Clackamas Fire District #1 Board Meeting Briefing Packet September 17, 2018 To safely protect and preserve life and property Board of Directors’ Meeting Monday, September 17, 2018 Meeting Location: Mt. Scott Fire Station 6:00 pm AGENDA REGULAR SESSION I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.690 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. II. CHANGES TO AGENDA (p. 2) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON AUGUST 20, 2018 (p. 5) IV. PUBLIC COMMENT (The President will call for statements from citizens regarding District business, not to exceed three minutes per person.) V. ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS VI. PRESENTATION – NORTH CLACKAMAS SCHOOL DISTRICT’S LOCAL OPTION LEVY VII. PRESENTATION – FIRE PREVENTION MONTH – Deputy Fire Marshal Kari Shanklin VIII. PRESENTATION – PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE UPDATE – Public Information Officer Brandon Paxton IX. BUSINESS – Action required B-1 Request Board Approval of Proclamation 18-04 for Fire Prevention Month – Theme – “Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware. Fire can happen anywhere.” – Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley / Deputy Fire Marshal Kari Shanklin (p. 12) X. OTHER BUSINESS – No action required. (These items will be presented individually by staff or other appropriate individuals. A synopsis of each item together with a brief statement of the action being requested shall be made by those appearing on behalf of an agenda item.) OB-1 Legislative Update – Lobbyist Genoa Ingram 1 To safely protect and preserve life and property OB-2 Review and First Reading of Board Policy Manual – Chief Charlton (p. 13) OB-3 Review of Intergovernmental Agreements – Deputy Chief Hari (p. 43) OB-4 Bond Update – Verbal – Division Chief Mike Corless OB-5 Board Informational Items OB-6 Board Committee/Liaison Reports Executive Committee – Director Syring/Director Wall Foundation Liaison – Director Trotter Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) – Director Trotter XI. INFORMATIONAL ONLY A. Divisional Reports R-1a. Chief’s Report – Verbal - Chief Fred Charlton R-1b Business Services Division – Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley (p. 76) R-1b.1 Fire Prevention – Battalion Chief Brian Stewart (p. 78) R-1c Emergency Services Division – Deputy Chief Ryan Hari (p. 91) R-1c.1 Emergency Medical Services/Training – Division Chief Bill Conway (p. 94) R-1c.2 Operations – Division Chief Mike Corless (p. 108) R-1c.3 Volunteer Services – Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters (p. 131) R-1c.4 Volunteer Services President’s Report – Verbal – President Ryan Kragero R-1d Financial Services Division – Finance Director Christina Day (p. 133) B. Correspondence (p. 156) C. Informational Items (p. 161) D. Next Meeting The next Board of Directors’ meeting will be on Monday, October 15, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Mt. Scott Station 5. XII. REGULAR BOARD MEETING RECESSED 2 To safely protect and preserve life and property XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS PURSUANT TO ORS 192.660(2)(d) XIV. REGULAR BOARD MEETING RECONVENED B-2 Possible Discussion and Board Approval of Labor Agreement, Subject to Board Executive Session Discussion – Chief Charlton XV. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING EVENTS: Sept. 15, 2018 – Hilltop Health and Safety Fair Sept. 17, 2018 – Regular Board Meeting Sept. 19, 2018 – Board Retreat – Station 5 October – Fire Prevention Month 3 Clackamas Fire District #1 REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING (This meeting was recorded.) August 20, 2018 I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.690 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. President Wall called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Present: Board of Directors Thomas Joseph, Jim Syring, Don Trotter, and Director Marilyn Wall; Chief Fred Charlton; Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley; Battalion Chief Burke Slater; Battalion Chief David Scheirman; Battalion Chief Jason Ellison; Emergency Manager Gregg Ramirez; Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters; Volunteer Association Vice President Joey Danna; Volunteer Lieutenant Jerry Kearney; Finance Director Christina Day; Genoa Ingram from Court Street Consulting; Citizens John Kihlstrum, Lowell Peterson, and Chris Hawes; and Administrative Technician Tracey Grisham. Director Jay Cross was absent. II. CHANGES TO AGENDA It was noted several chiefs weren’t able to attend the meeting. The IAFC and PIO Update presentations would be rescheduled to next month’s board meeting. President Wall welcomed Administrative Technician Tracey Grisham, who was filling-in to take the minutes for Executive Assistant Karen Strejc. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON JULY 16, 2018 The motion passed unanimously to approve the minutes as written for the regular board meeting on July 16, 2018. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Chris Hawes, Damascus, OR Mr. Hawes invited the Board to the Missing America Project on August 29 at 1:00 pm at the Willamette National Cemetery. There would be 28 veterans’ remains and 29 spouses who would have ceremonies held in their honor. Director Syring thanked Mr. Hawes for all his work on the project and work that all members do in honor of veterans. 1 11300 SE Fuller Road · Milwaukie, OR 97222 · 503-742-2600 · www.clackamasfire.com V. PRESENTATION – RECOGNITION OF 2018 IAFC BEN FRANKLIN AWARD FOR VALOR The noted business item would be rescheduled for next month’s board meeting. VI. PRESENTATION – EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS MONTH Emergency Manager Ramirez brought handouts regarding the Clackamas County Public Alerts notification software system. It was noted that on Sept. 1, Clackamas County would upgrade how it communicates with residents during times of disaster by replacing its emergency notification software system. By providing contact information, county residents can opt-in to receive critical emergency messaging via email, phone call, and text during times of disasters. It was noted that all residents were urged to enroll or re-enroll at www.clackamas.us/publicalerts. The Fire District would be participating, once again, with KGW’s “Keeping you Safe” campaign. EM Ramirez will be featured on Greater Portland Today on September 4. The campaign will have a social media presence. PIO Paxton was working to get EM Ramirez on KXL radio. EM Ramirez filmed a series of videos from three to seven minutes with local stakeholders and partners: CERT, Kaiser Permanente, and Clackamas and Multnomah County Disaster Management. The videos pertain to topics related to Emergency Preparedness Month that would be featured on the Fire District’s social media platforms and the website. EM Ramirez’s goal was to improve the Fire District’s response disaster readiness by encouraging staff to become licensed Ham radio operators. September was National Preparedness Month and funds were available to issue Fire District owned Ham radios to the first 50 staff members who earned their license during the month of September. Apparatus Operator Nick Fisher would purchase Ham radios to give out to the community for more visibility. The Fire District’s relationship with the Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) has evolved and EM Ramirez was excited for the changes. CERT will have an involvement with the Primary Alternate Contingency and Emergency (PACE) exercise in May 2019. The Fire District will have an involvement, as an exercise design team has been formed. The exercise will be to respond to medical counter issues. The Fire District received a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) grant for $44,000 for the development of a functional cooperative. The grant would pay for a contractor. A plan would be developed, exercise carried out, and an after action review (AAR) would be scheduled. The grant will have components to train each one of the elements with the cooperative. Additionally, a separate grant was received to purchase 100 CERT starter kits. It was noted that EM Ramirez was encouraged by stakeholders to support this with a video program. President Wall noted she was a member of the Oak Grove Community Council and members were thrilled to be working with EM Ramirez. 2 VII. PRESENTATION – PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE UPDATE The noted business item would be rescheduled for next month’s board meeting. VIII. BUSINESS B-1 Request Board Approval of Proclamation 18-03 for Emergency Preparedness Month for September 2018 with Theme – “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.” President Wall moved and Director Trotter seconded the motion to approve Proclamation 18-03 for Emergency Preparedness Month for September 2018 with the Theme – “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.” The motion passed unanimously by the Directors in attendance. B-2 Request Board Approval of John Higgins, Frank Magdlen, Ed Mura, Alex Roth, and Craig Van Valkenburg as Trustees for the Clackamas Emergency Services Foundation Board of Trustees Chief Charlton shared that the new Trustees possessed a wide range of skill sets and backgrounds. The Trustees underwent an application process, attended a Foundation Board meeting, and were recommended by the Executive Board. Director Joseph asked what Mr. Mura’s profession was. Chief Charlton noted that Mr. Mura was retired through the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office and, currently, volunteers at the Colton Helping Hands Food Bank. Mr. Roth was a referral from current Trustee, Sherri Magdlen. The current Trustee count was down to nine members. Director Trotter noted in the past, the Foundation has had a maximum of 25 Trustees. Director Trotter was in support of the new Trustees. Director Trotter moved and Director Syring seconded the motion to approve John Higgins, Frank Magdlen, Ed Mura, Alex Roth, and Craig Van Valkenburg as Trustees for the Clackamas Emergency Services Foundation Board of Trustees. The motion passed unanimously by the directors in attendance. B-3 Request Board Approval of Resolution #18-03 – Authorizing Interfund Loans for Fiscal Year 2018-19 Finance Director Day shared that the resolution before the Board was to authorize the transfer of loan money between funds. It was noted there would be a precaution to this authority, as Finance Director Day hasn’t had to use these types of funds since her time with the Fire District.
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