News 75N Editorial News on Reviews technologies can be designed and imple- agents also elicit much interest (and mented, whether as stand-alone solutions particularly how microbial and macrobial The abstracts, news and reviews that make or in combination with other technologies. agents interact). On a wider note, we like to up Biocontrol News and Information (BNI) include reviews on the role of biocontrol in provide biocontrol and integrated pest Country-based reviews are also valuable, the sustainability of natural and agricultural management (IPM) researchers and and we actively solicit these in order to ecosystems; included in this is smallholder practitioners with a unique information make the information more widely avail- farming, and the opportunities for bio- resource, which we strive constantly to able. Valuable results from many countries' control to improve food security, and improve. Our abstracts provide unrivalled biocontrol programmes are available in contribute to financially and environ- coverage of literature on the use of biotic 'grey' literature and national publications, mentally sound commodity crops. agents in the control of pests of all types, and these can be usefully synthesized to and over the recent years, we have make the knowledge accessible to a world- We will not shy away from controversial developed the news section to provide an wide audience. We may publish case issues. We will tackle such topics as bio- information source and stimulate debate on studies, if these are of regional or interna- technology, either as a tool in developing important biocontrol and biocontrol-related tional significance and form resources for improved or new biocontrol technologies, topics. The news is posted free on the other countries facing similar pest prob- or its potential to complement biocontrol in Internet [http://pest.cabweb.org/Journals/ lems. an integrated approach. We will also BNI/Bnilogin.htm] both to increase address the shortcomings of biocontrol and One of the great challenges is to understand awareness of the journal and to canvas as its implementation. If you are hot under constraints to uptake of biological control wide a range of opinion as possible. The your collar over an issue in biological solutions, and thence overcome them. We tremendous response the news section has control and can review it in an authoritative are particularly interested in publishing generated is due in no small part to the way that will advance either the science or more about extension and implementation many contributors, to whom we would like the practice of biocontrol, we will be of biological control. In this context, we to extend our thanks. interested. welcome reviews on methodology, espe- We now want to focus equal energy on the cially where these point to ways of We plan to build on the ideas above to bring review section. We are delighted with the increasing biocontrol adoption rates, and you an informative review section. Over high standard of the manuscripts we the commercial development of biocontrol coming issues, for example, we will have a receive, and we want to capitalize on this, agents and technologies. Mass rearing/pro- series of reviews on biocontrol in agro- and develop the size and scope of the duction, marketing/distribution, and farmer forestry systems. These will address many section. We are, therefore, pleased to invite knowledge support, are all areas presently of the cross-cutting themes outlined above you to submit original and substantial targeted to improve the sustainability of including the role of biocontrol in invasive reviews or studies of important problems or biological control. species management, its role as part of issues in biological control (we do not integrated crop management (ICM), and publish reviews that are purely bibliog- Safety of biocontrol, and particularly initiatives for promoting farmer uptake of raphic in nature, nor those that simply classical biocontrol, is a key issue – and a biocontrol. catalogue natural enemies). hot news topic for a much wider audience. Partly because of the current high profile, Reviews on the 'history of' and 'prospects many stakeholders, from researchers to Today, more than ever, there is a need for for' biocontrol remain the cornerstone of national governments, need urgent help in information dissemination: between our review section. We encourage the form of good information and sound researchers, between researchers and authoritative reviews for major pests of all guidance in this arena. Quality reviews on extension workers, between extension kinds to provide key reference resources, biocontrol safety issues including host- workers and farmers, and between and, for example, we are currently de- range testing, risk assessment, nontarget researchers and farmers. All have a great veloping reviews on a number of weed and impacts, monitoring and evaluation, and deal to share as well as a great deal to learn. insect pests of worldwide significance. the development of guidelines, regulations Much of value is known but not synthe- Often such pests are invasive alien species, and policy are therefore invaluable. sized into usable knowledge. BNI has a role an issue that is climbing ever-higher on the in filling this gap, so if you have an idea for global agenda. Understanding the nature of The days of belief in 'silver bullets' are a review, or want to suggest a topic for us to a pest outbreak is fundamental to designing behind us. Biocontrol may sometimes develop, let us know. an effective solution, be it prevention, provide a complete solution to a pest eradication, containment, management or problem, but more often a combination of And now to the news, which this issue mitigation. Reviews of the taxonomy, biol- approaches is needed. We are interested in contains large chunks of potato. We begin, ogy and ecology (and, where appropriate, reviews on the integration of biological though, with a classical success story, and a behaviour) of pest species (and their natural control with other compatible techniques, new biopesticide. enemies) can set the framework and including case studies of major signifi- context in which appropriate biocontrol cance. Interactions between biocontrol Are we on your mailing list? BiocontrolNews and Information is always pleased to receive news of research, conferences, new products or patents, changes in personnel, collaborative agreements or any other information of interest to other readers. If your organization sends out press releases or newsletters, please let us have a copy. In addition, the editors welcome proposals for review topics. 76N BiocontrolNews and Information 2001 Vol. 22 No. 4 General News Biocontrol of Diamond- On St Helena a rearing facility was estab- release sites, had found and parasitized the back Moth in St Helena lished in which a DBM culture was pest and were dispersing. maintained on potted cabbage plants and As the insect rearing facility of the IPM The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella the two parasitoids were mass reared in Project on St Helena was needed for other xylostella, is a serious pest of crucifer crops separate wooden cages. In order to boost projects, the rearing of DBM and its parasi- on the island of St Helena, a small British the genetic material of the parasitoid toids was terminated shortly after the last island in the South Atlantic Ocean. Farmers cultures in St Helena, an additional parasitoid release in September 2000. were heavily dependent on chemical pesti- consignment of C. plutellae and cides, often overdosing and mixing several Diadromus collaris was sent from PPRI in The IPM Project personnel conducted pesticides when recommended dosages Pretoria in December 1999. another field survey early in 2001 but it was were not effective. Surveys in cabbage Before the releases of the parasitoids, called off because of extremely low fields revealed that the only parasitoid of extension officers of the IPM Project infestation levels by DBM. However, DBM on St Helena was the ichneumonid visited many farms and recommended that cocoons of C. plutellae were present in larval-pupal parasitoid Diadegma mollipla, in order to give the introduced parasitoids a most farms, which is an indication that the which also occurs in several countries on chance to establish, farmers replace parasitoid could have been the cause for the the African mainland. As most supplies to chemical insecticides with Bt sprays to decline in DBM population levels. Spring St Helena, including fresh produce, are combat DBM outbreaks. (September-October) is normally when shipped from Cape Town, it was assumed DBM outbreaks occur on St Helena but The two parasitoids were released into the that DBM as well as D. mollipla have been local farmers have commented that DBM field continually from May 1999 to introduced into the island with cabbages infestations have not been recorded this September 2000. A total of 17,500 C. from South Africa. Because D. mollipla year and no chemical or Bt treatments have plutellae and 23,500 D. collaris were was not able to reduce DBM populations on been requested by farmers since March released in ten different farms across the St Helena to below economic damage 2001. levels, a biological control project managed island. by the IPM Project on St Helena, NRInter- During January to March 2000, a prelimi- By:RamiKfir, national, UK and funded by DFID (the UK nary survey was conducted in the ten Plant Protection Research Institute, Department for International Develop- release
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