European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences 2013; www.european-science.com vol.2, No. 3(s), pp. 8-17 ISSN 1805-3602 A survey of the effect of staff’s organizational commitment on effectiveness in municipalities of Yazd Province Ali Ahmadi1, Hassan Donuqezelbash2 1MA in Public Administration, Faculty Member of Iranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr, Iran; 2MA graduate in Public Administration Abstract fective organizational commitment was highly cor- related with organizational effectiveness. The present study evaluated the relationship between the various dimensions of organizational Keywords: Organizational effectiveness, Orga- commitment and organizational effectiveness in nizational commitment, Beneficiaries, Customer Municipalities of Yazd province. The study popula- satisfaction, Staff tion was all municipalities in Yazd province (totally 22 organizations). The required organizations were Introduction the people being selected in each organization and the analysis basis was the organization. The study Based on various studies, it is accepted that the sample in the present study included two sections. organizations with high organizational commit- The first section was dedicated to the selection of ment have good performance compared to their organizations staffs as samples and the standard or- competitors (Rikitta, 2002). Thus, high organiza- ganizational commitment questionnaire was distrib- tional commitment of the staffs improves the orga- uted among them. Eight people were selected inside nization situation in the competitive community. each organization as sample. The second section The concept of organizational commitment is the was dedicated to the evaluation of the effectiveness main component of management issues of the or- in the organization and included two sections: The ganizations. The successful managers are the ones first section was about the real entities referring to who increase the commitment of the staffs in their the organization directly and resolved the problems organizational communication. Due to the rela- and the second section was including legal entities tionship between organizational commitment and such as the state organizations, institutions and pri- work behaviors as absence, leave, job satisfaction, vate companies and each of them were interacting attachment to work, performance and the relation- with the studied organization and they were con- ship between the supervisor and the workers, the sidered as organizational beneficiaries. The num- various researchers emphasized on its significance ber of samples in each organization was 10 people, (Eby, Freeman, & Rush, 1999). Various empirical 5 real entities and 5 legal entities. The study mea- studies emphasized on the effects of various orga- sures were Meyer and Allen’s (1991) organizational nizational variables on organizational commitment; commitment survey with 24 items and effectiveness however, a few empirical studies were conducted questionnaire with 15 items. The data were analyzed on the survey of the effects of various dimensions by SPSS 15 software and Spearman rank correlation of staffs’ organizational commitment on organiza- test and regression of the data of the questionnaires tional effectiveness. Effectiveness means fulfillment and the hypotheses were tested. The results showed of organizational goals. Any conditions helping the that there was a significant association between the improvement of staffs commitment improves orga- dimensions of organizational commitment and or- nizational commitment (Kazemi Haqiqat, 2008). If ganizational effectiveness in Municipalities and af- commitment is prevalent in the organization, the Corresponding author: Ali Ahmadi, MA in Public Administration, Faculty Member of Iranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr, Iran. E-mail: [email protected] Copyright © Ali Ahmadi and Hassan Donuqezelbash, 2013 European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences; vol.2, No. 3(s), pp. 8-17 8 Social science section people will be more responsible and will have more consequence and results, affective attachment pro- satisfaction of their commitments and also they will cess and attachment state and belonging, it seems have a few leaves, negligence, stresses etc (Hejazi, that affective cohesion is common among them. et al., 2002). There are two views to organizational commit- Stave (1977, as cited in Meyer and Herscovitch, ment. The first view defines commitment as an af- 2001) believed that the significance and value of or- fective or attitudinal view. ganizational commitment should be proved as a sep- People identify themselves with organization arate structure of other psychological concepts such and try to stay with the organization to pursue the as motivation, job involvement or other behavioral goals. Becker (1960) in a completely different view orientations. The behavior of the employees in an to organizational commitment, stated that commit- organization is affected by their attitude. Thus, the ment is considered mostly as behavioral view instead organizations’ managers should be aware of them. of attitudinal view. According to this view, people People do not express their attitudes for anyone and attach to the organization for their benefits; the it should be said that being aware of all the attitudes benefits are ranging the advantages and top position of the employees is not of great importance for the to the good feeling to an organization. The differ- organization managers and they are not interested ence between the attitudinal and behavioral views is in knowing all these attitudes. obvious in the previous studies. In attitudinal view, Indeed, the managers are interested in know- the studies are mostly regarding the identification ing the attitudes related to labor and organization. of the factors related to commitment and the con- Organizational commitment reflects the attitudes of sequences of commitment. However, in behavioral people to the organizational values and goals (Em- view, the studies were mostly regarding the condi- ery and Barker, 2007) and it indicates the motiva- tions under which the behavior being expressed al- tion to stay with the organization and do their best ready is repeated again and also the identification to achieve the organizational goals (Meyer and Her- of the effects of such behavior on the change of at- scovitch, 2001). titude. Meyer and Allen’s (1991) described three di- mensional model of commitment: Affective, Con- The variables of the study tinuance and Normative. Organizational commitment Affective commitment There are different views in defining organi- It is the affective orientation of the employees zational commitment as different terms are ap- toward the organization. Thus, the employee stays plied to define this concept. For example, Porter with the organization for the reason of having posi- et al. (1974) defined commitment as “the relative tive attitude to the existence mission, values and strength of an individual’s identification with and goals. An employee stays with the organization to involvement in a particular organization”. Accord- fulfill the values and goals believing deeply. The ing to this definition, organizational commitment employees with high affective commitment are is to believe in the goal and values of the organiza- more dependent upon their values and are commit- tion, working hard for the organization and strong ted to fulfilling the organization goals (Angle and intention to stay with the organization (Meyer and Perry,1981). Allen,1991). Kanter (1972) defines commitment as the willingness of people to give their energy and Continuance commitment loyalty to social system. As argued by Buchanan Commitment to the organization due to aware- (1974) commitment is a kind of affective commit- ness of the costs associated with leaving the organiza- ment to the goal and values and to the organization tion. It means that a person stays with the organization for its own sake, a part from its instrumental worth. because based on costs-benefit analysis; he decides to Although various researchers have different views stay (Meyer and Allen, 1991). In most cases, staying to commitment, most of them believe that there is with the organization is due to the fact that he doesn’t a kind of affective and psychological attachment to want to go to a new job. This type of commitment the organization relating an individual and organi- is continuance commitment (continual, obligatory, zation. Although the term commitment is mostly durability), it means that they stay in the organiza- referred to the pre-requirements of commitment, tion as going to another job is costly (Mathieu, 1991). Openly accessible at http://www.european-science.com 9 Social science section Normative commitment showed the 25% increase in the leave of the organi- The employee stays with the organization due zations compared to the previous year and it showed to the pressure of the norms and morale. He does the lack of orientation of the staffs to their organiza- not leave the organization for the fact that others tion and based on review of literature, it can be one (due to the feeling of co-workers, considering the of the reasons of the non-effectiveness of the studied employer) criticize him for leaving the organization. organization. The organization leave hours of the According to Wiener (1982), this group of staffs are staffs were not good as the existing statistics showed not bounded well to the organization . This type of 15%, 25%
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