Riga – signed contracts for Surcin-Obrenovac motorway and Belgrade bypass On the Fift h Summit of Heads of the Gov- ernment of China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries held in Riga, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Trans- port and Infrastructure, Prof dr Zorana Miha- jlović and president of the Eksim Bank, Liu Liang signed the contract on fi nancing the construction of Surčin-Obrenovac motorway on 05.11.2016 in the value of EUR 208 million. Deputy Prime Minister, together with acting director of the PE “Roads of Serbia” Zoran Drob- njak, signed commercial contract with the Chi- nese company "Power Construction Corporation of China” for the continuation of Belgrade By- pass construction in the value of EUR 207 mil- lion. Th is contract covers the works on the sec- tion from Ostružnica Bridge to Bubanj Potok. Th e contract also foresees that national compa- nies take part in the works with 49 percent. Photos taken from the MCTI website Conclusion of the contract with Eksim Bank on fi nancing the construction of Surčin-Obren- ovac motorway enables the start of works on the fi nal section of the motorway from Belgrade to Čačak. Construction of Belgrade Bypass will also be continued in cooperation with China, namely, the works will be executed on 19.5 km long sec- tion from Ostružnica Bridge to Bubanj Potok. As a part of this project, four tunnels will be con- structed in the total length of 2.7 km, as well as 22 bridges in the length of 5.3 km. Second Serbian Road Congress Th e Second Serbian Road Congress was held ister of Construction, Transport and Infrastruc- on June 9 and 10, 2016 in Belgrade, in the ho- ture stating the following: “I am proud of the tel Crowne Plaza organized by the Road Asso- construction and road workers in Serbia who ciation of Serbia “Via vita“ and the PE “Roads were diligent, because we realized everything we of Serbia”. had promised. Team work and strong position of Roads form life of a modern society and de- the Government that infrastructure is the prior- termine the paths of future development. Th e ity is the key to such success”. She informed that way a society relates to its environment and it- 170 km of motorways had been constructed in self refl ects from the way the society relates to Serbia since the previous First Road Congress, roads and the way the roads relate to the nature. while the construction of another 90 km and re- Responsible decision making, based on new habilitation of about 200 km of roads were ex- technologies in planning and designing, as well pected in 2016. as construction based on modern techniques of “With black and white lists in civil engineer- materialisation of these projects will turn good ing, we have introduced criteria for business ac- ideas into even better road infrastructure. Th e tivities, we have tightened the quality control of following topics were covered on the Congress: the roads, now we have to continue with all of • Planning and design that“, Mihajlović said estimating that the road workers did an excellent job. She highlighted • Construction and maintenance of roads that designs in road infrastructure were EUR • Road management 3.2 billion worth, however there were also po- • Traffi c, ITS and new technologies tential road projects awaiting us, with the value between EUR 2 and 2.5 billion, one of them be- • Road traffi c safety ing the construction of Niš-Merdare motorway. • Sustainable development and “We are not fully satisfi ed, it is the character- coming tasks in the near future because special environmental protection istic of us who always want more”, it was stated attention will be paid to design technical docu- Th e Congress was opened by Prof dr Zora- by Mihajlović; she informed the designers that ments of good quality, quality of roads and in- na Mihajlović, Deputy Prime Minister and Min- they would have to be more ready for the up- crease of traffi c safety. 2 Successful business year behind us Another successful year is behind us in habilitation and Safety Project, continuation of which new projects started and old projects fi n- the construction of Belgrade Bypass, expansion ished. Satisfi ed with the achieved, we are head- of 17 existing toll stations and many other. ing forward towards better and bigger results Cooperation with international fi nancial in- pursuant to the vision to be respectable and suc- stitutions is of extreme signifi cance as well as cessful company for the management and devel- the increase of revenues from fees for using state opment of state roads. roads through the construction and incorpora- Our imperative is to provide the users of tion of the new constructed motorway sections state roads with available, safe and comfortable into the toll collection system. conditions for travelling, to create for the entire PE “Roads of Serbia” and I, being a part of society an infrastructural base for development, this big organization, are aspiring towards con- to provide long-term business to the partners stant improvement of each aspect of our busi- with the potential of development, to take care ness activities. of environment protection. Construction of Corridors 10 and 11 and It is not an easy task to stay on this positive other road infrastructure is the driver of the en- track having in mind the circumstances. Main- tire economic and social development in Serbia. tenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Quality and effi cient, equal connection of indus- road network demand big investments of funds, trial regions as well as of provinces and regions which is only possible with the support of sta- in Serbia is an imperative. ble sources of fi nancing. It is all a part of the up- Th e objective is clear and common – strong grade of traffi c infrastructure. and stable Serbia networked with corridors and Great challenges and signifi cant projects are connected with the entire region. ahead; completion of the construction of the frontal toll station Vrčin, continuation of the re- Zoran Drobnjak, B.Sc.C.E. habilitation of state roads within the Road Re- Acting Director Certifi cates for high quality of business activities of the public enterprise “Roads of Serbia” In June 2016, Public Enterprise “Roads of Th e concept of quality as an effi cient means Th e fi rst is ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management Serbia” was certifi ed for quality management sys- for successful management of the company and System) and OHSAS 18001:2008 (Occupational tem and occupational health and safety manage- achievement of signifi cant business objectives health and safety management systems). Accred- ment system, which is another high mark for suc- is also provided through the implementation of ited certifi cation body MSC (“Management Sys- cessful business activities of the enterprise. another two important international standards. tems Certifi cation” Belgrade) conducted a suc- cessful check of the quality system. Th e check involved all activities under the jurisdiction of the PE “Roads of Serbia” and our enterprise received the highest mark for compliance of business pro- cesses with the requirements set in the standards. Our enterprise established an integrated quality management system – IMS for the fi rst time, con- sisting of ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. By applying the stated standards, PE “Roads of Serbia” performed the engineering, optimiza- tion and upgrade of all defi ned processes refer- ring to the activities of state road management in the Republic of Serbia. Entire documentation of the integrated management system – IMS con- sists of the Rules of Procedure, Quality Policies, 37 procedures, 10 integrated instructions and over 700 records, which enables successful busi- ness activities of the company not only in the fi eld of jurisdiction, but also from the aspect of the requirements of state institutions and wider community. Th e existing processes are still upgraded con- tinuously, new documents are created as well as procedures and instructions for the aff airs of in- tegrated management systems in all organization- al units of the enterprise. 3 Maintenance of the road network – preservation of the greatest capital value of the Republic of Serbia Road network is one of the biggest capital tures that had been damaged or partially demol- values in the Republic of Serbia, on the territory ished, in the value of RSD 1.3 billion. Bearing in mind the condition of roads of which there are 16,162.724 km of I and II cat- in our country, conclusion is imposed that egory state roads the value of which is estimated A lot of rehabilitated bridges investment in the existing road network at about EUR 4.5 billion. is absolutely necessary in order to provide On the roads in the Republic of Serbia there Sector for the Maintenance of I and II Cat- permanent and incessant preservation of are about 3000 bridges of various age, construc- egory State Roads performs extensive and re- previously invested capital and reduce the tion manner and static systems. sponsible tasks primarily directed towards the costs of users to an acceptable level. Th rough routine maintenance of road struc- preservation and maintenance of the existing For routine maintenance of the road tures on the state road network, inspections, road network with structures. network in Serbia under the jurisdiction of monitoring and recording of the changes of In 2016, RSD 20.2 billion was invested in the our enterprise, about RSD 25 billion annu- their condition are performed based on which maintenance of I and II category state roads. ally is required.
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