1960- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 7999 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PETITIONS, ETC. pension to World War I Veterans; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions 417. Also, petition of 63 members of United bills and resolutions were introduced and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Papermakers and Paperworkers Local No. and severally referred as follows: and referred as follows: 530 who, are residents of the 32d Congres­ By Mr. ABBITr: 415. By Mr. STRATTON: Resolution No. sional District of New York, urging passage H.R.l1756. A bill for the relief of Cato 57 of the Board of Supervisors of Fulton of the Forand bill as a minimum first step Bros., Inc.; to the Committee on the Judi._ County in the 32d Congressional District of toward providing decent medical care (hos­ ciary. New York, opposing the proposal of the New pitalization, surgical services and nursing By Mr. BROWN of Ohio: York Central Railroad to isolate Fulton home care) for those persons eligible (re­ H.R.11757. A bill for the relief of Mary A. County by discontinuing passenger service tired or not) for social security benefits; to Combs; to the Committee on the Judiciary. at Fonda, N.Y., and urging that every proper the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. ~IEDEL: method be pursued, in company with other 418. By Mr. WESTLAND: Petition of Bert H.R. 11758. A b1ll for the relief of Edward affiicted communities, to resist; to the Com­ Sorensen, president of the Whatcom County P. Wall; to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Cattlemen's Association, Bellingham, Wash., By Mr. LIPSCOMB (by request): 416. Also,. petition of 41 members of Glen­ requesting the 86th Congress to revise the H.R. 11759. A bill for the relief of Faustino ville Barracks 1674, Veterans of World War importation laws pertaining to livestock, Caballero-Corral; to the Committee on the [ of the USA, Scotia, N.Y., in support of livestock products and commodities; to the Judiciary. H.R. 9336, proViding for the payment of a Committee on Ways and Means. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Text of Pony Express Centennial Address will, where civilized people are few and far of the West, but he helped open the door between, and where the. yoke of law hangs for many millions to follow. by Representative William R. Hull . lightly on every shoulder. Today, of course, is 1960 and the world On the western. rim of the MiSsissippi Val­ has turned over many times since the pony EXTENSION OF REMARKS ley, the land begins to rise across semiarid express rider dashed away from these sta­ stretches to the foothills of the Rockies. bles, which are now a great historical shrine. OF Beyond these towering mountains lay more Times have changed a very great deal. The than a thousand miles of plateau and basin, transmission of a message from St. Joseph HON. W. R. HULL, JR. split by mountains, slashed by valleys, and to Sacramento, for example, can be accom­ OF MISSOUBI blistered by deserts. plished almost instantaneously, instead of in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Across the plains and mountains and des­ 10 days. erts, trails have been worn deep by the tread But this city of St. Joseph, which we love, Wednesday, April13,1960 of oxen and the grind of wheels, and near the still is an important crossroad of our Na­ Mr. HULL. Mr. Speaker, it was a trails are many graves. tion. It remains a vital link between the privilege for me to make the principal This vast, rich dominion is yet to be con­ old East and the still young and ever grow­ speech April 3 at the centennial cele­ quered and exploited. In 1860, the territory i;ngWest. is American, but just barely. Likewise, we in St. Joseph still face chal­ bration of the pony express in St. Joseph, This is the challenge to the men of the lenges, as did the intrepid men of· the pony Mo. pony express: To link East With West, to express whom we honor here today. Under leave to extend my remarks, I provide a fast communication link between And I believe we can take a page from include my speech on that oCcasion: the old territory east of Missouri With the the book of these men who, whether by per­ TEXT OF PONY ExPRESS CENTENNIAL . ADDRESS new area west. sonal design or accident, wrote a courageous BY REPREsENTATIVE Wn.LIAM R. HULL The difficulties to be surmounted are for­ chapter in the history of our country. Governor Blair, Governor Docking, Mayor mldable. We must overcome savages and Today, our Nation still is threatened by Meers, distinguished guests, ladies and gen­ weather and terrain, and brave hundreds of savages, of a different sort. tlemen, thank you very much. It is an unknown dangers which lurk along the trail We stlll must contend with perverse honor to be with you on this memorable from St. Joseph to Sacramento. weather and the occasional obstinacies of occasion. The reward is $25 a week and immortal terrain. This great celebration has been made a glory. In a word, we are plagued by the same reality through the efforts of a great many In the San Francisco newspapers, an ad­ type of conditions and circumstances which public-spirited citizens and I want to take vertisement has appeared. It reads: beset the heroes of the pony express, al­ this moment to congratulate each and every "Wanted, young skinny, Wiry fellows not over though perhaps they appear in a different person who has contributed, in time and 18. Must be expert riders Willing to risk guise. effort, to the success of this occasion. death daily. Orphans preferred. Wages $25 Our national goal is not too much dif­ per week." ferent than it was in the boisterous 1860's, = To try to list the names of all these citi­ zens would be quite impossible but I do That is a quaint way to recruit employees the achievement of a strong and stable believe it is fitting for us to pay tribute to by present-day standards but remember, this America and the perpetuation of our own the memory of one man who did much to is 1860, and today in St. Joseph there are form of democracy. make this day one to remember. any number of fellows who, With the vision To solve our national problems and I refer o.f course to our friend, the late of $25 per week, will gladly change places achieve our national aspirations, we can Karl Goetz, and I know that all of us wish With Johnny Fry or Billy Richardson. certainly borrow the quality which distin­ he could be here with us to enjoy this great Although the businessmen who are in guished above all others the riders of the day. charge of the operation, Messrs. Russell, Ma­ pony express, courage.. jors, and Waddell, do not know, their pony We must acknowledge that the greatness Ladles and gentlemen, near this spot 100 express venture is destined to become a fi­ of our country has not been easily achieved, years ago, a stirring scene in the drama which nancial failure. and cannot be easily protected. We must is the development of America was enacted. In less than 2 years, it will be a business realize that no goals worthy of the name A young man-it matters not whether of the past. can be attained without sacrifice, and to Johnny Fry or B1lly Richardson or Alex Car­ But in that short span of time, it will sacrifice requires courage. · lyle-mounted his ·horse and galloped off make contributions to the development of We must unswervingly protect and aug­ through the gathering darkness on the first America which will be forever inscribed on ment what we know to be our just credo, leg of a perilous journey which today sym­ the pages of our history books. Its signifi­ that every person born by the grace of God bolizes the Winning of the West. cance is unquestioned. The pony express has the right to live in freedom and pursue It is not difficult for us to recapture the has blazed a new trail from east to west, happiness, regardless of origin of birth, race, excitement and significance of that day. As the trail of communication. color or creed. we retell and reenact the events of 100 years By swiftly conveying news of great na­ In this troubled world, we must strive ago, we share in its color and drama. tional importance from Washington and the to bring about a moral rejuvenation .which Through the eyes of Johnny Fry or B1lly East to the Pacific coast, the pony express alone can achieve the lasting peace which Richardson we can look west, across our cements the loyalty of the western territo!ry nuclear bombs and diplomatic convolutions familiar river, at the huge untamed territory to the Federal Union in the perilous days cannot possibly achieve. lying beyond the outpost States of the Mis- of 1860 and 1861. Yes, even though our world today. is in aissippi Valley. · It opens the West to orderly progress and many respects a world apart from that of In all this vast expanse between our Mis­ seals its loyalty to the Nation. the men of the pony express whose work souri River and California is a pioneer land, Thousands of people preceded the lonely immortalized this spot at which we are where the Indian and the buffalo roam at' pony express rider acros.S the great reachee gathered, we can borrow very liberally upon 8000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ·- HOUSE April--1'3 their qualities to build .
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