![15.] New York, April 13, 1889. 1'3.00 a Yeah](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
(Entered'at t.he Pm!t 'Oftlce of New N. y" RB Second ClaM CopYl'l�hted. 1880. hy Co.] York, Matter. Monn & ---- --------- -� -- ------'------- A WEEKlY JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS"CHEMISTRY, AND MANUFACTURES. Vol. LX.-No. 11l45.15.] 1'3.00 A YEAH. ESTABLIl'HED NEW YORK, APRIL 13, 1889. WEEKLY. THE REMARKABLE GLACIERS, WATERFALLS, MOUN'rAIJlS, AND HARBORS OF AL4SKA.-[See page 229.J © 1889 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC ,Jtitntific �lUtritan. APRIL 13, 224 [ 18&). A NEW ASSISTANT COIl(JlISSIONER OF PATENTS. Emin Pasha's .apture, and as a reverse the news of a The President has appointed Mr. Robert.T. Fisher to victory of the Pasha over the Madhi's forces. What be Assistant Commissioner of Patents. Mr. Fisher at has really happened is quite unknown, and the dark the time of his promotion was a member of the Board ESTABLISHED 1845. continent is silent as to the fate of her daring explorers, of Appeals in the Patent Office, to which position he ... I I • had risen from subordinate grades of official duties, all A.rbor Day. MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. well performed. Mr. Fi!iher is a man of marked ability The State of Nebraska was the first, in 1874, to in­ PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT and long experience in the practical workings of the augurate a movement to designate one day in a year patent laws. His appointment to the assistant in which every one was urged to plant a tree, or do No. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. COlll­ missionership gives very general satisfaction among all something to encourage a general tree planting, and to who have dealings with the office. He will be able to end a holiday O.D.MUNN. A. E. BEACH. that was established, styled Arbor Day, render efficient aid to Commissioner Mitchell. U oder In the almost treeless region from the Mississippi west the guidance of these two excellent officer'l, the admin- to the Rocky Mountains it was felt that the climate TBRMS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. istration of patent affairs is likely to be much improved might perhaps be somewhat mortified, and the moist­ . .83 00 One copy, one year. for the U. S. or Canada..... and reng,ered acceptable to the public• ure be better kept S. .')0 " back to promote the fertility of the One copy. six months. for the U. or Canada............... .......... 1 . Onecopy.oneyear, to aoy foreign couotry belonJi:ingtoPostal Un iOo. 4 00 farmtl, only by SOUle abnormal encouragement of tree Remit. by postal or express money order. � LAGER.,.,. :BEER. planting, and this it is claimed has already been effected Australia and NeW" Zealand.�Those who desire .tu .r�ceive the Lager beer, fr m Its.. ame, IwplIes. a beer that has been to a noticeable degree in the State which originated � � A littJe over one year. may remIt £1 In current � ? . �� � i;Yi�-:-��t��: �dt;t:e:s the idea. & kept for a certaIn period. A year or months, at least, Other States have followed the lead of MUNN CO .. 361 Broadway. cornerof Franklin Street, New Yurk.. SIX The SCientific Amerlcan Supplement is the time given by authorities as that which should Nebraska, an Arbor Day having been instituted in Is adlstlnct paper from the SClI!:NTIFICAMIC RICAN. '.rilE SUPPLI!:�fKNT elapse before such beer is tapped. The German and Iowa by the State Horticultural Society, in Minnesota is Issued weekly. I£verynumber contains 16 octa o p�es. uniform in size . with SCIEN'cU'W AlIIEIUCAN. Terms of subscriptionv fur SUPPLEMENT, Austrian governulents Impose both fine and Imprison- by the State Forestry Association, and in West Vir­ a f o ginia such a day is set apart by the State Superintend­ I ment for any infraction of this rule. because of. the de- t!:'�l::���:afir�'i��?���:?e 'co�i�,�J���� ������ :lf(�l�s���I��; . throughcut t.hecountry. Ite e · ous effect f such d rlnk before lager or ent of Public Schools. In Ohio, Massachusetts, and · n 0 such 1�lnnbtuell RatelJ.-'l'he SCIENTIFIC AMIGRICAN and SUPPLEMENT b or one year, to any address In U. S. or Cana.dll,on receipt of keeping shall have expired. There is not any such law Vermont, an Arbor Day is designated by proclamation ;�n ��� : �t �iji� � !.to remit SbYdraft.postal order.express muneyorder.or here, and, as everybody knows who has had the time of the several Governors, and in several other States it r ! erS t : I AU8tl'alia and New ZeMIRnd.�The SCIENTIFW AMERICAN and and inclination to investigate the subject, many of our has been observed in accordance with requests ema­ T i:�t for a little over year on receipt brewers have greatly curtailed this time of keeping and nating from the State agricultural associations. ��n�PdO���� b-:�� �� . one of £2 cur_ I constantly seek for expedients processes for cutting The Forest Commission of New York State, in 1886. Addrebs :\tUNN& co .. 361Hr Oll.dway.corner of lI'ranklin Street, New York. and it down still more, eager is the market, so uncritical recommended the establishment of such a day as an 80 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1889. the consumer. Indeed, the American beer drinker has additional holiday, to be especially a school holiday, little regard for his liver and kidneys, or he would have to be devoted to tree planting, tree culiure, and educa­ (Jontellt stoutly protested long ago. He takes his beer unsus­ tion in forestry. The State Legislature of last year •• (Illuetrated articles are marked with aD asterisk.) pectlngly, and without inquiry, till a time comes when. passed a law in pursuance of this recommendation, entitled, "An Act to Encourage Arboriculture,ll The . 230 the liver being affected, or the kidneys, or both, nature Alaska, glacle1'8, .mountams, Gunpowder. Ilew... .............. etc.* .............. ....... 2"..3. 229 Inventions, agricultural .......... 233 protests, and the beverage once so pleasing to his lips is summarized provisions of this act are to the effect that Alaska. vlewllln*.............. 22:l. 229 Inventlonl!',eltlctrical .......... '" 233 AllOr; new ................... ." .... 228 Invent!ons. index of ........ ..... 235 like to so much acid. A chemist recently investigating on the Friday follOWing the first day of May in each ' i Inventwns. miscellaneous ........ 2.'13 ::: year an public school authorities in the State shall ��re!���f:iri: l:fithe*::::.::: i3� Inventors. take courage. .......... 226 this matter says: i Keys. connecting rod· ........... 2.�1 g:�k��o� �:��:����:�:,���: :.: � LaO'.mud .... .................. ... 227 "Brewers are using materials other than malted bar­ assemble the scholars in their charge in the school Bearing. a.xle, Strauss' .......� ..... 22'1' Leg for chairs, Alliger's* .......... 227 ley, such as corn and oats, etc., mixed with barley and building or elsewhere for the participation in such Beer, laRflr......................... 224. Mark, trade ................. ....... m Boat, torpedo, new ................· 228 Notes, photographic ............. 22;) exercises as shall tend to encourage the planting, pro­ 233 hops, by which they accelerate its manufacture, mak­ Books and publications,. new..... Notes and Queries .................•......... 2.>1 Business and personal ........... 233 Pa.ckal{e,CO!O, Castner's 22j ing a sweetish, pleasing, heady beverage, but alcoholic, tection, and preservation of trees and shrubs. Follow_ CleRD.er, cotton Reed. Baum_ Patent, Assist. Com. of. new .. ... 224 garten's .......................... 230 Platillgwith aluminum ......... 2'l5 and people using this kind of beer in large daily quan­ ing such exercises] trees and shrubs will be planted, Club. exerc!slng. Jessup'S* ........ 228 Plow, Imow, Williams' ..............•.... 22ti Coupling, CHI'.Clarridge's . ....... 226 Pump and condellser,Reid's 23:.! tities, with the idea that it is innocuous, has brought where practicable. This is designed to overcome the Crab. cocoanut ......... ............ 226 Replies t.oInquiries ............... 235 Day, Arbor ........ ... ............ m Reservoir. ancient ............... 232 on a marked increase of renal complaints." destruction of trees, made necessary by the demand of Desk.and sellt, school, Hamel's·. 2Z"I Shafting. girder fot4 .............. 231 Device, hammock, Prltchard's*. .. 228 SIlOW, black ....................... m This statement was shown to a medical inspector of business and commerce. In cities the tree planting Diamond. large ....... ............. 2:l2 Digger, wtato. Shaw's* .... ... .. 228 ���t�a:.�r[!.�'!6.������:,�.m the Board of Health of this city, He could not !:lay if will necessarily be omitted, but the other exercises will Drop from clOUdSat Bombay. .... 231 Stanley,news from........ ...; ... m Rna-ine.gas, twin, IllrJle*..... ... 2.'10 a these particular ingredients were used, but the general be observed. Friday, May 3, will be the first Arbor Enlargemellts,combination . .... 2:l2 ��f:�h���To��('d:�?an f!��:���:: m . Day in this State, and Superintendent of Public In_ Exhibition. Paris· ................. 281 Tongs. Evans'*. ...... ............. 226 charge, he Raid, was undoubtedly true, neither colorfld "'�umlture.bent wood .............. 225 Tower.EIlTel . ..................... 229 . as to the intent of the brewers nor exaggerated as to struction Draper, in a recently issued circular, requests GIISfrom steam boilers .......... 229 Tub. bath. folding. Sabin's... ... .... :m' Gas JleneratedIn heating pipes .. 229 Viscosity, magIletlc........ ..... 2S2 Gllslnheatillg pipes .............. 229 the effect on the health of the consumer. The Health earnestly that there be a general observance of the Governor, centrlfultal, Ber&"er & ;g�d��ak���: .�?::::::.:'. ::::.:'. iM Noel's*.......................... 2IlO Wrench. monkey, French" ....... 281 Department, he said, had not sufficient force to look day. into this matter just now, so full were its hands with It is earnestly to be hoped that this subject wilt hereafter receive more practical attention than has TABLE OF CONTENTS OF the routine of inspection. If it can be shown the beer is injurious to health, the hitherto been given to it. Nothing is more certain makers can be held and punished. than that, as the years roll on, our children and our SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT children's children will look upon our wastefulness in No.
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