Abd Al-Razzaq Al-$An'anr, 53, 57, 60, Bajr, Abu'l-Walrd Sulayman B

Abd Al-Razzaq Al-$An'anr, 53, 57, 60, Bajr, Abu'l-Walrd Sulayman B

INDEX 'Abd al-:Jabbar b. Al).mad Ba}:iranr, Yusuf b. AJ:imad al-, 290-91 al-Asadabadr, al-Qaq.r, 102, 103 BaJ:iusayn, Ya'qub b. 'Abd al-Wabhab 'Abd al-Ralµnan b. Mahdi, 76 al-, 366 'Abd al-Razzaq al-$an'anr, 53, 57, 60, Bajr, Abu'l-Walrd Sulayman b. Khalaf 67, 95 al-, 126, 162, 164, 227 Abu 'Abd Allah al-Ba~rr, 109, 126 Balkhr, Abu Muti' al-, 222 Abu I:Ianifab al-Nu'man, 96, 117, 125, Balkhr, Zakanya' b. AJ:imad Abu 225, 370, 394, 425-26; on the ciddah Ya}:iya, 327 of an umm al-wala,d, 58; on neglect Baqillanr, al-QjiqI Abu Bakr, 101, 104, of the witr prayer, 211; association 126, 247, 425 of, with the early Murji'ab, 217-18; Bayhaqf, Abu Bakr AJ:imad al-, 76 on the nature of faith (zmiin), 222; Bqyiin: as a central concept in Shafi'i's act classification of, 223; as an legal theory, 4 7-50, 129, 389-90, 415 authority figure in the context of Bazdawf, Abu'l-Yusr MuJ:iammad b. intra-I:Ianafi theological-legal MuJ:iammad, 217(?), 237, 238, 239, debates, 237, 241, 253, 263, 265; as 243, 250, 255 participant in inter-modhhab disputation, Bazdawi, Abu'l-'Usr 'Ali b. 298-99, 301-04; doctrines of, given MuJ:iammad al-, 237, 238, 239, 244, a Shafi'i pedigree, 323-25 245, 246, 247 Abu'l-Hudhayl al-'Allaf, 261 Bukhari, 'Abd al-'Aziz b. AJ:imad al-, Abu'l-Hudhayl MuJ:iammad b. al-'Abdi, 24 7' 250, 262 111 Bravmann, M., 70-71 Abu'l-I:Iusayn al-Ba~rf, 189 Bumu, MuJ:iammad $idqi b. Al).mad Abu Marwan 'Abd al-Malik al-Sulamf al-, 366 al-Qurµibr, 105 Burton, John, 75, 77 Abu Mu~'ab Al).mad b. Ahr Bakr, 10. See also Mukh~ariit of Calder, Norman, 391, 392, 413; on Abu Talib Ya}:iya b. al-I:Iusayn, 108 the dating of early Maliki texts, 4-5, Abu Thawr, 76, 327 16, 53-54; on the epistemology of Abu 'Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam, 104, the Risiil,o,h, 27, 43-44, 389; on the 105, 392, 393: biographical sketch dating of the Risiil,o,h, 76--77, 93, 97 of, 77-78; his views on aspects of Coulson, Noel, 26, 391 abrogation, 81-91 Critical Legal Studies (CLS) Abu Yusuf, 54, 58, 60, 96, 241, 325 movement: historical sketch of, 181-85; Ajurrf, MuJ:iammad b. al-l:Iusayn al-, application to Islamic law, 185-94 110 Crone, Patricia, 4, 5, 28 Akhbiir, Shi'r, 267-73 'Allamab I:Iasan b. Yusuf al-I:Iillr, Dabbas, Abfi Tahir al-, 370-71 288-90 :i;>abbr, MuJ:iammad b. al-Mufaqqal Amidr, Sayf al-Din, 15, 164, 179, 193, Abu'l-Tayyib al-, 327 212, 293-97, 300, 306-09, 311-12, Dabusr, Abu Zayd al-, 224, 239, 245, 396, 398, 411, 414, 419, 420, 421 249, 259-60 An~arr, Ni~am al-Din MuJ:iammad al-, Dardir, Abu'l-Barakat Al).mad al-, 173 206 Da'ud b. Khalaf al-Zahirr, 100, 114, Aranf, Al).mad b. 'Ali al-, 329 132, 279, 327, 393, 397; probable Athiir: in Shafi'r's Risiil,o,h, 31, 32, author of an U!iil al-ji.qh work, 38-40 109-12 Bernard G. Weiss - 9789047400851 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 01:36:11AM via free access 432 INDEX Fart/. and wajib: l:lanaft and Shafi'! l:lanbalrs, l:lanbalr school (mo.dhhab): views positions on, 207-11; Shafi'! critique of, regarding fart/. and wiijib, 228-30; of the l:lanafi: position and l:lanaft influence on Shawkanf, 340, 346; defense, 212-14; Murji'r roots of contributions of, to qawa'id literature, l:lanaft position, 214-16; fart/. as 373; works of, on qawii'id, 381-82 cultic praxis linked to faith, 216-23 Harawf, Abii Sa'd al-, 370-71 Fish, Stanley, 180, 181, 410; see New I:Iattab, Mu}_iammad b. Mu}_iammad Legal Formalism al-, 174 "Four Sources" Theory of Law: as a standard interpretation of Shafi'f's lbn 'Abd al-Barr, 9, IO Risa/ah, 25-30; lack of evidence for, Ibn 'Abd al-Hadr, Yusuf, 373 in the Risa/ah, 31-40 lbn 'Abd al-l:lakam, 'Abd Allah, 10; Frank, Jerome, 181 see also Mukhtasariit of lbn 'Abd al-Salam, 'lzz al-Din, 372 Graf, L. I., 25 lbn 'Abd al-Shakiir, Mu}_iibb b. Allah "Grand Shaykh" Theory of Authority, al-Bihari, 251 17' 19-22, 385-89 lbn Ahr Du'ad al-'Iyadr, 106 Ghazal!, Abii l:lami.d Mu}_iammad al-, lbn Ahr I:Iatim, 76- 77, 96 210, 247, 257, 258 lbn Ahr Layla, Mu}_iammad b. 'Abd Ghaznawf, Siraj al-Drn Abu l:laf~ al-Ra}_iman, 67, 69 'Umar al-, 262 lbn Abi'l-Damm, Ibrahim b. 'Abd Allah, 329-30 Hadr ila'l-l:laqq Ya}_iya b. al-l:lusayn, Ibn Abr Shaybah, Abu Bakr, 53, 58, al-, 337-38 60, 67 Ifadfth, companion, 6, 11-14, 95 lbn Abr Ya'la, Abu'l-l:lusayn Jfadfth, Prophetic: in early Malik! Mul_iammad, 51 works, 6-7, 12-16, 18-21; in lbn al-Amir (Mu}_iammad b. lsma'fl Shafi'f's Risa/ah, 94-95; as a late al-Amir), 345, 347, 348 ninth century phenomenon, 97; role Ibn al-l:lajib, Abu 'Amr 'Uthman, 101, of, in Malikr thinking about rahn, 162, 164, 179 168-70; issues pertaining to, in Ibn al-l:lumam, Mu}_iammad b. 'Abd Arnidf's f!zkiim, 302, 306; in the legal al-Wal_iid, 251 theory and program of Shawkanr, lbn al-lkhshrd, Abu Bakr A}_imad b. 339, 342-43, 345, 349, 352. See also 'Alf, 118 akhbar, Shi<r; Sunnah lbn al-Lal.il.iam, Abu'l-l:lasan 'Alf b. Hallaq, Wael B., 15, 27, 110; 'Abbas, 373 conclusions of, regarding dating of lbn al-Namm, Mu}_iammad b. Is}_iaq, the Risa/ah reinforced, 55, 72; 51, 109, 110 questioned, 76, 92-93; conclusions Ibn al-Qasim, 'Abd al-Ra}_iman Abu of, regarding the emergence of ~ul 'Abd Allah, 16, 20, 175 al-jiqh examined, 102-03, 130, 133-35 Ibn al-Q~~' A}_imad b. A}_imad, 102, 423 l:lamawf, Shihab al-Din al-, 367 lbn al-Qa~~ar al-Baghdadr, 101, 189 l:lanafts, l:lanaft school (madhhab), lbn al-$abbagh, Abii Na~r, 328 179-80, 194, 205-06, 366, 369, lbn al-$ala}_i al-Shahraziirf, 321, 342 371; arguments of, for the distinction lbn al-Sarraj, Abii Bakr Mu}_iammad, between fart/. and wajib, 207-11, 105 214-23; act classification of, 223-25; lbn Banah, 'Abd al-Ra}_iman association of, with istil;san, 134-35; al-Fayrazan, 328 positions of, on rahn, 169-70; division Ibn Daqrq al-'Id, 209, 328 of, into opposing theological-legal lbn Da'iid, Abii Bakr Mul_iammad, positions (Central Asian vs. Baghdadi al-~ahirr, 100, 113-37, 393-94, 397; l:lanafts), 235-65; qawii'id literature biographical sketch, 113-14 of, 378-79; takh'ffj of, 325-26 lbn Hajar al-'Asqalanr, 74, 339, 359 Bernard G. Weiss - 9789047400851 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 01:36:11AM via free access INDEX 433 lbn I:Ianbal, A!Jmad, 52, 54, 77; Ijtihiid, 368-74 passim, 387, 401, 422, opinions of, compared with those of 426-27; as a topic of controversy other contemporary jurists, 57-60; discussed by lbn Da'ud al-?'.ahirf relationship of, to lbn Rahwayh, and other ninth century writers, 73-74; as a figure in inter-madhhab 100, 103, 105, 108-09, 112-13, disputations, 298-99; see also masa'il 117-20, 123-25, 127-28, 131-33, Ibn I:Iarbawayh, 'Alf b. al-l:Iusayn, 327 135, 154-58; as the basis of wajib, lbn I:Iarfwah (MuJ:iammad b. ~aliJ:i 213, 229; evaluation of, in l:Ianafi al-Samawf), 359-60 thought (&ukm al-ijtihiid), 239-4 7; in Ibn I:Iazm, Abu MuJ:iammad 'Alf b. lmami-Shi'f thought, 267, 274, 282, A!Jmad, 134, 227 289; in relation to takhrfj, 318, lbn Kajj, Yusuf b. A!Jmad, 328 320-21, 333-34; in the reformist lbn Khaldun, 99, 426 thinking of Shawkanf, 339-41, Ibn Khallad al-Ba~rf, 105 348-50, 361 Ibn Nujaym, Zayn al-'Abidfn b. 'Isa b. Aban, 136, 236, 241, 263 Ibrahim, 367-68 Istakhrf, Abu Sa'fd al-, 327 Ibn Qa<;l.!'l:Jabal, 373 Istihsiin, 100, 113, 117, 118, 119, 120, Ibn Qa<;l.f Shuhbah, Taqf al-Din b. 122, 123, 124, 126, 132-35, 163, 164, A!Jmad, 329 171, 176, 195, 248, 249, 251, 311, lbn Qutaybah, 'Abd Allah b. Muslim; 312, 390, 399-400, 402, 406, 407 229, 392; biographical sketch, 80-81; views on aspects of abrogation, 81-91 jaJ:ii~, 'Amr b. BaJ:ir al-, 132, 135, 136; lbn Rahwayh, lsJ:iaq b. Ibrahim, place of, in the development of u~iil 51-74 passim al-fiqh Ibn Rajah, 'Abd al-RaJ:iman b. A!Jmad Ja~~a~, Abu Bakr al-, 101, 104, 116, 134 Zayn al-Din, 367 Jubba'f, Abu 'Alf al-, 136 lbn Rushd, MuJ:iammad b. A!Jmad, Jurf, 'Alf b. l:Iusayn al-, 328 163, 165-76, 177, 224, 399, 400, Jurjanf, Abii 'Abd Allah MuJ:iammad 404, 406-07, 424 al-, 241, 328 lbn Shabfb, MuJ:iammad, 219 Juwaynf, Imam al-I:Iaramayn al-, lbn Surayj, Abu'l-'Abbas, 423; role of, 128-29, 189, 191, 193, 196-99, 414 in the development of ~iil al-jiqh, Juynboll, G.

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