1974 Guide (PDF)

1974 Guide (PDF)

o .t-g.rdFij@-a-#krur* L974 Gas Mileage Guide for Car Buyers Fuel Economy Test Results for Automobiies and Light-Duty Trucks February 1974 Val U.5. ENVIROIIHEilTAL PHOTECTIO}I AGETCY wASlltt{GTOt{. D.C. 20.160 - L974 Gas Mileage Guide for Car Buyers the economy lmiles of individual cars. For example' This is a lisl of fuel your personal for 1974 automobiles tngtn or your trip and per gallon) results major impact on as tested by rhe U'S' driJing habits have a and ightdury trucks Also, stcady cruisiog on Environmental Proteclion Agency There fu.l J"onomy. hichwavs may increase tbe fuei econ' .... ... r.. are 486 vehicles in this list. All these i. Therefore. this list is primarily use- vchicles have met the 1974 Federal Pol' omv. list rep' ful to the new car buyer for comparlsons lution Emission Standards. This vehicles' the -1974 oi tu"t economy of available resents aPproximately 959c of stringenr pollu- will test and is the California has more vehicles which EPA than the other to be published tion emission standards final list expected vehicles which will be appears on this list was states. Thercfore, The data that additional emis' the Fuel Economy Labcls sold in California require used to prepare ln lhis iist. the vehicles thar moit manufacturers riho sell cars in ,ion controls. been designated by the manu' U.S. have voluntarily agreed to put which have the having been equipped to mect on their cars. When you go to a dealer facturers as standards are marked by an as- to shop for a new car' be sure to look for these Economy Label on the terisk (r). rnc Eb,t Fuel are used car. If you rjon't see it. ask the dealer The iollowing abbreviations the list: for it. throughout Test which this M: indicates manual transmission The EPA Produced transmission information is a suburban/urban cycle M4: signifies a manual that is 7.5 miles long' lt is patterned with four forward gears after the conditions the average driver A: automalic transmission transmission which encounters going from home to work' A SA: s€mi-automatic was used by professional -requires shifting dynamometir drive: 4'whcel diivers to instlre that the rGults were l,WOz+wO: 2-wheel scicntifically accurate and comparable' In drive thal way it is possible to make a fair Fuel Inj: fuel iniection comparison of fuel economy of all ve- more information on the Fuel Econ- hicles tested, because every vehicle was For Labeling Program. write: tested in exactly the same way' omy does not mean, however. that you Miles-Per'Gailon-Label That Public Affairs driver will get the same fuel economy Office of : -' as a Protectiod Agency that was obtained on our tests. Therc are Environmental Washington, D.C. 20460 many factors that affect the fuel economy flrtL tteltl€ 3llf ll EC0l0rY cullc lt(cllfs ! lil.t ll{ ilPG rrrrs. clmumlol tln0 rlrautlcrunEn 4.93 29.1 M4 75. 2 EARREL 'H0ti0A clvlc M4 7i. - 2 EARREL 42? .TOYOTA COROLTA.l COUPE 21.1 - IIIERTIA tEl rilsUr 95.A5 2? BARREL 3.78 'LOTUS €UROPA SPECIAT - 4.22 .TOYOTA 7r.-2_ 2 EARREL WEIGHT CLASS COROLLA.I SEOAI{ 24.8 M4 95. 2 EARREL TUROPA 24.5 ua 1.!! 2000 s 'l0TUs ul 9r. - I BARREL 3.89 .STAI{DARI)TRIUMPH SPITTIRE - M,i ia.78. It slnneLBARREL 3.90 Nonnts MG MIDGEI 22.4 ur - 'iiriiin ruc ua 91. I EARREL 3.89 'iimrolRorrtuuPtt sPlTFlRt 22.3 - 21.8 sA i5. -. 1 BARREL t.ll 'HONOA ctvl c rs t grnnrL :'so ll8f9,t, uopr,s suc ['i'i"ren ii.i iia - M4 79. 2 BARREL 3.90 'NtssN OATSUN 82IO 24.9 - il4 97. _ 2 BARREL 4.11 TOYOIA c0R0ttA-2 sEDA?{ n.6 INERTIA A3 N. 2 BARREL 3.90 'ilrssAt{ DATSUT{ 8210 ?2.2 - M4 79. _ 2 BARREL 3.S0 WEIGHT CLASS OAISUI{ B2IO 21.9 'nlssAf{ 103. _ 1 BARRIL 4.55 'SMB SAAE 97 2t.7 M4 n50 # 97. I BARRtL 3.88 .VOLKSWAOEN MRMAI{ GHIA 14 (COUPE) tt.l It4 - tL,t M4 83. 2 BARREL 3.89 FUJI HEAVY IND SUBARU COUPE 97. - 1 EARREL 4.12 \/OLKSWAGIN VlY 181 fihe ning) 21.0 M4 - m0 M4 97. _ I BARREL J.65 'VOLKSWAGEN SUPER EFJTLE 3.90 20.8 A2 97. 2 EARREL TOYOTA CAROI.IA.2 SEDAN - ,IUJI 20.8 lt4 83. _ 2 SARREL HEAVY IIID SUEARU COUPE H4 79. _ 2 BARRTL 1.03 .FIAI xt /9 20.4 rnl IO3. 1 BARRTL 4.66 MA8 97 M4 ?01 'SMB 97. - 2 BARRTL .TOYOTA STDAI{ 18.8 t4 COROLLA.2 - MRRTL 4.42 -TIAT iYAGoli 178 M4 79. 2 128 STAT|olt - 4.08 .FIAT 17.4 M4 79. 2 SARREL 128 SEDAT{ - .{ RIEI tteri€ slzE lll EC0( 0MY cuSrc lxclt€5 t lx Mpc -.r -'F (0asher) M4 90. 2 BARRTL VOLI(SWAGEti nY SIDAi{ 32 ?4.3 90. -_ 2 BARR€L 4.09 f 'YOLKSWAOEI{ I11 StATl0N |VAG0N 33 23.7 A3 {Dasher) 90. _ 2 BARREL 4.09 INERTIA f. Y0u$wAGElt W SEDAiI 32 (Dasher) 233 rno ../ \/w (oasher) 90. 2 EARREL WEIGHT CLASS 'VOLKSWAGETI SEDAI1 32 22.7 - .YOLKST{AGEN (Dasher) M4 90. _ 2 EARREL d.1 1 VW SEDAI'I 32 22.7 1C0 98. _ 2 BARREL 2500 # r{rTsuSrsH I 00D0E c0tT couPE 22.7 83. _ 2 BARREL 3.89 RJJI HEAVY IIIO SUBARU WAGOIT 22.7 t4 ,.' .YOtI(SWAGEN 97. * 1 BARREL 4.IL .T COIIVERTIBLE 15 22.6 SA ttq M4 _ 2 BARREL 3.89 -.1f, [IISUBISHI 00088 C0tT CoUPE 98. -' 90. _ BARREL 4.11 'ruDr (AUTo Ulilot{) AU0r tox u.0 M4 2 .FUJI tt < M4 83. 2 EARREL 3.89 HEAVY IIIO SUBARU I{AGOII - A3 90. 2 BARREL 1.09 .'VOLKSWAGEII VW STAIION I{AGOII 33 2t.2 .TOYOTA _- BARREL 4,10 .::.s c0R0LtA-2 llAcoN 21.1 A3 97. 2 2 BARREI 4.1 I 'AUD| 0uT0 uilloti) AU0r tox 21.1 M4 90, ;-,.i .FIAT aAl M4 -_ 2 BIRREL 4.10 124 SPECIAL IC 97. ta0 't{lssAt{ DATSUII 710 20.0 M4 108. 2 MRRIL ,)' .TOY() M4 97. - 2 EARREL 3.70 j-,! KOOYO T4AZDA 808 C0UPt 20.0 - .OPEL MAIiIA MLLYI 19.8 M4 116. 2 EARRIL 3.67 .TOYOTA 10 a A2 97. - 2 BARREI 4.10 ..4: COROLLA.2 STDAN - rct l0 1 INJ. .r$A R0lt€0 2000 GTv t4 120. _ FUEL t' 10 1 A3 1OO. _ 2 BARREL REIIAUTT 12 SEDAli 1 E( COLT COUPE 19.1 A3 I22, 2 BARRTL |l MITSUBISHI 0006E - 19.0 A3 97. _ 2 BARREL 4.10 TOYOTA COROLLA.2 WAGON a Al .TVR _ BARREL -,t rvR 2500M 19.0 M4 152. 2 .TOYO le 0 97, _ 2 BARREL 4.11 I(OGYO MAZDA 808 COUPE M4 1OO, _ 2 BARRTL J.1t REI{AULT 12 SEDAN 18.8 ?on .AUSTII{ EARREL .-', MORRIS BMC MG8 SPORIS 18.7 M4 110. 2 M4 116. - 2 BARRtt 3.57 OPTL MANTA RALLYE 18.7 - 1(E 18.7 AJ 122. _ 2 BARRET MITSUEISHI OOOGE COtT COUPE 1 0l r .IOYOIA 2 EARREL I COROIIA.2D SEDAN 18.4 M4 120. - A3 I2O. 2 BARREL 4.10 T()YOTA CORONA.20 SEDAII 18.4 M4 116. -_ 2 EARREL 3.44 OP€L MAI{TA 18.2 _ EARREL 3.44 : 'OPEL 0PEL 1900 18.2 A3 116. 2 _ FUEL INJ. 4.55 ROMEO 2000 GTV 18.0 M4 120, !I 'ATFA 4.30 'FIAT I24 SPORT SEDAII 18.0 M5 IO7. 2 EARREL -1. - 3.17 15 CoUPE 17.9 M4 1OO. 2 BARREL REI{AUTT - 4.I0 .FIAT I24 SPECIAT IC t7.7 AJ 97. 2 BARRtt 116. _- 2 BARREL 3.44 'OPEt MAI{TA TUXUS 17.9 A3 .RENAULT 1t a 1OO, _ BARREL 3.77 'I r2 SEDAfl M4 2 rt t 4.43 .YOIKSiVAGEII ROADSTER 9144 M5 120. _ RJEL INJ, 4.43 .r. .YOLKSWAgEII ROAOSTER 9144 17.0 M5 120. FUEL llij. -|' A3 -* 2 EIRREL 4.10 '.. 16.9 120. I l/0t}(slYAGEil 412 STAT|ofl wAcoil 27.9 M4 102. fuEL lltj. 3.91 - FUEL 3.91 YOTKSWAGEIi 412 STAT|oil WAGoll 24.6 A3 109. lt{J. ...9 - 2.53 (0M) cHEVRotFr VEOA HATCHEACK 24.6 M3 140. I BARREL INERTIA -,[ 122. - 2 BARREL 3.40 FORD PINTO ?2.8 M4 - I--, t 98. 2 BARREL 3.89 WEIGHT CLASS .ir MtISUElSlll DODGE COLT WAGON M4 -- - 2 BARREL 3.64 BMW BMW 2002 22.6 A3 121. ,a7 - FUEL 3.77 2ts0 # REItAUtT i7 SPORI COUPE M5 96. lilJ. 11 t - 3.55 'REIIAULT 12 WAooil A3 ]M. _ 2 BARREL ...', 98. 2 EARREL 3.89 -- { MITSUBISHI DODGE COIT WAGON 'la A3 - 's }IAOON M4 98. 2 BARREL 3.89 iltTsuBlsH I OOOGE COLT ,t ? - .1SUZU LUV PIC(UP M4 i11. 2 EARREL 4.56 - 355 MITSUEISHI DODGE COLT SIAT. WAG. 21.2 A3 122.-2BARREL tl 1 3.61 '8MW Bilyv 2002 M4 121. 2 BARREL .FORD - BARREL 3.40 l PtttTo 21.0 M4 140. - 2 .lilssAr{ OATSUN '7IO 20.1 A3 108. 2 EARREL 4.11 - EARREL 3.70 ..,...) 'rItssAN OATSUN 610 20.6 M4 119. 2 .I\ISSAN - BARRTL 4.62 DATSUN PICKUP 20.4 A3 108. - 2 .BMW Btrw 2002 Tll 20.3 M4 121, FUEL lNJ. 3.64 140. - I EARREL 2s2 (0M) 0HwR0IEI VE6A PANEL EXPRESS 20.0 M3 - 'v0u(svvAGtN 412 SIAT|oli WAG0I{ 20.0 A3 109.

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