11186 CONGRESSIONAL RECO.RD-HOUSE DECEMBER 9, By Mr. CORBETT: to stick m any country unless it is H. R. 4670. A bill for the relief of Sister HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES applied universally. Anna M. Alzbeta Sijarto-Hajdukova (also Socialists have so little faith in the known as Sister M. Elizabeth); to the Com­ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1947 mittee on the Judiciary. merits of their doctrine that they are un­ By Mrs. DOUGLAS: The House met at 11 o''clock a. m. Willing to risk it in competition with any H. R. 4671. A bill for the relief of Margo The Chaplain~ Rev. James Shera degree of freedom anywhere. G. Merriman; to the Committee on the Judi- Montgomery, D. D., offered the following The way to prove that the political ciary. prayer: profit motive-Marx euphemistically By Mr. MICHENER (by request): called it the dictatorship of the prole­ H. R. 4672. A bill for the relief of John 0 merciful and compassionate God, tariat--would bring greater happiness Cameron Henry; to the Committee on the graft in our hearts the love of truth and to mankind than the private profit mo­ Judiciary. justice, nourished with the rich abun­ tive is to 'destroy all possible controversy dance of Thy fatherly care. By the-mem­ relating to the question-just completely PETITIONS, ETC. ories of our country's glorious past, wipe from the whole face of the earth Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions cleanse the inner temple of Columbia; all vestige of any right of p_rivate prop­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk make us alert to the present challenge of erty ownership. a godless philosophy, pledging ourselves Hence, the _Communist International, and referred as follows: to greater service to Thee, with courage 872. By Mr. BRADLEY: Petition of 24 which connotes cooperation between all voters of the Eighteenth Congressional Dis­ to do and to dare, and, if need be, to nationals and political parties every­ trict of California,. urging legislation estab­ sacrifice and to suffer. Thus may the where favoring communism. lishing a system of universal military train­ stained arteries of the world be purged Hence, the recognition of Communist ing for American young men, as recommend­ of the scrofula which threatens them, Russia by the New Deal in 1933, welcom­ ed by the President's Advisory Commission and the individual rights of man be en­ on Universal Training; to the Committee on lng its agents to our shores, pampering throned and assured. Through Jesus and encouraging them to undermine the Foreign Affairs. Christ our Lord. Amen. 873. By Mr. CASE of South Dakota: Peti­ faith of our people in the Republic. tion of Mrs. Dewett Olsen and 14 others, of The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Yes, not only did the New Deal receive Willow Lake, S. Dak., urging legislation to terday was read and approved. stalin's agents with a glad hand, aid and prohibit the advertising of liquor. in inter­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS abet them in their sinister cause, but state commerce and over the radio; to the through the gold-purchase program it Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Mr. BOGGS of Delaware asked and actually financed their activities, and, merce. was given permission to extend his re­ indeed; is still doing so, even this very 874. Als@, petition of Mrs. J. Bernhofson, marks in the Appendix of the RECORD in secretary, and 28 members of the North day. Ladies Aid, Canton, S. Dak., urging legisla­ commemoration of the one hundred and Only a common ideology could suf­ tion to prohibit the advertising of liquor in sixtieth anniversary of the ratification ficiently 'Qind the New Deal to the Union interstate commerce and over the ra-dio; to of the Federal Constitution by the State of Soviet Socialist Republics to make the Committee on Interstate and Foreign of Delaware. possible the widespread and dangerous Commerce. Mr. CURTIS asked and was given per­ infiltration of Stalin's subversive agents 875. Also, petition of Mrs. L. Fossum and mission to extend his remarks in the Ap­ into almost every nook and cranny of 26 others, of Baltic, S.Dak., urging the enact­ pendix of the RECORD and include an our Nation. ment of legislation to ,prohibit the advertis­ address delivered by the Honorable ing of liquor in interstate commerce and over HAROLD KNUTSON, chairman of the Ways THE LATE I. CLINTON KLINE the radio; to the Committee on Interstate and Means Committee, at Hastings, Mr. FENTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask and Foreign Commerce. Nebr., on September 18. ' unanimous consent to address the House · 876. Also, petition of Mrs. W. A. Eitreim for 1 minute. and 23 ot hers, of Garretson, S. Dak., urging ELECTION OF HON. F. EDWARD HEBERT the enactment of legislation to prohibit the AS MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON UN- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to advertising of liquor in interstate commerce AMERICAN ACTIVITIES . the request of the gentleman from and over the radio; to the Committee on Pennsylwania? Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mr. DOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, I There was no objection. 877. Also, petition of Mrs. Omar Langloss offer a resolution <H. Res. 397) and ask Mr. FENTON. Mr. Speaker, it is with and 22 others, of Lyons, S. Dak., urging the for its immediate consideration. deep regret that I inform the House of enactment of legislation to prohibit the ad­ The Clerk read the resolution, as the passing of a former Member, the vertising of liquor in interstate commerce follows: and over the radio; to the Committee on Honorable I. Clinton Kline, of Sunbury, Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Resolved, Th'at F. EnW'"-RD HEBERT, of Louisi­ Pa., who answered the final roll call on ana, be, and he is hereby, elected a member 878. By Mr. GILLIE: Petition of Local No. Tuesday night last in the De Land of the standing comm.ittee of the House of Hospit!:IJ, De Land, Fla. 915, United Electrical. Radio, and Machine Representatives on Un-American Activities. Workers of America, CIO, Fort Wayne, Ind.~ Mr. Kline, who was in his eighty­ to ( 1) raise tax exemptions for working peo- The resolution was agreed to. ninth year, served in Congress from 1920 -ple; (2) put curbs on profiteering; and (3) A motion to reconsider was laid on the • to 1922, representing the former Penn­ .stabilize prices at lower levels; to the Com­ table. sylvania congressional district which mittee on Ways and Means. THE POLICE STATE DESTROYS LIBERTY included Northumberland, Montour, 879. By Mr. GRAHAM~ Petition of 28 resi­ Columbia, and Sullivan Counties. dents of Butler .and Beaver Counties, .Pa., Mr. SMITH of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I The Honorable I. Clinton Kline was favoring legislation establishing a system of ask unanimous consent to address the one of Sunbury's oldest citizens and for universal military training; to the Commit­ House for 1 minute. tee on Armed Services. mpre than half a century was a member 880. By the SPEAKER: Petition of St. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to of the Northumberland County Bar As­ Cloud Townsend Club, No. 1, St. Cloud, Fla., the request of the gentleman from Ohio? sociation. He was unmarried and his petitioning consideration of their resolution There was no -objection. closest survivors are a number of nieces with reference to signing of Discharge Peti­ Mr. SMITH of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, the and nephews. He was the seventh child tion No.7, relative to the Townsend plan; to police state, regardless of label, whether of nine born to Harmon G. and Mary the Committee on Ways and 'Means. it be called communism, socialism, New Bassett Kline, Clinton being born and 881. Also, petitipn of the James M. Power Dealism, or what not, strives to destroy reared in Upper August Township,, east Regular Democratic Club of the Thirteenth liberty wherever it exists. of Sunbury~ Assembly District, Kings County, N.Y., peti­ tioning consideration of their resolution with That is basic in the MarXian collec­ Up until the time of death Mr. Kline reference to requesting appropriation of tivist doctrine. was a regular attendant and active mem­ funds for constTuctlon of a motion-picture Marx held that socialism-he used ber of the Northumberland Coun.ty His­ theater 1n the Manhattan .Beach Veterans' the words "socialism" and "communism" torical Society. He was a member of the Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.i to 1ihe Committee synonymously~ although the former more board ()f trustees of the Community Hos­ <m ApproprJations. often than the -latter-cannot be made pital .at SUnbury. 1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 11187. · While only iii Congress for a ·short pe­ tween· the United States and the . Do­ - Mr. WELCH. The Committee on Pub­ riod, Mr. Kline w.on the esteem of his as­ minion of India, which Dominion, aside lic Lands, also the Subcommittee on In­ sociates· for his rhetorical ability, and from Pakistan,.has over 300,000,000 peo­ dian Affairs, reported the bill unani­ while elected as a Republican held the ple. There are limitless possibilities of mously. high respect of· his colleagues on both trade between our two countries. A trade Mr. RICH. Has the Committee on sides of the aisle. tr·eaty would facilitate trade both ways. Public Lands reported the bill unani­ · 1 khow the surviving relatives of this Furthermore, a treaty would cement cul­ mously? beloved citizen and statesman have the tural relations between us. A treaty Mr. WELCH. Both the subcommittee heartfelt" sympathy of my colleagues in would symbolize the friendship and cor­ and the full committee have reported the the House. diality that exist between us.
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