This document was retrieved from the Ontario Heritage Act Register, which is accessible through the website of the Ontario Heritage Trust at www.heritagetrust.on.ca. Ce document est tiré du registre aux fins de la Loi sur le patrimoine de l’Ontario, accessible à partir du site Web de la Fiducie du patrimoine ontarien sur www.heritagetrust.on.ca. MTnnrr$ro Ulli S. Watkiss citvcrerk's'frice City Clerk ffgilliil,, I:[ il333il??i Toronto and East York Community Council e-mail: [email protected] web: wwwt'I'nt' ca omAilo [[RITAG[nuil ?ililtl':;ii[';;i''fl:;' Toronto. Ontario M5H 2N2 AUG 3 0 2013 RECTXVED. IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT R.S.O. 1990 CHAPTER 0.18 AND 160 GERRARD STRE,ET EAST (ALLAN GARDENS) CITY OF TORONTO. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE OF PASSING OF BY-LAW Greg Moorby Ontario Heritage Trust Manager, Capital Construction Projects 10 Adelaide Street East Facilities and Real Estate Toronto, Ontario 2"d Floor, Metro Hall M5C 1J3 55 John Street Toronto, ON M5V 3C6 Jim Hart General Manager Parks. Forestrv and Recreation 4tl'Floor wesi Tower, City Hall 100 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M5H 2N2 Take notice that the Council of the City of Toronto has passed By-law No. 1 09 1 -201 3 to amend former City of Toronto By-law No. 481-86, being a by-law to designate the property at 160 Gerrard Street East (Allan Gardens) (Ward 27,Torcnto Centre-Rosedale) as being of cultural heritage value or interest by revising the reasons for designation and adding a schedule of key views. Dated at Toronto this 21st day of August, 2013. fr C*. Ulli S. Watkiss City Clerk Authority: Toronto and East York Community Council ltem 18.98, as adopted by City of Toronto Courrcil on October 2, 3 and 4,2012 CITY OF TORONTO BY-LAW No. 1091-2013 To amend former Cify of Toronto By-law No. 481-86, being a by-law to designate the property at 160 Gerrard Street East (Allan Gardens) as being of cultural heritage value or interest by revising the reasons for designation and adding a schedule of key views. Whereas By-law No. 481-86 designated the property at 160 Gerrard Street East (Allan Gardens) as being of cultural heritage value or interest under Part IV of the Onlario llerilage Act: and Whereas subsection 30. I (2) of the Ontario Heritage Act authorizes the Council of a municipality to amend designating by-laws to clarify or correct the statement explaining the propefty's cultural heritage value or interest or the description of the property's heritage attributes and to revise language to make it consisterrt with the requirements of the Act, as amended; and Whereas authority was granted by Council to amend By-law No. 481-86 by amending the reasons fbr desigrratiorr and adding a schedr,rle of key views; and Whereas the amended reasorrs for designation are set out in Schedule "8" to this by-law; and Wliereas the key views are depicted in Schedule "C" and dcscribed irr Schedule "D" to this by-law; and Wliereas the Council of the City of Toronto has caused a Notice of Intention to amend By-law No.48l-36tobeservedupontheownersofthelandandprernisesknownas l60GerrardStreet East; and Whereas rro notice of objection to the proposed amendments have been served upon the Clerk of the murricipality; The CourrciI of the City of Toronto enacts: l. By-law No. 481-86, being a by-law to designate the property at 160 Gerrard Street East (Allan Garderrs) as being of cultural heritage value or interest is amended by: A. Deleting Schedule "8", reasons fbr designation and substituting the revised reasons fbr designation, attached as Schedule "B" to this by-law. B. Adding S.n.Orf-" "C" attached to this by-law showirrg the designated property and key views. C. Adding Schedule "D" attached to this by-law describing the key views depicted irt Schedule "C". 2. The City Solicitor is authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered against the propefty described irr Schedule "A" to this by-law in the proper Land Registry Office. 2 City of 'foronto By-lalv No. I 09 | -2013 3. I-hc Citl,Clerl< is authorized to calrse a cop) of this ir1'-lari' to bc scrvcd upon the o\\'ners o1'the property at 160 Gerrard Street East ancl the Orttario Hcritage Trust. llnacted and passc'd on.lull' 19.2013. Franccs Nunziata. Ulli S. Watkiss. Speal<cr City Clcrk (Seal of tlre City) a J City of Toronto By-lar,v No. I 091 -20 I 3 SCHEDULB I'AII LBGAL DESCRIPTION PrN 2r r00-0001 (LT) PCL 5.3I SEC Y2 PT PARKLT 5 CON I FTB TwP OF YORK; PT PARKLT 6 CON I FTBTwP OF YORK PT I & 2.66R6462 PrN 2rr00-0039 (LT) 'f PT PARKLT 6 CON I FTB WP OF YORK AS IN CA2I 88I O CitS' of Toronto and Province of Ontario Land Titles Division ol'the Tororrto Registry Offlce (No. 66) -fhe hereinbefore described larrd being delineated by heavy outline on Sketch No. PS-2013-070 clated.lurly 10,2013. as set out in Schedule "C". Tll Cit1, o1''loronto B),-larv No. I 091-201 3 SCI]EDULB ?II}?I II^EVISED REASONS ITOI{ DFJSICNA]'ION ST,\TEMI]NT OIT SIGN IFICANCI Allan Cardcrrs l:ornter C itv o f Tororrto Br,-larv No. -t8 I -[i6. dcsigrratinq thc propert_r' rt I 60 Cerrard Strect East rrrrclc'r I)art lV. Scctiorr 29 of thc On/u"io I{crilugc .-1t't is arncndcd to rcvise llte Ileasorts lbr Dcsignatiorr to desclibe the sitc's cultural heritagc values and attributcs as set oLrt irr thc l()05 anrcrrcinrents to tlte Oillrl'io IJat'iluse ,'1ct. f )csc ription 'l-lrc lrlopcrtv at 160 Ccrrarcl Strcct llast is desi_qnated uuclcr Parl IV. Scctiort ?9 oi'the ()nlttt'io llct'iluge.^lc'l tbr its cLrltural heritage valuc. and ureets thc provirrcial critcria 1;rcscribccl lor rnunicipal dc-signation under the tlrree catcgories of design. associativc atrd cotrtcxtual valucs. l-ocatccl irr tlre citv block lroundcd b1'Gcrrard Strect I]ast (south). Shcrbournc Strect (cast). Curlton Strcct (nortlr)ancl.larvis Strcct (west), Allan Gardcns is r.r Citl'of-'l'ororrto parli rrtci n significant ()pcn spacc in the Cardcn I)istrict bcrnlccu Yongc Stt'ect urtd tlrc [)on [{ivcr. Statcnrerrt oi'CultLrml I lcritlgc Valr"re r\llarr (larclcrrs is a rarc survivirrg cxaurDlc ol'a ["lotarric {.rardcns anci nrrblic park cstablisltccl in nrid l9'i'cclrtur\,'l'oror.rto that uis IoL,,rclcd by ancl rra,lJcl ftrr Gcorgc'W'iilianr r\!lan" a notccl propcrtv ()vvncr. lancl clcvelopcr. politician and philarrthropist. u,'lto lcsclvcd a portion ol'his llrrrrilv's Moss Parli [:state ltlr thc crcation of a holticultulal qardcns. Allan cltlrtatcd thc rtitclcus ol'thc plcscnt site to thc Tororrto I'lorticultural Socicty. rvhich is signilicant as thc flrst orsrrnizntiorr o['its typr; in Ontario auclarnoug thc clldcst irr C]anacla. Alian (jarclens is associatccl *'ith thc Cit-vof '[-oronto architcct RoLrcrt McC]allirrrr. thc notcci lanclscapc architcct.l. Airstirr Irlrlrd ai-lcl Scottish sculptol David Watsorr Stercnson. rllof rvlrorl contrit'rutcd to ihc cl'oltrtion ol'tirc park. .\llan Cardcns also yiclds inlornratiorr tltat corrtribLrtcs to arr understurrclinq ol'tlrc devclopurcnt ol Iirronto- llorn its aboriginal origius. its scttlcrnent and subclivisiorr as pan ol'thc late l[{''' ccntLrry park lot systenr. its lavout iu tlie rnicl 19"'ccuturv as a privlte "boiarrical garclcll" anriclst an rrpscale rcsidcrrtial neiqhbourhoocl ancl thc succcssive chanscs ovcr nrorc than 150 years es a lrublic park uith signilicant opcn spilce lbr civic. cullural arrcl rccrcatioual pr"rrsuits in'l'oronto. ,,\s r rcgistcrcd archaeological sitc. Allau (iardcus inclLrclcs cvidencc of iroth prc-contact ancl Itistoric Eunl-Canadiau historv that reflccts the cvolLrtion tlf'"['oronto. Fronr a clcsign perspcctive, Allan Cardcns coniains a rurirprc cxtant collcction <li'grecnlrouscs r.tssociatecl vvitlr a public gardc-n that illustratcs the cvolution olslass tccirnologr, lionr thc '['hc i:clu,arcliart cra to the latcr 20"'cclrtury. iconic palrn lrousc that stancls as the ccritrcl'liccc orr thc gr.or.rncls purports to bc tlic oldcst surviving strlloture ol'its Iiincl in ('anacla. arrcJ onc ol'ri sclcct -fhe ltri rcrlainirrg irr North Arncrica. qrcenhouse aclclitir)ns.:rs rvcll rs ihc auxiliary builclings. ricuronstlatc the dcvcloprrent. Lrse ancl succcssive changcs to the s;tc alid thc tall brick chirrrncY lttachcd to tlrc boiler l'oonr are a visible lbature orr tlie gror-rncls. 5 City of Toronto By-lar,v No. I 091 -2013 Contextually. Allan Gardcns stands as a landrnark irr'foronto whcre its open space. rconlc structures and special f-eatures rel'lects the history of horticulture in the city. The site continues to defrne. supporl and maintain the character of the Carden District, the dorvntor.vn 'l'oronto rreiglibourhood that derives its name arrd origirrs li'orn the park. The gardens forrn the nucleus of the surrounding residential rreighbourhood rvhere the tree-lined streets were laid out in relation to the park arrd continue to contribute to tlie views in and out of the site. Allan Garderrs is also visually, historically. functionally and physically related to its surrourrdings through its landscaped grounds irrterspersed with structurcs. pathways. trees arrd plants. I-leritage Attributes The heritage attributes of Allan Gardens are conrprised of expansive landscaped grounds rvith a pathway system that has evolved overtime. the iuterconnected complex of eiglrt horticultural buildings as well as a ll1orululelrt to ltobert Burns.
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