Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 2-1-1913 Volume 31, Number 02 (February 1913) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 31, Number 02 (February 1913)." , (1913). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/588 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. W 11 w Wl I 11 THE ETUDE 81 REQU1SITESF0R New Publications MUSIC TEACHEP m Instructive Four Hand Mother Goose Duets thr latest and ben idea* uJ !.C0inPendluin of ruyuiai liumv iui/Mu. Four Hand Pianoforte Pieces for the pianoforte Album For Teacher and Pupil By THEODORA DUTTON *11 bu.lue« tnins.irted by M a”MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN. THE Price, SO Cent* Melodious Duets for Teacher Price. 50 Cent* MUSIC STUDENT. AND ALL MUSIC LOVERS. o«f of the be«t collection! ever offered, and Pupil This novel volume will prove off Interest P»l!oOp.ErSdSo0.?nl,OOK’ Rr*C8IOe'etch, of ohm Mn* to the early or Intermediate to teachers making a specialty of ele¬ Edited by .TAMES FRANCIS COOKE —«nd all the pieces contained By A. SARTORIO mentary work. In each of these duets the Op. 996 Price, 50 Cents SBlMerlptlMi MeejhSJ Fjjr fiu.m,’Tumu'COly"'of Sh°nsh.l. *",7.*hout “ill be found admirably adapted pupil's part (Prime) Is founded upon a itsc0VECORD’ (« ■Mlw, 9 ghllllng,, 1. Fra.,., It for parlor plaring. Just such pieces as will There Is always a demand for teacher well-known nursery melody, accompanied by In rt“^a*J^i„^, ora.rW *ilotlinr r,„.ntrl«». *4.20 per year. the aveiage listener and prove and pupil duets. These new ones are par¬ text for singing iud lib. 1. The teacher's ^"ful to the Player. The pieces are all ticularly bright and melodious. Although part Is Interesting and beautifully hnrraon- e allowed for m ,Sd orlfflnal. not to be found In other the pupil’s part is always easy, the teacher's Txed. All the duets are pretty and attrac¬ “k™ *,ns collections They are printed from extra tive. There nre 1 • n number part Is so Interesting, and the duets are so UVIWITTANCES should be made by post-office or express well made that the combined effect Is most • registered pleasing. There are 20 duets In all, care¬ ton., upon which to Z,^1“d"** weekly money orders, bank check or draft, or registered fully arranged In progressive order, the Anthem Service tin*. wMI m ilrct'li0D* fotter United States postage stamps are always The Pennant first numbers being as easy as possible. A Coilection of Aalbems for General Use BILLS AND RECEIPTS. (Packs,* of 100.) IS5 .a sr, AN OPERETTA Price. 25 Cent* Lyrics by Trank M. Colville The most recent addition to our enor BLAsNK BILLS. (Urgastoe*,,^^ Music by Oscar J, Lehrer First and Second Grade mously successful series of anthem compila¬ Price, $1.00 tions : ’’Model Anthems.’’ "Anthem Reper¬ Pretty tunes, amusing situations, jvell toire.” "Anthem Worship." "Anthem Devo¬ issue!nsoCTHE^*ETUDE will be continued set up y-ung "inen, "bright "KirTs''to" smart Study Pieces tion," “Anthems of Prayer and. Praise." In with the understand Ins that you will re¬ frock*. i lance here and there, and a spirit For the Pianoforte ’’Anthem Service" will be feuud an entirely especially practice directions tothe pupil mit later at yonr convenience. A notice "go" Is the best description of new collection of numbers for church use, will be sent subscriber at tlie time of ex¬ r .-oiiant." This Is not one of the By E. PARLOW Prica, $1.00 well within the range of the average quartet C1100i«M^vr* leaves ruled^*,RM music°NY paper, TABLET. 7x10, 25c. Pad piration. little pieces that smack of the can- This Is an excellent work to supplement or chorus choir, and well worth singing by RENEWAL.—No receipt is renewals, hen they are really designed to be r to accompany an Instruction book or any choir. This work will prove one of STUDENT'S HARMONY TABLET. Pad of On the wrapper of tlie next issue "* >■* er the footlights. It Is a real, prac- graded course. It offers pleasing, as well the best of the aeries. All the anthems are ,5 leave, ruled music paper, 7x7. 1 Sc deal■I piece for a short cast, easily re¬ will be printed tbe ilale on wlilelt yonr learned and easily produced. It may be as Instructive material for the young melodious and interesting, yet truly devo¬ BLANK MUSIC COPY BOOKS. subscription Is paid np, which serve* aa a idapted to suit slmost any college locality, pianist la the first two grades. The pieces tional and churchly. Prloss, 1 Oo to 35c. receipt for yonr subscription. are all new and original, abort and char¬ ■LANK MUSIC PAPER. 12, It or 16 line* MANUSCRIPTS_Manuscripts should be addressed to acteristic; very tuneful and Interesting. THE ETUDE. Write on one side of the sheet only. Only the keys of C, F and G and their Standard Opera Album xgh'&Lf* inch“’per «*• Contributions on muslc-teaehlng and music-study ate relative minors are used. The volume Is solicited. Although every possible care is taken the Beginner’s Book carefully graded in progressive order. For the Pianoforte BLANK MUSIC PAPER. 100 leaves 7x8% with wide epacin,. £UC, publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or School of the Pianoforte Price 50 Cent* photographs either while in their P08s®a8l9“. The melodies from the great operas, BLANK PROCRAM FORMS. For Concert. transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returnea. By THEODORE PRESSER Technical Exercises in a transcribed for the pianoforte, are always or Pupil.’ Recital.. 60c par hundred. ADVERTISING RATES will be sent on application, Price, 75 Cents popular, either for home or.recital play¬ DIPLOMA FORM. 21x19. Prioa 15c, Parch- auvertlsements must reach this office not later than A real Beginner’s Book, suitable to ing This album contains some of the very ineut, 2 5c. the 5th of the month preceding date of issue to Kranich & Bach '■ken by a child Just out of the Klnu. Musical Setting finest numbers, arranged In the best possi¬ TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. 11x8#. 6c. insure Insertion In the following Issue. jarteo or by the youngest student. The ble manner. The pieces are all of Inter¬ THEODORE PRESSER CO . ^ 1*.. Oral twenty-odd pages do not go be.vond the For the Pianoforte mediate difficulty, lying In the third grade, MUSICAL PRIZE CARD. 6|4x4% it flre-Anger positions In each hand. There are By CARL A. PREYER Price. $1.00 chiefly, and not going beyond the fourth lOo. Plenty of writing exercises and questions grade. The selections are all from stand¬ REWARD CARDS. Litho in Colon, a e Pressnt Co •nd answers to familiarize the pupil with An Important technical work, just such ard operas, numbers with which all should 15, 6O0. Ultra-Quality a book as more advanced students are look¬ PIANOS eeerylhlng that baa been presented. be familiar. MUSIC WRITINC PENS. Per dozen, I So. Musical facta are Introduced one at ing for. an amplification of the technical time. In the plalneat possible manner auu ideas of Plschna. A technical figure of PROFESSIONAL OR VISITING CARDS. »* propette* logically and surely. musical significance Is worked out through Vocal Studies' 50 lor 35o,1 00 for 6O0,600 lor$1.26. CONTENTS All th« material l« fresh and pleasing, pre- the various keys In each exercise and both Neatly printed in the four moot popular style* and PLAYER-PIANOS MitMi in ■«» attractive -- hands receive equal attention throughout. By H. W. PETRIE Price. $1.00 of type. “THE ETUDE”—February, 1913. The central Idea Is to develop musicianship These studies are about as melodious and RUBBER STAMP AND INK PAD. One as well as technical proficiency at one and pleasing as it Is possible to find. They are Editorial . the same time. The author is a successful line 30o, two line* 40c, thrae line* 6O0. European Notes.. .'. .A. Elson ! These Superb instruments—the finest that hu¬ The Fairy Shoemaker Intended to be used for promoting style A handy article for putting name and address Saving Nerve Force. .. I!. E. Hipsher ' and flexibility and for Improving one’s ex¬ on orders to publishers, etc. It prevent, error.. Piano Study in Frauce. .Th. Lack ' man hands can fashion—make their appeal A School Operetta “ s» mts-jst“•*»■»- ecution. Each study has a characteristic The Slow Movement. _II. Antcliffc • “xt, so that it is possible to sing It as ROLL BLACKBOARDS. .Geo. Sand only to persons of fine tastes whose intelli¬ By A. H. HALL and T. J, HEWITT 2x3 ft., S1.80; 2Xx3%, S2.50| 3x4,83.20. Chopin's Characteristics. ■ song; otherwise the syllables or vowels .. P. V. Jervis ' Price. 50 Cent* Efficiency in l'iano Playing.. may be used. These studies nre extremely CHART PAPER RULED. Prlea 10c • Preparing the Hands. ./. Romeu gence impels them to This work Is one of the best of Its kind. Echoes from ChOdbood modern, and will no doubt be acceptable to cheat.
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