Table SI. The predicted targets of miR-221-3p with TargetScan database. Target gene Representative transcript Gene name VAPB ENST00000395802.3 VAMP (vesicle-associated membrane protein)-associated protein B and C TMSB15B ENST00000540220.1 Thymosin beta 15B TFG ENST00000240851.4 TRK-fused gene HECTD2 ENST00000371667.1 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 CLVS2 ENST00000275162.5 Clavesin 2 PAIP1 ENST00000514514.1 poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 1 MIDN ENST00000591446.2 Midnolin AGFG1 ENST00000310078.8 ArfGAP with FG repeats 1 HMBOX1 ENST00000397358.3 Homeobox containing 1 MYLIP ENST00000349606.4 Myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein SEC62 ENST00000337002.4 SEC62 homolog (S. cerevisiae) TMCC1 ENST00000432054.2 Transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 1 PHACTR4 ENST00000373839.3 Phosphatase and actin regulator 4 AIDA ENST00000340020.6 Axin interactor, dorsalization associated BEAN1 ENST00000299694.8 Brain expressed, associated with NEDD4, 1 AMMECR1 ENST00000262844.5 Alport syndrome, midface hypoplasia and elliptocytosis chro- mosomal region gene 1 EIF3J ENST00000261868.5 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J SMARCA5 ENST00000283131.3 SWI/SNF related, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5 TCF12 ENST00000267811.5 Transcription factor 12 PNO1 ENST00000263657.2 Partner of NOB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) ZBTB37 ENST00000367701.5 Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 37 FOS ENST00000303562.4 FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog ZNF385A ENST00000551109.1 Zinc finger protein 385A ATAD2B ENST00000238789.5 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B NRK ENST00000243300.9 Nik related kinase IRF2 ENST00000393593.3 Interferon regulatory factor 2 PLCL2 ENST00000418129.2 Phospholipase C-like 2 SOCS3 ENST00000330871.2 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 MIER3 ENST00000381226.3 Mesoderm induction early response 1, family member 3 PIK3R1 ENST00000521381.1 Phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) SNCB ENST00000310112.3 Synuclein, beta RNF4 ENST00000511859.1 Ring finger protein 4 SYT10 ENST00000228567.3 Synaptotagmin X TOX ENST00000361421.1 Thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box CRKL ENST00000354336.3 v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog-like PTS ENST00000525803.1 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase DDIT4 ENST00000307365.3 DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4 CHSY1 ENST00000254190.3 Chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 BBC3 ENST00000341983.4 BCL2 binding component 3 PCDHA2 ENST00000526136.1 Protocadherin alpha 2 DYNC1LI2 ENST00000258198.2 Dynein, cytoplasmic 1, light intermediate chain 2 DCAF7 ENST00000310827.4 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 7 CDKN1C ENST00000414822.3 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (p57, Kip2) RBM24 ENST00000379052.5 RNA binding motif protein 24 KIF16B ENST00000354981.2 Kinesin family member 16B EMX2 ENST00000442245.4 Empty spiracles homeobox 2 FOXN2 ENST00000340553.3 Forkhead box N2 PDGFA ENST00000354513.5 Platelet-derived growth factor alpha polypeptide GTF2B ENST00000370500.5 General transcription factor IIB NLK ENST00000407008.3 Nemo-like kinase CASZ1 ENST00000377022.3 Castor zinc finger 1 ZFPM2 ENST00000407775.2 Zinc finger protein, FOG family member 2 WDR47 ENST00000400794.3 WD repeat domain 47 DMRT3 ENST00000190165.2 Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 3 FAM199X ENST00000493442.1 Family with sequence similarity 199, X-linked NIPAL4 ENST00000311946.7 NIPA-like domain containing 4 Table SI. Continued. Target gene Representative transcript Gene name CD4 ENST00000011653.4 CD4 molecule ATXN1 ENST00000244769.4 Ataxin 1 THBS1 ENST00000260356.5 Thrombospondin 1 ARHGAP42 ENST00000524892.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 42 NDST3 ENST00000296499.5 N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 3 CNOT2 ENST00000229195.3 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 2 GNAI3 ENST00000369851.4 Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhib- iting activity polypeptide 3 BEND4 ENST00000504360.1 BEN domain containing 4 KPNA1 ENST00000344337.6 Karyopherin alpha 1 (importin alpha 5) FLJ00388 ENST00000594280.1 CYR61 ENST00000451137.2 Cysteine-rich, angiogenic inducer, 61 C2orf91 ENST00000378711.2 Chromosome 2 open reading frame 91 ZSWIM4 ENST00000254323.2 Zinc finger, SWIM-type containing 4 MYO10 ENST00000513610.1 Myosin X PDE3A ENST00000359062.3 Phosphodiesterase 3A, cgmp-inhibited IPO7 ENST00000379719.3 Importin 7 H3F3A ENST00000366813.1 H3 histone, family 3A MYEF2 ENST00000324324.7 Myelin expression factor 2 DKK2 ENST00000285311.3 Dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2 PLCXD3 ENST00000377801.3 Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 3 ADAM22 ENST00000398204.4 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 22 LHX8 ENST00000294638.5 LIM homeobox 8 CTCF ENST00000264010.4 CCCTC-binding factor (zinc finger protein) RFX3 ENST00000382004.3 Regulatory factor X, 3 (influences HLA class II expression) MARCKS ENST00000368635.4 Myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate CAND1 ENST00000545606.1 Cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1 TERF2 ENST00000254942.3 Telomeric repeat binding factor 2 PCDHA7 ENST00000525929.1 Protocadherin alpha 7 PCDHA5 ENST00000529859.1 Protocadherin alpha 5 PCDHA12 ENST00000398631.2 Protocadherin alpha 12 POGZ ENST00000392723.1 Pogo transposable element with ZNF domain IKZF4 ENST00000262032.5 IKAROS family zinc finger 4 (Eos) PCDHA1 ENST00000504120.2 Protocadherin alpha 1 PCDHA6 ENST00000529310.1 Protocadherin alpha 6 PCDHA4 ENST00000530339.1 Protocadherin alpha 4 PCDHA9 ENST00000532602.1 Protocadherin alpha 9 PCDHA10 ENST00000307360.5 Protocadherin alpha 10 PCDHA11 ENST00000398640.2 Protocadherin alpha 11 PCDHA3 ENST00000522353.2 Protocadherin alpha 3 PCDHA8 ENST00000531613.1 Protocadherin alpha 8 PCDHA13 ENST00000289272.2 Protocadherin alpha 13 PCDHAC1 ENST00000253807.2 Protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 1 MSL1 ENST00000398532.4 Male-specific lethal 1 homolog (Drosophila) SLC16A6 ENST00000327268.4 Solute carrier family 16, member 6 TRPS1 ENST00000395715.3 Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome I SH3BP4 ENST00000392011.2 SH3-domain binding protein 4 PCDHAC2 ENST00000289269.5 Protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 2 SEC23IP ENST00000369075.3 SEC23 interacting protein WASF2 ENST00000536657.1 WAS protein family, member 2 HNRNPA3 ENST00000411529.2 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 HIPK1 ENST00000369558.1 Homeodomain interacting protein kinase 1 MITF ENST00000328528.6 Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor SLC25A37 ENST00000519973.1 Solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial iron transporter), member 37 GPR12 ENST00000405846.3 G protein-coupled receptor 12 TIPARP ENST00000295924.7 TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase KDSR ENST00000406396.3 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase Table SI. Continued. Target gene Representative transcript Gene name RUNX2 ENST00000371432.3 Runt-related transcription factor 2 LRFN2 ENST00000338305.6 Leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 2 AMIGO1 ENST00000369864.4 Adhesion molecule with Ig-like domain 1 MEX3A ENST00000532414.2 Mex-3 RNA binding family member A ZFAND5 ENST00000237937.3 Zinc finger, AN1-type domain 5 CDH2 ENST00000269141.3 Cadherin 2, type 1, N-cadherin (neuronal) TTBK2 ENST00000267890.6 Tau tubulin kinase 2 AP3M1 ENST00000355264.4 Adaptor-related protein complex 3, mu 1 subunit HNRNPA0 ENST00000314940.4 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A0 EIF1 ENST00000469257.1 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 SOX11 ENST00000322002.3 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 11 AGO4 ENST00000373210.3 Argonaute RISC catalytic component 4 BMI1 ENST00000376663.3 BMI1 polycomb ring finger oncogene HNRNPH3 ENST00000265866.7 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3 (2H9) WDR37 ENST00000358220.1 WD repeat domain 37 LYSMD1 ENST00000368908.5 LysM, putative peptidoglycan-binding, domain containing 1 PPP6C ENST00000373547.4 Protein phosphatase 6, catalytic subunit PKIA ENST00000396418.2 Protein kinase (camp-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor alpha C16orf45 ENST00000300006.4 Chromosome 16 open reading frame 45 GPBP1 ENST00000424459.3 GC-rich promoter binding protein 1 RNF44 ENST00000274811.4 Ring finger protein 44 COMMD3-BMI1 ENST00000602390.1 COMMD3-BMI1 readthrough PDIK1L ENST00000374271.4 PDLIM1 interacting kinase 1 like SOCS1 ENST00000332029.2 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 FRY ENST00000380250.3 Furry homolog (Drosophila) LPPR1 ENST00000374874.3 Lipid phosphate phosphatase-related protein type 1 PTPN3 ENST00000412145.1 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 3 YTHDC1 ENST00000344157.4 YTH domain containing 1 FAM196B ENST00000377365.3 Family with sequence similarity 196, member B NANOS1 ENST00000425699.1 Nanos homolog 1 (Drosophila) NIPBL ENST00000448238.2 Nipped-B homolog (Drosophila) UBE2N ENST00000550657.1 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N FNDC3A ENST00000492622.2 Fibronectin type III domain containing 3A PDZRN4 ENST00000298919.7 PDZ domain containing ring finger 4 GALNT18 ENST00000227756.4 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 18 FAM167A ENST00000284486.4 Family with sequence similarity 167, member A AGFG2 ENST00000262935.4 ArfGAP with FG repeats 2 CTIF ENST00000256413.3 CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor SRSF2 ENST00000392485.2 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2 CXCR5 ENST00000292174.4 Chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 5 EIF4E3 ENST00000425534.3 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 3 ARHGAP28 ENST00000419673.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 28 MAGI1 ENST00000330909.8 Membrane associated guanylate kinase,
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