Dovepress Sports Injury Classification System Appendices Appendix 1 OSICS version 9 Appendix 1 (Continued) Injury code Parent Injury description Injcat ID Injury code Parent Injury description Injcat ID AA1 AA1 Ankle jt degenerative arthritis 107 AT2 AT2 Sever’s disease 106 AC1 AC1 Ankle osteochondral lesion 107 AT3 AT3 Ankle posterior impingement 118 ACD AC1 Talar dome chondral lesion 107 (including Os Trigonum) ACL AC1 Loose bodies ankle joint 107 AT4 AT4 Ankle anterior impingement ± 107 ACP AC1 Tibial plafond chondral lesion 107 osteophytes AD1 AD1 Dislocated ankle 107 AT5 AT5 Ankle extensor tendinopathy 118 AE1 AE1 Osteoid osteoma (ankle) 121 (incl. Tibialis Anterior) AF1 AF1 Fractured ankle 101 AT6 AT6 Peroneal tendinopathy or 118 AF2 AF2 Fractures talus or calcaneus 111 subluxation or dislocation AFB AF1 Bimalleolus fracture 101 AT7 AT7 Tibialis posterior or flexor 118 AFC AF2 Fractured calcaneus 111 hallucis tendinopathy (ankle) AFL AF1 Lateral malleolus fracture 101 AU1 AU1 Ankle instability 107 AFM AF1 Medial malleolus fracture 101 AUL AU1 Lateral ankle instability 107 AFT AF2 Fractured body of talus 111 AUM AU1 Medial ankle instability 107 AFX AF1 Trimalleolus fracture 101 AW1 AW1 Ankle injury/pain NOS AG1 AG1 Bony avulsion ankle 111 AZ1 AZ1 Ankle pain undiagnosed 107 AGL AG1 Fractured lateral process talus 111 BF1 BF1 Fractured sacrum/coccyx 55 AGO AG1 Fractured os trigonum/ 111 BG1 BG1 Avulsion # ischial tuberosity 81 posterior process BH1 BH1 Buttock contusion/haematoma 60 AH1 AH1 Ankle contusion/haematoma 104 BI1 BI1 Ischial abscess 121 AI1 AI1 Ankle infection 107 BJ1 BJ1 Sacroiliac trauma 60 AJ1 AJ1 Ankle jarring or joint capsule 107 BK1 BK1 Buttock laceration/abrasion 59 sprain BM1 BM1 Gluteal muscle str/tear 60 AJ2 AJ2 Inferior tibiofibular 107 BMG BM1 Gluteal muscle strain 60 syndesmosis sprain BMM BM1 Adductor magnus strain 75 AK1 AK1 Ankle laceration 104 BN1 BN1 Piriformis syndrome (with 81 AL1 AL1 Sprain lateral collateral 107 sciatic nerve impingement) ligament ankle BP1 BP1 Sacroilietis (incl 60 AL2 AL2 Sprain medial collateral 107 spondyloarthropathies) (deltoid) ligament ankle BP2 BP2 Sacrococcygeal jt pain 61 AL3 AL3 Sprain calcaneo-cuboid jt 107 BR1 TR1 ruptured hamstring origin 81 ALS AJ2 Syndesmosis rupture 107 BS1 BS1 Sacral stress fracture 60 ALT AL1 Ankle lateral sprain, grade 3 107 BT1 BT1 Hamstring origin tendinopathy 81 AN1 AN1 Tarsal tunnel syndrome 113 BT2 BT2 Gluteal tendinopathy/ 60 AN2 AN2 Medial calcaneal nerve 113 enthesopathy entrapment BW1 BW1 Buttock injury/pain NOS 60 AP1 AP1 Ankle jt synovitis 107 BY1 BY1 Gluteal muscle or piriformis 60 AP2 AP2 Ankle reflex sympathetic 113 trigger pts dystrophy BYG BY1 Gluteal trigger points 60 AP3 AP3 Sinus tarsi syndrome (subtalar 107 BYM BY1 Adductor magnus trigger 75 jt synovitis) points AR1 AR1 Achilles tendon rupture 106 BYP BY1 Piriformis trigger points 81 ARI AR1 Insertional rupture, achilles 106 BZ1 BZ1 Buttock pain undiagnosed 60 tendon CC1 CC1 Costal cartilage/ 52 ARM AR1 Midsubstance rupture, achilles 106 costochondral jt injury tendon CF1 CF1 Fractured rib(s) 51 AS1 AS1 Stress fracture tarsal bone 112 CF2 CF2 Fractured sternum 51 ASC AS1 Stress fracture calcaneus 112 CFH CF1 Fractured upper rib (1–4) 51 AST AS1 Stress fracture talus 112 CFL CF1 Fractured lower rib (9–12) 51 AT1 AT1 Achilles tendinopathy/ 106 CFM CF1 Fractured middle rib (5–8) 51 retrocalcaneal bursitis CFX CF1 Fractured multiple ribs 51 (Continued) (Continued) Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:1 submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com 9 Dovepress Orchard et al Dovepress Appendix 1 (Continued) Appendix 1 (Continued) Injury code Parent Injury description Injcat ID Injury code Parent Injury description Injcat ID CG1 Chest avulsion injury 52 EL1 EL1 Elbow medial collateral 33 CH1 CH1 Bruised ribs/chest wall 52 ligament strain or tear (excluding sternum) EN1 EN1 Ulnar neuropathy, elbow 29 CH2 CH2 Bruised sternum 52 EN2 EN2 Other nerve entrapment, 29 CJ1 CJ1 Sternoclavicular jt injury 53 elbow CM1 CM1 Chest muscle strain 63 EP1 EP1 Elbow atraumatic synovitis 33 CM2 Chest muscle strain 52 ER1 ER1 Biceps tendon distal rupture 34 CO1 CO1 Pneumo-/haemo-thorax 57 ER2 ER2 Triceps tendon rupture 34 CR1 SR3 Pectoralis major tendon 24 ES1 ES1 Elbow stress fracture 26 rupture ET1 ET1 Tennis elbow (lateral 34 CS1 CS1 Stress fracture rib(s) 56 epicondyle pain) CT1 Intercostal tendonitis 52 ET2 ET2 Golfer’s elbow (medial 34 CW1 CW1 Chest injury/pain NOS epicondyle pain) CY1 CY1 Chest muscle trigger pts 63 ET3 ET3 Olecranon bursitis/apophysitis/ 34 CZ1 CZ1 Chest pain undiagnosed 54 triceps tendinopathy DA1 DA1 Thoracic facet jt degenerative 61 ET4 ET4 Elbow joint impingement 33 arthritis ETM ET4 Elbow joint posteromedial 33 DB1 DB1 Thoracic scoliosis 61 impingement DC1 DC1 Thoracic disc prolapse 61 ETP ET4 Elbow joint posterior 33 DE1 DE1 Tumour, thoracic spine 121 impingement DF1 DF1 Fractured thoracic vertebrae 55 EU1 EU1 Elbow valgus instability 33 DG1 DG1 Fractured thoracic transverse 55 EU2 EU2 Elbow posterolateral instability 33 or spinous process EW1 EW1 Elbow injury/pain NOS DH1 DH1 Thoracic back contusion/ 59 EZ1 EZ1 Elbow pain undiagnosed 33 haematoma FA1 FA1 1st Metatarsophalangeal jt 119 DJ1 DJ1 Thoracic facet jt sprain 61 degenerative arthritis DJ2 DJ1 Costothoracic joint sprain 61 FA2 FA2 Other foot jt degenerative 119 DK2 DK2 Upper back skin lesion 54 arthritis DM1 DM1 Thoracic extensor muscle str 63 FB1 FB1 Tarsal coalition 118 DP1 DP1 Chronic thoracic facet jt 61 FB2 FB2 Symptomatic accessory bone 118 pain/stiffness of foot DT1 DT1 Scheuermann’s disease 61 FB3 FB3 Foot deformity (including 118 DW1 DW1 Thoracic spine injury/pain claw, hammer toes, bunions) NOS FBC FB1 Calcaneonavicular coalition 118 DY1 DY1 Thoracic back trigger pts 63 FBT FB1 Talocalcaneal coalition 118 DZ1 DZ1 Thoracic pain undiagnosed 54 FC1 FC1 Foot osteochondrosis 118 EA1 EA1 Elbow jt degenerative arthritis 33 (including Kohler’s and EC1 EC1 Chondral lesion elbow 33 Frieberg’s) (± loose bodies) FD1 FD1 Dislocated toe 119 ECL EC1 Loose body, elbow joint 33 FD2 FD2 Dislocated joint(s) of foot 119 ECO EC1 Elbow osteochondritis 33 (incl. Lisfranc injury) dissecans FDL FD2 Lisfranc fracture dislocation 119 ED1 ED1 Dislocated elbow 33 FE1 FE1 Osteoid osteoma (foot) 121 ED2 ED2 Disl head of radius (including 33 FF1 FF1 # tarsal bone (other than talus 111 pulled elbow) or calcaneus) EDA ED1 Elbow dislocation anterior 33 FF2 FF2 # metatarsal(s) 111 EDP ED1 Elbow dislocation posterior 33 FF3 FF3 # phalanx (foot) 111 EF1 EF1 Supracondylar fracture 25 FFB FF1 Cuboid acute fracture 111 humerus FFC FF1 Cunieform acute fracture 111 EF2 EF2 fractured humerus condyle(s) 25 FFD FF2 Fourth metatarsal acute 111 EF3 EF3 fractured head of radius or 25 fracture olecranon FFF FF2 Fifth metatarsal acute Jones 111 EG1 EG1 Elbow avulsion fracture 25 fracture EH1 EH1 Elbow contusion/haematoma 32 FFN FF1 Navicular acute fracture 111 EI1 EI1 Elbow infection 121 FFO FF2 First metatarsal acute fracture 111 EJ1 EJ1 Sprained/jarred elbow 33 FFS FF2 Second metatarsal acute 111 EK1 EK1 Elbow laceration/abrasion 32 fracture (Continued) (Continued) 10 submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:1 Dovepress Dovepress Sports Injury Classification System Appendix 1 (Continued) Appendix 1 (Continued) Injury code Parent Injury description Injcat ID Injury code Parent Injury description Injcat ID FFT FF2 Third metatarsal acute 111 FT7 FT7 Tibialis posterior insertion 118 fracture tendinopathy FFX FF2 Multiple metatarsal fractures 111 FTD FT1 Distal plantar fasciitis 118 FG1 FG1 Foot avulsion # 111 FW1 FW1 Foot injury/pain NOS FGF FG1 Fifth metatarsal avulsion 111 FY1 FY1 Foot muscle spasm/cramps/ 118 fracture trigger pts FH1 FH1 Foot contusion/haematoma 104 FZ1 FZ1 Foot pain undiagnosed 119 FH2 FH2 Toenail problem/contusion/ 104 GA1 GA1 Hip jt osteoarthritis/avascular 72 haematoma necrosis FH3 FH3 Heel fat pad bruise 104 GA2 GA2 Slipped capital femoral 76 FI1 FI1 Athlete’s foot/tinea 121 epiphysis FI2 FI2 Foot cellulitis/infected ulcer 121 GA3 GA3 Perthes’ syndrome 72 FJ1 FJ1 Sprain foot joint 119 GB1 GB1 Congenital dislocation hip 72 FJ2 FJ2 Sprained toe/’turf toe’ 119 GC1 GC1 Hip chondral lesion 72 FK1 FK1 Foot laceration 104 GCA GC1 Femoro-acetabular 72 FK2 FK2 Foot blistering/callus/ulcer 104 impingement FK3 FK3 Plantar wart 121 GCL GC1 Labral tear, hip joint 72 FL1 FL1 Foot ligament sprain 119 GD1 GD1 Dislocated hip jt 72 FLL FL1 Interphalangeal ligament 119 GF1 GF1 # neck of femur 76 disruption (incl Lisfranc) GF2 GF2 # pelvic ring 76 FM1 FM1 Foot muscle strain 118 GF3 GF3 # ilium 76 FN1 FN1 Morton’s neuroma or Joplin’s 113 GG1 GG1 Pelvic avulsion # (iliac spines 76 neuritis and pubic rami) FP1 FP1 Sesamoiditis/1st 118 GGA GG1 Avulsion adductor from pubis 76 metatarsophalangeal jt pain GGH GG1 Avulsion hamstring from 76 FP2 FP2 Tarsal joint pain/synovitis 119 ischium FP3 FP3 Metatarsalgia 118 GGO GG1 Avulsion from iliac crest 76 FP4 FP4 Gout (foot) 121 GGR GG1 Avulsion rectus femoris from 76 FP5 FP5 Foot reflex sympathetic 113 AIIS dystrophy GGS GG1 Avulsion sartorius from ASIS 76 FPL FP1 Ruptured volar plate first MTP 118 GH1 GH1 contusion/haematoma, hip 74 joint region FQ1 FQ1 Non- or mal-union foot 112 GH2 GH2 Testicular/scrotal contusion/ 54 fracture haematoma FR1 FR1 Ruptured tibialis posterior 118 GI1 GI1 Groin rash/fungal infection 121 tendon GI2 GI2 Hip joint infection 72 FRP FR1 Ruptured peroneal tendon 118 GJ1 GJ1 Hip joint sprain/jar 72 FS1 FS1 Stress # midtarsal
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