W Hen-Her Writer. b. YiMMna, Actor, Hollywood. b. Trieste, Italy; HERBERT, FREDERICK HUGH: HENREID, PAUL: Austria, May 29, 1897; e. Gresham School, Norfolk, Bog.: son of Baron Carl von Henreid. e. Maria Therese Acad. Inst. You Are, The night courses London U. Wrote such playa as There Graphic Arts. Vienna. With book pub. taking Kiss and Tell, etc. Contrib. arts school in Vienna. In Max Poseur, Carry Me Upstairs, at Kooservatorium, dramatic stories to natl. mars. Began screen career 1921. Reinhardt'§ Vienna Theat., then in Austrian filma. On Her Cardboard Lover, them Jersey Lily and Pictures Include: (adapt.) dramatic etage and in filme among Single Man, Last of Mrs. Cheyney, Noisy Neighbors; (dia- Victoria Regina, London. Arrived in N. Y. 1940 for film Night Train, logue) Great Gabbo, Murder on the Roof. He Knew stage play Flight to the West. In Brit. Vengeance, etc.; since 1933 (collab. orig., wrote (Hollywood) Joan of Paris, Now Voyager, Casa- Women. then s. p.) By Candlelight; (collab. s. p.) Journal of a Crime, blanca, Of Human Bondage, Song of Love, In Our Time; Concealment, dir., Acapulco, Ten The Dragon Murder Case, The Secret Bride. actor, dir. prod. For Men Only. Actor, Saleslady, We're in the Money; (collab. s. D.) Bedrooms. etc. Dir. of TV films for Revue Produc- Traveling Thousand Holiday Together Again; (s. D.) Home Sweet Homicide; (s. D.) tions, Warner, Desiio. 4 -Star, CBS, Screen Gems: s. p.) of The Apoc- Margie; (s. p.) Scudda Hoo Seudda Hay: (orig. for Lovers, Never So Few, The Four Horsemen Sitting Pretty, Our Very Own, New York stage (author):. alypse. The Moon Is Blue, 1951; collab. s. D. Let's Make It Legal; co -dir., s.p., The Girls of Pleasure Island: ap., Moon Is HENRY, BEN (O.B.E.): Executive. b. London, England, Blue. With Moss Empires ten years, Wardour April 16, 1902. b. Mansfield, Nottingham- Films, seven years: gen. mgr. Assoc. Brit Film Distribu- HERBERT, HOLMES: Aetor. Apptd. dir., 1938. Joined Ensa 1939 shire, England, July 3, 1882; e. Rugby, England, First ap- tors, Ltd.. since 1933. later with John Banger and apotd. cinema officer. Resigned bd. dir. Assoc. Brit. pearance on stage 1890, London; Brit. Pie - circus, Roby§ Minstrels. F. R. Benson Co., in English Film Distributors, Ltd. 1942 to join Columbia stage assoc. on George Formby prod, and provinces; also in many London prods.; on Amer. toree, Ltd. as prod. Began m. career in The Prod. of Vera Lynn films: U.K. rep. Universal Inter') with Charles Frohman Co. p. formed Hillcrest Terror 1928 pictures since include Gentlemen Prefer 1944-50; dir. Eros Films Ltd., 1951-55: Kiss. Untamed. Prod., Zonic Prod., Quadrant Prod., prod, for TV and Blondes, Sporting Age, Madame X, The theatrical. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1981), The House of Rothschild, Captain Blood, Lloyds of London, Lancer Spy, British In- Above All, Sherlock Holmes in Washing- b. Angeles, Calif. Appeared telligence, This HENRY, BILL: actor. Los ton. The Verdict, The Swordsman, Singapore, The Brigand. in film tord Jim at 8; presented shows at U. of Hawaii include: The Thin Man. Little Theatre, 1930; pictures HERBUVEAUX, JULES: Executive. b. Utica, N. Y.. Madame X, 4 and a Prayer. Yellow Jack, China Seas, Men 2, e., Culver Academy, McGill U., Adventures of Mark Twain, Johnny Come Lately, Fabulous October 1897: Military Hollywood -Makers. Secret Montreal; m. Jeannette McNulty. Professional musician, Suzanne. Torpedo Alley, Thrill orchestra 1921-32; orchestra dir. NBC, 1927- of the Incas, Masterson of Kansas, New Orleans Uncen- 1919-21; dir., A for Joey. Mister Rob- 32. asst. prod. mgr.. 1932-38; program mgr., central dir., sored, Jungle Moon Men, Bullet man., 1953, erta, A Life at Stake, Uranium Boom, Double or Noth- 1988-47: mgr. television, 1948-58; ass't gen. ing. Exclusive Story, Tarzan Escapes, A Man To Re- gen. mgr., 1954 v.p and gen. mgr., 1955. v.p. Central Monster, Div., 1958, headquarters Chicago Clubs: Chicago Fedn. member. Ambush, Cherokee Strip. Lady and the Sun- Valentina, Women In Bondage. Wings of Eagles, The Alamo, Advt. Clubs; Merchants and Manufacturers (Chicago); The Last Hurrah. set Ridge Country Club (Winnetka): Chicago Athletic Assn., Horse Soldiers, What Price Glory, Club (Chicago). Sergeant Rutledge Five Cents a Glass, How The West Was Tavern Club (Chicago); Rotary Won, No Escape, Deep Is The Well, The Killing of Liberty Valance, Television Spy, Fabulous Suzanne, Two Rode To- HERCZEG, GEZA: Writer, b. Nagykaniza, Hungary, gether. Mar. 1, 1888: e. Royal Hungarian U. Sciences, Budapest, M.A., 1910. Began as newspaperman (Hungary, Austria, HENRY, FRED: Producer. b. L. A., Calif., May, 80. Italy); war correspondent (Tripoli War, 1911; Balkan War, USC Journalism and business administration; CBS -LA 1912-13; World War 1, 1914-18) : with Royal Hungarian radio station KNX newscaster, writer; news, spec. events foreign office. In 1922 head press dept., Budapest Minister- dlr., KMPC-LA. Co -News commentator, CBS, Let's Talk praestdlum. Then ed. Allgemeine Zeitung Exhablatt, Mit- Over the News: Served, U.S.N. Office of Naval Intelligence, tags Zeitung, 1923-26. From 1927 author many plays: Radio Relations Officer on Staff of Supreme Allied Com- Wonder Bar, etc. Began film career 1932 with s. p. for mander, C -B -I Theatre, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten; Wonder Bar. In 1941 joined Overseas M. P. Bureau. OWI, officer, chg. short-wave broadcasting. AFRS, S.F., 1945; writing e. p. The War 1941-44. Prayer (film poem after appointed news, spec. events dlr., KLAC, Don Fedderson; Stefan Vincent Benet), Fortress of Freedom (ter Library prg. dir., asst. gen. mgr., prg. dir, combined radio -tv of Congress). Pictures Include collab. Life of Emile Zola operations, KLAC: res. KLAC. Jan. 1954, as vice-pres.. (Academy Award collab. best adapt. 1937). Florian, The exec. prod.. Don Fedderson Prod.; supv. prod.: The Mil- Shanghai Gesture: story. (collab. s. p.), Rapture; collet). lionaire. Do You Trust Your Wife, Betty White Show. story Queen of Jhansl, Decameron Nights, Tiger and the Date With Angels, Liberace, Life with Elizabeth, Who Flame. Do You Trust; My Three Sons, 1980. HEREEL, CHRIS.: Executive. b. Bklyn, N. Y., Sept. HENRY. GLORIA: Actress. b. New Orleans. La., April 5, 1927. e. Univ. of Delaware, 1944-45; N. Y. Univ., 1949. 2. 1923: e. Worcester Art Museum School. H. R. radio Studio mgr., prod., exec. prod., Transfilm-Carnvel, Inc.. commentator; radio announcer during World War II; 1957-61; Asst. dir., MPO-TV. 1957; studio mgr., asese. acted In little theatre groups, prior to m. p. career. prod.. ATV -Films, 1956-57; Asst. dir., dir., Army Pic- Pictures include: Sport of Kings. Keeper of the Bee', torial Centre, 1950-56; v. p. chg, of prod. Wilde Films, Bulldog Drummond Strikes Rack. Strawberry Roan. Ad- Inc. ventures in Bilverado. Port Said. Texas Sandman, Triple Threat, Miss Grant Takes Richmond. Racing Luck, Johnny HERLIE, EILEEN: Actress. b. Glasgow. Scotland, Allegro, Lightning Guns. Rookie Fireman, Yellow Fin, March 8, 1920. e. Glasgow Public School. Stage debut: Rancho Notorious. Hot News. 1940, Sweet Aloes with Glasgow Repertory. Screen debut: Hamlet; later pictures, Angel with the Trumpet, The Story Wonderful. For Better b. of Gilbert & Sullivan. Isn't Life HENRY, PATRICK: Bales director. Windsor, Eng- For Worse, She Didn't Say No. land, Nov. 30, 1917, e. Cranleigh. Early career in adver- Walter Thompson Co.: Army, tising with Unilever, J. & HERLIHY, ED.: Announcer, m,c. b. Dorchester, Mass.; 1939-46; Holton Press, 1950-52; Odhams Press, 1952-55; WEEI, Boston; Associated Tele - e. Boston Coll., A.B. Announcer, actor, entered TV industry as sales director, many news shows, spec, events Vision, 1955. NBC. 1935; announcer of and network programs on radio & TV including NBC Sisee- True Story, Weekend HEPBU RN, AUDREY; Actress. b. Brussels, May 4. 1929. taculars, Children's Hour, Monitor, m. Mel Ferrer. Appeared in London plays: screen debut Your Show of Shows, Kraft TV Theatre. in Laughter in Paradise; on B'way in G1gi, Ondine; Star of Tomorrow, 1954: pictures Include: One Wild Oat. HERMAN, ACE: Producer, executive. b. Springfield. Young Wives' Tales. Lavender Hill Mob. Secret People, Ohio, Jan. 16, 1915. Theatre mgr., Neb., la., 1933-36; with Roman Holiday (Academy Award, best actress. 1953). Universal in mailing, casting, projection, library, edit. Sabrina. War and Peace. Funny Fare, Love in the After- depts.; 1937-42; film ed., various studios from 1943: assoc. noon, Green Mansions. The Nun's Story, The Unforgiven. prod. numerous pictures from 1946, including: Ginger. TV: Producers Showcase, Mayerling, 1957. Killer Shark. Sierra Passage. Desert Pursuit, Fangs of the Arctic. Tangier Incident, Treasures of the Ruby Hills. Big Fin, Actress. b. Conn., Tip -Off, las Vegas Shakedown, Kidnapped. Yellow HEPBURN, KATHARINE: Hartford. Restless Breed. secy., treas., Lindsley stage in Death Takes a Holiday, Northern Patrol, Nov. 8, 1909. On Parsons Prod., 1952-54: exec. asst.. Wm, Broidy Pictures. Warrior's Husband. The Lake, Philadelphia Story, (film Tomorrow, War The Millionaireus 1955-56; prod., Night Freight, This Time version 1940), As 'You Like It, Hero, Woman In Exile, prod., Restless Breed. Started screen career 1933 with A Bill of Divorcement; then Christopher Strong and won Academy Award same year for Morning Glory. Pictures include Little Women. Spitfire. The HERMAN, JUSTIN: Producer -writer -director. b. Phila., Scarlett. Mary of Va. e. Acad. of Fine Arts, Phila. Fiction in O'Brien, other Little Minister, Alice Adams, Sylvia subjects; independent Scotland, A Woman Rebels, Quality Street, Stage Door, anthologies; writer, four Acad. Award Bringing Up Baby, Holiday, Woman of the Year. Keeper producer, short subjects, Paramount since 1945. Recent prods. Seed. Without Love, Song of include: Lifeline to Hong Kong, Spring in Scandinavia, et the Flame, Dragon Sea, Love, State it the Union.
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