Thursday 1 July 2021 Bfn restaurants Rudi Maartens, co-owner of Slightly NuttyNutty Restaurant and feel the pinch FunctionFunF ction Venue Pierce van Heerden Facebook. [email protected] Rudi Maartens, co-owner of Slightly Mase Khutlang Nutty Restaurant and Function Venue, of Bokamoso As the saying goes, “If you can't stand the said the new regulations are impacting Restaurant heat, get out of the kitchen.” This might his employees the most. “No or little have to be the case for some restaurant turnover from take-aways means waiters owners in the city as the new lockdown and waitresses are not needed. So they regulations have once again brought the have to take unpaid leave. Kitchen staff industry to its knees. have to face heavy shift cuts and this will This after President Cyril Ramaphosa impact every single sphere of business in announced on Sunday evening, June 27, Bloemfontein.” According to him, certain that South Africa will move to stricter level restaurants might close down completely 4 regulations. This included the regulation as they have not established themselves that restaurants won’t be allowed to serve as take-away businesses. “There is sit-down meals for the next two weeks. really a psychological diff erent mind-set “This is because it is not possible for when customers want to go out or order patrons to wear masks while eating or in. Restaurants in the malls are not drinking in these establishments,” said necessarily seen as take-away outlets. Ramaphosa. "The take-away outlets have a lot Although restaurants will be able to more competition as restaurants try deliver orders, for some it might not be and enter the take-away market. enough to keep their doors open. Nobody wins. Perhaps clients have Bloemfontein Courant spoke to restaurant more options to choose from, but owners Nicola and Kim Brackenridge that is it. And delivery services might from Bella Casa, who said that the level 4 be busier than normal. But now they lockdown is devastating to the restaurant get double the orders overnight. All of a industry. “We had no warning of a lockdown sudden they can't cope and they get a bad Sisters Nicola and Kim Brackenridge from Bella Casa so the restaurant was fully stocked with name. We have seen this previously,” said Maradine Whitehorn of fresh food for a busy month-end week. Maartens. Seisoen Again, we are adaptable people, so some Mase Khutlang from Bokamoso’s could be frozen. However, most was shared Catering and Events Management who and donated to ensure that nothing gets recently opened her new restaurant in First resulting in negative eff ects on their mental more money as a sit-down restaurant to thrown away,” said Nicola. Avenue, said on the fi rst three days after health. keep your doors open for just take-aways. She added that they have learned from opening, her business was booming but Maradine Whitehorn, owner of Seisoen This aff ects you fi nancially, you get behind the previous lockdown that keeping their ever since the announcement of the new Restaurant, added that sometimes it costs with your rent and other bills,” Whitehorn doors open for take-away orders is not regulations she has been struggling. “We an establishment more money to keep explained. She added that locals can help fi nancially viable. She has also requested are struggling with take-aways and sales their doors open during this time as some establishments keep their doors open that should members of the community have gone down.” She said this does not make little to no money by selling take- during this time by ordering as many take- want to assist their waiters during this only have a negative impact on restaurant aways. “People want to go out, even if it’s away meals as possible, and when they are time, they are welcome to contact her on businesses but also aff ects people, even just to drink a cup of coff ee. It costs you open again to visit as often as possible. This advertisement was paid for by the political party and does not represent the views of this publication 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 1 July 2021 MMM readjusts Covid-19 strategy Pierce van Heerden work from home. Those employees who [email protected] are working in the open and the coalface are encouraged to be cautious at all time In line with the adjusted level 4 lockdown, and ensure that they are adhering to health the Mangaung Metro Municipality (MMM) protocols.” has readjusted its Covid-19 strategy Khedama added that the MMM will work following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s closely with the Free State Department announcement on 27 June 2021. of Health to unsure that rural areas within Municipal spokesperson, Qondile the MMM are aware of the vaccination Khedama, said the city is looking at all process. areas of operation to ensure that there is “Members of the public are further adherence to regulations whilst providing encouraged to follow the health protocols services to residents of the metro. He said and regulations to curb the spread of measures that will not impede service Covid-19. Let us continue to wash hands delivery will include a rotational schedule regularly, sanitise, wear a mask and for all employees. Limiting physical practice social distancing.” presence in all municipal buildings to 50% The 14 days of lockdown include curfew capacity will also be part of the measures. from 21:00 (9pm) until 04:00 (4am), the Law enforcement visibility will also be sale of alcohol on and off site is prohibited, strengthened in identifi ed areas to help attendance at funerals is limited to 50 ensure that all protocols are being followed. people, night vigils and after-tears are “Employees with comorbidities and those prohibited and all gatherings (social, over the age of 60 will be encouraged to political, religious, etc.). Municipal spokesperson, Qondile Khedama Inwoners gevra om herwinnaars te help Sazly Hartzenberg bietjie makliker kan maak vir hulle. [email protected] "Laaitie" het vertel dat hy elke dag 70km loop. Hy staan 4 uur soggens op Inwoners van die Rosestad kan almal en loop die dorp vol om plastiekartikels getuig oor die hartseer werklikheid van te kry, wat hy dan verkoop om geld mense wat in swart vullissakke in strate vir sy kinders te verdien. “Ek het vyf krap. Hoewel dit in sommige gevalle vir kinders en die geld wat ek kry, is om vir mense ‘n irritasie veroorsaak, is dit vir hulle ‘n beter lewe te gee.” hierdie sakgrawers, soos hulle deur baie Joseph het vertel dat hy lank reeds genoem word, hul brood en botter. só ‘n lewe maak en dat dit nie makliker Loraine Gregorini, inwoner van word nie. Hy wil graag vir mense sê Bloemfontein, vertel sy hoop en bid dat hy en die ander sakgrawers nie dat mense na die sakgrawers sal kyk steel nie. “Ons is eerlike mense. Ons met “sagte harte” en hul plastiekafval probeer net ‘n geldjie inbring vir ons in ‘n aparte sak sal plaas sodat die kinders. Ek moet ‘n plan maak vir mense nie daarvoor hoef te krap in die skoolklere, krag en kos by die huis.” vullissakke nie. “Hulle word dikwels Hy sou graag wou hê dat mense deur glas of ander skerp voorwerpe dit vir hulle makliker sal maak deur gesny wanneer hulle plastiekbottels, plastiekartikels in aparte sakke te ensovoorts, soek om weg te vat. Dit plaas. breek my hart om te sien hoe die Johnson het verduidelik dat hulle manne deur mense se afval krap. Ek deur mense se sakke gaan omdat hulle EXTRA nie ander werk kry nie en geld moet doen ‘n beroep op mense om tyd te neem en moeite te doen om te help.” inbring vir hul gesinne. “Ons sukkel Bloemfontein Courant het met ‘n baie, ons loop amper 30km per dag en paar van die herwinnaars gepraat om dan kry ons omtrent R130 of R160 vir 20% OFF! te hoor hoe die gemeenskap dinge ‘n die goed wat ons ingee.” MENS FOOTWEAR BLOEMFONTEIN VALUE MART 087 086 8713 MIMOSA MALL 087 291 1578 Joseph een van die herwinnaars, wat al 4uur in LIMITED TIME ONLY | T’S & C’S APPLY | WWW.FOOTGEAR.CO.ZA Seun en Johnson wat saamwerk om plastiekartikels die oggend opstaan om te bymekaar te maak. begin werk. This advertisement was paid for by the political party and does not represent the views of this publication Editor - Pieter Delport REPORT NEWS: [email protected] SALES - 051 5050 900 STUDIO AUDIT Corni Fourie The distribution of this ABC Elmarie Venter Marelize Dunlop newspaper is independently Business Manager - Corni Fourie audited to the professional Anne Theron Liezl Magson standards administrated 051 5050 900 Judy Barnard Production Manager – Nita Lloyd Nadia Pieters by the [email protected] Nettie de Beer Audit Bureau of Central Media Park Distribution Supervisor - Nicodemus Mokapane Felecia Wessels (Classifi eds) Circulations of South Africa. 7 Christo Groenewald Street This newspaper is obligated to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly. All rights and reproduction material published in this newspaper are hereby reserved in terms of the Copyright Act. This publication is registered as a newspaper. Verifi ed distribution: 45 000 copies per week on Thursdays. For any complaints about our Wild Olive Estate, Bloemfontein, 9301 distribution, please communicate with full physical address to On The Dot Distribution via e-mail at [email protected]. 1 July 2021 • Bloemfontein Courant Community • Gemeenskap 3 Unwanted babies get a chance at life Sazly Hartzenberg baby in the box. The baby will be fetched [email protected] and Childline will then start the legal process for temporary care.” Moses’ Ark, an initiative that hopes to De Koker said the box would be save babies from being killed, dumped or operational as of yesterday (30 June) and aborted, has been launched in Heidedal.
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