1/ 24/2019 Columns> Now Its William Barr When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump? ( k,,, 6, f JUDAISM ' S z.' 0 • lq Phillip- F- Toumey/p/99206328/ categary= 15986016) S Store.aspxtl/JudTaiarmsS^trange-Gods-Book-ByeMichaelaloffman/ p/805852SOIwhgory=15986016) f\ Li \ L. i'. RCH i_ l. THE Stora.asp UThe- Reel- Lincoln-By-Thomas- I . I N C O N I Dilorenzo/ pI71957497/ 15986016) StoreasPrdFl/Godas- category= FOR TI-IE IIllr v (/ ALCOHOLIC For-The-AlcoholiceBook 3yJe ry-Dunn/p/83557886/category=15986016) WAR ma rift Birmi, Cat i 2 rrr tore.espolAVaMs-A-Rackagpl66353093/ rategory= 15986016) PURCI-LASE. PH F BOOK Stare.aspxIl/ George-Washington Farewell- Address- Booklet- a "•' Distrlbuteda3y- Dr-Chuck- Baldwin/p/88200807/category=15986016) IStore.asptdfl/ Second-Treatise-of-Government- ByJahmlacke/p/ 60029265Ieategory= 15986016) FR FDC R IC RA S T 1 A T Stweasp>dWThe-Law/P/ 66353092/category= 15986016) Now It' s William Barr When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump? Published: Thursddi, January 24, 2019 Download tree computerized mp3 audio Me of this coin( https://chuckbaldwinitve.contPortals/1lCootant/Files/calumnaudioP2019_ 01- 24_CBColumn_audlo.mp3) Don... 3/9 htlps:// chudcbakhviMive con Micles/ abid/ 109IIDI3833/ Now- la-WMlam- Barr-When-Wi6{: hristians-And- Conservatives- Stop- Makin9Exases-For- CrIIM16Z- 1/ 24/ 2019 Columns> Now It's William Bart: When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump? Okay, we all know how awful Hillary Clinton is, We all know that Donald Trump said all the right things( well, many of the right things) on the campaign trail. We all know at least believed— that Trump was not an establishment insider. We all know that Trump promised to" drain the swamp, dramatically reduce America' s out- of-control deficit spending, protect the Second Amendment, get America out of its endless foreign wars, terminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, overturn Roe v Wade and build a wall on our southern border— that Mexico would pay for—in order to stop the flow of illegal immigration into America. Now, after two full years of a Donald Trump administration in which he enjoyed both houses of Congress being held by fellow Republicans, we all know( and if we don' t, it's because we don' t WANT to know) that none of the above has happened. Yet, Christians and conservatives by the millions continue to make excuses for this faker. First. a brief comment about the border wall: All of the drama regarding a partial government shutdown and incessant public theater by actors from both political parties is quite nauseating. Republicans had control of both houses of Congress and the White House for two years. Why wasn't money appropriated for the wall then? Why was there no government shutdown over the lack of Ponding for the border wall then? Why wait until Democrats take over the House to shut down( partially) the federal government and threaten to declare a State of National Emergency? Forgive me, but this stinks to high heaven. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors. All of the high profile theabics over the border wall is the biggest distraction to envelop our country in quite a spell. While everyone is fighting over the wall, some very serious attacks against our liberties are being waged almost without notice. And all of the hullabaloo over the wall is completely covering up Trump's failure to carry out the rest of his campaign promises—and the fact that Trump himself has often worked in direct opposition to many of his campaign promises. Ses:ondly, his rhetoric notwithstanding, President Trump has NOT drawn down America's involvement in endless foreign wars. Trump's promise to bring U. S. forces home from Syria is so much hot air. Trump's" immediate" withdrawal order is now mired in an indefinite time schedule. In other words, there is no time schedule. Our hoops that are still fighting in Syria are not only still based in Syria, but they are also still using bases in Iraq as launching pads for military excursions into Syria. Of course, Trump promised that the U. S. bases in Iraq were not going anywhere—and that's one promise he will keep. Our troops are still fighting endless wars in Afghanistan and Somalia( https:Uwww.wsj.com/ articleslamerlcasother-endless-war-somalia- 11547738433). In fact, Trump has shoved record military spending through Congress and has done nothing to reduce America' s global military presence( U. S. troops are stationed in over 160 countries,( httpa/www.infonnattonclearinghouse. info/ 50951. htm) which equates to 95% of the world' s foreign military bases). America is as much the global cop as 8 was when Trump was elected. No, that's not quite true: We are MUCH MORE the global cop than when Trump was elected, as Tromp has expanded our military presence in Eastern Europe to unprecedented levels— levels not even seen during the Cold War. Thirdiv, as we have just passed the 46th anniversary of the ignoble Bee v Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion-on- demand nationwide, unborn children continue to be legally murdered— in spite of the fact that Donald Trump was President and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress during the past two years. NI of Trump' s" pro-life" rhetoric hasn't saved the life of a single unborn baby. Since Trump was elected, over 2 million unborn children have been mercilessly murdered in the wombs of their mothers— with the complete approbation of a Republican- led federal govemment. The GOP controlled the entire federal government for 4. 6 years of G. W. Bush's eight years in office—and thecontrolled the entire federal governmentjaithe past two years of Donald Trump' s presidency. They did NOTHING about Roe v Wade under Elugi,and they have done NOTHING about Roe v Wade under Trump. These phony pro-life GOP congressmen and senators haven't even defended America' s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. Foudhlti as to ending the federal governments extravagant spending habits, what a crock! During 8 years of a Republican majority in the House of Representatives, the federal debt INCREASED$ 7. 9 trillion. (https://www.cnsnews.com/commentarytterencep- jeffrey/republican-house-increased- debt-79- trillion-8- years) And a Trump presidency did nothing to reduce Washington' s out-of-control spending—even with Republicans in control of both houses of Congress. Fiftir , what about Trump's promise to" drain the swami"?This is one of Trumps biggest lies of all. Trump never intended to drain the swamp. From the outset of his presidency, he began appointing mostly CFR globalists, neocons, warmongers, Zionists corporate elitists and corrupt government insiders to his administration. And he hasn' t stopped. I am absolutely sick and fired of hearing my conservative Christian brethren say things like," Trump is trying his best, but he's getting no help from his cabinet and staff." Well. DUH! Who picked his cabinet and staff? Trump did. For-Dori... 4/ 9 hitps://chuckbaklwinlive. com/ Articles/tabid/ 109/113/ 3833/ Now- Its- William- Bart- W hen- W ill- Christians- Antl- ConsenativesStop- MakingExcuses- 1124/ 2019 Columns> Now Its William Barr When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For C] reonald Trumps Then they say things like," Trump doesn' t really understand these issues; he really wants to do right, but he's getting bad advice' BARF! If he didn't understand the issues, he's had two full years as President of the United States to get caught up. But he continue to make the same unconstitutional, big-government, warmongering decisions over and over again. The excuse that" he wants to do right, b. ist is getting bad advice" just doesn't wash anymore. It's time for Trump's supporters to wake up and realize that Donald Trump is a great big boy, not a little kid, and is fully capable of thinking for himself Donald Trump knows exactly what he's doing. He's known exactly what he's been doing from day number one. He is the& consummate con man. He is a charlatan. He is a double-tongued pretender. He has filled the executive branch of the federal government " with the same crooks as presidents before him. kJ And now Trump' s selection of William Barr as America's next attorney general is the final straw. There can be NO MOR DOUBT. William Barr is the swamp creature's Swamp Creature. He is the personification of all of the evil and wickedness that ha gone on in Washington, D.C., during the past 30 years. Name the act of criminality, cover-up or act of chicanery that has taken place in Washington D.C., over the last 30 years, and William Barr is probably neck deep in it. Here is a summary of Barr's careen( https:// www.globalresearch. ca/ciabushirancontracovertoperat ve-flier-wi1liam-0arr- nominated-attorney-general/56626697PoddldGwAR13Z7GJ5sKYL6eoiSsD- VZngTPfhZ2h)(7rpJ5WgeB11d8ZUgvnrnJ hEydPQ) BanCIAheadwas a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Ba` syouth careawlpal was to the CIA oQerative assigned to the China directorate, where he,became dose-topowe foul CIA operative George H. yy Bowhose accomplishments already inducted the CIA/Cuba Bayof Pigs, Asia CIA operatiawiVietnam War, Goltlen Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy( Henry IGssinger), and the Watergate operation. When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barrjoined the CIA's" legal office" and Bush's inner circle, and worked alongside Bush's longtime CIA enforcers Theodore" Ted" Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/ John F.
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