3144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 31 of Staff; without amendment (Rept. No. to the Committee on Post Ofiice and Civil H. Con. Res. 206. Concurrent resolution 1666). Referred to the House Calendar. Service. favoring the granting of the status of per­ Mr. SABATH: C9mmittee on Rules. House By Mr. STOCKMAN: inanent residence to certain aliens; to the Resolution 532. Resolution to direct the H. R. 7297. A bill to prevent Federal dam Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on Education and Labor to con­ and reservoir projects from interfering with duct an investigation of the Wage Stabili­ sustained-yield timber operations; to the zation Board; with amendment (Rept. No. Committee on Public Works. PETITIONS, ETC. 1667). Referred to the House Calendar. By Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi: Mr. SABATH: Committee on Rules. House H. R. 7298. A bill to authorize the consoli­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Resolution 520. Resolution creating a se­ dation of the area of Vicksburg National Mili­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk lect committee to conduct an investiga­ tary Park, in the State of Mississippi, and for and referred as follows: tion and study of offensive and undesirable other purposes; to the Committee on Interior 658. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Petition books and radio and television programs; and Insular Affairs. of the Milwaukee Cooperative Milk Produc­ without amendment (Rept. No. 1668). Re­ ers. Over 1,000 people were present at the ferred to the House Calendar. annual meeting on March 11, 1952, to go on Mr. MADDEN: Committee on Rules. House MEMORIALS record opposing universal military service as Resolution 591. Resolution for consideration Under clause 3 of rule XXII, me­ being Un-American and against the best in­ of S. 1203, an act to provide for the appoint­ morials were presented and referred as terests of our country and ask our Wisconsin ment of additional circuit and district Congressmen and Senators to vigorously op­ judges, and for other purposes; without follows: pose legislation that would make universal amendment (Rept. No. 1669) . Referred to By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Leg­ military service the law of the land; to the the House Calendar. islature of the State of New York, memori­ Cammi ttee on Armed Services. Mr. SMITH of Virginia: Committee on alizing the President and the Congress of 659. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Rules. House Resolution 545. Resolution t6 the United States, relating to their assembly president, National Congress of Petroleum amend the rules of the House of Represent­ resolution No. 74, relative to requesting ap­ Retailers, Detroit, Mich., petitioning consid­ atives, so as to provide that no general ap­ proval of H. R. 5219, a bill to provide for eration of their resolution with reference to propriation bill shall be considered in the the development of a deep waterway on Lake a resolution adopted at the national congress House until committee hearings and reports Champlain; to the Committee on Public of petroleum retailers session held in Chica­ on such bill have been available for ,at least Works. go, Ill., August 21 through 25, 1951, urging 7 calendar days; with amendment (Rept. amendments to our Federal antitrust laws for No. 1670). Referred to the House Calendar. the purpose of strengthening them and im­ Mr. MASON: Committee on Ways and - PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS plementing their enforcement; to the Com­ Means. H. R. 5998. A bill to amend the mittee on the Judiciary. excise tax on photographic apparatus; with­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private out amendment (Rept. No. 1671). Referred bills and resolutions were introduced and to the Committee of the Whole House on the severally referred as follows: State of the Union. By Mr. BAKEWELL: H. R. 7299. A bill for the relief of Mrs. SENATE Lum Shee; to the Committee on the Judi­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS diciary. MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1952 By Mr. DAVIS of Georgia: Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public H. R . 7300. A bill for the relief of Hans R. bills and resolutions were introduced and <Legislative day of Monday, Mar.ch Zimmer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 24, 1952) severally referred as follows: By Mr. D'EWART: By Mr. ROONEY: H. R . 7301. A bill authorizing the Secre­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, H. R . 7289. A bill making appropriations tary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to Viola Delaney; to the Committee on on the expiration of the recess. for the Departments of State, Justice, Com­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown merce, and the Judiciary; for the fiscal year Interior and Insular Affairs. ending June 30, 1953, and for other purposes; H . R. 7302. A bill authorizing the Secre­ Harris, D. D., offered the following to the Committee on Appropriations. tary of the Interior to issue patents in fee to prayer: By Mr. BAKEWELL: certain allottees on the Blackfeet Indian Our Father God, Thou hast made all H. R . 7290. A bill to create a National Cem­ Reservation; to the Committee on Interior etery Commission for the consolidation of and Insular Affairs. the highways of our hearts to lead to national cemetery activities within one H . R. 7303. A bill authorizing the Secretary Thy face; Thou hast so formed our being civilian commission, and for other purposes; of the Interior to issue patents in fee to cer­ that its deeper cravings are satisfied only to the Committee on Interior and Insular tain allotees on the Crow Indian Reserva­ in Thee. Help us this noontide to turn Affairs. tion; to the Committee on Interior and In­ our faces in Thy shining, 0 . Thou sun of By Mr. BARTLETT: sular Affairs. our helo and strength. H . R . 7291. A bill to provide that lands re­ H. R. 7304. A bill authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to We confess that in the conceit of our served to the Territory of Alaska for educa­ own self-sufficiency too often we have tional purposes may be leased for periods not William Jennings; to the Committee on In­ in excess of 25 years; to the Committee on terior and Insular Affairs. turned, with our burning thirsts, to the Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. GRANGER: broken cisterns of worldly wisdom and By Mr. CROSSER: H. R. 7305. A bill to authorize the sale of of our own sophisticated cleverness. H. R. 7292. A bill to provide for the pay­ certain land in Utah to the Bench Lake Irri­ May those who here serve the public ment of lump-sum death benefits to the sur­ gation Co., of Hurricane, Utah; to the Com­ weal be wise interpreters of Thy eternal vivors of certain employees of those con­ mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. McDONOUGH: law, the brave spokesmen ·of Thy will tracting with the United States during and of Thy truth which sets men free. World War II; to the Committee on the H. R . 7306. A bill for the relief of Alfred J. Judiciary. S tahl; to the Committee on the Judiciary. And, above all, teach us the vanity and By Mr. MACHROWICZ: H . R. 7293. A bill to extend detention bene­ futility of any quest for salvation which H. R. 7307. A bill for the relief of Sotirios it fits under the War Claims Act of 1948 to Tselepis; to the Committee.on the Judiciary. leaves ourselves unchanged. We ask employees of contractors with the United By Mr. MILLER of Califmnia: in the dear Redeemer's name. Amen. States; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H. R. 7308. A bill for the relief of Michael Clive Ossorio; to the Committee on the Judi· By Mr. McMULLEN: ciary. THE JOURNAL H . R. 7294. A bill to amend the Perishable By Mr. MORRISON: On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930, so as to H. R. 7309. A bill for the relief of Armand include certain floricultural products in the Edward Blackmar; to the Committee on the unanimous consent, the reading of the commodities to which the act applies; to the Judiciary. Journal of the proceedings of Friday, Committee on Agriculture. H. R. 7310. A bill for the relief of Eno Pi· March 28, 1952, was dispensed with. By Mr. MORRISON: cou; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 7295. A bill to amend the Admlnis­ By Mr. SABATH: trati ve Procedure Act, with respect to the H. R. 7311. A bill for the relief of Francisca 'MESSAGES FROM THE PRF..'SIDENT- form, venue, and jurisdiction of proceedings' de Gula and Beatriz B. Palmares: to the Com• , , APPROVAL OF BILLS to the Committee on the Judiciary. · ~ttee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SADLAK: By Mr. WALTER: · Messages in writing from the President H . R. 7296. A bill to amend the Civil Serv• H. R. 7312. A bill for the relief of Kim of the United States were communicated Ice Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amend• Young Soo; to the Committee on the Jud1- to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his ed, with respect to credit for past service:. ~1ary. secretaries, and he announced that the 1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 31'15 President had approved and signed the cused from attendance on the sessions of in Lewiston, Maine, on August 6, 1877, following acts: the Senate Monday through Friday of Wallace White came to the House of On March 28, 1952: this week. Representatives. S. 183. An act for the relief of Elfriede There he served with distinction for Ehrhardt Otto; seven terms until 1931, when he moved S .
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