Catherine Howard is executed; DGEMAN IMAGES I Paul III establishes the Inquisition. The Reformation timeline from Calvin writes a treatise on free will. Christian History Institute RANCE / BR F — 1543: Henry VIII (d. 1547) marries S, I AR Catherine Parr, who will outlive P him. Copernicus writes that the ONALE, earth revolves around the sun. I AT Luther preaching N — 1545: Council of Trent convenes for John Calvin reform of the Catholic Church. OTHEQUE ES I L G A IB IM — 1546-1547: — 1554: Schmalkaldic War is Knox travels to Geneva and AN DGEMAN IMAGES DGEMAN IMAGES M I Martin and Katie Luther fought between Protestant and meets Calvin. E — : Diet of Augsburg attempts G — : Printing press is — 1489: Thomas Cranmer is born. — 1519: Eck debates Karlstadt and Anabaptist martyr; Luther marries / BR Catholic territories in Germany. 1530 1440 USA invented around this time. Luther at Leipzig; Zwingli launches Katharine von Bora. to end division in Holy Roman alvin—Wikimedia — 1555: Mary burns Hugh Latimer, c DGEMAN IMAGES DGEMAN IMAGES DGEMAN IMAGES DGEMAN IMAGES — 1491: Henry VIII and Martin Bucer Swiss reformation. Charles I of Luther writes Against the Robbing and Empire; Melchior Hoffmann baptizes I — 1546: Martin Luther dies. Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas I ORK, UHN Y K — 1453: Turks capture Constantinople. are born. Spain is elected Holy Roman Murdering Hordes and Bondage of the 300 Anabaptists. Melanchthon pres- . MERLO / BRID — 1534: Henry VIII is declared declared between Charles V and Cranmer at the stake. Peace of EW R N ON / BR Emperor as Charles V; Will against Erasmus. ents Augsburg Confession at the I supreme head of the English church. the Schmalkaldic League. — 1547: Henry VIII’s Protestant son, Augsburg allows German rulers ERRE RT, PI mages • John A i — 1455: — 1492: ERMANY / BR Gutenberg completes Columbus sails to Hernán Cortes enters Aztec capital. Diet of Augsburg; Tyndale publishes / RARY Jan van Leiden is crowned king in Edward VI, succeeds him. to determine religion of their B G CHOOL, (16TH CENTURY) (AFTER) / B I OLLECT S L printing the Bible. the Americas. — 1526: Reformation spreads to The Practice of Prelates. C Münster; Paul III becomes pope. — : Calvin marries Idelette Armed Diet held in Augsburg. regions; Marcellus II becomes pope 1540 ERG, CH, JEAN- B I — : Luther writes To the Chris- Sweden and Denmark. Tyndale’s DGEMAN IMAGES Storder de Bure; Society of Jesus but dies 22 days later; Paul IV I USEUM OF 1520 ridgeman RENCH ÜR ICTURE M b F Z — 1469: Desiderius Erasmus is born. — 1494: William Tyndale is born. edition of the New Testament — 1531: Zwingli is killed in battle P — 1535: Henry VIII executes Thomas — 1548: Augsburg Interim makes becomes pope. tian Nobility, On the Babylonian Captiv- TTEN (Jesuits) is formed; conferences TAPLETON WI TAN S ity of the Church, and The Freedom of a is published. at Kappel. Schmalkaldic League, I More, John Fisher, and Carthu- at Hagenau and Worms fail to some concessions to Protestantism, THO), I RARY / BR HE EN, I OSTINI T — : Portuguese explorers — 1496: Menno Simons is born. Christian; burns papal bull and canon a political body of German Protes- ermany / sian monks in London; Ursuline but many Catholic and Protestant — 1557: Geneva Bible is published. LIB reconcile Protestants and Catholics; St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 1572 AR 1470 AG Christopher Columbus g M E ON / I ETROPOL SSENSCHAFT discover Gold Coast of Africa. tants, forms against Charles V. T. religious order is founded; diplo- leaders refuse to accept it. D law. Suleiman I becomes sultan of the I Henry VIII executes William Horne; M S / CTURE (COLOUR L — 1497: Philipp Melanchthon is born. Ottoman (Turkish) Empire. G mat Gasparo Contarini is made a Edmund Campion is born. Philip — 1558: Theodore Beza joins Calvin PI I isenach, OLLECT UNSTW N e I — 1478: — 1532: C — 1549: — 1564: — 1585: Spanish Inquisition begins. Diet of Regensburg and Peace K cardinal. Anabaptist uprising at John Knox is released in Geneva. Mary’s Protestant Calvin dies; the word Sixtus V becomes pope. OUEN of Hesse enters bigamous marriage RAVIN R G — 1498: Girolamo Savonarola is — 1505: Luther vows to become — 1521: Luther is excommunicated at of Nuremberg guarantee religious HURCH OF Münster is put down; Charles V from French imprisonment; half-sister, Elizabeth, succeeds her. “Puritan” is used in England C with Luther’s consent; Henry VIII GOST VATE I A R UY DE E — 1485? Andreas von Karlstadt is born. burned at the stake in Florence. a monk. Diet of Worms and hidden at Wart- toleration in face of Turkish threat. ) (C.1485-1547) / forms Catholic Defense League. Idelette Calvin dies; for the first time. — : Urban VII becomes P TUT FÜR I P marries Anne of Cleves and after I D 1590 / AN burg Castle; religious unrest begins I divorcing her marries Catherine Martin Bucer goes to England; — 1559: Matthew Parker becomes pope, dies after 12 days. UK DGEMAN IMAGES DGEMAN IMAGES I UC — 1483: Martin Luther and — 1499: Swiss gain independence. — 1506: Leonardo da Vinci paints in Wittenberg. Leo X titles Henry — 1533: Calvin and Nicolas Cop flee L — 1536: Luther agrees to Consensus Tigurinus and the first archbishop of Canterbury. — 1572: John Knox dies. Gregory XIII . Gregory XIV succeeds him. , 1540-1590, EN Howard. Calvin’s Commentary on S G Gasparo Contarini are born. Mona Lisa. Pope Julius II orders VIII “Defender of the Faith.” Thomas Paris; Calvin undergoes what he SCHES INST Wittenberg Concord on the Lord’s edition of the Book of Common Pius IV becomes pope. Final becomes pope. St. Bartholomew’s I ER ONDON, Romans is published. B L lder (1472–1553) / OURONNEE DU E C — Hans Denck is born. work on St. Peter’s in Rome. Müntzer publishes Prague Manifesto. later calls a “sudden conversion”; ZER Supper, but Zwingli does not accept Prayer are published. edition of Institutes is published; Day Massacre of Huguenots occurs. — 1591: John of the Cross dies. RANCE / BR EN I 1500? A. F I G ANO DEL ( I — 1484: Huldrych Zwingli is born. Jakob Hutter joins Moravian group S, it; William Tyndale is burned at — 1541: Calvin returns to Geneva; Genevan Academy is established. Innocent IX becomes pope. I Huldrych Zwingli CHW MED S ALLERY, I AST AR EPTION K G B ammlungen auf der Wartburg, — 1502: Frederick, elector of Saxony, — 1508: Michelangelo begins — 1522: Luther returns to Wittenberg; who become known as Hutterites. P the stake; Denmark and Norway Melanchthon and Bucer reach — : — 1575: Congregation of the Oratory C Julius III becomes pope. K I (1573-P.1649) (AFTER) / I E s T 1550 UCAS, THE WI I S RANZ HO L — 1485? Balthasar Hubmaier is born. founds Wittenberg University. Sistine Chapel ceiling. Zwingli argues his first Reformation Thomas Cromwell declares Henry F become Lutheran; Erasmus dies; agreement with Contarini and — : Philip Melanchthon is founded. — 1592: Clement VIII becomes pope. O, 1560 B ENDR H OUVRE, debates and marries secretly. VIII’s marriage to Catherine null and ORTRA Henry VIII begins to dissolve other Catholic delegates at Confer- — 1551: Martin Bucer dies. dies. Catholicism is abolished in L OM P ART, 1868 © PI W US, RANACH, AUSANNE. — 1509: — 1527: I — 1593: John Calvin is born; Hadrian VI becomes pope. Luther debates Zwingli on the void; Henry marries Anne Boleyn. L monasteries; Calvin is persuaded to ence of Regensburg, but Luther and Discalced Carmelites become C Scotland. John Jewel writes An — : Edmund Campion 1580 ONAL I Henry VIII assumes throne of Ignatius Loyola writes Spiritual Lord’s Supper; Hans Denck dies. Three-year-old Ivan the Terrible OND remain in Geneva; Menno Simons Rome reject their work; Karlstadt — 1552: Katharine Luther dies. Apology for the Church of England. a separate religious order. Puritan H RTS, arrives in England as a Jesuit ULZER- AT A lder (1472–1553) / S N England, marries Catherine of Exercises; Adam Petri prints Luther’s First Protestant university (Marburg) ascends Russian throne. e begins to lead Anabaptists in the dies. Michelangelo completes The missionary. Lutheran Book of assemblies and activities are Aragon. New Testament. Spanish complete is founded; Schleitheim Confession of L OF 51406), Netherlands; Paul III sets up a Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel. — 1553: Edward VI’s Catholic — 1561: Menno Simons dies. outlawed in England. I L ON CANVAS), I Concord is published in German. CH VON Braun, 1541–1622 AND Braun, 1541–1622 A PHOTO), I I CHANTS ROYAUX SUR LA CON circumnavigation of globe. Anabaptist beliefs is promulgated. G commission for reform headed by half-sister, Mary, succeeds him; ucas, the EDR l I — 1512: Luther leaves monastery to Imperial troops sack Rome; plague R Contarini. Anne Boleyn is executed; — 1542: John of the Cross born; Servetus is executed for heresy — 1562: Teresa of Ávila establishes — 1581: Elizabeth I executes Cam- — 1603: Elizabeth I is succeeded in CHOOL, (16TH CENTURY) / F S Y GEOR Y NG) (SEP I teach at Wittenberg. — 1523: First two Protestant martyrs are strikes Wittenberg. B Henry marries Jane Seymour, who Cardinal Contarini dies. with Calvin’s approval. her first convent. pion. Richard Hooker publishes England by her Protestant AN I ranach, ATURE FROM burned at the stake; Calvin goes to I dies in 1537 after giving birth to the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. cousin, James VI of Scotland. c N L ON PANEL) (DETA I CHOOL (16TH CENTURY) / I — 1513: John Knox is born. Leo X Paris to study; disputations are held in — 1528: Balthasar Hubmaier is S future Edward VI. First edition of — 1563: Thirty-Nine Articles USÉE CANTONAL DES BEAUX- ERRARUM M SH I T , becomes pope. Vasco Núñez de Balboa Zurich. Clement VII becomes pope.
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