ho̠ro̠ḱ akoa. Uposthapon; Norwegian Nobel Committee Bangladiso̠m Khon Santi/Suluk re̠ ńam akat́ Nobe̠l siro̠pa (Novel Prize) aḱ khaṭo̠ Itihãs; Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus; Janam ṭh̃ại; 28 June 1940, Citagang, Bangladesh Diso̠m; Baṅgladiso̠m Bapla Jion; Vera Forostenko (1970-1979) Afroji Yunus (Nito̠ḱ ić) Paṛhao̠ akanae; Cittagang University, Shajalal Science & IT University, Medil Tenisi State University, Glasgo Koledonian University Kạmi kodo̠; Micro-credit, social economic, Nitibidda Mahaso̠e kạmi; Dhaka University, University of Kolorado, Vandarbilt University Obodan; Gramen Bank ar Micro Credit Siro̠pa (Puroskar); Sadhinota Dibos (1987) Bissho Khaddo (1994) Presidential Medel of Freedom (2009) International Gandhi Santi Purusker (2000) Volbo Poribes (2003) Nobel Peace Award (2006) Kongretional Gold Medel (2010) Dharti Sahai Kamiko cetan re manot nam akat koak list; Year Laureate Country Rationale For his role in Henry Dunant founding the 1901 Switzerland International Committee of the Red Cross[10][14] “[For] being one of the main founders of the Inter-Parliamentary Frédéric Passy France Union and also the main organizer of the first Universal Peace Congress”[10][14] Élie Ducommun “[For his role as] the first honorary 1902 Switzerland secretary of the Charles Albert International Peace Gobat Bureau“[10][15] “[For his role as] the William Randal ‘first father’ of the 1903 United Kingdom Cremer Inter-Parliamentary Union“[10][16] “[F]or its efforts as an unofficial body to Institute of formulate the general 1904 Belgium International Law principles of the science of international law”[10][17] For writing Lay Down Bertha von Austria-Hungary Your Arms and 1905 Suttner (Born in Austrian contributing to the Empire) creation of the Prize[10][18] “[For] his successful mediation to end the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in Theodore 1906 United States arbitration, having Roosevelt provided the Hague arbitration court with its very first case”[10][19] Ernesto Teodoro Italy “[For his work as a] Moneta (Born in Kingdom key leader of the of Italian peace Lombardy–Venetia) movement”[10][20] “[For his work as a] 1907 leading French international jurist Louis Renault France and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague”[10][20] “[For his work as] Klas Pontus founder of the Swedish Sweden Arnoldson Peace and Arbitration League“[10][21] “[For being] the foremost peace advocate 1908 in Scandinavia, combining work in the Fredrik Bajer Denmark Inter-Parliamentary Union with being the first president of the International Peace Bureau“[10][21] “[For being a] representative to the Belgium two Hague conferences, (Born in The Auguste Beernaert and a leading figure in United Kingdom of the Inter-Parliamentary the Netherlands) Union“[10][22] 1909 “[For] combined diplomatic work for Franco-German and Paul Henri Franco-British d’Estournelles de France understanding with a Constant distinguished career in international arbitration“[10][22] Permanent “[For acting] as a link International between the peace 1910 Switzerland Peace Bureau societies of the various countries”[23][24] “[For being a] member of the Court of Netherlands Tobias Asser Arbitration as well as the initiator of the Conferences on International Private 1911 Law“[10][25] Austria-Hungary “[For his work as] Alfred Fried (Born in Austrian founder of the German Empire) Peace Society“[10][25] “[F]or his strong interest in international 1912 [A] United States Elihu Root arbitration and for his plan for a world court”[10][26] “[For his work as] head 1913 Henri La Fontaine Belgium of the International Peace Bureau“[10][27] 1914 1915 Not awarded due to World War I. 1916 “[For undertaking] the tremendous task of trying to protect the rights of the many International prisoners of war on all 1917 Committee of the Switzerland sides [of World War I], Red Cross including their right to establish contacts with their families”[10][28] 1918 Not awarded due to World War I. “[F]or his crucial role 1919 Woodrow Wilson[A] United States in establishing the League of Nations“[10][29] “[For his participation] in both the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907” and for his work towards 1920 Léon Bourgeois France “what became the League to such an extent that he was frequently called its ‘spiritual father'”[10][30] “[F]or his work in the Hjalmar Branting Sweden League of Nations“[10][31] “[For his work as] the 1921 first secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Christian Lange Norway Committee” and “the secretary-general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union“[10][31] “[For] his work in aiding the millions in Russia struggling 1922 Fridtjof Nansen Norway against famine” and “his work for the refugees in Asia Minor and Thrace“[32][33] 1923 Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded 1924 Sir Austen For work on the Locarno United Kingdom Chamberlain[A] Treaties[10][34] “[F]or [work on] the Dawes Plan for German reparations which was 1925 Charles G. seen as having provided United States Dawes[A] the economic underpinning of the Locarno Pact of 1925″[10][34] For work on the Locarno Aristide Briand France Treaties[10][35] 1926 Gustav Stresemann Germany Ferdinand Buisson France “[For] contributions to Germany 1927 Franco-German popular Ludwig Quidde (Born in Free reconciliation”[10][36] City of Bremen) 1928 Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded “[F]or the Kellogg- Briand pact, whose signatories agreed to Frank B. settle all conflicts by 1929 United States Kellogg[A] peaceful means and renounced war as an instrument of national policy”[10][37] “[F]or his efforts to involve the churches not only in work for 1930 Nathan Söderblom Sweden ecumenical unity, but also for world peace”[10][38] “[F]or her social reform work” and “leading the Women’s Jane Addams United States International League for Peace and Freedom“[10][39] “[For his promotion] of 1931 the Briand-Kellogg pact” and for his work Nicholas Murray as the “leader of the Butler more establishment- oriented part of the American peace movement”[10][39] 1932 Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded For authoring The Great Illusion and for being a “supporter of the Sir Norman League of Nations as 1933 United Kingdom Angell[A] well as an influential publicist [and] educator for peace in general”[40] “[F]or his work for the League, particularly 1934 Arthur Henderson United Kingdom its efforts in disarmament“[10][41][42] “[For his] struggle Carl von 1935 Germany against Germany’s Ossietzky[A][B] rearmament”[10][43] “[F]or his mediation of Carlos Saavedra an end to the Chaco War 1936 Argentina Lamas between Paraguay and Bolivia”[10][44] The Viscount For his work with the 1937 United Kingdom Cecil of Chelwood League of Nations[10][45] Nansen International For its work in aiding 1938 League of Nations Office for refugees[46] Refugees 1939 1940 1941 Not awarded due to World War II.
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