International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2012 1 ISSN 2250-3153 Flora of Outer hills of Kashmir Himalayas (Jammu and Kashmir State) – Family Scrophulariaceae B. L. Bhellum and Rani Magotra* Department of Botany, Govt. Degree College, Kathua-184101, J & K, India * Department of Botany, University of Jammu- 180 006, India Abstract- The paper provides enumeration and description 14 reduced to solitary specimen. While collecting the plant genera and 30 species of family Scrophulariaceae from outer specimens field numbers were allotted and relevant data about hills of Kashmir Himalayas, Jammu and Kashmir State. A key to the plant was recorded in the field book. The specimens were the genera is given in order to differentiate them from each other. carried to the Laboratory in the polythene bags, ruck-sacks or in All the genera and species within each genus are arranged in plant press depending upon the length of trip and distance of the alphabetical order. The description of each species is followed by place of collection. The plants collected were pressed in the in the place of their occurrence and approximate elevation where wooden press wrapped in blotters. These specimens are changed the species grows. frequently to reduce the discoloration of foliage and flowers and to avoid rotting. The dried specimens were mounted on the Index Terms- flora, scrophulariaceae, outer hills, kashmir Herbarium sheets. Printed labels were pasted and relevant data himalayas, J & K, India. was entered. These specimens were identified with the help of taxonomic literature. I. INTRODUCTION crophulariceae is one of the largest and most widely III. KEY TO THE GENERA S distributed family and best represented in the outer hills of 1. + Number of stamens 2 or 4--------------------------------------- 2 Kashmir Himalayas. Plants are usually herbs abounding banks of Number of stamens 5 ------------------------------- 12. Verbascum rivulets, moist places, sandy situations and alpine meadows. 2. + stamens 2 (Lindernia has 2 staminodes also)------------------ 3 Some of these species have been brought under cultivation - Stamens 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 5 because of their possession of pretty attractive variety of colours 3. + Calyx 4-lobed; corolla tube very short --------- 13. Veronica such as genus Digitalis, Mimulus, Pedicularis etc. Picrorhiza - Calyx 5-lobed; corolla tube longer than calyx --------------- 4 kurrooa Royle ex Benth. is a well known species of this region 4. + Leaves 7- 15 cm long teeth coarsely toothed ----------------- 6 which is popular for medicinal value, locally used for a variety of - Leaves 1- 3.5 cm, teeth faintly pointed --------- 7. Lindernia ailments, however, some of the other species are also 5. + Flowers upto 1 cm long --------------------------- 14. Wulfenia conspicuous on account of their medicinal value. Genus - Flowers upto 5 cm long------------------------------ 2. Digitalis Veronica is represented as a highly diversified in this area. The 6. + Corolla distinctly 2-lipped--------------------------------------- 7 genera represented by one or two species in this region are - Corolla not 2-lipped -------------------------------------------- 13 Antirrhinum, Euphrasia, Kickxia, Lathraea, Pickrorhiza, and 7. + Flowers yellow --------------------------------------------------- 8 Verbascum. - Flowers blue, pink or purple ---------------------------------- 10 Perusal of floristic literature reveals that this area has been 8. + Corolla tube spurred at base ------------------------- 4. Kickxia explored by Royle (1833- 39), Hooker (1872- 1897), Pennell - Corolla tube not spurred at base -------------------------------- 9 (1943), Stewart (1972) and Sharma and Kachroo (1981). The 9. + Leaf margin dentate; upper lip of corolla not beaked ---------- present authors have confined their study of Euphorbiaceae to the - 6. Lindenbergia outer hills of Kashmir Himalayas. - Leaf margin pinnatifid; upper lip of corolla long beaked------ - 10. Pedicularis II. MATERIALS AND METHODS 10. + Calyx 4-lobed------------------------------------- 3. Euphorasia Plant explorations were carried out in different seasons of the - Calyx 5-lobed-------------------------------------------------- 11 year at some selected sites in the outer hills of Kashmir 11. + Calyx tube prominently keeled-------------------- 9. Mimulus Himalayas of Jammu and Kashmir. This paper is based on the - Calyx tube not keeled ------------------------------------------ 12 collection of angiosperm flora in general and species of family 12. + Corolla saccate or spurred at base ------------ 1. Antirrhinum Scrophulariaceae. The forays of two different types were - Corolla not saccate or spurred --------------------- 8. Mazus undertaken round the year, the collection trips to distant places 13. + Leaves pinnatisect, 5- 7 mm broad -------- 5. Leptorhabdos were of the duration of 3- 7 days. In between, brief trips of 1- 2 - Leaves pinnatisect, 10- 30 mm broad ------ 11. Scrophularia days durations were executed along or in the company of one or more helpers. In this way, it was possible to raise the collections IV. TAXONOMIC DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES from the different parts of the area of study. In the first year the 1. ANTIRRHINUM collections were massive and in the subsequent years they www.ijsrp.org International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2012 2 ISSN 2250-3153 Antirrhinum orontium L., Sp. Pl. 617. 1753; Hooker f., Fl. Brit. Leptorhabdos parviflora (Benth.) Benth., in DC., Prodr. 10: 510. Ind. 4: 253. 1883; Penn., Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. Monog. 5: 61. 1846; Stewart, Ann. Cata. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 650. 1913; Ann. Cata. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 646. 1972. 1972. Annual, erect, glandular-hairy herbs; leaves subsessile, basal Erect, nearly glabrous herbs; stem 30-90 cm tall, branched; leaves opposite, cauline leaf linear, oblong-lanceolate, 1.7-5 x leaves sessile, basal opposite, cauline alternate, 2.5-7.5 x 0.5 – 0.2 – 0.3 cm, margin often entire, recurved; flowers solitary 0.7 cm, pinnatisect, segments linear, toothed or entire; axillary or racemed, rose-purple or white – purple; calyx 5-lobed, inflorescence raceme; flowers zygomorphic, bisexual, light-pink; lobes linear, longer than corolla, green; corolla bilipped, white – calyx bell-shaped, 5- toothed; corolla tube short, limb 5- lobed, purple or rose purple, hairs glandular, saccate or spurred at base; lobes nearly equal; stamens 4, didyanamous, anthers free, cells stamens 4, didynamous, epidetalous, attached at base, filaments perfect; style long, stigma minute; capsule oblong flattened, glabrous, anther cells distinct, yellow; style filiform, hairy, enclosed in calyx; seeds 2-4 per capsule. stigma bilobed; capsule ovoid, globose, beaked, hairs glandular; 6. LINDENBERGIA seeds compressed, minute, 5-8 mm long. Lindenbergia macrostachya (Benth.) Benth., Scroph. Ind. 22. Rare on sandy soil and dry situations at Ramsu and Ramban. 1835; Hooker f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 262. 1884; Penn., Acad. Nat. Specmens collected from Ramban (580 m). Sci. Monog. 5: 35. 1943. 2. DIGITALIS Perennial, glabrous or pubescent herbs; stem robust, erect, 60- Digitalis purpurea L., Sp. Pl. 621. 1753; Stewart, Ann. Cata. 100 cm tall; leaves ovate or oblong- lancelate, 2.5 – 7.5 x 1.2 – Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 647. 1972. 2.5 cm, apex acuminate, margin serrate, glabrous; inflorescence Annual herbs; stem upto 1 m tall, usually branched; radical rigid spikes; flowers zygomorphic, bisexual, bright yellow; leaves long stalked, ovate or ovate- lanceolate, cauline leaves bracts longer than calyx; calyx bell – shaped, 5- lobed, lobes subsessile, gradually reducing in size towards apex; inflorescene short, acute, patently hairy, glandular; corolla bilipped, tube raceme ; flowers pendulous, zygomorphic, bisexual, white tinged short, cylindric, glandular hairy outside, upper lip bilobed, purple-pink, upto 5 cm long; calyx 5- lobed, lobes broadly ovate; recurved, not beaked, lower lip trilobed, larger with two corolla bilipped, white, tinged purple-pink; stamens 5; style prominent folds at base; stamens 4, didynamous, included, anther persistent; capsule ovoid, exceeding the calyx in length. cells 2, separate ; ovary hairy, style slender , stigma bilobed; 3. EUPHORASIA capsule ovoid. Euphrasia simplex D. Don, Prodr. 95. 1815; Hooker f., Fl. Brit. A stiff, perennial herb inhabiting rock crevices at Assar (950 Ind. 4: 305. 1884. m). Annual, erect herbs; stem 10-30 cm tall, pubescent or 7. LINDERNIA glandular; leaves opposite, sessile, ovate, 0.5-1.5 cm long, Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell., Cens. Austral. Pl. 97. 1882; margin sharply toothed; inflorescence terminal spikes; flowers Penn., Scroph. W. Himal. 29. 1943. zygomorphic, white or lilac tinged yellow at throat; bracts leaf- Erect or diffuse glabrous herb; stem branched, 10-45 cm tall; like; calyx tubular, 4-lobed, green; corolla bilipped, tube leaves shortly stalked, broadly ovate, 0.5 – 1.2 cm long. Margin cylindric, longer than calyx, upper lip erect, bilobed, lower crenate; flowers solitary axillary, zygomorphic, bisexual, purple spreading, trilobed, lobes usually notched; stamens 4, in unequal or red; calyx 5- lobed ; corolla bilipped, tube cylinderic, longer pairs, anthers bithecous, hairy, style long, stigma minute, capitate than calyx, upper lip erect, notched, lower lip trilobed, broad, ; capsule flattened, as long as calyx. spreading; stamens 4, didynamous, anthers cohering in
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