Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme Replay 1975 't'--.-..-. _. -'-'._ •• _ ....._ • .-.:.---. ..;... .------..-.<1 I c.L.G. TIOBRAD ARANN ! ,• I /. I THURLES I - , SARSFIELDS I I I I I , I I . I, 'II ' I I I I I ! ! I I I / ,! I. I co. S. H. FINAL RE PLAY I.' AT SEMPLE STADIUM, THURLES ON SUNDAY. OCTOBER 26th , I' MUiNE GALL •• CILL RUAIN I I (M oneygaU) (KiJruane McDonagh) I 1/ ~1':'F.G "f';NAt. /1 Na Tracbtalai (Cloomel Commercial.) , Lation.lmleacb v. (Lattin.Emly) i I Moltoir- W. O'Reilly (Roscrea). I ,..1 . LUACH:.. _----.-.: .... .-.--.-._._":: lOp. .. .. -..j __ __ __ "THE TlI'PERA.ltY STAR.'· T HURU>8. Do You Remember • • • Fifty )"e.Ors "KO, Tipperary • • ~pres en{ . d by a Saberl.b. n ••I« .ioo. wOn tbe All_I.¢I.nd seo;o, butline title by del ••t ing Galway by 5·6 to I.j, the "<>uory" tentb championship, and Ih. firs' ,,,,,,•• ;on they wore the !>mod Blue and Gold 'W W<! ~now it today. w. are honou,ed in h.,ing plesen! at today" game .", oivor8 of tbat great ""ca,ion in the person. of Martin Kennedy no"",eva.a), Tom Duffy (1.<>"00), lohn J ~ Ha!• • (Moycarley.Borri.), Paddy DWYer (BoherJahan), Jack Power (Bohetlahan and New Yo rk). R ndy Nealon (Yougbal."a), and Willi" O'DwY<r. wh<> "'as ""el.tary of tbe Boherl.han club . , t hat lime. On the way to the final, Tippe,.,y def. ated Kerry, C ork in • thriller, and Waterford in the Munster final. Anlrim p...,,~d DC) problem in the "",i·fina!. and il is ,..,ported that thirty spedal. broudlt lbe crowd to Dublin for the final ag.olftOt Galway. In th~ cours ~ of a "'port on th~ p rne, the Gaelic Athlele ...,-.­ It was the old .tory- th~ Tipp ..... ry dash carried all befo," it. L.... hy and hi. kinsmen went at it. kept at it, with .11 the skill and migh t and spl. ndour tJaditiooal to the county. The pigeon went """'h with a che .. in~ message. Holdi", ' he McCarthy Cup-symbol of triumpll­ in hi, hand, the BOO«I.II." "pl.;" w• • c."ied shouldu high ~round the field. InoldeolaUy. it was in 1'125 that the McCarthy Cup ..... lirst aw.rded for tbe AU·lr.rond senior hutlin~ championship. Front Row- P. I'ow.r. M. Kennedy, I'. Leahy, W. R ~'a n, M . FlonDKon; CenIJe­ T, Duffy, S. Kenny, J. Power, F. McGJOtb, J. Leahy (captoin), J. J. lIay ... P. Dwyer; Back-Joe M" L ough,,~y, W. Quinn, A. O'Oon"ell, M. M odltt, S. Hackel!, J. Hidey, R. Nealon, W"d5"' Meagher, lose!-Mkk Darcy. Phil Cahill. ]. Patey. Kilruanc McDonagh S.H. (White and Black) (I) T. SHEPPARD (2' m (4) S. HYLAND D. O' MEARA J. MOLOUGHNEY (" (6 ' (7) G. WILLIAMS J. O'MEARA T. KILLACKEY (8) (9) P. WILLIAMS M. KEOGH (Capt..) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) L. O'SHEA L GAYNOR J. WILLIAMS (13) (14) (15) S. HENNESSY M. WATERS D. WHELAN Fir ionaid-(16) Noel KilJackey; (17) Sean O'Meara; (18) J. Reddan; (19) Donie O'Meara; (20) Kevin Owan; (2 1) John Kelly; (22 ) Donncha Minogue . - CUlL A n C head uath An Data Leath CUILINI ................ Moneygall S. H. (Dubh llgUS DC!arg) (I) N. WHITE (2) (3) (4) J. McCORMACK J. GLEESON 1\1. DOHERTY (5) (6) (7) M. NOLAN B. FANNING E. RYAN (8) • (9) P. FANNING J. RYAN (10) (II) (12) D. KENNE DY S. OOUGHAN S. RYAN ( Il) (14) (15) P. SHEEDY P. RYAN B. McLEISH ICapt.) Fir ionaid-(l6) B. lones; (17) D. Gu i [foyl~j (18) J. Guil­ foyle; (19) J. Treacy; (20) P. Sbeedy; (21) S. Doherty; (22) J. J. Comerford; (23) D. Fanning. CULL .................... An Cbead Leath An Dara Leath CUILINI ........ ........ Clonmel Commercials M.F . ,U 1\1 1.. HAN LY {>, {>, «, D. M ULLINS J. GAl VlN A. RY AN « P. GLYNN'" P. O'NEILL F. HTNL\, (0, F. POYNTZ T. U NN'" ANE (10) (Ill (12) T. WALSH S. PR ENDERGAST 8. POWEI.L (Il) (1 4) (l5) V. MULLINS J. RYAN C. MURPHY PO.r kIclald_ 1l1l ML }(f,1lJ': 117) J. K uapaa:b; (1'1 R. Doupn; (II) T OUnlll; 1.1 J. Ken": (21) P. O"ReLLlJ' : In) K. D1>n4on: (;13) J. • Nyhan: (24) P. Priebe,..: (:IIi) 8 . MllD.MlI,.; (:HI II MeDon • • h. Lattin/Emly M.F. ,U G. O'SHE:A {>, «' P. RUSSE'" ll W. McGRATH ML. LEAHY CO, B. BU'"CK LEY P. RYAN L "'JOY (0' ,,, D. M ULHALl. P. COHCORAN ( 10) (ll) ( 12) _' O. O'BRIEN A. J) UNNE A. LONERGAN (co.po (I)) (15) 1\11.. MARTIN S. LONE'" RGAN T. HEFFERNAN Plr !onaJd-(1$) A!lbe By~: (17) o.nll Connolly: (8) John MQ:ane1: (lUI 50... Joy; (:10) Tony Moloney; (21) P:aKlI 0 ''''500; (2'l) Jolm O'M~ ...... SARSFIEL:OS .IRIStt 'NIGHT CABARET AND DANCING • EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT at HAYES' HOTEL, THURLES ,! '- """_....... ,,,.,, .. , ."" .·h._... ."' ''.H... '' .• '''.,.,.,.'".,. .. ,, ~ , •• r ; I The Pallottine Fathers ~ i (SOCIETY OF THE CATHOUC APOSTOLATE) I I ! I I! • , THE SOCIETY OF THE CATHOLIC APOSTOLATE (Pallottine Fathers) is a modern International Society of J I about 2,700 priests and brothers who are engaged in an ! active, varied and missionary apostolate in the five con­ tinents. The Irish priests and brothers arc involved in Mis­ i sionary work in the following countries:- United States ~ (Texas, Nevada, Michigan, New York), South America (Argentina, Venezuela); East Africa (Tanzania), Rome and England. The word 'Pallottine' comes from the name of the ~ founder, St. Vincent Palletti, the pioneer of Catholic Action. : He felt and thought like the man who cnnonized him, Pope I lohn XXIII. If you are interested in the Priesthood or Brotherhood, I write for the booklet which gives more information to:- , !• REV. VINCENT KELLY, S.C.A. ~ ,• Director of Vocations, I .· r· PALLOTTINE COLLEGE. THURLES. CO. TIPPERARY. , Telcphone-Thurles 147. I ,! i !lo ... .. _... "'"' ...... ".. ....ou ......... ca, "" .•_ . .......... ,,"', .... ,.. ",.. ., ,,. " " ~ .
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