2374 CONGRESSIONAL ~ RECORD-· SENATE February . 1.1, we are hypnotized by' this", -and by overly ,.. It is up- to ..us- who now occupy .om.ce ·· Lt. Gen. Alfred Dodd Starbird, 018961, meticulous: attention-to the question of in the legislative.. and executive branches Army of the United States (brigadier gen­ of all who 'Of­ e:tal, U.S. Army). whether or- not the military menace to the Government, ·and have Maj. Gen. William Jonas Ely, 018974, Army us Is inereased or decreased fractionally ficial responsibilities, earnestly to search o! the United States (brigadier general, U.S. by the l)reseoce or absence of certain for an answer to·the problem, and ear­ .Army). tYPes -or quantities of military forces, nestly and ' honestly apply ourselves in Maj. Gen. Harold Keith Johnson, 019187, it tna.y very well be that we will fail to o.ur respective ways and in keeping with Army of the United States (brigadier gen­ face up to the basic problem-the fact our obligations to apply policies that eral, U.S. Army) • that international communism has been will meet the problem and bring about a Maj. Gen. Ben Harrell, 019276, Army of is the United States (brigadier general, U.S. established and being maintained in remedy. I know that we can do it. I Arm.y). the Western Hemisphere. believe that we shall do it. I also. believe Maj. Gen. Alden Kingsland Sibley, 018964, The American people, I believe, look that there is no time to ·be lost. Army of the United States (brigadier gen- for a very simple and' fundamental thing Mr. President, in closing, I would like eral, U.S. Army). · with respect to this problem. They want again to stress that, even though I am Maj. Gen. Alvin Charles Welling, 018983, to be assured that our responsible om.­ chairman of the Preparedness Investi­ Army: of the United States (brigadier gen­ cials recognize this problem and also gating Subcommittee, our hearings. ha.ve eral, U.S. Army). recognize that it will not just disappear not progressed very far, and today I Maj. Gen. David Warren Gray, 018988, to Army of the United States (brigadier gen­ with the passage·of time. They want speak as an individual Senator and one eral, U.S. Army). be convinced that it is the purpose of who is concerned with our. great Nation's Maj. Gen. James Hilliard Polk, 019028, our Government to do everything within welfare. Army of the United States ·(brigadier gen- our power to wipe out all Communist Mr. President, I yield the :floor. eral, U.S. Army). · governments in this hemisphere and Maj. Gen. .Frederick Robert Zierath, they want to be told that we have a 019211, Army of the United States (brigadier policy and a. plan which will accomplish ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, general, U.S. Army). this, even though risk be involved. FEBRUARY 18, 1963 Maj. Gen. William Beehler Bunker, With all deference then I would sug­ 019402, Army of the United States (brigadier The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. general, U.S. Army). gest that the American people be brought Maj. Gen. BertOn Everett Splvy, Jr., a message which will convince them and HuMPHREY in the chair) . If there ts no further business, puTsuant to the previ­ 019479, Army of the United States (brigadier all the world that our Nation is virile, general, U.S. Army). strong, resolute, vigorous, determined ous order the Senate will now stand in Maj. Gen. Robert George MacDonnell, and, above all, unafraid. They want adjournment until 12 o'clock next Mon- 019361, Army of the United States (brigadier to be assured. that the United States day. general, U.S. Army). .' _ _ will not countenance the existence of a Accordingly <at 3 o'clock and 18 min­ Maj. Geil. Austin Wortham Betts, 019373, utes p.mJ the Senate adjourned, under Army of the· United States (brigadier. gen- Moscow dominated g·ovemment in this eral, U.S. Army). · ' · hemisphere regardless· of how few or the order previously entered, until Mon­ day, February 18~ 1963, at 12 o'clock Maj. Gen. William Hutcheson Craig, how many weapons and troops support 019526, Army of the United States (brigadier it, that our opposition to this evil is meridian. · · general, U.S. Army). based on fts existence and not merely To be major general, Medical Corps ' upon the strength or weakness of its NOMINATIONS Maj. Gen. Howard William Doan. 020057, external manifestations. They want to Army of the United States (brigadier gen-­ know that it is our national will and Executive nominations received by the eral, Medical Corps, u.s. Army). purpose to destroy all such governments Senate February 14,1963: To be brigadier general, Judge Advocate and that we have a firm and hard plan rN THE REGULAR. ARMY General's Corps and policy to effectuate this. · The following-named officers for appoint­ Col. Harry Jarvis Engel, 039840, Judge When arid if all this is done, and when ment in the Regular Army of the United Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Army. if and the vital issue is met squarely and states to the . grades indicated, under the To be brigadier general.s, Medical Corps directly, I am convinced that petty and prqvisions of title 10, United States Code, s!'ctions 3284) 3072, 330~, and 3307: Brig. Gen. Henry Schuldt Murphey, partisan voices will be stilled, and that 019338, Army of the United States (eolonel, the patriotic people of this Nation will · To be major genera.l.s Mecllcal Corps, U.s. Army). again unite four square behind the Gov­ Ma;J~ Gen. George Robinson Mather, Maj. Gen. Floyd Lawrenc.e Wergeland, ernment as they have always done in Q18696, Army of the United States (brigadier 019599, Army of the United States (colonel, our times of national crisis; general, U.S. Army). Medical COI:PS, U.S. Army). - ( E X T E N S I 0 N S 0 F R E·M A R K S A Salute to the Future Farmers of more than one-third of America's work;,; vocational education in agriculture so ing force, its effective pen)etuation is necessary to the perpetuation of our America basic to our continued economic and agricultural industry. social stabilitY". _ The Future Farmers of America was . EXTENSION OF REMARKS Without a prosperous agricultural in­ organized in November 1928 in Kansas OP dustry or the productivity of the Amer­ City, Mo., as an outgrowth of the ever ican farm, our great urban areas.. our increasing number of vocational agricul­ HON. WILLIAM H. · NATCHER other mighty industries, even our btisi­ ture student organizations all over· the OP KENTUCKY · ness and professional accomplishments, country. On August 30, l950, through . IN THE HOUSE_OF REPRESENTATIVES our educational institutions, and our enactment- of Public Law 740, the 81st Thursday~ February14~ 1963 many cultural advantages would perish. Congress granted to the organization a Indeed, our ·entire socioeconomic struc­ pubUc charter. Under a plan o{ cooper­ Mr. NATCHER. Mr. Speaker, it is ture would be altered. Likewise, the ation between various State boards for once again my pleasure· and privilege prosperity of the farm is co1:1tingent upon vocational education, local high school to pay tribute, on ·the eve of -Future the health and prosperity of the working departments of vocational agriculture, Parmers of America Week, to this :fine men and women;· and the solidarity of and the Office of Education, Department organization whic-:tr-·-ts dedicated to the the industries in our towns and cities; for of Health, Education, and Welfare, there development of those yoting adul~ who no ohe element ·of our Nation can exist was initiated a federally aided program will one. .day be responsible for the expan­ independently of the others. The Future of systematic instruction in agriculture sion and prosperity of American agricul­ FarnieTs of America is an organization and farm .mechanics. for_youths over 14 ture. · "In no other single industry in worthy of our keen interest, contiiu~ed years of age enrolled in public schools. our great-country are there more people support, and de~est respect al).d grath~ This organization is .an intracurricular engaged, and because it does employ tude, for it provides a proper program of activity for young men studying voca- 1-963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 2375 tiona! agriculture in public and second­ her death, never to realize. in this life method of additional witholdipgs, _per­ ary schools. that her work had not been in vain. mitting the Government to claim. their Vocational agriculture studen~the . It was not until 1920, the 100th anni­ substantial share of his earnings a little Future Farmers--learn the rudiments of versary of Susan B. Anthony's birth and sooner than they might otherwise. successful farm production together with 14 years following her death, that the This clearly is another example of the newer, more complex and efficient 19th amendment to the Federal Consti­ misleading advertising, and since the means that modern science has devel­ tution was declared in effect, thereby Federal Trade Commission is charged oped. To this end, soil conservation, gaining for all American women the with the responsibility of protecting the marketing, many phases of farm man­ right to cast their ballots in all subse­ American public from fraudulent and agement, the selection, care, mainte­ quent elections. · misleading advertising, I am referring nance, and operation of modern farm In the crypt of our Capitol ·Building is this matter to that agency for investiga­ machinery are all covered either in the a statue of Susan B. Anthony, a gift from tion. programs of instruction or dealt with American women. The 19th amend­ To me, this is just another insidious through the activities of the organiza­ ment is popularly known as the Susan device of the welfare state planners to tion itself.
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