Sayno to corruption ZUSL-9 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION National HighwaYAuthoritY 28-MauveArea, G-91I,Islamabad Phone:051 -9032727 - F ax 051-9260419 fri[rip'r rri$n.*[Y5 PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENT for ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS OF LowARITUNNELPROJECT'PAKSITAN March/APril 2018 t Contents PART1 - PrequalificationProcedures.............. ...........2 Sectionl. Instructionsto Applicants (lTA) ........3 Sectionll. Prequalification Data Sheet.............. ............11 Sectionllf . QualificationCriteria and Requirements ........ ..............12 SectionlV. Application Forms ........18 PART2 - WorksRequirements........ ..........34 SectionV. Scopeof Works ............35 PRE-QUALIFICATIONFOR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS OF LOWARI TT]NNELPROJECT. PAKISTAN PART. 1 Prequal ification Proced u res PRE-QUALIFICATIONFOR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS OF LOWARI TUNNEL PROJECT 2 Sectionl. Instructionsto Applicants(lTA) Tableof Clauses A.General ...........4 1. Scopeof Application............ .....................4 2. Sourceof Funds ......................4 3. Fraudand Corruption.........., .....................4 4. EligibleApplicants. ...................5 B.Contents of the Prequalification Document......... .................6 5. Sectionsof PrequalificationDocument .......................6 6. Clarificationof Prequalification Document. ..................7 7. Amendmentof PrequalificationDocument ..................7 C.Preparation ofApplications............... ..................7 8. Costof Applications ............... ...................7 9. LanguageofApplication............. ...............7 10. DocumentsComprising the Application ........... ...........7 11. ApplicationSubmission Form........ ...........7 12. DocumentsEstablishing the Eligibility ofthe App1icant.............. ..................7 13. DocumentsEstablishing the Qualifications ofthe Applicant.. .......................8 14. Signingof the Application and Number of Copies .......................8 D.Submission ofApplications............... ..................8 15. Sealingand ldentification ofApplications........... ........8 16. Deadlinefor Submission ofApplications............... ......................8 17. LateApplications .....................8 18. Openingof Applications........... .................8 E.Procedures for Evaluation ofApplications .......... .................9 19.Confidentiality ...........9 20.Clarification ofApplications ............... ..........9 21.Responsiveness ofApplications.......... ........9 22.Subcontractors ..........9 F.Evaluation ofApplications and Prequalification ofApplicants.............. ...................9 23. Evaluationof Applications.......... 24. Employer'sRight to Acceptor RejectApplications .............. .....1 0 25. PrequalificationofApplicants. .................10 26. Notificationof Prequalification ................10 27. InvitationtoBid .....10 28. Changesin Qualifications ofApplicants. ..................10 PRE-QUALTFTCATIONFOR ELECTRO-MECHANICALWORKS OF LOWARTTUNNEL PROJECT a J Sectionl. Instructionsto Applicants(lTA) A. General 1. Scopeof Application 1.1 ln connectionwith the Invitationfor Pre-qualificationindicated in Sectionll, Pre-qualifibationData Sheet (PDS), the Employer,as definedin the PDS, issues this Pre-qualificationDocument (POD)to applicantsinterested in biddingfor theworks described in SectionV, Scopeof Works.The nameof Project,number of contractsand the name and identificationof each contract, correspondingto this pre-qualification, areprovided in the PDS. 2. Sourceof Funds 2.1 Thesource of fundsis describedin PDS. 3. Fraudand Corruption 3.1 The Employerrequires that Applicants,Bidders, Suppliers, Contractors,and Consultantsunder these contracts, observe the higheststandard of ethicsduring the procurement and execution of suchcontracts. ln pursuitof thispolicy, the Employer: (a) Defines,for the purposesof this provision,the termsset forthbelow as follows: (i) "corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving,or soliciting,directly or indirectly,of anythingof valueto influencethe actionof a public officialin the procurementprocess or in contract execution; (ii) "fraudulentpractice" means a mis-representationor omissionof factsin orderto influencea procurement processor the executionof a contract; (iii) "collusivepractice" means a schemeor anangement betweentwo or more bidders,with or without the knowledgeof the Employer,designed to establishbid pricesat artificial,noncompetitive levels; and (iv) "coercivepractice" means harming or threateningto harm,directly or indirectly,persons or their property to influencetheir participationin the procurement processor affectthe execution of a contract; (b) will rejecta proposalfor awardif it determinesthat the Bidderrecommended for award has, directly or throughan agent,engaged in corrupt,fraudulent, collusive or coercive practicesin competingfor the Contract in question; (c) willsanction a firmor individual,including declaring them ineligible,either indefinitely or fora statedperiod of time,to be awardeda contractif it at anytime determines that they have,directly or throughan agent,engaged, in corrupt, fraudulent,collusive or coercivepractices in competingfor, or in executing,a contract;and (d) willhave the rightto requirethat a provisionbe includedin PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS OF LOWARI TIINNEL PROJECT 4 Bidding Documentsand requiringbidders, suppliers, contractorsand consultantsto permit the Employerto inspecttheir accounts and recordsand otherdocuments relatingto the bid submissionand contractperformance and to have them auditedby auditorsappointed by the Employer. 4. EligibleApplicants 4.1 An Applicantshall be a private,public or governmentowned legal entity,subject to ITA4.6, or any combinationof themin the form of association(s)including Joint Venture (JV) with the formal intent,as evidencedby a letter of intent;to enter into an agreementor underan existingagreement. In the caseof a JV, unlessotherwise specified in the PDS,(i) all partiesshall be jointlyand severally liable, and (ii) there shall be no limiton the numberof partners. 4.2 The eligibilitycriteria listed in this Clause4 shallapply to the Applicant,including the partiesconstituting the Applicant,i.e., its proposedpartners, subcontractors or suppliersfor any part of theContract including related services. 4.3 An Applicantand all partiesconstituting the applicantshall have to registerwith PakistanEngineering Council (PEC) in Categoryas mentionedin PDSfor participatingin the bidding (if qualified). 4.4 Applicantsand all partiesconstituting the Applicantshall not havea conflictof interest.Applicants shall be consideredto havea conflictof interest,if theyparticipated as a consultantin the preparationof the designor technicalspecifications of the Worksthat are the subject of thisprequalification. Where a firm, or a firmfrom the sameeconomic or financialgroup, in addition to consulting,also has the capabilityto manufactureor supply goodsor to constructworks, that firm,or a firm from the same economicor financialgroup, cannot normally be a supplierof goodsor works,if it providedconsulting services for the contract correspondingto this prequalification,unless it can be demonstratedthat thereis not a significantdegree of common ownership,influence or control. 4.5 An Applicantshall submitonly one applicationin the same Prequalificationprocess, either individually as an Applicantor as a partnerof a joint venture.No Applicantcan be a subcontractor whilesubmitting an applicationindividually or as a partnerof a joint venture in the same Prequalificationprocess. A Subcontractorin any application may participate in morethan one application,but only in thatcapacity. An Applicantwho submits,or participatesin, more than one applicationwill cause all the applicationsin which the Applicanthas participatedto be disqualified. 4.6 Applicantsshall not be under executionof a Bid-securing Declaration. 4.7 Applicantsand all partiesconstituting the Applicantshall provide such evidenceof their continuedeligibility satisfactory to the Employer,as the Employershall reasonablyrequest including legaland financialautonomy and compliancewith Commercial PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS OF LOWARI TIJNNEL PROJECT 5 Lawin caseof Governmentowned entities of pakistan. 4.8 ln case of JVs, one of the partnerswho is responsiblefor performinga key functionin contractmanagement or is executinga majorcomponent of the proposedcontract shall be nominatedas beingin chargeduring the pre-qualificationand biddingperiods and in the eventof a successfulbid, during contractexecution. The partnerin chargeshall be authorizedto incurliabilities and receiveinstructions for and on beharfof any and all partnersof the jointventure; this authorizationshall be evidencedby submittinga powerof attorneysigned by legally authorizedsignatories of allthe partners. B. Contentsof the PrequalificationDocument 5. Sectionsof 5.1 Thedocument for the prequalification of Applicants (hereinafter - Prequalification "PrequalificationDocument") consists of parts 1 and 2 which Document compriseall the sections indicated below, and should be readin conjunctionwith any Addendum issued in accordancewith ITA 7. PART1 - PrequalificationProcedures o Sectionl. Instructionsto Applicants (lTA) o Sectionll. PrequalificationData Sheet (pDS) . Sectionlll. QualificationCriteria and Requirements o SectionlV. ApplicationForms PART2 WorksRequirements o SectionV. Scopeof Works 5.2 The "lnvitationfor PrequalificationApplications" issued by the Employeris notpart of
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