Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking 2013 (ergänzt um Bestandsangaben für die Fakultätsbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaft der RUB) Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking 2013 Zeitschriften ISSN Wertung Signatur (Print) Bestand (Print) E-Journal (Link) Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society 0012-9682 A+ B 220 1.1933 - 83.2015 X Journal of financial economics 0022-1082 A+ B 882 67.2003 - 75.2005 X Journal of monetary economics 0304-3932 A+ B 891 X Journal of political economy 0022-3808 A+ B 266 1.1892/93 - X Nature : the international weekly journal of science 0028-0836 A+ X Science 0036-8075 A+ X The American economic review 0002-8282 A+ B 202 1.1911 - x The journal of finance : the journal of the 0022-1082 American Finance Association A+ B 258 1.1946 - 69.2014 X The quarterly journal of economics 0033-5533 A+ B 302 1.1886/87 - 111.1996 X The review of economic studies 0034-6527 A+ B 311 1.1933/34 - 62.1995 X American political science review 0003-0554 A X European economic review : EER 0014-2921 A B 585 47.2003 - 80.2015 X Games and economic behavior 0899-8256 A X International economic review 0020-6598 A B 254 1.1960 - 55.2014,3 X International organization : IO 0020-8183 A X Journal of accounting & economics 0165-4101 A B 920 34.2003 - 60.2015 X Journal of business & economic statistics : 0735-0015 JBES A X Journal of econometrics 0304-4076 A B 826 112.20033 - 190.2016 X Journal of economic theory 0022-0531 A B 344 X Journal of health economics 0167-6296 A B 1115 26.2007 - 31.2012 X Journal of international economics 0022-1996; 1932-8796 A B 375 59.2003 - 97.2015 X Journal of labor economics 0734-306X A B 1117 25.2007 - X Journal of public economics 0047-2727 A B 822 87.2003 - 132.2015 X Journal of the American Statistical 0003-1291; 0162-1459 Association : JASA A B 261 1.1888/89(1889) - 106.2011 X Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking 2013 (ergänzt um Bestandsangaben für die Fakultätsbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaft der RUB) Journal of the European Economic 1542-4766 Association A X Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 1369-7412 A B 269 10.1948 - 56.1994 X Management science 0025-1909 A B 273 1.1954/55 - 10.1963/64; 22.1975/76 - X60.2014 Nature (Letters) A Science (Report) A Statistical science : a review journal of the 0883-4237 Institute of Mathematical Statistics A B 589 1.1986 - X The annals of statistics 0090-5364 A B 205/I 1.1973 - 13.1985 X The economic journal 0013-0133 A B 224 1.1891 - 123.2013 X The journal of business : B 0021-9398 A B 253 1.1928 - 79.2006 X The Rand journal of economics 0741-6261 A B 874 1.1970 -- 29.1998 X The review of economics and statistics 0034-6535 A B 312 1.1919 - 60.1978; 62.1980 - X The review of financial studies 0893-9454 A X American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings B+ American journal of agricultural 0002-9092 economics B+ B 257 50.1968 - 59.1977 X Bernoulli 1350-7265 B+ X Biometrika 0006-3444 B+ X Demography 0070-3370 B+ X Econometric theory 0070-3370 B+ X Economic theory 0938-2259 B+ X Economics letters 0165-1765 B+ X Finance and stochastics 0949-2984 B+ X Health economics 1057-9230 B+ B 1106 16.2007 - 23.2014 X Health services research : HSR 0017-9124 B+ X ILR review 0019-7939 B+ B 1107 61.2007/08 - 66.2012/13 X International journal of industrial 0167-7187 organization B+ B 800 23.2005 - 30.2012 X Journal of accounting research 0021-8456 B+ B 239 1.1963 - 52.2014 X Journal of applied econometrics 0883-7252 B+ B 586 3.1988 - 29.2014 X Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking 2013 (ergänzt um Bestandsangaben für die Fakultätsbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaft der RUB) Journal of banking & finance 0378-4266 B+ B 892 27.2003 - 29.2005,3; 30.2006 - 61.2015X Journal of consumer research : JCR 0093-5301 B+ X Journal of development economics 0304-3878 B+ X Journal of economic behavior & 0167-2681 organization : JEBO B+ X 0165-1889 Journal of economic dynamics & control B+ X Journal of economic growth 0165-1889 B+ X Journal of environmental economics and 0095-0696 management : JEEM B+ B 867 57.2009 - 64.2012 X Journal of financial and quantitative 0095-0696 analysis : JFQA B+ x Journal of human resources : JHR 0022-166X B+ B 1116 42.2007 - X Journal of international money and 0261-5606 finance B+ X Journal of marketing 0022-2429 B+ B 264 60.1996 - X Journal of marketing research : JMR 0022-2437 B+ B 237 36.1996 - X Journal of money, credit and banking : JMCB 0022-2879 B+ B 334 1.1969 - 45.2013 X Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 0952-8385 B+ B 268 111.1948(1949) - 157.1994 X Journal of urban economics 0094-1190 B+ X Marketing science 0732-2399 B+ B 456 1.1982 - 33.2014 X Mathematical finance 0960-1627 B+ X Population and development review 0098-7921 B+ B 939 15.1989 - 30.2004 X Research policy 0048-7333 B+ B 399 1.1971/72 - 33.2004 X Review of economic dynamics 1094-2025 B+ X Scandinavian journal of statistics : SJS 0303-6898 B+ X The accounting review : a journal of the 0001-4826 American Accounting Association B+ B 200 71.1996 - X The annals of applied probability 1050-5164 B+ X The annals of applied statistics 1932-6157 B+ X The journal of conflict resolution 0731-4086 B+ B 309 10.1966 - 22.1978 X The journal of industrial economics 0022-1821 B+ B 260 1.1952/53 - 46.1998 X Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking 2013 (ergänzt um Bestandsangaben für die Fakultätsbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaft der RUB) The journal of law & economics 0022-2186 B+ B 263 1.1958 - X The journal of law, economics, & 8756-6222 organization B+ X Transportation research 0191-2615 B+ X Water resources research 0043-1397 B+ X World development 1873-5991 B+ X Advances in applied probability 0001-8678 B B 828 5.1973 - 26.1994 X American economic journal / Macroeconomics 1945-7707 B B 1091 1.2009 - X American economic journal / Applied economics 1945-7782 B B 1089 1.2009 - X American economic journal / Economic policy 1945-7731 B B 1090 1.2009 - X American economic journal / Microeconomics 1945-7669 B B 1092 1.2009 - X California management review 0008-1256 B B 216 38.1995/96 - 45.2002/03 X Carnegie Rochester conference series on public policy 0167-2231 B X Contemporary accounting research 0823-9150 B B 662 11.1994 - 31.2014 X Ecological economics 0921-8009 B X Econometric reviews 0747-4938 B X Economic development and cultural change 0013-0079 B X Economic inquiry 0095-2583 B B 343 34.1996 - 42.2004 X Economica 0013-0427 B B 226 1.1921 - 81.2014 X Economics of education review 0272-7757 B X Economy and society B Electronic journal of statistics 1935-7524 B X Environment & planning 0308-518X B X Environmental & resource economics 1354-7798 B X European financial management 0924-6460 B X European journal of political economy 0176-2680 B X Experimental economics 1386-4157 B X Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking 2013 (ergänzt um Bestandsangaben für die Fakultätsbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaft der RUB) Financial management 0046-3892 B X Industrial and corporate change 0960-6491 B X Insurance 0167-6687 B X International journal of production economics 0925-5273 B B 1111 105.2007 - 171.2016 X Journal of comparative economics 0147-5967 B X Journal of computational and graphical statistics : JCGS 1061-8600 B X Journal of economic geography 1468-2702 B X Journal of economic literature 0022-0515 B B 255 7.1969 - X Journal of economics & management strategy : JEMS 1058-6407 B X Journal of empirical finance 0927-5398 B X Journal of financial econometrics 1479-8409 B X Journal of financial intermediation 1042-9573 B B 748 12.2003 - 24.2015 X Journal of financial markets 1386-4181 B X Journal of international business studies : JIBS 0047-2506 B X Journal of mathematical economics 0304-4068 B B 847 1.1974 - 39.2003 X Journal of peace research 0022-3433 B X Journal of policy analysis and management 0276-8739 B X Journal of population economics 0933-1433 B X Journal of risk and uncertainty : JRU 0895-5646 B X Journal of the European Economic Association Papers B Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 0035-9254 B B 208 11952 - 62.2013 X Labour economics 0927-5371 B B 1121 10.2003; 12.2005; 14.2007 - 37.2015 X Land economics 0023-7639 B X Macroeconomic dynamics 1365-1005 B X Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics 0305-9049 B B 289 35.1973 - 65.2003 X Oxford economic papers 0030-7653 B X Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking 2013 (ergänzt um Bestandsangaben für die Fakultätsbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaft der RUB) PharmacoEconomics 1170-7690 B X Psychometrika : a journal of quantitative psychology 0033-3123 B X Public administration review : PAR 0033-3352 B X Public choice 0048-5829; 1941-9716 B X Quantitative finance B Regional science & urban economics 0166-0462 B X Regional studies 0034-3404 B B 1138 43.2009 - 45.2011 X Review of accounting studies 1380-6653 B X Review of finance 1382-6662; 1572-3097 B X Review of international economics 0965-7576 B X Science (Review) B Social science quarterly 0038-4941 B X Statistica Sinica 1017-0405 B X Statistics & decisions B Technometrics 0040-1706 B B 329 1.1959 - X The Canadian journal of economics 0008-4085 B B 215 1.1968 - 47.2014 X The China quarterly 0305-7410 B X The JCMS annual review of the European Union 0021-9886; 1747-5244 B x The journal of corporate finance 0929-1199 B B 664 9.2003 - 35.2015 X The journal of development studies : JDS 0022-0388 B B 291 1.1964/65 - 14.1977/78 X The journal of economic history 0022-0507 B X The journal of economic perspectives : EP 0895-3309 B B 536 1.1987/88 - X The journal of legal studies 0047-2530 B B 769 20.1991 - X The review of income and wealth 0034-6586 B X The Scandinavian journal of economics 0347-0520 B B 230 78.1976 - 115.2013 X The world economy 0378-5920 B X Transportation
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