J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-90-05-06 on 1 May 1948. Downloaded from Notices 215 , . THE ApPENDIX. By' R J McNeill Love, M.S., F.RC.S., F.A.C.S. London: H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., 1947. Price 12s. 6d~ This little manual contains .a cI(:~r exposition of Mr. McNeill Love's views on the treatment of appendicitis. His opinions are concisely. expressed and clearly set out, and the book contains an Index. The section _on Differential Diagnosis con tains a discussion of the more usual' conditions . met with in this country which may cause difficulty in diagnosis, but omits consider.ation of some of these tropical diseases particularly the dysenteries, which so often give Army Surgeons much trouble. He likewise "doe~ not discuss any of the more purely medical conditions seen in tropical coun~ries, where abdominal pain as a presenting sympton often requires anxious consideration and accurate evaluation. No Army Surgeon of experience will have any difficulty in supporting Mr. McNeill Love's plea for what"he calls the ;" rational treatment of selected 'cases of Acute Appendicitis ... ," and this excellent little. book will well repay study by Medical Officers in the Army where affections of .the appendix are of such frequent occurrence. D. C. B. Notices. guest. Protected by copyright. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE ROYAL ARMY, MEDICAL CORPS SUMMARY OF EVENTS IN. .YOUR OWN NEIGHBOURHOOD • 'Travelling in thes~ days presents many difficulties and.it is for this reason that )local celebrations are being arranged by branches of the. RA.M:C. Association in various centres throughout the country., Notices will. appear in the local press and full particulars can be obtained from any.military hospital , or other Army Medical Unit." "' .. ; In case of doubt or difficulty you should communicate with the'RegionM http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Secretary, RA.M.C. Association, clo D.D.M.S.at the Headquarters (Medical) of the Command or Independent District in which you live. These are as' follows: Northern Command, York; Southern, S'alisbury; Eastern,· Hounslow; . Western, Chester; Scottish, Edinburgh; London District, Curzon Street, W.I; Northern Ireland District, Lisburn, Co. Antrim. Commands abroad will make their own local arrangements regardi:rig the notification of all concerned. , AT ALDERSHOT AND CROOKHAM The following is a short summary of the events of the week:- on September 25, 2021 by June21 and 22 . " , The historic cricket match between the RA.O.C. and R.A.M.C. will ' be revived. June 22 (Evening) " Corps Swimming GaJa. I J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-90-05-06 on 1 May 1948. Downloaded from 216 , I Notices June 23 , Visitof H.M. The Queen, Colonel-in-Chief. The day's events will begin with a short religious service followed by, a c@-remonial parade. All spec­ tators will be required to be in their places by 1L a.m. The remaining events of the day will be of a priyate nature and details, timings, etc., await Her Majesty's pleasure. ' June 24 , Annual Corps Sports. , , The Annual Warrant Officers' and Serjeants' 'gathering will be revived. , All Ranks' Dance., ' , , It will be readily understood that it will-not be possible to send individual notifications to all the friends we should like to have with us and it is hoped that the receipt of this circular will be regarded as a general invitation to all friends of the Corps. It will greatly assist in making the necessary arrangements if 'those who wish to fttend will, as early as possible; notify the Commandant, R.A.M.C. Depot and Training Establishment, Boyce :Barracks, Crookham, Aldershot, giving the different events at which they wish to 'be present. Numbers only' will be required in the case of parties of troops, ,Association branches, etc. Those guest. Protected by copyright. who notify their intention of attending will be provided with further details as to times, facilities for accommodation, etc. IN LONDON June 25 • A;nnual. Corps" At Home" at Millbank and Corps Dinner or Buffet Supper at the Connaught Rooms. , , June 26 ' A GREAT JUBILEE RALLY will be held' in the CENTRAL HALL, WEST­ MINsTER,in aid of the R.A.M.C. War Memorial Fund. The full band, bugles and choir of the :Corps will recall musical memories' , of fifty years. Miss JANET HAMILTON-SMITH arid Mr., JOHNHARGREAVES will http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ give vocal items. _ Commentator: Mr. FREDERICK GRISEWOOD. 6..30 p.m. I Dr. G: F. BROCKLESS, Mus.D., F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., L.R.A.M.. at the or,!!an. 6.45 p.m. Introductory talk, Mr.GRisEWOOD. , . 7.0 p.m. Opening address by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL. Short addresses will also, , be 'given during the evening by GENERAL SiR WILLIAM SLIM, C.B.E., K.C.B., on September 25, 2021 by D.S.O., l\{.C., GENERAL SIRJAMES STEELE, K.B.E., G.B., D.S.O., M.C.; I Adjutant-General, and COLONEL SIR ALFRED WEBB-}OHNSON, BART., K.CY.O.,C.B.E., D.S.O., r.D., President, Royal College of Surgeon~. Pric",es of seats: 7,/6, 5,/-, 3/6, 2/-. ' Light refreshments will be available at the Central Hall from 6.0 p.m. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-90-05-06 on 1 May 1948. Downloaded from Notices' 217 It is hoped that members of the new Territorial Army and Old Comrades (men an4 women) of two. wars will make a rendezvous at the Rally. All'entitled to do so are invited to wear uniform or, alternatively, medals, "miniatures or ribbons. , A cordial welcome is extended to families and friends. THE JUBILEE SCRAPBOOK (To be p1.lblished early in June) . This is a souvenir volume for all ranks past and present and for all friends ~)f the Corps .. It opens with a special Jubilee message from H.M. The Queen, our Colonel-in-Chief, together with a new portrait. This is followed' by tributes from the Secretary of State, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, the Adjutant-General, the leaders of the civil medical professio:p., , the Directors­ Gener~l of the Medical Services of: our Allies .and Dominions, and others. It contains articles of historical and general interest such aslife in the ranks fifty years ago, the story of R.A.M.C. sports and games' by Lieut.-Colonel Prince, 'early days with the Volunteers and Territorials, and:rp.any others.. It is pro­ fusely illustr~ated' with photographs of great events in out history. Please order your copy as early as possible. Individual copies should be obtained direct from Messrs. Gale & Polden. Demands for copies' in bulk should be forwarded, by units to the Secretary, R.AM.C. Association, 84, guest. Protected by copyright. Eccles.ton Square, S.W.I. All profits in aid of the R.AM.C.War Memorial Fund. Further information can be obtained from: HON. ,SECRETARY, RA.M.C. JUBILEE COMMITTEE, clo RAM.C. ASSOCIATION; 84, ECCLESTON SQUARE, LONDON, S,W.l. R.A.M:C.GUILD AND COMFORTS FUND IT is notified that this Fund with the approval of Her Majesty The Queen, our Colonel-in:Chief, has now ceased its activities. The generous support it has http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ received during the past eight years has enabled it to carry on its work on the scale necessary to meet all demands from all parts of the world. The balance .of the fund 'has been handed over to the RA.M.C. M~moriaIFund. DULCIE HOOD, . President R.A.M.C. Guild arzdComforts Fund. I April I, 1948; THE 'CORPS NEWS AND GAZETTE on September 25, 2021 by COMMENCING in Oct~berl948 the Corps News and Gazette will appear in a new form pll;hlishedseparately from the. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICALCORPS. The title suggested is «The Army Medical S,ervices' Gazette," but the managing committee will welcome suggesti-onsasto alternative titles. The new publication 'will be non-technical, confining itself te> general news , ,I '" t J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-90-05-06 on 1 May 1948. Downloaded from 218 Notices on the lines of similar Regimental Journals.. It will be divided into sections recording news from the following: . ..'. ~ R.A.M.C. stations at Home and abroad with items of general interest to all ranks, both of the Regular Forces and the Territorial Army / Medical Corps, The Royal Army Dental Corps, The Queen Alex­ andraMilitary Nursing Service and The AssociatedT.A Nursing Service, and The Royal Army Medical Corps Association. Representatives at Home and Overseas will be responsible for the collection­ and' submission of news items. To commence with, it will appear Quarterly, but it is hoped, indeed antici­ pated, that it will. prove sufficiently successful and in. such demand that XI,lonthly publication will be possible. This will enable the Editorial Staff to keep up to date with current events. The success, of this new publication will depend largely on the interest taken by potential contributors: The format of th'e Title Page (front cover) of the new venture is not yet decided. From s,ample designs the' favourite .. has a narrow ch~rry-coloured margin with, at the top, the ba~ges <Jf the R.A.M.C., the R.AD.C., and the Q,AI.M.N.S.-within the bor~er is the title in Old English lettering above a . photograph of the stretcher-bearer statuette in the R.A.M.C. Headquarter :ty.Iess .
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