SALGA ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 The SALGA logo above is the organisation’s highest visual symbol. It differentiates SALGA from other local government associations around the world. The three golden spheres on the logo represent the three spheres of government, namely: national government, provincial government and local government. SALGA logo comprises four different colours. Green - Fertility and growth Gold - Wisdom Burgundy - Success Cream - Peaceful thoughts Published by SALGA PO Box 2094 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27 12 369 8000 Fax: +27 12 369 8001 www.salga.org.za RP: 165/2015 ISBN: 978-0-621-43672-3 Title of Publication: SALGA Annual Report 2014/15 CONTENTS Part A: General information 3 2.2. Highlights of performance per SALGA strategic 52 goal 1. List of abbreviations/acronyms 4 2.2.1. Goal 1: Local government delivering equitable 52 2. Foreword by the Chairperson 6 and sustainable services 3. Chief Executive Officer’s overview 8 2.2.2. Goal 2: Safe and healthy environment and 59 communities 4. Strategic overview 10 2.2.3. Goal 3: Planning and economic development 63 4.1. SALGA’s strategic plan 2012-2017 10 at a local level 4.2. Key policy and strategic frameworks impacting 11 2.2.4. Goal 4: Effective, responsive and accountable 68 on local government local government for communities 4.2.1. The Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 11 2.2.5. Goal 5: Human capital development in local 80 4.2.2. The local government turnaround strategy 11 government (LGTAS) 2.2.6. Goal 6: Financially and organisationally 89 4.2.3. The millennium development goals (MDGs) 12 capacitated municipalities 4.2.4. The new growth path 12 2.2.7 Goal 7: Effective and efficient administration 93 4.2.5. The national development plan 12 4.2.6. Emerging issues and strategic realignment 13 4.3. SALGA membership and stakeholders 13 Part D: Human resource management 105 1. Introduction 106 4.3.1. SALGA members 13 1.1. Talent acquisition 106 4.3.2. Key stakeholders 13 1.2. Individual performance management 107 4.4. Vision 15 1.3. Labour relations compliance 108 4.5. Mission 15 1.4. Employee relations 109 4.6. Values 15 1.5. Skills development 110 5. Legislative and other mandates 15 1.6 Employee wellness programme 113 5.1. Legislative mandate 15 1.7 Employee recognition awards 113 5.2. SALGA mandate 17 1.8 Occupational health and safety 114 6. Organisational structure 18 Part E: Annual financial statements 115 Part B: Governance 21 1. Chief Financial Officer’s review 117 1. Introduction 22 2. Report of the Accounting Authority 129 2. SALGA governance framework 22 3. Report of the audit and risk committee 141 2.1 SALGA national executive committee (NEC) 23 4. report of the performance management and 147 2.2 SALGA provincial executive leadership 25 remuneration committee 2.3 Relationship between national and provincial 29 5. Report of the auditor-general to Parliament on 158 bodies SALGA 2.4 SALGA internal oversight structures 36 6. Accounting Authority’s responsibilities and 161 2.5 SALGA management 39 approval 5. Social responsibility 40 7. Annual financial statements 163 Part C: Performance information 43 1. Introduction 44 2. Predetermined objectives 44 2.1. Highlights of performance per SALGA mandate 45 2.1.1. Lobby, advocate and represent role 45 2.1.2. Employer role 46 2.1.3. Capacity buidling role 46 2.1.4. Support and advisory role 47 2.1.5. Strategic profiling role 50 2.1.5. Knowledge and informanation-sharing role 50 PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 3 1. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS AC Audit Committee EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme APP Annual Performance Plan ER Employee Recognition Ald Alderman ESTA Extension of Security of Land Tenure Act AGSA Auditor-General of South Africa EWP Employee Wellness Programme ASGISA Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of FBS Free Basic Service South Africa FFC Financial and Fiscal Commission AU African Union FS Free State BAAM Business-Adopt-A-Municipality GIS Geographic Information System BCEA Basic Conditions of Employment Act GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit CD Community Development GP Gauteng CDP Councillor Development Programme GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice CEO Chief Executive Officer HDA Housing Development Agency CFO Chief Finance Officer HDF Human Development Framework CIP Councillor Induction Programme HOD Head of Department CLGF Commonwealth Local Government Conference HR Human Resources CLLR Councillor HRDCSA Human Resource Development Council of South CMRA Centre for Municipal Research and Advice Africa CoGTA Department of Cooperative Governance and HRM&D Human Resources Management and Traditional Affairs Development COO Chief Operations Officer ICAS Independent Counselling and Advisory Service CRDP Comprehensive Rural Development Programme ICT Information and Communication Technology CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental DACF District Assemblies Common Fund Initiatives CSR Corporate Strategy and Research IDP Integrated Development Plan DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries IGR Intergovernmental Relations DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa IMATU Independent Municipal and Allied Trade Union DCoG Department of Cooperative Governance IMFO Institute of Municipal Finance Officers DEA Department of Environmental Affairs IOM International Organization for Migration DHS District Health System IGR Intergovernmental Relations DM District Municipality ILO International Labour Organisation DoE Department of Energy IPAP Industrial Policy Action Plan DoJ Department of Justice IRM Integrated Risk Management DPME Department of Planning, Monitoring and ISDF Integrated Service Delivery Framework Evaluation IUDG Integrated Urban Development Grant DPSA Disabled People South Africa KPI Key Performance Indicator DRDLR Department of Rural Development and Land KZN KwaZulu-Natal Reform LAN Local Area Network DRM Disaster Risk Management LED Local Economic Development DSD Department of Social Development LG Local Government DST Department of Science and Technology LGA Local Government Association of England and EC Eastern Cape Wales ECD Early Childhood Development LGCCC Local Government Climate Change Champions ED Executive Director LGES Local Government Equitable Share EDI Electricity Distribution Industry LGFF Local Government Fiscal Framework EDP Economic Development Planning LGHR Local Government Human Resources EESDCF Employment Equity Skills Development LGICT Local Government Information Communication Consultative Forum Technology EIUG Intensive User Group of Southern Africa LGS Local Government Support EMS Emergency Medical Services LGSETA Local Government Sector Education Authority LGSTT Local Government Support Task Team PEO Provincial Executive Officer LGTAS Local Government Turnaround Strategy PFMA Public Finance Management Act LODLOG Local Democracy and Local Governance PHDA Priority Housing Development Areas LP Limpopo PMA Provincial Members Assembly LR Labour Relations PMS Performance Management System LRA Labour Relations Act PRZ Provisional Restructuring Zones MASP Municipal Audit Support Programme RM Risk Management MBI Municipal Benchmarking Initiative PHC Primary Healthcare M&E Monitoring and Evaluation SADC Southern African Development Community MDB Municipal Demarcation Board SALGA South African Local Government Association MDG Millennium Development Goals SALGBC South African Local Government Bargaining MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act Council MHS Municipal Health Services SAMHS South African Military Health Service MHSCG Municipal Human Settlements Capacity Grant SANBS South African National Blood Service MID Municipal Institutional Development SANEDI South African National Energy Development Institute MINMEC Ministers and Members of Executive Council Meeting SANRAL South African National Roads Agency Limited MIS Municipal Infrastructure Services SASCOC South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee MMC Member of the Mayoral Committee SCLG SALGA Centre for Leadership and Governance MoU Memorandum of Understanding SCM Supply Chain Management MP Mpumalanga SCOA Standard Charts of Accounts MPAC Municipal Public Accounts Committee SDA Service Delivery Agreement MSA Municipal Systems Act SDF Spatial Development Framework MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework SERI Social Economic Rights Institute of South Africa MTSF Medium-Term Strategic Framework SIP Strategic Infrastructure Project MYPD Multi-year Price Determination SMME Small, Medium, Micro-sized Enterprise NC Northern Cape SPLUMA Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act NCOP National Council of Provinces SWC SALGA Women Commission NDA National Development Agency SWPN Strategic Water Partnership Network NDP National Development Plan ToR Terms of Reference NEC National Executive Committee UCLG United Cities and Local Government NEDLAC National Economic Development and Labour Council UCLGA United Cities and Local Governments of Africa NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development UK United Kingdom NERSA National Energy Regulator of South Africa UNEP United Nations Environment Programme NGP National Growth Plan UNISA University of South Africa NHI National Health Insurance USDG Urban Settlement Development Grant NMA National Members Assembly VVSG The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities NOB National Office Bearers WC Western Cape NSDP National Spatial Development Perspective WC/WDM Water Conservation / Water Demand NW North West Management NWG North West Government WG Working Group NWG National Working Group WILGS
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